Showing 201–250 of 123057 results

1000 Things Worth Knowing

Part almanac, part encyclopedia, part dictionary, Nathaniel C. Fowler, Jr. gives us his idea of important, but sometimes obscure, facts that he thinks should be in our bank of general knowledge. He includes a large section on medical emergency and health. Items are arranged in alphabetical order, so there is no logical presentation, but reference is made easy. Or, it is just interesting browsing, and a glimpse into the world of the early twentieth century. – Summary by Larry Wilson

1000 Things Worth Knowing by Nathaniel C. Fowler Jr.

SKU: 6235989716441

This book contains more than one thousand facts, many of which are not generally known to the average person; but all of them are of interest to humankind, and a knowledge of many of them is essential.

1000 Uttar Pradesh Prashnottari by Sanjay Kumar Dwivedi

SKU: 9788177211412

1000 उत्तर प्रदेश प्रश्‍नोत्तरी

उत्तर प्रदेश भारत का सबसे घनी आबादीवाला प्रदेश है। राजधानी लखनऊ एक ऐतिहासिक नगर होने के साथ-साथ नवाबी तहजीब के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। यह देश के उत्तरी भाग में स्थित है। स्वतंत्रता की लड़ाई में इसका महत्त्वपूर्ण स्थान रहा है। यह अनेक राष्‍ट्रभक्‍तों की जन्म-स्थली एवं कर्म-स्थली रहा है। देश को सर्वाधिक सांसद एवं प्रधानमंत्री देने का गौरव इसको प्राप्‍त है।
यहाँ विभिन्न जाति व संप्रदाय के लोग रहते हैं। यहाँ की इतनी विविध और महत्त्वपूर्ण विशेषताएँ हैं, जिनका दुनिया में कोई शानी नहीं; जैसे—खुर्जा का पॉटरी उद्योग, बनारस की साड़ियाँ, फिरोजाबाद का चूड़ी उद्योग, इलाहाबाद का कुंभ, दुनिया का सातवाँ अजूबा विश्‍व-प्रसिद्ध स्मारक ताजमहल यहीं स्थित है।
उत्तर प्रदेश की संपूर्ण जानकारी को 1,000 प्रश्‍नों में समेट पाना दुष्कर कार्य है। फिर भी शिक्षा, उद्योग, संस्कृति, हस्तशिल्प, पर्यटन, लोक-परंपराएँ, दर्शनीय स्थल, ऐतिहासिक महत्त्व आदि की जानकारी को सार रूप में प्रश्‍नोत्तर शैली में प्रस्तुत किया गया है।
आज बढ़ती प्रतियोगिता के वातावरण में ऐसी पुस्तकों की लोकप्रियता बढ़ रही है। विद्यार्थियों के साथ-साथ प्रतियोगी परीक्षार्थियों के लिए अत्यंत उपयोगी एवं महत्त्वपूर्ण पुस्तक।

1000 Vaastushastra Prashnottari by Madhu Khaare

SKU: 8173154511

व्यक्‍त‌ि के जीवन को विभिन्न शक्‍त‌ियाँ प्रभावित करती हैं । वास्तुशास्त्र एक महत्त्वपूर्ण शक्‍त‌ि है । अगर किसी व्यक्‍त‌ि के सितारे बहुत अनुकूल हैं तो वास्तु सिद्धांतों के उल्लंघनजनित विपरीत प्रभाव अधिक सीमा तक महसूस नहीं होते । लेकिन सितारे यदि अनुकूल नहीं हैं तो वे बुरी तरह महसूस होते हैं ।
वास्तुशास्त्र का गहन अध्ययन और उसकी तार्किक व्याख्या ऐसे सुधार के उपाय सुझाते हैं, जिसमें मुश्किल से कोई संरचनात्मक परिवर्तन शामिल होता है । इसमें अनेक कारकों का ध्यान रखा जाता है; जैसे-कमरों की आतरिक व्यवस्था, फर्नीचर आदि की स्थिति, वाहनों की पार्किंग पानी के स्रोत की स्थिति, सीढ़ियों, दरवाजे, खिड़कियाँ आदि । इनमें से किसी कारक को अलग से नहीं देखा जाना चाहिए ।
प्रस्तुत पुस्तक में पिछले दो दशकों के दौरान विभिन्न लोगों से विचार-विमर्श पर आधारित अकसर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्‍नों को संगृहीत किया गया है । यह पुस्तक भवन निर्माताओं एवं वास्तुशिल्पियों के लिए तो लाभदायक सिद्ध होगी ही, उनके लिए भी उपयोगी सिद्ध होगी, जो वास्तु के विषय में अधिकाधिक जानना चाहते हैं ।

1000 Vishwa Prashnottari by Anish Bhasin

SKU: 9788177212648

मानव जीवन का आरंभ सवालों से हुआ है। ब्रह्मांड की रचना कैसे हुई? सूर्य, चंद्रमा, पृथ्वी और तारे अस्तित्व में कैसे आए? दिनरात कैसे होते हैं? महासागर, महाद्वीप, देश, दुनिया, आविष्कार, जीवजंतु जगत् इत्यादि के प्रति लोगों के मन में सदैव तरहतरह के सवाल कौंधते रहते हैं। अगर हमारे मन में सवाल नहीं उठते तो आप व हम यह नहीं जान पाते कि पृथ्वी सूर्य के चारों ओर घूमती है या सूर्य पृथ्वी के चारों ओर घूमता है। दरअसल, सवाल ही हमारे दिमाग को विकसित करते हैं। सवाल ही हमारे दिमाग की खुराक है। बच्चा जब पैदा होता है, वह अबोध होता है। बढ़ने के समय उसके मन में सवाल उठते हैं और उनके जवाब से उसका दिमाग विकसित होता है। अविकसित दिमाग मांस का एक लोथड़ा भर होता है। दिमाग के विकास के लिए सवाल करना और उनका जवाब पाना बेहद जरूरी है। जेम्स वॉट की सवाल करने की स्वाभाविक प्रवृत्ति ने ही उन्हें ‘महान् वैज्ञानिक’ बनाया।
सवाल दरअसल वह बीज हैं, जो मानव मस्तिष्क को वट वृक्ष सरीखा विशाल बना सकते हैं। हम जितना ज्यादा सवाल करेंगे, उतना ही हमारा मस्तिष्क समृद्ध होगा।
‘1000 विश्व प्रश्नोत्तरी’ पुस्तक एक ऐसा वृहत् संकलन है, जो न केवल सवालों के प्रति आपकी जिज्ञासा बढ़ाता है, बल्कि उनके जवाब भी देता है और इस प्रकार मस्तिष्क विकास का एक सरलसहज माध्यम उपलब्ध कराता है। याद रखें, अगर आपके पास सभी जवाब हैं तो आप निश्चित रूप से सफल हैं।

1001 Ghar – Grihasti Ki Kaam Ki Baatein

SKU: Mag-22104

A housewife has to face many problems while doing household activities. The contains tips to get rid of such problems. These are practical tips for everyday recipes, which are equally effective also. Adopt them and become the perfect homemaker. #v&spublishers

1001 Questions and Answers on English Grammar

A book for students interested in finding out how many things about the English language have changed, and how many have weathered the test of time. – Summary by jasonb

1001 Questions and Answers on General History

A book for students of history to test their knowledge and to direct their studies. As the title tells us, this is a book of 1001 questions, with answers, regarding world history. – Summary by KevinS

101 Cool Linux Hacks

SKU: Mag-23298

Discover the secrets of the experts! This collection of inspirational tricks and shortcuts for Linux geeks will help you tune your Linux system and improve your skills. Our 101 hacks include ingenious tools, techniques, and shell commands for customizing your desktop, repairing your system, improving privacy, working with code, and more!

101 Dalmatians Graphic Novel

SKU: Mag-26748

101 Dalmatians Graphic Novel Refresh

101 Great Personalities Who Change the World by A.K. Gandhi

SKU: 9789351866060

Many take birth in this world and leave without leaving a mark. It is the ones who have left footprints on the sands of time that are remembered. They are the great people who have achieved something and inspired thousands. They are the people who have strived and contributed to the world and society at large.
This book is the saga of such hundred and one personalities and highlights their contribution in their respective fields. It throws light on the achievements of those who had the courage to follow their own heart and convictions, even when opposed. Their revolutionary ideas brought a change and shaped the course of history.

101 Hastiyan, Jinhonne Duniya Badal Di by Dinkar Kumar

SKU: 9789384343071

मानव सभ्यता के इतिहास का निर्माण कुछ ऐसे असाधारण व्यक्तियों ने किया है, जो मानव जाति की स्मृतियों में सदा-सदा के लिए अमर हो गए हैं। ऐसी असाधारण हस्तियों के बगैर हम एक विकसित दुनिया की कल्पना नहीं कर सकते। संसार के ऐसे विशिष्ट व्यक्तियों की कोई सूची नहीं बनाई जा सकती। प्राचीनकाल से ही इस धरती पर ऐसे कर्मठ और पुरुषार्थी व्यक्तियों का जन्म होता रहा है, जो अपने जीवन और कर्म के जरिए संसार को बदलने में निर्णायक भूमिका निभाते रहे हैं। इस पुस्तक में ऐसी ही 101 चुनी हुई हस्तियों की जीवनी प्रस्तुत की गई है।
इन 101 हस्तियों में अलग-अलग श्रेणियों, यानी दर्शन, राजनीति, आविष्कार और संस्कृति आदि सभी क्षेत्रों के लोग शामिल हैं।
इस पुस्तक के माध्यम से पाठकों को मानव जाति के इतिहास की यात्रा करने का अवसर मिलेगा कि किस तरह मानव जाति के धार्मिक एवं दार्शनिक विकास के जरिए उसकी राजनीतिक प्रगति संभव हुई और फिर किस तरह मनुष्य की सृजन क्षमता और उद्यमशीलता का विकास संभव हो पाया।

101 Hit Bhajno Ki Swar-Lipiya

SKU: Mag-22105

Psalm is a call of the devotee. Between the flowing streams of life’s pleasure and sufferings, the human mind naturally connects with the divine. Today every person is distressed, suffering from depression and is running towards spirituality. He wants to the worship to God to touch his inner soul. Be it television channels or some religious event, everywhere the holy hymns are present. This is the reason why people are racing to learn hymns. The author has written the book with the same vision in his mind. #v&spublishers

101 Inspiring lives

SKU: Mag-24087

“There is a famous saying by the great Irish writer and poet, Oscar Wilde that “”Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”” These people who spread their influence and happiness like the brightness of sunshine on others, wherever they are, under whichever circumstances they are, are called ‘The Great Personalities’. Here, we present such great men in the book, 101 Inspiring Lives with their lives, works, achievements, contributions, awards, and also the trivia and failures attached to their lives making it a unique encyclopedia of many legendary figures from across the globe.
The book contains all about popular actors, such as Amitabh Bachchan, Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, Raj Kapoor, Shahrukh Khan, and many more. There are interesting life histories of renowned artists including names, such as Michelangelo, M.F.Hussain, Leonardo Da Vinci, etc.
In addition to the above, the book also has exhaustive life histories of great entrepreneurs like G.D.Birla, J.R.D.Tata, Bill Gates, etc.
You can also enrich your knowledge by knowing all about the great historians, the legendary musicians, the world famous scientists, inventors, politicians, who made their mark in their lives, created history and inspire us even today.”

101 Positive Thoughts by N.Raghuraman

SKU: 9789351869153

101 Positive Thoughts by N.Raghuraman

101 Questions on Acupressure and Reflexology by Dr Ak Saxena / Dr Preeti Pai

SKU: 9789350488478

Over a period of time, acupressure has gained a lot of prominence for the precise reason that it is free from any side effects since no medication/surgery is required. It is totally non-conventional, non- invasive and non- interventional. Moreover, it is seen that this therapy is very effective in helping patients suffering from cervical/ lumber spondylitis; sinusitis; backaches; knee pain; heel pains; sciatica; prolapsed disc; constipation; indigestion; IBS; PMS; insomnia; depression; tennis elbow; asthma; hypertension, migraine; neuro problems, etc., to name a few.
There was demand from many quarters for having a book in question and answer form, answering the questions that generally trouble the mind of learners/readers about the efficacy and usefulness of this therapy. As the title of the book itself suggests, an attempt has been made to answer probable questions that may come to the mind of the reader. All possible efforts have also been made to explain the precise location of the trigger points shown in the figures with as much clarity as possible.

101 Ways to Cure Diabetes by Dr. Anil Chaturvedi

SKU: 9873342561186

Diabetes is a demon ailment, which makes your body extremely weak by reducing the strength of your immune system and overall health. But, don’t fear as you can now take the bull by the horns with this 101 Ways To Cure Diabetes

101 Ways To Prepare Curries

SKU: Mag-22106

Curries remain an Indian speciality–and certainly have a lot of contribution in making Indian food popular all over the world! This superb collection brings you exotic recipes with a special flavour! Even your good old Aloo Matar would taste a lot better if prepared with directions given here! Or why not try someting totally new? Some Glimpses: *Chicken Curry *Rogan Josh *Fried Pomfret *Fish Curry *Mince-ball Curry *Goan Liver Curry *Mattar Paneer *Aloo Matar In addition also find here a long list of highly tempting curries not tried by you before. Also included is a glossary of food and Cookery terms and medicinal properties of vegetables. #v&spublishers

101 Weight Loss Tips by Dr. Anil Chaturvedi

SKU: 9789351866077

“If eating less is a punishment, eating more is surely a crime.”
Dr. Anil Chaturvedi has succinctly put his thoughts in these words. One is constantly warned that excess of everything is bad: especially eating. Since the last 10-15 years, the lifestyle of people has changed drastically. It is fraught with mental tension and sedentary life, which completely rules out time for physical exercise or any physical activity that could help burn calories and mitigate health problems.
The author of this book has penned down, after great research, some measures which can reduce fat and help one maintain good health. In addition, he has explained in detail the causes and resultant effects of obesity.
These have been carried out based on various components of health. He has given information regarding BMI, proteins, carbohydrates, caloric value of food and how to calculate them. Besides this, he has given schedule of controlled diets also.
A practical handbook for losing weight and be healthy.

101+10 New Science Games

SKU: Mag-22107

“Supplementary science books not only interest and excite young students,but also stimulate their interest in the subject. This exciting book shows you how to have fun with 101 Science Games. There is little doubt that science experiments can be quite interesting and useful in discovering mysteries of nature.In fact,it is the science that has led man from the lantern and the bullock-cart age to Electronics and Supersonic Jet age. The book is fully illustrated with step-by-step instructions to give you hands-on experience of making simple scientific equipments like:
*Model Electric Motor
*Steam Turbine
This project-work will acquaint you practically with the basic principles of specific applications. Now, you too can prepare for your next science fair. #v&spublishers”

101+10 New Science Games (Hindi)

SKU: Mag-22108

“Supplementary science books not only interest and excite young students,but also stimulate their interest in the subject. This exciting book shows you how to have fun with 101 Science Games. There is little doubt that science experiments can be quite interesting and useful in discovering mysteries of nature.In fact,it is the science that has led man from the lantern and the bullock-cart age to Electronics and Supersonic Jet age. The book is fully illustrated with step-by-step instructions to give you hands-on experience of making simple scientific equipments like:
*Model Electric Motor
*Steam Turbine
This project-work will acquaint you practically with the basic principles of specific applications. Now, you too can prepare for your next science fair. #v&spublishers”