Showing 751–800 of 3730 results

All India PSC AE/PSU – Electronics & Communication Engineering VOLUME-1

SKU: Mag-27047

All India PSC AE/PSU – Electronics & Communication Engineering VOLUME-1

All India Sainik School Entrance Exam. (For Class-6)

SKU: Mag-18558

All India Sainik School Entrance Exam. (For Class-6)

All India Sainik School Entrance Exam. (For Class-9)

SKU: Mag-18562

All India Sainik School Entrance Exam. (For Class-9)


SKU: Mag-22475


All India State PSC AE/PSU – Electronics & Communication Engineering Vol.-2

SKU: Mag-27368

All India State PSC AE/PSU – Electronics & Communication Engineering Vol.-2


SKU: Mag-22629


All State ITI Exam Lineman & TG-2 Electrician Trade

SKU: Mag-27959

All State ITI Exam Lineman & TG-2 Electrician Trade

All State JE SSC RRB UPSSC NTPC ETC Mechanical Engineering

SKU: Mag-19862

All State JE SSC RRB UPSSC NTPC ETC Mechanical Engineering

All University B.Sc. II Semester Botany

SKU: Mag-27974

All University B.Sc. II Semester Botany

All University B.Sc. II Semester Chemistry

SKU: Mag-27979

All University B.Sc. II Semester Chemistry

All University B.Sc. II Semester Mathematics

SKU: Mag-27980

All University B.Sc. II Semester Mathematics

All University B.Sc. II Semester Physics

SKU: Mag-27981

All University B.Sc. II Semester Physics

All University B.Sc. II Semester Zoology

SKU: Mag-27982

All University B.Sc. II Semester Zoology

All University B.Sc. III Semester Physics

SKU: Mag-27983

All University B.Sc. III Semester Physics

All You Need To Know About Windows Phone 8

SKU: Mag-2537

This is your complete guide to the Windows Phone 8 operating system. From pinning to the home screen through to the office hub, and with reviews of Windows Phone 8 mobiles and tablets. From the experts at Mobile Choice magazine, All You Need To Know About Windows Phone 8 is perfect for beginners and experts alike.

Allahabad High Court Contractual ICT Posts (IT Supporting Staff) Recruitment Exam.

SKU: Mag-18573

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Allahabad High Court Contractual ICT Posts (IT Supporting Staff) Recruitment Exam. exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

Aloysian Magazine

SKU: Mag-5845

Aloysian Magazine is a English publication circulated on a Monthly basis. School Magazine of St Aloysius Higher Secondary School, Edathua

Alumni Magazine

SKU: Mag-19631

In June 2009 came out the first issue of the ACS Alumni Magazine. This publication is issued twice per year, in June and December. We welcome all alumni feedback, submissions, and suggestions. A substantial part of its contents, such as the Alumni in Focus and the Class Notes sections, are written by alumni – the stories of your exciting lives are the reason why other alumni look forward to the magazine’s next issue.

Amal Scroll

SKU: Mag-9756

Every year the Amal Scroll has been
piled up with new ideas and innovations getting better and better year by

Amazing Astro Science

SKU: Mag-24657

Astro Science is the investigation of the way enormous articles, like planets and stars, impact human lives. The principal individuals to recognize stars and star heavenly bodies were the old Egyptians. Crystal gazing says that the situation of vast articles at the hour of a kid’s introduction to the world will shape different parts of their life. It is a will be an old practice which is a mix of craftsmanship and science, as it is both natural and specialized. In view of the perception of the universe around us, it estimates the energy affecting Earth and it’s occupants. It has been utilized for millennia by various societies and native clans across the globe.

American Chess Magazine

SKU: Mag-16312

A new American chess magazine is on the scene! It is receiving rave reviews around the country. Our first issues won numerous awards from the Chess Journalists of America. It’s the chess magazine America, in its chess renaissance, deserves.

We are a quarterly, so we concentrate on presenting instructional articles that will have value not only today, but years from now. With over a dozen American grandmasters contributing to its 150+ pages chock full of the chess, we are committed to providing tons of valuable resources for months of reading pleasure.

Amigo for children

SKU: Mag-5915

Educational magazine for primary school children learning Spanish.

An Analytical Approach for Comprehensive Reasoning

SKU: Mag-18863

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in the

An Analytical Approach for Comprehensive Reasoning test and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

An Analytical Approach for National Talent Search Exam. (Class X)

SKU: Mag-18873

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in An Analytical Approach for National Talent Search Exam. (Class X) exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

An Introduction to Home Care Nursing

SKU: Mag-24540

Basically, home care has been part of the health care system of any traditional society. It affords the family the opportunity to give care and show love to a sick member. When traditional society started to break down due to rapid industrialization and attendant social changes including urbanization, national and international migration, the traditional family care system started giving way to modern health care system. The modern version of health care soon realized the need for the aged, the chronically ill and other categories of patients to be put in a home devoid of the usual red tropism where trained health care professionals can closely monitor their health and take urgent professional actions when appropriate. This is where the goals and contents of this book come into play. The book is trying to introduce its readers to a health care facility that enables the clients to interact positively with trained health care givers and thereby experience a holistic care that relieves pain, alleviates suffering and promote health in an atmosphere of trust, compassions, competence, commitment, conscience, and confidence. The book is emphasizing the need for the care givers to perform the dependent role, involve the clients in the performance of the interdependent role with all contributing to consumer satisfaction. Therefore, it is my belief that all readers of this book will gain immensely from its contents.
The audio book is written by Adams Olatayo Omolola and audio narration done by Professor Prangyan Biswal , Published by ISL Publications. ISL Publication is a global Research Development, Advisory, Think-tank, Policy Research, Innovation Development, Publication, Communication and Advisory Firm working on Future Business Solution. This book depicts future transformation thoughts of developments. The book is available in all leading global stores.

An Objective History of English Literature Through MultipleChoice Questions (for UGCNET/SLET,TGT & P

SKU: Mag-18240

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in An Objective History of English Literature Through MultipleChoice Questions (for UGCNET/SLET,TGT & PGT) exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.


SKU: Mag-7965

Anandamela is the most widely read Bengali children’s magazine. With an enduring appeal across genders and age groups, it continues to celebrate the glory of companionship with its readers during their growing-up years. From science to sports, fiction to comics, adventure to astronomy — the magazine caters to the needs of a child’s psyche

Ancient Egypt

SKU: Mag-8600

Ancient Egypt, written by experts in the field of Egyptology, is a lively informative global magazine appealing to Egyptology professionals and anyone with an interest in this fascinating early civilisation. Published bimonthly, this glossy well-presented magazine brings readers up to date with the latest news, discoveries, excavations and research into the history of Egypt from Predynastic times through to the modern era. There are in-depth articles on the building of the pyramids, the lives of the great Pharaohs, brewing and agriculture, health and disease, gods and goddesses, tombs and temples and ancient Egyptian art and culture. Find out about great Egyptologists and explorers, and ancient priests and peasants; discover more about Egyptian technology and the latest DNA and scanning techniques. How did Tutankhamun die? How did hieroglyphic writing work? What did ancient Egyptians eat for breakfast? All this plus guides to museum collections, reviews of the latest books and interactive media and event listings for all UK Egyptology Societies and major worldwide conferences and exhibitions. Love ancient Egypt? Then Ancient Egypt is the must-have magazine for you!

Andhra Pradesh General Knowledge

SKU: Mag-21943

The present book ‘Andhra Pradesh – General Knowledge’ has been specially published for the people who want to explore more about the beautiful state of Andhra Pradesh to quench their thirst of knowledge for the purpose of Competitive Exams, Business Opportunities, Travel & Tourism or any other reason. The book is the outcome of months of painstaking research and careful study carried out about the state and its various important features and aspects covered at appropriate length, such as: Origin, History, Geography, Government, Economy, People, Art & Culture, Customs & Traditions, Festivals, Rivers & Temples, Forests & Wildlife, Industries, Education, Transport & Tourism, etc.

Angreji Bolna Sikhe Marathi

SKU: Mag-24023

Prastut pustak ‘inglish speeking kors’ baajaar mein upalabdh angrejee sikhaane vaalee pustakon se alag hatakar vaigyaanik paddhati se likhee gayee hai. is pustak mein angrejee sikhaane kee aadhunik shailee ka prayog kiya gaya hai, jisase paathakon ko angrejee samajhane tatha use dharaapravaah bolane mein aasaanee hogee.
Is pustak ko nimnalikhit khandon mein baanta gaya hai-Alphabet ; Pronunciation; Grammar; Sentences; Conversation; Writing; Vocabulary; Exercises
Pustak kee visheshataen-
Angrejee shabdon ka sahee uchchaaran
Shabd rachana evan vaaky rachana
Angerajee vyaakaran kee saral prastuti
Pratyek paristhiti evan vyakti ke anukool vaaky
Hindi evan angrejee mein 50 shreshth vaartaalaap
Patra-lekhan evan anuvaad
Email evan WhatsApp par vistrt adhyaay
Vargeekrt shabdaavalee hindee tatha angrejee mein sammilit
Aatm-pareekshan hetu abhyaas uttar sahit(This book ‘English Speaking Course’ is written in different scientific methods than the English teaching books available in the market. In this book, the modern style of teaching English has been used, allowing readers to understand English and speak fluently. This book is divided into the following sections – alphabet; Pronence; Grammar; Sentences; conversation; writing; Vocabulary; Exercises Book Features-Correct pronunciation of English wordsWord composition and syntaxSimple presentation of English Grammar Every situation and person friendly sentence50 Best Conversation in Hindi & EnglishLetter-writing and translation Detailed chapters on email and whatsappClassified terminology included in Hindi and EnglishWith self-test practice answers) #v&spublishers

Angreji Bolna Sikhen Gujarati

SKU: Mag-24022

Prastut pustak ‘inglish speeking kors’ baajaar mein upalabdh angrejee sikhaane vaalee pustakon se alag hatakar vaigyaanik paddhati se likhee gayee hai. is pustak mein angrejee sikhaane kee aadhunik shailee ka prayog kiya gaya hai, jisase paathakon ko angrejee samajhane tatha use dharaapravaah bolane mein aasaanee hogee.
Is pustak ko nimnalikhit khandon mein baanta gaya hai-Alphabet ; Pronunciation; Grammar; Sentences; Conversation; Writing; Vocabulary; Exercises
Pustak kee visheshataen-
Angrejee shabdon ka sahee uchchaaran
Shabd rachana evan vaaky rachana
Angerajee vyaakaran kee saral prastuti
Pratyek paristhiti evan vyakti ke anukool vaaky
Hindi evan angrejee mein 50 shreshth vaartaalaap
Patra-lekhan evan anuvaad
Email evan WhatsApp par vistrt adhyaay
Vargeekrt shabdaavalee hindee tatha angrejee mein sammilit
Aatm-pareekshan hetu abhyaas uttar sahit(This book ‘English Speaking Course’ is written in different scientific methods than the English teaching books available in the market. In this book, the modern style of teaching English has been used, allowing readers to understand English and speak fluently. This book is divided into the following sections – alphabet; Pronence; Grammar; Sentences; conversation; writing; Vocabulary; Exercises Book Features-Correct pronunciation of English wordsWord composition and syntaxSimple presentation of English Grammar Every situation and person friendly sentence50 Best Conversation in Hindi & EnglishLetter-writing and translation Detailed chapters on email and whatsappClassified terminology included in Hindi and EnglishWith self-test practice answers) #v&spublishers

Angreji Bolna Sikhen Kannada

SKU: Mag-24021

Prastut pustak ‘inglish speeking kors’ baajaar mein upalabdh angrejee sikhaane vaalee pustakon se alag hatakar vaigyaanik paddhati se likhee gayee hai. is pustak mein angrejee sikhaane kee aadhunik shailee ka prayog kiya gaya hai, jisase paathakon ko angrejee samajhane tatha use dharaapravaah bolane mein aasaanee hogee.
Is pustak ko nimnalikhit khandon mein baanta gaya hai-Alphabet ; Pronunciation; Grammar; Sentences; Conversation; Writing; Vocabulary; Exercises
Pustak kee visheshataen-
Angrejee shabdon ka sahee uchchaaran
Shabd rachana evan vaaky rachana
Angerajee vyaakaran kee saral prastuti
Pratyek paristhiti evan vyakti ke anukool vaaky
Hindi evan angrejee mein 50 shreshth vaartaalaap
Patra-lekhan evan anuvaad
Email evan WhatsApp par vistrt adhyaay
Vargeekrt shabdaavalee hindee tatha angrejee mein sammilit
Aatm-pareekshan hetu abhyaas uttar sahit(This book ‘English Speaking Course’ is written in different scientific methods than the English teaching books available in the market. In this book, the modern style of teaching English has been used, allowing readers to understand English and speak fluently. This book is divided into the following sections – alphabet; Pronence; Grammar; Sentences; conversation; writing; Vocabulary; Exercises Book Features-Correct pronunciation of English wordsWord composition and syntaxSimple presentation of English Grammar Every situation and person friendly sentence50 Best Conversation in Hindi & EnglishLetter-writing and translation Detailed chapters on email and whatsappClassified terminology included in Hindi and EnglishWith self-test practice answers) #v&spublishers

Angreji Bolna Sikhen Punjabi

SKU: Mag-24020

Prastut pustak ‘inglish speeking kors’ baajaar mein upalabdh angrejee sikhaane vaalee pustakon se alag hatakar vaigyaanik paddhati se likhee gayee hai. is pustak mein angrejee sikhaane kee aadhunik shailee ka prayog kiya gaya hai, jisase paathakon ko angrejee samajhane tatha use dharaapravaah bolane mein aasaanee hogee.
Is pustak ko nimnalikhit khandon mein baanta gaya hai-Alphabet ; Pronunciation; Grammar; Sentences; Conversation; Writing; Vocabulary; Exercises
Pustak kee visheshataen-
Angrejee shabdon ka sahee uchchaaran
Shabd rachana evan vaaky rachana
Angerajee vyaakaran kee saral prastuti
Pratyek paristhiti evan vyakti ke anukool vaaky
Hindi evan angrejee mein 50 shreshth vaartaalaap
Patra-lekhan evan anuvaad
Email evan WhatsApp par vistrt adhyaay
Vargeekrt shabdaavalee hindee tatha angrejee mein sammilit
Aatm-pareekshan hetu abhyaas uttar sahit(This book ‘English Speaking Course’ is written in different scientific methods than the English teaching books available in the market. In this book, the modern style of teaching English has been used, allowing readers to understand English and speak fluently. This book is divided into the following sections – alphabet; Pronence; Grammar; Sentences; conversation; writing; Vocabulary; Exercises Book Features-Correct pronunciation of English wordsWord composition and syntaxSimple presentation of English Grammar Every situation and person friendly sentence50 Best Conversation in Hindi & EnglishLetter-writing and translation Detailed chapters on email and whatsappClassified terminology included in Hindi and EnglishWith self-test practice answers) #v&spublishers

Animal Planet

SKU: Mag-24043

Animal Planet Magazine fuels curious minds, helps children make sense of the world and sparks joy on every page. Kids have never been more engaged with their planet and the animal kingdom than they are now.
The magazine brings kids up close and personal with animals, teaching them about conservation, science, animal behaviour, and the people making a difference to the planet’s future. Animal Planet Magazine is jam-packed with fascinating content that will spark children’s curiosity and help them discover the world around them. The magazine is filled with spectacular photography, facts, activities and stories that spark a feeling of joy and wonder on every page.
© 2021 Discovery

Animal Scene

SKU: Mag-6969

The perfect companion for animal lovers and breeders, Animal Scene Magazine gives readers breeding information, addresses veterinary concerns and give advice on care.


SKU: Mag-19931



SKU: Mag-27812

Anyonyam Malayalam Quaterly

Anything & Everything

SKU: Mag-9092

We present before you the first edition of a magazine of your interest. A magazine, that contains a lot of fascinating as well as enthralling stuffs, for people of all ages. It includes topics ranging from technology to music, from inspirational stories to news about important happenings in the prevailing month, from information on useful apps to cykopedia, and a lot more to attract you towards it. We, as a team, have developed this multifaceted magazine, to bring to your service, information and knowledge, dealing with the different aspects of our lives. It`s our initiative to bring to you, a unique reading experience, like never before, a complete blend of innovative ideas emanated from different minds. So guys, kindly spare some time, and get through our work. And yeah don`t forget to give us your reviews. Your feedbacks are of immense importance to us, and would be highly appreciated and made use of, in raising the standards of our magazine as well as mitigating the short comings of the same.

So, hurry up and get going!
Happy reading folks!

Apprentice Vikas Adhikari Pariksha

SKU: Mag-17980

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Apprentice Vikas Adhikari Pariksha exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

Apto Sector Risk Review

SKU: Mag-13635

Weekly risk review of SP500 sectors and its components.
Every week, we calculate financial health of the component companies that make up each sector and use the probability of default for each of these companies to create a credit risk rating for the related sector defined by State Street Sector SPDRs. Individual company probability of default is used to build Apto Research Market Confidence Index (MCI) to identify weekly likely long or likely short opportunities.
The report is a research report and provided for educational purposes. No part of this report should be construed as investment advice.

Aquaponics Survival Communities Magazine

SKU: Mag-5693

All subscriptions, back issues and single editions for the ASC Magazine are ONLY available on our website here: