Showing 1101–1150 of 3730 results

Concise Dictionary Of Management

SKU: Mag-22586

“This dictionary of management includes the main terminology used in business, plus many more frequently used expressions found in business and management. The definitions are designed to be quick, easy, precise and accurate; and have been produced in alphabetical order from A – Z.
This concise dictionary will meet all your needs on management terminology, theories, definitions from various fields of business & management, including jargon, abbreviations and more, in fact any of the vocabulary you might expect to find in a dictionary of this kind. All important terms connected with « Marketing « Finance « Human Resources « Managerial Economics « Organisational Behaviour etc. are covered. Another important feature is the inclusion of leading personalities, organizations and their contributions. Due to relative and growing importance, one chapter has been attributed on the subject of ‘Management Theory and Principles’.
Illustrations and examples, where appropriate, have been added. Even for an average reader, who has not made a special study of commerce subjects, explanations of terms will be found to be easily comprehensible.

Concise Dictionary Of Mathematics

SKU: Mag-22587

The book is designed to provide you with dictionaries of terms in Mathematics. The terms have been arranged alphabetically for quick reference. Suitable explanations of terms that have come into public domain recently also find mention. The standard of explanation has been kept at a level of understanding expected from an average secondary and senior secondary student. Illustrations and examples, at appropriate places, have been given. A glossary of Nobel Prize winners and their contributions is an added attraction.

Concise Dictionary Of Medical Terms

SKU: Mag-22593

“The idea for this dictionary on medical terms originated as an extension to the reference books that V&S Publishers has brought out on physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, general science, economics, and commerce. These dictionaries will serve as a side-table reference tool for medical students, healthcare workers, paramedics and professionals, and as a first-hand home medical guide for anyone seeking to understand the meaning of terms used in medical science.
This illustrated dictionary contains over 10,000 authoritative entries covering all aspects of medical science and practice. It covers all important terms used in medicine including pharmacology, obstetrics & gynaecology, and psychology & psychiatry, in simple language.
For easy reference terms have been arranged alphabetically in a Jargon-free style.
o Many entries contain cross reference for added clarity of the ‘term’ used
o Tables, graphs, illustrations, and diagrams accompany the terms, where required
o Popular words from other systems of treatments, viz, Yoga also included
o Appendices include biochemical reference values for blood, urine, faeces, haematology & paediatrics, baby milk formulas.
o (A list showing the Nobel Prize winners in medicine from 1901 to 2012 is also included).
Useful for practicing doctors, healthcare professionals and students appearing for NEET, AIIMS and other medical entrance examinations besides school students and general readers.

Concise Dictionary Of Metaphors And Similies

SKU: Mag-22594

“Most speakers and writers use the terms metaphor and simile as if they mean exactly the same thing. But they are not! A simile is a metaphor, but not all metaphors are similes. A metaphor compares two things, and does so more directly without using as or like. For example, the shop was a little gold-mine. A simile compares (usually introduced by like or as) two things that are generally not alike–such as a line of migrant workers and a wave, or onion skins and a swarm of butterflies.
Writers and authors use similes to explain things, to express emotion, or to make their writing more lively and entertaining. Metaphors also offer figurative comparisons, but these are implied rather than introduced by like or as.
Salient Features:
o Thousands of widely used popular Metaphors & Similes in English
o Inclusion of foreign Metaphors & Similes currently in use in English language
o Arranged alphabetically from A – Z
o Worth recommending without second thought
An authoritative Dictionary of Metaphors & Similes for students, writers, and general readers!

Concise Dictionary Of Phrases

SKU: Mag-22595

“Ever wonder where expressions such as mind your p’s and q’s, chip on his shoulder, living high on the hog, or the whole nine yards exactly mean? This Dictionary of Phrases will help you stop wondering. This dictionary is a collection of expressions that are currently in use. After going through the book, you would know that phrases add to liveliness in conversations.
What is a phrase in the first place? A phrase is a sequence of two or more words that form a meaningful combination in a sentence; and is preceded and followed by pauses. Of course, we also use the word phrase to refer to a short group of words that have a particular meaning when they are used together, such as rain cats and dogs, play for time, or a square meal. This type of phrase is often referred to as an idiom.
How are phrases useful? They are handy when stuck for an alternative turn of phrase that you haven’t already used? This Dictionary of Phrases unblocks you with ideas to choose from. Suppose you are writing about ‘air, you might look for phrases on ‘air’.
Who would benefit reading this dictionary? School and college students besides many journalists, copywriters, and songwriters will find it an invaluable resource when looking for that elusive turn of phrase. Speakers and writers can polish their works to make presentation livelier.

Concise Dictionary Of Physics

SKU: Mag-22596

The book is designed to provide you with dictionaries of terms in physics to make science simpler for you. The terms have been arranged alphabetically for quick reference. Suitable explanations of terms that have come into public domain recently also find mention. The standard of explanation has been kept at a level of understanding expected from an average secondary and senior secondary student. Illustrations and examples, at appropriate places, have been given. Readers who have not made a special study of any science subject will have also be able to grasp the definitions. A glossary of Nobel Prize winners and their contributions is an added attraction.

Concise Dictionary Of Placements

SKU: Mag-22597

“This perhaps is the first dictionary in the world dedicated to benefit candidates searching for job placements. It goes straight into the mind of a job seeker and provides answer to ‘specific job-related terms’ connected with the selection process. The knowledge gained will come handy at the time of searching for a suitable job online, in newspapers, while making application or at the time of interview. Terms covered are from popular fields such as marketing, accounting, business, finance, information technology, management, banking, law, human resources, economics and career.
This dictionary explains corporate-related terms that all job seekers should know. Terms have been arranged in alphabetical order to make searching easy and convenient. You’ll invariably come across these terms while searching for a job or during the interview. It will be of immensely help at the time of writing your exit interview.
What does the term career objective signify? What is an aptitude test? What do employers mean by relevant experience? How do you define customer satisfaction? What’s the difference between an assistant manager and an assistant to the manager? How do you explain the term product life cycle? And so on…
The knowledge contained in this dictionary can turn the outcome of an interview into “yes” or “no”. The choice is yours!

Concise Dictionary Of Proverbs

SKU: Mag-22608

“Want to write attractive English or speak impressively? Does your English look dull in appearance? This dictionary will help you stop worrying! And start your communication – written or oral – leading from the front!! How? By using proverbs at appropriate places! Have a look at the book you are holding in your hand. Seeing is the first phase of believing, especially when it comes to practical usefulness of this authoritative Dictionary of Proverbs. You will find proverbs relevant to all aspects of life and learn punchy new expressions to make your point shine out – colourfully. For example, Good things come in small packages. You possibly can’t have too much of a good thing with this dictionary of informative and entertaining proverbs.
Special features:
o Widely used popular proverbs in used in English included
o Inclusion of foreign proverbs currently in use in English language
o Arranged alphabetically from A – Z
o Useful grammatical information given as Appendices
o Intended to spice up written and oral communication
The most authoritative and up-to-date reference Dictionary of Proverbs for students, writers, script writers and general readers.

Concise Dictionary Of Science

SKU: Mag-22609

The book is designed to provide you with dictionaries of terms in science, physics, chemistry and biology to make science simpler for you. The terms have been arranged alphabetically for quick reference. Suitable explanations of terms that have come into public domain recently also find mention. The standard of explanation has been kept at a level of understanding expected from an average secondary and senior secondary student. Illustrations and examples, at appropriate places, have been given. Readers who have not made a special study of any science subject will have also be able to grasp the definitions. A glossary of Nobel Prize winners and their contributions is an added attraction.

Concise Dictionary Of Synonyms Antonyms

SKU: Mag-22610

“After the grand success of Concise Dictionaries of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Science, Mathematics, Economics, Commerce, Management and Computers- both in English and Hindi, V&S Publishers has recently come up with Dictionaries relating to Proverbs, Metaphors and Similes in English besides, English-English and English-Hindi Dictionaries. The book, Concise Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms is an addition to this exclusive and valuable series.
This Combined and Concise Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms has five distinct sections: A list of commonly used Antonyms or Opposite Words, A list of popular Synonyms or Words with Similar Meanings, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Antonyms, MCQs related to Synonyms and a section containing the Answers of both the MCQs.
To gain a command over English language, a versatile knowledge of Words and their Meanings (Synonyms) and Words and their Opposites (Antonyms) are a must for readers of all ages, particularly the student section.
Hence, this book has been aimed primarily to enhance and enrich the English vocabulary of our esteemed readers and to help the student faculty academically to speak as well as write fluent, error-free and excellent English. To sum up, this book will help them to master the language thoroughly.

Concise English – English – Hindi Dictionary

SKU: Mag-22631

“This English-English-Hindi-Dictionary will completely serve the academic and writing interests of students, aspirants of competitive examinations, researchers, scholars, translators, educationists, and writers. This dictionary is unique in the sense that the ‘Words or Terms’ have been drawn from literature, science, geography, commerce & business etc to give it a touch of completeness. ‘Words or Terms’ come complete with grammatical details, syntax, meaning both in English and Hindi along with a sentence (in English only) to improve writing or speaking.
‘Words or Terms’ have been serialized in alphabetical order, i.e., A-Z for ease in making searches. To the extent possible, Terms used in common parlance have only been included, avoiding less frequent ones.
In the Appendices section, body parts, common ailments, apparel, cereals, fruit & vegetables, herbs & spices, household items and other useful information have been included for added utility.
This dictionary will be found useful by student community besides others such as, educationists, writers, translators, aspirants of competitive exams.

Concise English – English Dictionary

SKU: Mag-22621

“This English-English Dictionary will completely fulfil the academic and writing requirements of students, aspirants of competitive examinations, researchers, scholars, translators, educationists, and writers. This dictionary is unique in the sense that the ‘Words or Terms’ have been drawn from literature, science, geography, commerce & business etc to give it a touch of completeness. ‘Words or Terms’ come complete with grammatical details, syntax, and meaning and a sentence to improve writing or speaking.
‘Words or Terms’ have been serialized in alphabetical order, i.e., A-Z for ease in making searches. To the extent possible, Terms used in common parlance have only been included, avoiding less frequent ones.
In the Appendices section, body parts, common ailments, apparel, cereals, fruit & vegetables, herbs & spices, household items and other useful information have been included for added utility.
This dictionary will be found useful by student community besides others such as, educationists, writers, translators, aspirants of competitive exams.

Concise English – Hindi Dictionary

SKU: Mag-22630

“This English-Hindi-Dictionary will fulfil the academic and writing requirements of students, researchers, scholars, translators, educationists, and writers. For improved usefulness, ‘Words or Terms’ have been drawn from literature, science, geography, commerce & business etc. ‘Words or Terms’ come tagged with explanatory meaning in Hindi alone but with a sentence in English only, for clear understanding for use in speaking or writing.
Terms have been serialized in Alphabetical order, i.e., A-Z for ease in searching. Terms carry meaning in English and Hindi. To the extent possible, ‘Words or Terms’ used in common parlance have been included, avoiding less frequent ones.
In the Appendices section, body parts, common ailments, apparel, cereals, fruit & vegetables, herbs & spices, and household items etc have been included for additional reference giving an added touch of comprehensiveness.
This dictionary will prove useful for student community besides others such as, educationists, writers, translators and common man.

Concise Hindi – English Dictionary ( Hindi – Angrezi Shabdkosh)

SKU: Mag-23092

Hindi- Angrezi Shabdhkosh V&S Publishers ki nayi prastuti hai. Prastut Shabdhkosh mai Hindi shabdhon ke deshaj, aanchalik,vigyan,banking,aadi me aane wale sabhi upyupt shabdhon ke aangrezi shabh tatha us ke vyakarndiya kram ki jaankari de gayi hai.Es Shabdkosh mein shabhdon ka kram vinyas swar varan; a se ao tatha baad me vyanjan vran k se h se rakha gaya hai. Swarwarn me anusaar yukt shabado ko jese an, ank, anki,ankee,anku,ankoo,ankri,anke,ankai,ankon,ankau,etyadi k kram me rakha gaya hai. Yeh sanskaran school, college k chatro shikhavido k sath sath un logo k lea bhi upyogi sabit hogi jo angrezi bhasha k hindi aarth janna chate hai. Shabdhkosh k aant me saamnaya jan jevan me pratchlit shabdon, maap tol k manak, hindi angrezi muhavre, bhartiya samvidhan me prayukt hindi k parabhashik shabdon aadi ko rakha gaya hai.(Palmistry is a gift given to the world by the ancient Hashit-Munis. Palmistry is related to Indian Maritime Science, Swastika Shastra and astrology.The book presented has been made by the well-known scholar housewife, Shri Surendra Nath Saxena.This book highlights the nuances of palmistry. The book will be positive and helpful. In the book presented, the harmful effects of planets have been removed from the vest.Remedies about the methods and precautions to prevent accidents and episodes from future information.After reading the book, the reader will know his shortcomings along with his strengths. This will help him to refine his strengths and overcome the shortcomings.)


SKU: Mag-28280

A newsletter of the youth, by the youth, for the youth.
It not only aims to dive into the important aspects of healthcare, but also aims to unleash the creative talent of the youth- covering different styles of writing, making it the perfect for you to read!

CONSTRUCTION: An Industry Sector Magazine

SKU: Mag-26543

This magazine is created by and for the Construction Sector spanning 10 counties in Oregon, East of the Cascades. It showcases the great work that the employers, partners, and training providers are doing along with opportunities for collaboration and available community resources.

As the Workforce Investment Board, it’s our goal to support the actions needed and expressed by the industry. This magazine will free up capacity at our quarterly collaborative meetings which will allow us to focus proactively on collective action. If you’d like to participate in these meetings, reach out to

Content Cash

SKU: Mag-19110

Content Cash magazine focuses on revealing the many, many ways to profit from content. We will be sharing many different strategies and profit models you can use to make money online from writing, printables, publishing, and much, much more! We’re excited to share with you the many tips, strategies and secrets we use to make a full-time income from content.

Cooking Made Easy

SKU: Mag-22611

The book is meant for the beginners, particularly those who are clueless about cooking. It is also for people who are fed up of eating out all the time and for working bachelors who like to eat out everyday but cannot afford to! And also for the smart working woman who is not yet smart in cooking. Unlike other cookery books dealing only with recipes, this book also teaches the aspiring cooks how to identify the ingredients and recognise the importance of a pleasing presentation. It imparts tips on healthy habits. It also explains the significance of herbs, nuts and sprouts, which are healthy and nutritious. On the lighter side, readers are told about some funny food facts and interesting definitions and expressions on eating and cuisine. An exclusive chapter on microwave ovens dispels any lingering concerns the readers might have about their so-called harmful effects. Read this book once and food will never taste bland ever again! Some Glimpses: *Identifying the ingredients: What are cereals,pulses,dairy products etc. *Tips on Healthy Habits: Eat fresh,not fried…Calorie Count…Be fit,not fat *Cooking Queries: What is Sabudana?…How to check the quality of a chicken…What is Spaghetti? *Recipes: Egg Pranthas…Mutton-Do-Pyaza…Sardine Fish Curry…Carrot Milk…Banana Honey Shake


SKU: Mag-22528


Corporate Professional Today

SKU: Mag-7262

A Journal conceived especially to keep CA/CS/Cost Accountants/Corporate Professional Analytically informed with almost everything on Income Tax /Company Law/GST/Accounts & Audit

Corporate Skills

SKU: Mag-22612

“In this book an attempt has been made to present the famed tales of Vikram and Vetala with focus on their underlying wisdom and explicating them step-by-step to distil that wisdom for the benefit of solving puzzles faced by individuals, organisations and corporates in their day-to-day existence. In fact the full play of all management theories can be witnessed in the tales without clothing them in technical jargons.
As far as the treatment of the tales in this book is concerned, the 25 stories are structured uniquely. In the first place, the reader gets a glimpse of the basic story with all its punch and then he is guided to a corporate insight where a core management issue illuminating the story is explicated suitably. Again the story is analysed in the context of universal appeal and relevance in everyday life and concludes with a quote of wisdom. So, every tale stirs the reader’s imagination and intelligence to a new plane and transforms him into mature and jubilant individual.

Correct Manners And Etiquette

SKU: Mag-22613

The book deals exhaustively with the varied nuances of etiquette and good manners for all important occasions. A handy guide for people of all age-groups to constantly cultivate the acumen for polished behaviour, in order to outshine in all spheres of life. Children are inquisitive and imitative by nature. Let their perception absorb the bonhomie, cheerfulness and courtesy all around for an overall growth of their personalities.

Cosmo on Campus

SKU: Mag-8045

Cosmo on Campus 2014 – COSMO South Africa special edition

Count Your Blessings

SKU: Mag-23718

iNTELLYJELLY proudly presents ‘Count Your Blessings’, which is an endeavour by an 11-year-old budding author, Alia Rathi, and is a reflection of how she perceives the world around her. Her characters and settings are mostly a creation based on her personal experiences. Ranging from magic to suspense, fables to poetry, this book has it all. A reader will find complex characters like Christina, and in places, the author herself, as a character in her book! The uniqueness of the book lies in how the author herself has not just written the content but also contributed to the illustrations and photography in certain places. What happens when one’s toys come to life, an adventure at sea in a yacht, Theo the bear and Blaze the dragon’s strange friendship, Michael’s mission, the world of a magical painting, a strange encounter with aliens – find all this and more inhabiting the pages of this exquisite book, which has been developed based on the learnings of the ‘Author & Publish’ workshops conducted by iNTELLYJELLY. The true essence of the book can be found in the amalgamation of varied thoughts and ideas, imagery and elements of the fantastic which have beautifully been woven around to make the book one of its kind. Designed and published by iNTELLYJELLY, the pages of the book also unveil messages by the author’s mentors and parents thereby adding a personal touch and creating a bridge between the author and her readers.

Country Child

SKU: Mag-8865

Country Child is the your local, free, family magazine that is distributed in and around Dorset, Somerset, Hampshire and Wiltshire via pre prep, private, village and pre schools, Waitrose stores, tourist information centres, libraries, cafes and farm shops.

Course on Computer Concepts

SKU: Mag-19612


Court Uncourt

SKU: Mag-13033

Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and Science have always been core subjects in school curriculum. The legal fraternity especially the law and judicial system however dictate that citizens and residents should always be aware of the local laws. To this effect, the legal maxim ‘ignorance of Law is no excuse’ is drummed into students from their first civics class. Guided by our core principles, here we deliver you bespoke legal information that you should know. We have always been at the forefront of driving the conversation towards the issues. It is an indubitable conviction that we live in time of information overload and it is Court Uncourt’s attempt to look for context and insight into subjects that pique your curiosity.

We are here to lay your curiosity to rest and share our competency and proficiency openly and seamlessly for your safety and knowledge.

We wish you a pleasant and beneficial reading!

Craft Stamper

SKU: Mag-14236

Craft Stamper is the UK’s best and brightest specialised stamping magazine! Each month, we bring our readers an eclectic mix of inspirational stamping projects, ranging from cute cards, to altered art, mini books, scrapbooking, mixed media and much more besides.

Creative Craft Ideas

SKU: Mag-13811

The perfect magazine for the all round crafter. Patchwork, knitting, beading and papercrafts are all covered in this beautifully presented magazine

Creative Light

SKU: Mag-11334

“A large proportion of the magazine is quite rightly about the people behind the camera, for let’s face it, people matter! Behind every camera is someone who has a personal story and creative thought processes to inspire us all”.
Also included in the magazine are regular articles to educate and support photographers, and added to this will be an invitation to highly regarded suppliers to keep us updated about cameras, equipment and other products, as well as demonstrating what can be achieved with them.

Creative PaperCraft

SKU: Mag-13816

Creative Paper crafts is the perfect magazine for any paper and stamping enthusiast. Each issue covers stamping, card making and scrapbooking. Creative Papercrafts will show you how to make cards, select the right stamps for the best results and also show you how to create beautiful layouts for your favourite photos and memories.

Creative Photography

SKU: Mag-11564

Every issue will be full of tips and hints so you can develop and enhance your skills as a photographer. Each hints and tips article is designed to help you improve your overall technique and ability. We also cover all the different products and equipment on the market with our product reviews in this issue covering cameras, tripods and many other must haves

Creative Quilter

SKU: Mag-13815

Creative Quilter will have a mix of traditional and modern quilts for you to create. Every issue will have lovingly made quilts covering all styles, tastes and skill levels. Apart from beautiful quilting ideas you will be able to read the latest news and show reviews, meet amazing designers and enjoy our regular historical features. Catch-up on all the latest fabrics and don’t miss the technical guide which we give heaps of tips and ideas to make your hobby even more enjoyable. It’s a must for all quilters !

Creative Steps

SKU: Mag-10967

Creative Steps is a fabulous quarterly magazine packed with fun creative activity ideas, all designed to inspire you and engage your children, encouraging learning through creative play. Each issue includes dozens of easy, fun craft projects for anyone with kids from 0 to 11 years old – perfect for parents & grandparents, childminders, pre-schools & nurseries, primary school teachers, guide & scout leaders, home educators

Criminal Investigation: a Practical Handbook for Magistrates, Police Officers and Lawyers, Volume 1

Reputedly inspired by the Sherlock Holmes stories, Austrian criminal jurist and examining magistrate Hans Gross wrote the first handbook on criminal investigation. This treatise covers everything from the qualities of a good investigating officer and how to utilize various experts, to tactics employed by criminals, how to analyze footprints and blood stains, and ways that criminals perpetrate crimes. Some of the remarks relate directly to India, such as disguising one’s caste. Volume 1 (of 3) consists of Part 1 of the 4 parts in the work. – Summary by TriciaG

CSAT Antarvyaktitya Kaushal (Siddhant Evam Vyavahar)

SKU: Mag-18855

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in the

CSAT Antarvyaktitya Kaushal (Siddhant Evam Vyavahar) test and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

CSAT Data Interpretation & Sufficiency

SKU: Mag-18860

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in the

CSAT Data Interpretation & Sufficiency test and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

CSAT Environmental Ecology Biodiversity & Climate Change

SKU: Mag-18874

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in CSAT Environmental Ecology Biodiversity & Climate Change exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

CSAT Logical Reasoning Evam Analytical Ability

SKU: Mag-18861

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in the

CSAT Logical Reasoning Evam Analytical Ability test and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.