Showing 1051–1100 of 3730 results
Church Missionary Gazette
A magazine for edification, encouragement and education of the Church. It features stories of missionaries, Conversion experiences, stories of martyrs, encouraging Bible verses, inspirational quotes.
A Magazine which strengthens your faith in Jesus Christ and encourages you to labor for his kingdom.
Circuit Cellar
Circuit Cellar magazine features engineering tutorials, detailed microcontroller-based projects, and embedded systems industry news for professional electrical engineers, EE/ECE academics, and highly skilled electronics enthusiasts. Since 1988, Circuit Cellar has featured projects and tutorials from the world’s top engineers on subjects such as embedded development (e.g., prototyping and programming), signal processing (e.g., DSP chips and signal conditioning), programmable logic (e.g., FPGA projects), sensor systems (e.g., smart sensors and MEMS), ‘Net-connected devices (e.g., IoT projects and protocol stacks), robotics (e.g., robotic systems and proximity sensing), and much more. Circuit Cellar is the ultimate resource for all of your electrical engineering-related needs.
CISF Assistant SubInspector and Head Constable Bharti Pariksha
CISF Assistant SubInspector and Head Constable Bharti Pariksha
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in xxxx exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
CISF Constable/Fire Bharti Pariksha
CISF Constable/Fire Bharti Pariksha
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in xxxx exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
CITYGREEN presents information on greening and ecology of the urban environment. The articles in each issue are written by well-known experts and professionals from disciplines such as architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning and urban ecology. As a magazine, it presents useful information found in scientific resources in a highly readable and delightfully illustrated format. CITYGREEN has won the APEX Awards for Publication Excellence for five consecutive years – 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 and 2012.
इस मासिक पत्रिका में मई 2020 में घटने वाली सभी महत्वपूर्ण घटना से सम्बंधित तथ्यों तथा अवधारणाओ का संकलन है। इसके लेखन में सभी प्रसिद्ध पत्रिका यथा – दैनिक भास्कर ,द हिन्दू ,डाउन टू अर्थ आदि के साथ महत्वपूर्ण वेबसाइट दृस्टि आईएएस एवं भारत सरकार के पत्र सुचना कार्यालय आदि का सहयोग लिया गया है। यह पत्रिका मुख्यतः संघ लोक सेवा आयोग तथा राज्य लोक सेवा आयोग द्वारा आयोजित विभिन्न परीक्षाओ के बदलते पैटर्न को ध्यान में रखते हुए संकलित की गयी है।
Civil Services Mentor
Civil Services Mentor – This is a leading magazine for IAS, CSAT and Civil Services Preparations.
It is powered by:
India’s largest online community for IAS, UPSC and Civil Services aspirants.
Civil Services Planner
“Developed by experienced professionals from reputed civil services couching institutes and useful for many aspirants of Civil Services Prelim exams, General Studies – Planner provides a complete strategy to go through all stages of Civil Services exams. It includes Question Trend Analysis to understand the new pattern and updated Syllabus for UPSC civil services. Some practical Tips on Interview help to know various types of questions raised during the interview session.
The book is divided into four sections:
Introduction: An Overview and Strategy
Civil Services (Preliminary) – Paper I & II
Civil Services (Main) – Topic-wise Analysis
Interview – Tips and Tricks for Successful Interview #v&spublishers”
CKGSB Knowledge
CKGSB Knowledge delivers timely and insightful business and economic analysis from the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business.
CKGSB Knowledge provides a unique vantage point from which to discover the latest general and China-specific business trends. It also provides a matrix for a broader understanding of how emerging markets are transforming the global business landscape.
The focal point of this open sharing platform is practical insight into China business from CKGSB’s world-class faculty and research resources. These insights are presented through articles, analysis and interviews with academics, senior executives, decision-makers and leading thinkers from China and around the world. CKGSB Knowledge covers themes as diverse as the changing face of business in China, the globalization of Chinese companies, multinational strategy in China and the changing face of ‘Made in China’.
Clean & Hygiene Review
Clean & Hygiene Review is a bi-monthly magazine dedicated to those on whose shoulders rest the responsibility of maintaining and ensuring the cleanliness & hygiene of properties. It addresses the significance of proper upkeep, maintenance and hygiene. These are the salient factors that influence Image, Productivity, Health and thus the profits of any organisation. Clean & Hygiene Review gives exhaustive details on the mechanics of housekeeping and maintenance and focuses on the technological and engineering aspects of maintenance along with the equipment and services needed for maintenance procedures.
This magazine provides exclusive editorial content with the objective to promote organised and mechanised cleaning in India. Each issue looks at both management and technical aspects. The editorial focuses on valuable information. It features articles on the latest techniques, equipment and supplies to help readers keep up with new technologies in the industry. It also provides knowledge on latest management skills. The magazine goes behind the scenes to give in-depth information, news, features, business stories and technical know-how.
The readers are individuals who have titles of Housekeepers, Laundry Managers, Pest & Cleaning Contractors, Facility / Plant Managers, in Hospitality, Commercial buildings, Schools, Hospitals and Industrial units. The magazine serves Hotels, Hospitals, Commercial Buildings, Malls & Multiplexes, Industrial Units, Embassies, Educational Institutes, and Entertainment Hubs.
CLRI Print Edition
Contemporary Literary Review India Print Edition (2250-3360) comes out annually. This anthology includes news RESEARCH PAPERS, STORIES, POEMS, and BOOK REVIEWS by various authors from around the world. CLRI promotes new authors and publishes established authors in various ways. This print edition is distributed to authors and libraries in India and abroad. It has high Publication Impact Factor 3.886 and is listed with global directories.
Coachable: A Career Magazine
Coachable magazine is a career publications aimed at helping students take a look at Next- Gen career prospects in India. The very basic purpose of launching this Magazine is to assist young people to make better choices when it comes to career selection. The magazine includes articles on career trends, career developments, recruitment processes of companies, abroad studies, real-life on job experiences and future trends in industries.
Coaching Today
Are you a fitness professional? Are you a sole trader or a business owner?
We’ve compiled some thought-provoking articles to help you supercharge your business: fill your books and be the most sought after personal trainer and studio owner.
Coding – Complete Manual
To fully understand how a computer works, you need to get into its mind; and what better way than to learn how to code. Learning to code will open a new world to you, enabling you to create amazing programs or even embark on a new career as a developer. This book is the doorway to this new and exciting world, you just need to open it and start reading.
Coding User
Within Coding User, our team of industry experts and professional coders cover all the tools you need to get coding. From those first few lines of code that will change your world forever to insider tips and tricks to advance your skills and programming abilities. Each issue features up-to-date user tutorials, put together in an easy to follow step-by-step manner, building to create a multi-volumed series that will see you get to grips with code but also improve your knowledge, job prospects, and expand your horizons. Let’s get coding, where the only limit is your own imagination. Subscribe today! 100% Independent! Please note: ALL free content and gifts are also available via this digital edition.
Coelum Astronomia
Coelum Astronomia: dal 1997 il mensile di divulgazione astronomica che porta il nome glorioso di quella che fu la rivista dell’Osservatorio Astronomico Universitario di Bologna, fondata e diretta dal prof. Guido Horn D’Arturo.
Coelum ospita articoli di ricercatori e divulgatori di tutto il mondo, che illustrano in modo chiaro e con grande rigore le più recenti scoperte nel campo dell’Astronomia. Dà grande spazio agli astronomi dilettanti, che ormai, armati di mezzi tecnici sofisticati e di una solida rete di contatti con i professionisti, contribuiscono in modo rilevante alla crescita e alla diffusione di questa disciplina, e alle attività di ricerca che stanno cambiando con incredibile rapidità l’immagine dell’Universo nel quale viviamo.
Coelum raccoglie e seleziona le notizie dell’ultima ora, diramate dalla comunità scientifica e provenienti dalle flotta di sonde spaziali che navigano in tutto il Sistema Solare, così come dai satelliti in orbita attorno alla Terra e dai grandi telescopi dell’ultima generazione che raccolgono coi loro giganteschi specchi la luce proveniente dai più remoti oggetti dell’Universo. Vanta un forte collegamento con il mondo universitario e della ricerca astronomica attraverso uno stretto rapporto con gli astronomi dei più importanti Osservatorio d’Italia.
I nostri contenuti:
Il Cielo del Mese: Le Effemeridi ed i fenomeni astronomici del mese, dalle posizioni dei pianeti alle occultazioni asteroidali. Tutto quello che c’è da sapere per sfruttare al meglio le nottate osservative e non perdere gli oggetti e i fenomeni più interessanti.
Il Notiziario: le ultime novità nel campo dell’astronomia e dell’astronautica. Una piccola flotta di sonde percorre il Sistema Solare, inviandoci in flusso continuo una grandissima quantità di informazioni su pianeti, asteroidi e comete, che arricchiscono di giorno in giorno la nostra conoscenza delle vicinanze della Terra.
I nostri Articoli di Divulgazione: in ogni numero, articoli di approfondimento scritti con chiarezza e rigore da astrofili ed astronomi, che illustrano le scoperte, le teorie ed i modelli frutto della ricerca moderna.
E ancora: la Galleria Fotografica con una selezione delle più belle immagini riprese dagli astrofili di tutto il mondo; i “Test di Coelum”, un servizio indispensabile per scegliere la propria attrezzatura; le rubriche “Posta Astrotecnica”, “Novità in Vetrina” e “Incontri e Appuntamenti”.
Collana della salute
La collana “Le 100 domande sulla salute” è realizzata in collaborazione con la Fondazione Humanitas, sorta nel 1999 per promuovere la qualità di vita del malato e della sua famiglia durante e dopo l’esperienza in ospedale.
La Fondazione fa capo all’Istituto Clinico Humanitas di Rozzano (Milano) uno dei più grandi Centri di eccellenza sanitaria a livello nazionale e internazionale. Coordinatore scientifico della collana è il professor Armando Santoro, Direttore del Cancer Center dell’Istituto Clinico Humanitas. Curatore della collana è Andrea Franchini, giornalista.
Color Doppler
Color Doppler is a young, dynamic publishing and media company based in Kozhikode, Kerala. Our major focus is medical imaging and we work towards filling the gap between Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and end users. Designed to provide highly informative and news-worthy content catering to the information needs of readers (national and international) and community at large, our focused magazine facilitates intelligent and better decision making in the medical imaging sector.
The company has come a long way and secured a place in the minds of medical imaging professionals as the most reputed magazine with its unbiased content and well-researched product reviews. The steady rise in readership indicates the influence Color Doppler has created in the minds of medical professionals in the country and abroad.
Apart from publishing services, we sincerely work for the promotion of the associations we work in collaboration with. Working closely with medical associations and industry partners, we help them promote and advertise their events and forums, which serve as a platform for medical imaging professionals to discuss burning issues related to the field.
Generation of specialized content, designing, publishing, advertising, event management, undertaking promotional activities and creating multimedia programs and other media and publication-related services, are the additional areas that Color Doppler specializes in.
The professionals at Color Doppler are amongst the best in their fields and also knowledgeable. Color Doppler has the tools, experience and the flexibility to make a great team better. Most importantly, we operate on the medical clock and not the 9-to-5 clock of traditional media agencies.
Columbia Journalism Review
Columbia Journalism Review’s mission is to encourage and stimulate excellence in journalism in the service of a free society. It is both a watchdog and a friend of the press in all its forms, from newspapers to magazines to radio, television, and the Web. Founded in 1961 under the auspices of Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, CJR examines day-to-day press performance as well as the forces that affect that performance. The magazine is published six times a year, and offers a deliberative mix of reporting, analysis, criticism, and commentary., our Web site, delivers real-time criticism and reporting, giving CJR a vital presence in the ongoing conversation about the media. Both online and in print, Columbia Journalism Review is in conversation with a community of people who share a commitment to high journalistic standards in the U.S. and the world.
Combined Defence Services Solved Paper
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Combined Defence Services Solved Paper exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) (For UnderGraduate Programme)
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) (For UnderGraduate Programme) exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Compendium General English (Eng.Eng.)
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Compendium General English (Eng.Eng.) exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Compendium General Knowledge (With Latest Facts And Data)
Compendium General Knowledge (With Latest Facts And Data)
Competition Refresher
Competition Success Review
Competition Success Review is an immensely popular magazine meant for students preparing for competitive examinations in different areas. It covers everything that is asked in different examinations held for selection of candidates for jobs throughout India. The Civil Services aspirants find it indispensable due to its all-encompassing format—both for objective and descriptive tests. In every issue, it gives a synopsis of events taking place globally and at home. Besides, it has permanent feature on interviews conducted for Civil Services aspirants side by side with the success stories of top candidates selected for Civil Services. They share their views through this magazine with the millions of students preparing for the three-stage CSE. Hardly any area, which students are supposed to know, is left out. The Constitution of India, the Gandhian Thought, Indian History, etc. constitute every issue. In addition, every issue contains solved question papers of different examinations to acquaint students with the trend of questions that are asked. For over three decades, it has been invariably ranked No. 1 magazine in its area in its 55 years of existence, adding new feathers to its cap.
Comprehensive Computer Learning
The book is designed to provide you with everything you need for your formal introduction to the world of computers. It’s the one book that covers everything that a reader needs to know about computers – Hardware and software of a computer; setting up a new computer; using Microsoft Office and other popular software connecting to the Internet; working with digital media; burning custom CD/DVD; watching movies; managing money online; setting up home networks; keeping PCs running reliably; protecting your PC from spam, viruses, and spyware; cleaning your PC properly, etc. This comprehensive guide uses easy-to-follow steps and screenshots, and clear, concise language to show the simplest ways to get things done with your PC.
Comprehensive Computer Learning (CCL) (Hindi)
“Comprehensive computer learning series ke antargat chapne wali pustake vishesh roop se pathko ko dhyan me rakhkar taiyar ki gayi hai jisse ki unhe computer ke karya pranali sambandhi koshal me sudhar aur saath hi saath apne bhavishya ko sudharne me sahayta mile. Prastut shrankhla step by step nirdesh aur prasangit screenshots ki madad se pathko ko vyapak roop se computer ki behtar samajh ke saksham banati hai spashtha roop aur saral bhasha me likhi gayi bina takniki shabdjaal ki is shrankhla ki pratek pustak ke saath ek interactive cd sammilit hai. Pustake English & Hindi me uplabdh hai.
Prastut pustak me sadharan toor par computer ke bare me sabhi aavashyak jankari prastut ki gayi hai jaise ki Hardware aur Software sambandhi jankari computer set karna Microsoft office aur anya prachalit software ko internet se jodna digital media me kaam karne ke tarike cd ko burn karna movie dekhna paise ka online prabandhan home network setup karna PC ko bharosemand tarike se chalana, spem virus aur spyware se PC ko surakhshit rakhna PC ki thik se safai ityadi. Is comprehensive guide me step by step aur screenshots ki madad se PC se bharpoor madad praapt karne ke sulabh tarike prastut kiye gaye hai aasan shabdo aur spashtha bhasha me.
Comprehensive Memory Development Course
“Memory is a fundamental capacity that plays a pivotal role in social, emotional and cognitive functioning. Our memories form the basis for our sense of self, guide our thoughts and decisions, influence our emotional reactions, and allow us to learn. So the ability to form memories and remember them is a vital part of human experience.
Most of us are unaware of the fact that no one is born with a poor memory. It just requires a little sharpening to improve efficiency. Memory is much like a muscle – the more it is used, the sharper it gets, and the more it is neglected, the worse it gets.
Learn how Human Memory System works and how to improve your memory power from Guinness World Record Holder & Qualified International Memory Trainer – Dr. BK Chandra Shekhar, who designed the syllabus (First & Unique in the world) on “”Memory Development and Psycho Neurobics”” for Government University and Management Training Institutes in India and abroad, with Comprehensive Memory Development Course. This book will help you develop to splendid memory strategies, to organise information efficiently, and to practice the skills necessary for effective learning and recalling of information.
Key Features:
Right Concept of Human Memory System explained
First time in the world, the function of head top computer is explained scientifically
How to increase Concentration – Practical steps explained
How to memorise Numerical Figures, Periodic Tables, Biological terms, Historical dates, Words, Spellings, Name and Faces, Maps and Diagrams, long questions answers of CA, CS and MBA students are explained scientifically with relevant and practical examples.
Computer Awareness
“The book ‘Computer Awareness’ consists of Fundamentals, Programming, DBMS, and Internet Banking and E-governance techniques. This book is useful for persons of all age groups i.e. beginners, students, programmers, and professionals. It provides precise conceptual information and MCQs with their solutions to the aspirants of almost all competitive exams. The contents are presented in a systematic way i.e. from basics to advanced learning.
Fundamentals & classification of computers
Organization and architecture of computers
Programming language & DBMS for new learners
Advantages of Internet Banking & E-governance
The readers should go through each chapter to get thorough knowledge of concepts and to do practice on the objective questions based on the pattern of various competitive exams.
Computer Ek Parichay
The book of computer principles and rules is explained in large simple manner. Computer what type of electronic computers, digital computers, programming techniques, etc. have been detailed introduction.
Computer General Awareness
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Computer General Awareness exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Computer Knowledge with MCQs
This book is Highly Useful for IBPS (CWE) Bank (PO/Clerk), SBI, CAT, MBA, UGC (NET), BBA, BCA, B.Ed., SSC, RRB and Other Competitive Examinations.
Computer of Competitive Exams
This comprehensive book is useful for All Competitive Exams for the purpose of Study and practice of questions based on the latest pattern of the examination. This book included Fundamental of Computer with Multiple Choice Questions. Answers have also been provided for the questions for Better Understanding of the Candidates.
Computer Samanya Gyan
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in the
Computer Samanya Gyan test and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions,
not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling
you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to
clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone
your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Concise Computer Course
This comprehensive series with step-by-step instructions and relevant screenshots throughout the text enables readers to have a better understanding of computers. Written in simple and lucid language, without technical jargons, each book of this series is accompanied by an interactive CD/DVD with video tutorials. This is one book that covers everything a beginner needs to know about computers. You will learn things like setting up a new computer; connecting to the Internet; working with digital media; burning custom CDs; watching movies; using Microsoft Office and other popular software; setting up home networks; keeping PCs running reliably; and protecting them from spam, viruses, and spyware, etc.
Concise Dictionary Of Biology
The book is designed to provide you with dictionaries of terms in biology to make science simpler for you. The terms have been arranged alphabetically for quick reference. Suitable explanations of terms that have come into public domain recently also find mention. The standard of explanation has been kept at a level of understanding expected from an average secondary and senior secondary student. Illustrations and examples, at appropriate places, have been given. Readers who have not made a special study of any science subject will have also be able to grasp the definitions. A glossary of Nobel Prize winners and their contributions is an added attraction.
Concise Dictionary Of Chemistry
The book is designed to provide you with dictionaries of terms in chemistry to make science simpler for you. The terms have been arranged alphabetically for quick reference. Suitable explanations of terms that have come into public domain recently also find mention. The standard of explanation has been kept at a level of understanding expected from an average secondary and senior secondary student. Illustrations and examples, at appropriate places, have been given. Readers who have not made a special study of any science subject will have also be able to grasp the definitions. A glossary of Nobel Prize winners and their contributions is an added attraction.
Concise Dictionary Of Commerce
The book is designed to provide you with dictionaries of terms in commerce. The terms have been arranged alphabetically for quick reference. Suitable explanations of terms that have come into public domain recently also find mention. The standard of explanation has been kept at a level of understanding expected from an average secondary and senior secondary student. Illustrations and examples, at appropriate places, have been given. A glossary of Nobel Prize winners and their contributions is an added attraction.
Concise Dictionary Of Economics
“The idea for this dictionary on economic terms originated with the reference books that we have been bringing out. The leading concern was for average students and inquisitive readers who needed to be helped into grasping the meaning of the terms used in books on economics.
The dictionary covers almost all the terms that form a part and parcel of economics in simple and easily comprehensible language.
In order to enhance the readers’ knowledge and bring about more relevance, many examples and graphs have been used along with the definitions of the terms.
The dictionary has been arranged alphabetically A-Z, including new terms that have come into regular use. A number of entries contain cross reference except where the word or phrase is self contained and complete in itself. To simplify understanding, graphs accompany the entry wherever considered necessary.
‘Brief Biographies’ of distinguished economists have also been included. Those mentioned have made important contribution to a particular growth model. The edition also contains popular acronyms.
Significant data about economic performance of major sectors of economy and bibliographic references by way of appendices have been included; a list showing the Nobel Prize winners in economics from 1969 to 2012 along with their contribution finds place in the appendices section.
Concise Dictionary Of English Combined
“This authoritative dictionary is designed to help readers expand vocabulary and language skills to reach appreciative levels and then exceed that! Hence, pick up the various ways to explain the meaning of idioms, phrases and proverbs, besides interpreting figurative language, such as metaphors and similes.
The volume is composed of four separate sections:
1. Idioms, 2.Phrases, 3.Proverbs and 4.Metaphors and Similes
Key Features
o Sentences focussed on figurative language and sayings
o Includes common idioms, popular phrases, witty proverbs, metaphors and similes.
o Contains hyperbole and adages at appropriate places
o Organized into A-Z format with sentences at easy and moderate levels
o Allows readers to develop and then apply new skills of expression
o Aligns to the English and Foreign words currently in popular use
o Produces a complete understanding of common idioms
o Provides recognizing the meaning of popular phrases
o Encourages readers to understand and relate to witty proverbs
o Develops the ability to use metaphors and similes
o Introduces adage and hyperbole
o Improves vocabulary and enhances knowledge of word meanings
o Polishes persuasive, descriptive and narrative writing skills
Concise Dictionary Of Idioms
“If you believe idioms are a “”tough nut to crack,”” this Dictionary of Idioms will help you dispel that belief; you would surely abandon your opinion of idioms being a bunch of insignificant words to that of a lively one to use to attract attention of readers and listeners. You will discover ‘idioms’ can add beauty, remove unwanted seriousness and bring life to any conversation – written or spoken. Rightly and scientifically designed, this dictionary contains hundreds of common idioms, sayings, and expressions.
Use of everyday idioms bring colour to any writing and speech. Since they don’t really mean, word by word, what they say, idioms can stump even regular writers and speakers. When and where to uidioms becomes ‘as easy as pie’ with this Dictionary of Idioms. Alphabetical listing makes searching idioms a ‘piece of cake.’
Whether you are fluent in English or just a learner, this dictionary can help you read, write and speak with new understanding and a lot more fun!
Special features:
o Widely used and popular idioms given with meanings
o Inclusion of foreign idioms currently in use in English language
o Arranged Alphabetically: A – Z
o Useful grammatical information given as Appendices
An authoritative dictionary to spice up written and oral communication for students, writers, speakers and interested readers!
Concise Dictionary Of Information Technology & Computer Science
“This concise dictionary will meet all your needs on computer terms including hardware, software, equipment, devices, jargon and abbreviations; in fact any of the vocabulary you might expect to find in a computer dictionary.
This dictionary includes, in alphabetical order, important terms connected with computing – acronyms, programming languages, tools, architectures, operating systems, theory, mathematics, telecoms, institutions, companies, projects, products etc; anything to do with computing. It also contains definitions in related areas such as communications and networking. Where required, the terms come with useful cross-references to related resources given elsewhere in the dictionary.
This dictionary has been written with the belief that an average reader is interested only in knowing what a specific computer term means without getting into unnecessary details.
To the extent possible, terms that have come into the reckoning till about last year have been incorporated; and suitably explained such that a secondary and senior secondary student can grasp them easily. Illustrations and examples, where appropriate, have been added. Even for an average reader, who has not made a special study of science subjects, explanations of computer terms will be found to be reasonably comprehensible.
This computer dictionary includes important scientific charts, tables, constants, conversion tables as appendices.