Showing 1401–1450 of 3730 results
EducationToday.Co Magazine (Bi-monthly educational magazine) which focuses on K-12 segment in education, the magazine was initiated with the purpose of being updated on the latest advances in the field of Education.
The Human Development Magazine (estb. 1999) is India’s pioneer and #1 education news monthly magazine with a readership of 1 million countrywide. Its mission statement is to “build the pressure of public opinion to make education the #1 item on the national agenda”.
On account of the 47th NATIONAL Day of Singapore, Mateo Systems launched the first issue of EDUWORLD- your career guide -a one click solution for your entire career and education related queries.
Why subscribe?
1. Every month we provide you with a wholesome brain diet, including several unique and interactive articles about career path guidance.
2. The Edutour column takes you through some of the most reputed universities and their courses and facilities.
3. In meet the experts!! We provide the best answers to some of the frequently asked questions. Health, ideas and ideals, morals, green world, great tips for entrepreneurship, study abroad and much more.
4. EDUWORLD; an all in one tool magazine that we hope would go beyond being just an interesting read, and be the ultimate career guide and entertainer to students and professionals alike.
5. Now available on iPhone apps and Androids
Hurry register now!
Effective ADCOM
The first Advertising & Marketing magazine in Malayalam. A PREMIUM PROFESSIONAL, EDUCATIONAL & BUSINESS MAGAZINE
It aimed at covering a host of topics and people that matter in today’s Advertising & Marketing world. True stories about advertising and media professionals who perform behind the scene is one of the magazine’s major attractions. Variety is the key characteristics of ‘Effective ADCOM’ catering to the taste of readers from all walks of life. It will feature guidelines to newcomers interactive programmes for talent hunt, case studies, modeling, film and stage reviews, new ads, innovations, creative software,market analysis, future media and much more.
Electrical & Electronics Projects
“This book is ideal for school students as well as hobbyists who are interested to build projects from Electrical and Electronics fields. The book starts with basic fundamentals necessary for execution of projects. This is followed by a schematic diagram, components list and the theory behind the project to be performed.
Ideal for senior school students and hobbyists
Useful for learning basics of electronic components, circuit, and home lab setup.
Practical for doing projects at home or school laboratory”
Electrical Projects for Beginners
“This book is ideal for high school students and hobbyists who are interested to build projects in Electrical field. The book starts with electrical fundamentals necessary for execution of projects. The basic knowledge is followed by a schematic diagram, components list and the theory behind the project to be performed.
Ideal for high school students, and hobbyists
Useful for learning basics of electronic components, circuit, and home lab setup.
Practical for doing projects at home or school laboratory”
Electronics Maker
Electronics Maker is
published by EM Media LLP. (INDIA) since 1996 is the most popular
electronics monthly journal covering news, updates, launches, trends,
technologies, viewpoints from all around electronics world. Today our
publication is circulate more than 70,000 copies (India + International) and
having readership up to HALF million.
Most importantly we are publishing the contents taking
care of industry needs and readers interest. Our expert team brings
the innovations through an intense research in the field. Enjoy Reading……..
Electronics Projects for Beginners
“This book is ideal for students as well as hobbyists who are interested to build projects in Electronics fields. The book starts with electrical and electronics fundamentals necessary for execution of projects. The basic knowledge is followed by a schematic diagram, components list and the theory behind the project to be performed. The materials required to build the projects are commonly available at the corner shop and are less expensive than you think.
Ideal for students and hobbyists
Useful for learning basics of electronic components, circuit, and home lab setup.
Practical for doing projects at home or school laboratory”
Elementary Mathematics (Useful for Various Competitive Exams.)
Elementary Mathematics (Useful for Various Competitive Exams.)
Embedded Computing Design
Embedded Computing Design is targeted at engineers, architects, and decision makers looking at silicon, software, and strategies for embedded devices. With an estimated 15,000,000,000 devices in the world soon, we’re out to help every designer working on one of them–this is where the next decade of embedded computing is going.
Embedded Computing Design magazine is published 8 times annually. Our focus in 2012 is scheduled to include: (February) Microcontrollers, Real-time Operating Systems (RTOS), Smart Energy, and Embedded World; (March) FPGA Technology, Analysis Tools, Small Form Factors, and ESC; (May) Digital Image Analysis, Software Test Automation, Telehealth, DSPs, FPGAs; (June) Multicore Processors, Automated Design/EDA, and In-Vehicle Infotainment; (August Resource Guide) MCUs and ref designs, programming tools, multicore processors, operating systems, board-level products, FPGAs, security chips and software, memory, EDA and ESL tools, SoCs, graphical design tools, simulation/modeling, LCD displays, solid state drives, and Intel Developer Forum; (October) Memory options, virtualization, intellectual property cores, and industrial embedded systems; (November) ARM Technology, Security, and Digital Signage; (December) High-speed interconnects, Android, Multicore, and EDA.
Employment News eBook
This e-Book edition covers all the job notifications issued by various government organizations that includes Central or State in the given time frame. The book is composed in such a way that it becomes the easiest way for any job seeker to exactly get what they want. Easy access to official notification, quick direct link to apply online and of course the official website for your handy future requirements, are some of the value additions to your government jobs searching hunt. Accumulations of vital information like Eligibility criteria, Application procedure, Important Dates are stated clearly for the feasibility of readers
அனைவருக்கும் வணக்கம்.
அறிவியல் தொடர்பான செய்திகளை வெளியிடும் “ஆற்றல் (Energy)” மாத இதழ் ஜூலை 2015 முதல் தங்கள் நற்சிந்தனையின் விளைவாக வெளிப்பட தொடங்கியுள்ளது. இவ்விதழ் தமிழ் மற்றும் ஆங்கில மொழிகளில் மாதம் ஒரு முறை வெளி வந்து கொண்டிருக்கின்றது. இதில் இயற்பியல், வேதியல், கணிதம் மற்றும் உயிரியல் துறை தொடர்பான கருத்து கோட்பாடுகள் மற்றும் அதன் தொழில்நுட்பங்கள் மிக தெளிவாக விவரிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. நீங்கள் உங்களுக்கு தெரிந்த அறிவியல் செய்திகள், அறிவியல் செய்முறைகள், அறிவியல் ஆய்வாளர்கள், புதிய கண்டுபிடிப்புகள் மற்றும் கல்வி உதவி தொகை தொடர்பான தகவல்களை “ஆற்றலில்” வெளிப்படுத்தலாம்.
Energy Future
By looking at the technologies, policy decisions, and business ventures that have the potential to overcome energy shortage and our crippling dependence on depleting fossil fuels, Energy Future draws from a deep well of expertise at TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute), India’s leading research institute on energy and green growth. Knowledge of energy security and development is a critical requirement in the modern global economy, and Energy Future aims to educate and inform you about the wide world of energy; its history, its future, how the energy industry works, how it has affected the world, and how it continues to affect you and me.
energyⁿ manager
energyⁿ manager, the exclusive energy efficiency magazine is being brought out since January 2008. Published by Energy Press, the publishing wing of the Society of Energy Engineers and Managers (SEEM) this 64 page, four color, quarterly magazine has been widely appreciated for its quality in content and style. energyⁿ manager caters to heads of energy intensive industries, energy professionals and many other enthusiasts including certified energy professionals, energy managers, energy auditors and energy management professionals. Each issue of energyⁿ manager focuses on one of the most appropriate topics of contemporary relevance on energy efficiency and energy conservation as its cover feature with a renowned domain expert as the guest editor. Other articles are contributed by experts and leading personalities in the energy sector.
Some of the regular columns covered include:
• Energy management
• Energy audit
• Energy financing
• Best practices
• Case Studies
• Renewable energy
• Sustainable Living
• Global focus
• Focus India
• Events, and others
energyⁿ manager is circulated among a focused audience including the State and Union Ministries of Power, New and Renewable Energy, Industries, etc, Forum of Regulators, State Electricity Boards, Energy Development Agencies, Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution Agencies, Energy Development Agencies, Energy Intensive Industries, Energy Service Companies, State Designated Agencies, Industry Associations, Designated Consumers, Energy Consultants, Energy Auditors and Managers, etc, Energy Researchers & Academicians, Engineering & Technical Institutions, Consultants, Planners and Architects, Energy Equipment Manufacturers, Distributors and Marketing Agencies, UN agencies and other International Organizations.
To read, subscribe and advertise on the print version, contact: 0 944 635 7607, +91 471 2557607 or e-mail
Engineer (ISSN 0046-1989) is published once a year by the U.S. Army Engineer School and the Maneuver Support Center of Excellence, Doctrine Division, Fielded Force Integration Directorate, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.
Engineer’s Exclusive Current Affairs MADE EASY
Engineer’s Exclusive Current Affairs magazine is prepared to address the needs of Engineering Services, State Services, SSC exams and other competitive examinations. The magazines are published quarterly and covers the current issues – national as well as international affairs which are of importance from examination point of view. The yearly last issue of the series is an Annual issue which covers all important news and events of the entire year.
English Essay
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in “English Essay” exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
English Grammar And Usage
“Today English has almost become indispensable in India and abroad, as it is considered to be a standard, international language of communication across the globe. Hence, learning this language has become a necessity, irrespective of one’s age, sex, colour or race.
English Grammar And Usage is an altogether different and unique book for understanding and learning the language easily and quickly by writing and speaking innumerable readymade sentences given in the book on each topic of Grammar, without actually studying English Grammar in detail and without the help of one’s own mother tongue.
There are different types of Sentence Structures available in the book in the easiest possible forms that make it very user-friendly and interesting for readers of all age groups, especially the student section, who wish to know the language correctly and thoroughly.
The book is a result of insistent and practical research of around18 years by the author, when he was in the Solomon Public School accompanied by a number of teachers at various levels, and compiled together as one comprehensive book. Read on to find more…
English Language for Competitive Exams
English Language is the most important and inseparable part of almost each and every competitive exam. The present book “English Language For Competitive Exams” has been specially published keeping in mind the competitions’ point of view. The book is especially useful for the aspirants of various exams conducted by the UPSC, SSC, PSCs, Banks, Railways, Army, Navy, Air Force, and many entrance exams where MCQs in English Language paper form an essential part of the exam. The book covers almost all aspects of English Language, Grammar and Usage with exercises in Multiple-Choice form of question-answers. The book comprises numerous questions in exhaustive exercises to test your knowledge and learning of English Language, and to provide ample scope for practice to prepare well for the competitive exams. The book will definitely prove to be a boon to competitive exam-aspirants, inquisitive students, and other readers in sharpening their knowledge of English Language and prepare themselves well for a Magnificent Success in their respective competitive exams for entrance and recruitment.
English Reading Comprehension
Nowadays, almost all the academic and competitive examinations feature this test with varied lengths, forms and levels of difficulty. This volume will help all those readers who wish to appear in various entrance and recruitment examinations such as IBPS/SBI-Bank PO/MT, Clerks, MBA, CAT, NDA, CDS, UPSC, SSC etc. and other examinations being conducted in India. This book is an ideal tool for students, teachers, executives – indeed, anyone eager to improve the speed, comprehension and quality of their reading. In the present volume, there are 225 selected passages. The volume starts with simple and easy-to-comprehend passages. Readers will be able to answer questions of initial passages with great ease. The level of difficulty gradually rises as they delve deeply into the volume. More difficult passages have been appended at the end of the volume. This style has been adopted so as to enable the readers to have maximum practice in a planned manner to prepare for their respective exams perfectly well.