Showing 401–450 of 618 results
Naturopath Magazine
The practice of Naturopathy is based on a belief in the body’s ability to heal itself through fixing pathologies internally. Diagnosis and treatment programs use complementary healthcare modalities and methods which may promote the body’s natural ability to heal.
Naturopaths focus on a Holistic whole body approach, often completely avoiding the use of surgery and drugs. Naturopaths aim to prevent illness through stress reduction and changes to diet and general lifestyle.
Naturopath modalities include Herbal medicine, Applied Kinesiology, Acupuncture, Colonic therapies, Cranial Osteopathy, Hydrotherapy, Manipulative Therapy, Iridology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Public Health awareness, Massage Therapy and various other forms of bodywork such as Rolfing.
Did you know that about 25 percent of the drugs prescribed worldwide are derived from plants? Of the 252 drugs in the World Health Organization’s essential medicine list, 11 percent are exclusively of plant origin.
Today, herbal plants are used to treat a number of health conditions, including allergies, arthritis, migraines, fatigue, skin infections, wounds, burns, gastrointestinal issues and even cancer. These herbs are less expensive and they’re a safer means of treatment than conventional medications, which is why so many people are choosing to go back to this traditional idea of medicine.
Herbal medicine has its roots in every culture around the world. Herbal medicine uses the plant’s seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark or flowers for medicinal purposes. Benefits of Herbal Medicine
They have a holistic approach and aid in proper absorption and digestion
They are not disease specific but act as a preventive medicine that positively affects the overall health and well-being by boosting the immune system
They are at par with allopathic medicines and are at times known to be effective in treating diseases like cancer and autoimmune diseases
They are self-contained and nutritive in nature, therefore, are non-toxic and harmless
This book contains details of more than 150 herbal plants, their family, property, benefits and uses.
Read the book and start deriving holistic benefits the herbal plants offer for the whole family.
Navgujarat Samay Health
NGS Health is a gujarati supplement by navgujarat samay published weekly. The supplement’s topics range from diet to dealing with life issues such as relationships and stress and diseases. Additionally, offers eauty tips, various food recipes, and articles that can encourage people to be happy and healthy.
Neeleshwari is a bilingual monthly magazine of the Siddha Yoga Path. Drawing inspiration from this Sadhana tool to practice Siddha Yoga teachings and implementing them into their daily lives, seekers receive guidance for establishing a deeper connection with their own inner happiness.
Each month Neeleshwari focuses on one Siddha Yoga practice like Meditation, Mantra, Silence, Dakshina, etc.
Neeleshwari provides us an opportunity to study, practice, assimilate and implement the Guru’s teachings.
Neeleshwari includes transformative experiences of Siddha Yoga students that reveal the power of Siddha Yoga practices in their daily lives.
Inspiring stories and quotations from this tool help us move forward in our Sadhana.
New Ladies Health Guide (Hindi)
The book is a solution for all your beauty and health related issues. E.g. – raw chest, short stature, hair loss, facial deficiencies, menstrual abnormalities, etc.
New Zealand Fitness
New Zealand Fitness is New Zealand’s leading fitness magazine. Now in 25th year, the publication has built up a strong market presence.
Our goal is to keep readers informed about fitness, nutrition, sports events and healthy lifestyle options. We pride ourselves on in-depth stories relevant to our readers. Many of our features focus on personalities and motivation, with stories about real people who have changed their lives through fitness and nutrition. Our brand statement “live the lifestyle” is an encouragement to our readers to look after themselves and make the best of opportunities, through health and exercise. This is based on an holistic approach to fitness including physical, mental and spiritual well-being.We have a team of internationally qualified editorial advisers including Paul Chek, Jeni Pearce,Greg Doherty and Dr Igor Borisov.
New You is the premier national publication focusing on the world of beauty, cosmetic enhancement and anti-aging medicine. New You Magazine features cutting edge articles that are groundbreaking, informative, and scientific. Each issue of New You brings something unique: the truth about innovative cosmetic procedures and anti-aging therapies, what to hope for, what to expect, and who to go to; all presented in an elegantly designed magazine with stories about real patients, real doctors and real results
NEXUS is a bi-monthly alternative news magazine covering health breakthroughs, future science and technology, suppressed news, free energy, religious revisionism, conspiracy, the environment, history and ancient mysteries, the mind, UFOs, paranormal and the unexplained.
NEXUS Magazine is not affiliated with any political, religious or spiritual groups or organisations whatsoever, and has been published since 1986. The magazine is on sale in shops across Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, UK, France, Italy, Holland, Greece, Poland, Croatia, Japan, Romania, Serbia and Russia.
Nirmal Noor
It was the year 2005 when ‘Nirmal Noor’ was started under the leadership of Ek Onkar Charitable Trust. It has not only spread awareness among the people of Punjab but also in whole India and even in the many countries of the world. As all of us know that the world is facing the crisis of Global Warming and environment pollution. Nirmal Noor is helping in bringing the people close to the nature, through its articles we aware the people in the field of environment, education, sports and religion. It gives knowledge regarding all aspects in a very simple and dignified manner. It is published after 3 months with new topics, things and many more.
सन 1979 जब निरोगधाम पत्रिका का प्रकाशन शुरू किया गया था तब में अखिल भारतीय स्तर पर कोई कोई भी स्वस्थ्य पत्रिका प्रकाशित नहीं हिती थी | देशवासियों में स्वस्थ्य के प्रति रूचि और जागरूकता नहीं थी और न ही स्वस्थ्य के विषय में जानकारी क्योकि स्कूल और कॉलेज में स्वस्थ्य एवं शरीर-विज्ञान विषय पढ़ने की वयवस्था नहीं थी, अभी भी नहीं है | देशवासियों को शारीरिक, मानसिक और चारित्रिक स्वस्थ्य और उचित आहार – विहार की प्रति एवं चेतना उत्पन्न करने के उद्देश्य से एस पत्रिका का प्रकाशन शुरू किया गया था | यह एक साहसिक कदम था जो हमने ईश्वर के प्रति भरोसे और बलबूते पर उठाया था इसिलिय शुरू के 5 – 6 वर्ष अत्यंत कठिन संघर्ष के रहे पर ईश्वर की कृपा से हमारा परिश्रम सफल हुआ और आज यह पत्रिका देश के कोने कोने तक ही नहीं बल्कि विदेशो में भी पहुच रही है | यूं तो निरोगधाम की सफलता और लोकप्रियता से प्रभावित हो कर गत 2-3 वर्षो से कई प्रकाशन स्वास्थ्य पत्रिकाएँ प्रकाशित करने लगे हैं पर इससे निरोगधाम की प्रसार संख्या और लोकप्रियता में कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ा है | इसका मुख्य कारण है एस पत्रिका की सेवाभावी निति, श्रेष्ठ एवं लाभप्रद पाठ्य सामग्री, पाठको के प्रति निष्ठा और ग्लैमर से भरे एस ज़माने में रंगीन तड़क-भड़क से रहित सादगीपूर्ण ढंग से प्प्रमादित जानकारी की प्रस्तुति |
यह एक ऐसी स्वास्थ्य पत्रिका है जो एक स्वस्थ्य रक्षक और मार्गदर्शक की तरह, विभिन्न पहलुओं से कई तरह की स्वास्थ्य-सम्बन्धी जानकारियां देकर स्वाश्थ्य की रक्षा करने, रोगों से बचने और रोग हो जाए तो उससे निर्वित होने के उपाय बताती है | यह एक ऐसी हितैषी मित्र की तरह है जो सदैव अपने हित की ही बात करती है, आपके हित के उपाय बताती है और आपके आनंद – मंगल की कामना करती है | यह बात याद रखने योग्य है की स्वाश्थ्य रहने के लिए सिर्फ सरीर का ही बलवान होना काफी नहीं होता बल्कि मान और आत्मा का भी मल, विक्षेप तथा आवरण से रहित होकर पवित्र और निर्विकार होना जरुरी होता है | अतः यह पत्रिका सिर्फ शरीर के विषय में ही नही, मन और आत्मा के विषय में भी चर्चा करती है क्योकि मन से स्वास्थ्य, निर्विकार ऑफ़ पवित्र रहने पर ही हमारा शारीर स्वास्थ्य और निरोग रह सकता है | यही वजह है की निरोगधाम में सिर्फ जड़ी बूटियों, नुस्खो और कायचिकित्सा का विवरण ही नहीं बल्कि मन, आत्मा इंद्रियों, बुद्धि, विवेक, निति अदि से सम्बंधित गूढ़ विषयों पर भी सरल भाषा और रोचक शैली में काफी सामग्री प्रस्तुत की जाती है |
पत्रिका के प्रायः हर पृष्ट पर कोष्ठक (बॉक्स) में जो विचार शुत्र दिए जाते हैं वे भुत सारगर्भित, संक्षिप्त और सरल भाषा में गहरी बात प्रस्तुत करने वाले होते हैं जुन्हे पढ़ कर आप अच्छे विचार करने की प्रेरणा और सामग्री प्राप्त क्र सकते हैं ताकि अपकर विचारशीलता, बौद्धिकता और जानकारी बढ़ सके | एन विचार शुत्रों को आप बार -बार पढ़े, इन पर मनन करें तो आपकी चिंतनशक्ति बढ़ेगी, बुद्धि तीव्र होगी और आपके सामान्य ज्ञान का विकास होगा जिससे आप दैनिक जीवन में आहार – विहार, आचार-विचार, कार्य एवं कार्यक्रमों के के बारे में उचित निर्णय ले सकेंगे जो की सफल सुखी और स्वस्थ्य जीवन जीने में सहायक सिद्ध होगा | इलाज करने की अपेक्षा बीमारी से बचाव करना अच्छा होता है कि क्योकि आजकल दवा इलाज करना भुत महगा हो गया है |
आपके और आपके परिवार के सभी सदस्यों के मानसिक, शारीरिक और आत्मिक स्वास्थ्य से सम्बंधित समस्यायों के लिए सदभावना और निष्ठा के साथ उचित विवरण प्रस्तुत करने की भरपूर कोशिश यह पत्रिका करती रहती है | एस उद्देश्य की पूर्ति के लिए, कई स्थायी स्तंभों के माध्यम से कई प्रकार की हितकारी व् उपयोगी बातें सरल, सुबोध और रोचक शैली में यह पत्रिका आपसे कहती है | आप इससे ध्यान पूर्वक पढ़ें, इसका मनन करें और उपयोगी ज्ञान को यथाशक्ति ग्रहण कर अमल में लें तो सहायक जानकारी आपकी सेवा में प्रश्तुत करना एस पत्रिका की निति है और इसको प्रकाशित करने का उद्देश्य भी है जैसे कि शास्त्र का कहना है
Nirogikaya is a health magazine in Hindi Language. In this issue, carious Health benefits of eating Almonds is described. Hope you will like this issue and share it with your friends. To read more such articles on Health in simple Hindi language kindly visit
அலர்ஜி, காய்ச்சல், தலைவலி, வயிற்றுவலி, வாய்ப்புண், பன்றிக்காய்ச்சல், எலிக்காய்ச்சல்… போன்றவை எவ்வாறு ஏற்படுகின்றன? அவற்றைத் தவிர்ப்பதும் தடுப்பதும் எப்படி? உடல் ஆரோக்கியத்துக்கு என்னென்ன தாதுச் சத்துகள் தேவை? அவற்றைப் பெற சாப்பிடவேண்டிய உணவுகள் எவை? எவற்றைத் தவிர்க்கவேண்டும்? நம் வீட்டில் அவசியம் இருக்க வேண்டிய புத்தகம் இது.
Nspire Magazine
Nspire Magazine “The Spirit of Living in the Pacific Northwest” is a full color high quality magazine created to bring you the essence of the Northwest.
In every issue you’ll enhance your culinary options with recipes from the regions top chefs. Explore great outdoor adventures and getaways as our talented team of writers and photographers capture stunning photography bringing you front and center to the beauty of the region.
Our home section will open the doors to beautiful homes and unique architecture, providing ideas for decorating and craftsmanship.
Nspire will also introduce you to local artists, offer fitness tips, organic gardening techniques, and healthy foods.
Live Nspired.
Nuffoods Spectrum
NuFFooDS Spectrum covers Nutrition, Nutraceutical, Functional Foods, Dietary Supplements. It is an integrated B2B media platform for the Nutritional and nutraceutical industry covering Nutrition, Functional Foods & Beverage, Dietary Supplements, Ingredients and allied sectors.
The Monthly print issue of NuFFooDS Spectrum will cover in-depth stories on business and market, research and development stories in the nutrition, nutraceutical, Functional Foods, Dietary Supplements and Ingredients industry. Besides, it will cover news, trends and analysis, business and investment opportunities, technology breakthroughs, product features and event listings, quick insights about the Industry on regular basis. Whereas the online edition will cover the above all at regular intervals with daily updates on the industry.
Nuggets Of Nostalgia
A budding film director and a wannabe film producer are in need of a movie script that can upsurge the box office. The would -be director approaches a novice but promising writer who writes a romantic story for the film. The story portrays childhood love and lost friendship. It is a touching story of a group of four childhood friends and girlfriends who are separated due to various reasons. Years later the protagonist attempts to track down his companions and this forms the background of the story. The protagonist who is a now renowned doctor easily forgets his early love for the sake of his career. But finally he understands that the real meaning of success lies in contentment.
Nursing Update
Nursing Update is a monthly magazine and the mouthpiece of the Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa, which has a membership base in excess of 85 000 nurses.
Apart from keeping our readers in the nursing fraternity informed about the latest news, developments and happenings in the world of nursing, which is ever-changing, Nursing Update is also a lifestyle magazine.
NW Fitness Magazine
The Northwests Premier Fitness Publication. The authority on Northwest Fitness. Health, fitness, exercise, bodybuilding, northwest, washington, oregon, competition, diet, nutrition, training, motivation, transformations, event calendars, reviews, products, services, experts, trainers, coaches, teams,
Odyssey Magazine
Odyssey Magazine, founded in 1977, is the foremost, long-standing holistic and conscious living magazine in South Africa, publishing four print editions annually. Available on this platform as a Digimag, Odyssey Magazine explores all aspects of holistic living, the joy of living authentically, integrative approaches of complementary modalities, living consciously, metaphysics, the intuitive arts, our integral connection with nature and the earth, spirituality and the mysteries beyond; providing a phenomenal promotional platform for our advertisers and contributors. Odyssey is available as both a digital and print magazine by subscription. The print edition is available on the shelves at Pick n Pay, Spar, Clicks, selected Exclusive Books stores and independent stockists countrywide. To find out more:
OMTimes Magazine
OMTimes Media is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness, and personal empowerment. A philanthropic organization, their net proceeds are funneled to support worldwide charity initiatives via Humanity Healing International. Through their commitment to creating community and providing conscious content, they aspire to uplift humanity on a global scale.
OMTimes – Co-Creating a More Conscious Lifestyle.
On The Rise
With colorectal cancer on the rise among young adults (>50), The Colon Club’s annual magazine, “On The Rise,” provides unparalleled prevention, awareness and support, featuring in depth layouts of young adult colorectal cancer (CRC) survivors, their scars and journeys. These young adults are unfortunately faced with unique obstacles, which can sometimes become taboo and “On The Rise” is not afraid to address – infertility, bathroom issues, mental health, sex and intimacy, genetics, careers and school, clinical trials, body image and ostomy. Knowledge is power and “On The Rise” is changing the perception of colorectal cancer and how we, as a society, educate and raise awareness!
The Colon Club is a national 501c3 (tax ID: 06-1690953)
Optician India Digital Edition
Option India Magazine is a First of its kind Digital Magazine for the Optical Industry, Retailers and
The content strategy of the magazine is to showcase what’s trending in eyewear fashion, business, manufacturing, optometry and ophthalmic trade. There are a lot of initiatives being taken by the magazine to discuss issues and raise awareness among opticians to improve on their business practices and consumers to raise eye awareness.
Optimum Nutrition
ION’s quarterly printed magazine is an essential read for anyone wanting to understand more about the role of nutrition and exercise in health and disease.
Our mission is to be the number one platform for America’s eco-community through the power of digital media. Our goal is to not only inform consumers of ways to live green, but to inspire readers to live well in a life of complete bliss sustainably. Our premiere issue is filled with numerous tips on how we can Make America Green Again! You don’t want to miss a single article in our very first digital publication.
Outdoor Fitness Adventure
Welcome to Outdoor Fitness magazine, the first UK lifestyle magazine to take a seriously adventurous approach to getting you fitter, by tapping into nature’s gym. It’s crammed full of expert training advice to get you fitter, faster and stronger than ever before.
Over 100 Fat-Free Recipes
The book offers recipes of dishes that are nutritious as well as low in calories and high on taste. This book takes readers on a journey of culinary experimentation with different recipes that can then be incorporated into a healthy lifestyle. The recipes are divided into four sections: *Vegetable Dishes *Meat and Poultry Dishes *Seafood Dishes and *Desserts. These calorie-counted recipes will help you maintain a Diet and Nutrition that includes various types of food, ensuring all your nutritional requirements are met.
This magazine is designed to inform, educate and inspire women of all ages about the joys and benefits of fitness, proper nutrition, health and resistance training. It will help you acquire a sound body and clear mind to achieve an energy-filled, stress-free lifestyle and empowered self-image
Oxygen Magazine Australia
Your ultimate guide to the invigorating world of women’s fitness.
This magazine is designed to inform, educate and inspire women of all ages about the joys and benefits of fitness, proper nutrition, health and resistance training. It will help you acquire a sound body and clear mind to achieve an energy-filled, stress-free lifestyle and empowered self-image.
Ozark Mountain Yoga, Mindful Living Magazine
Ozark Mountain Yoga, Mindful Living Magazine is a unique, free, media-rich, interactive, electronic publication featuring a wide range of yoga and conscious living topics related to the greater Ozark’s region . Receptive to any and all contributors, article content includes all manner of conscious living topics and in a variety of written and digital media formats. These range from organic farming articles to whitewater kayaking video to hidden Buddhist monastery pictorials to yoga teacher presentations . This magazine offers a chance for all to share in the hidden gem’s of the Ozark’s and to increase awareness of the expanding natural and healthy living community.
Palm Beach Cannabis
At Palm Beach Cannabis, our aim is to increase awareness of consumer, industry, and political issues while helping cast aside some of the stigmas and myths of cannabis. We are dedicated to bringing you the latest news, emerging research, and trends through an insightful network of contributors, leading industry experts and visionaries.
For more information, contact us at Follow us @PBCMag on Instagram.
Patanjali Aastangik Yoga
Yog sootra par yah pustak lekhak svaamee ramesh chandr shukl dvaara praagaitihaasik granth patanjali ke ashtaang yog se sankalit kee gaee hai, jisaka ullekh upanishad mein kiya gaya hai, jo patanjali ne apane svayan ke aadamee ke lie yog abhyaas ko punarsthaapit karane ke lie kiya tha. patanjali sootr ke lekhak the. sootr mein keval aavashyak shabdon ka upayog kiya jaata hai. akasar poorn vaaky-sanrachana nahin hotee hai. sootr aise samay mein rache gae the, jab kitaaben nahin theen. poore kaam ko yaad kiya jaana tha aur ise jitana sambhav ho sake vyakt kiya jaata tha. yah pustak sankshep mein yah bataatee hai ki patanjali ke sootr ya patanjali ke ashtaang yog ya aath guna path kee naitikata ko aatmasaat karake ek uddeshyapoorn jeevan kaise kiya jae. ashtaang yog ke nimnalikhit aath ang hain- 1- yam 2- niyam 3- aasan 4- praanaayaam 5- pratyaahaar 6- dhaarana 7- dhyaan 8- samaadhi ye aath kadam hamaare svabhaav ke aadhyaatmik pahaloo kee or dhyaan dete hai. prastut pustak ko saral evan spasht banaane ka poorn prayaas kiya gaya hai. adhyaatm samajhane mein yah pustak avashy hee laabhadaayee prateet hogee.
Pathways Magazine
Mind, Body, Spirit & Environmental articles and resources in the Washington DC Metro area since 1978.
Peace Of Mind
Peace of mind does not just mean soothing, your mind. It also does not mean escaping ,into a dream world. It means your most effective involvement in a real world. In fact, peace of mind greatly increases our intellectual power and enables us to think rationally and in a better way. Hari Dutt Sharma has written this book in a unique poetic style that could be termed as Elated Prose which makes it most interesting for you. It tells you how peace of mind can be attained through fighting the negative emotions like anger, jealousy, hatred and greed etc. Compounded with its simplicity and down-to- earth approach, it leads you to discover the enemies of peace and leads you to attain inner peace.
Perfect Health – Body Diet & Nutrition
Life is not a mathematical equation of do’s and don’ts. Rather it is an intricate adjustment of opposing forces of good health and ailments that represent living a life. The road to good health entails living with moderation in habits and attitudes. Now say goodbye to illness and disease; power yourself with energy and stamina, experience perfect health & fitness and at the same time boost the efficiency of body’s immune system and its ability to cleanse itself of toxins. Perfect Health: Body, Diet & Nutrition is a manual on how to feed your body type scientifically with human touch and make it run efficiently and with a happier outlook. It also teaches you all about food and nutrition and what you should eat or avoid to attain disease- free perfect health. The set of 4 Books – Perfect Health: The Complete Guide for Body & Mind is only not meant to just create awareness about the mind and emotions and will teach you how to work your way to fitness and attain true health. This amazing 4- book set is an epitome of health insurance.
Perfect Health – Fitness & Slimming
Perfect Health: Fitness &Slimming deserves a place on every person’s bookshelf. The ideas given in this book about fitness, Yoga, cycling, running, swimming, etc. Are although not new , yet they emphasise points that allow you to eat sensibly to lose weight and maintain that permanently.
Perfect Health – Health Hazards & Cure
Life is not a mathematical equation of do’s and don’ts. Rather it is an intricate adjustment of opposing forces of good health and ailments that represent living a life. The road to good health entails living with moderation in habits and attitudes. Now say goodbye to illness and disease; power yourself with energy and stamina, experience perfect health & fitness and at the same time boost the efficiency of body’s immune system and its ability to cleanse itself of toxins. Perfect Health: Health Hazards & Cure helps you incrase the odds of balancing physical and mental health with bold, broad approach explained through medically up-to-the-minute body examinations related to heart blood pressure, kidney, breast, diabetes mammogram, cancer, etc. The book completely demystifies prevents, stabilises and yes reverses various diseases. The set of 4 Books – Perfect Health: The Complete Guide for Body & Mind is only not meant to just create awareness about the mind and emotions and will teach you how to work your way to fitness and attain true health. This amazing 4- book set is an epitome of health insurance
Perfect Health – Stress & Alternative Therapies
Life is not a mathematical equation of do’s and don’ts. Rather it is an intricate adjustment of opposing forces of good health and ailments that represent living a life. The road to good health entails living with moderation in habits and attitudes. Now say goodbye to illness and disease; power yourself with energy and stamina, experience perfect health & fitness and at the same time boost the efficiency of body’s immune system and its ability to cleanse itself Perfect Health: Stress & Alternative Therapies discusses stress anxiety depression insomnia and emotions their etiology effects and management and shortlists very simple techniques to slow the accelerator speed of the central nervous system through Yoga, Meditation, Reiki, Massage, Hypnotherapy, Colourtherapy, Aromatherapy, T’ai Chi Ch’ uan, Acupressure and other relaxation techniques. The set of 4 Books – Perfect Health: The Complete Guide for Body & Mind is only not meant to just create awareness about the mind and emotions and will teach you how to work your way to fitness and attain true health. This amazing 4- book set is an epitome of health insurance.
PETnVET is a bimonthly magazine on pets. PET’n’VET contains technical articles, product up-to-date, new techniques implemented worldwide, interviews with famous industry personalities, technical & general news related to the pet industry. Our medical articles are always reviewed by a veterinarian before publication, so readers can trust they are getting the most accurate and expert information available.
Pharma Turkey
Pharma Turkey: Eylül 2012 ayında Türkçe-İngilizce olarak yayın hayatına başlayan dergi, sadece eczanelerde satılan kozmetiklerle ilgili yayın yapmaktadır.
PhillyFIT Magazine is a news magazine with emphasis on health, fitness and leisure. Our publication is printed bi-monthly, distributing to more than 600 locations in the Philadelphia, Bucks, Montgomery, Chester and Delaware Counties.
PhillyFIT Magazine is also the host of the famous PhillyFIT Bash and Workout-A-Thon!
PHYSIOTIMES – India’s first magazine for physiotherapists, of physiotherapists, by physiotherapists.
PHYSIOTIMES is a one of its kind publication that aims towards identifying the unmet need for information in the field of physiotherapy & make concentrated efforts to address those needs by providing latest & useful contents, thereby helping the physiotherapists in enhancing their knowledge & clinical skills.
It is a bi-monthly magazine that covers latest topics in the field of physiotherapy, new treatment modalities & techniques, Case Reports, Indian & Global News & Events, Seminars, Conferences, Information on International Journals & Publications, Book Reviews, and Interviews of stalwarts in the field of Physiotherapy from India & abroad, evidence based practices etc.
At PHYSIOTIMES, we are committed to providing our readers with a worthy reading experience. We shall continue to strive hard to make sure that we are able to serve the information needs in the field of physiotherapy with utmost precision and attention.
Physique Global
Physique Global Magazine is a health, fitness, biohacking, and lifestyle magazine
Piedmont Parent
Magzter description: Piedmont Parent is a media resource group that publishes a free monthly magazine, annual guides, a website and digital newsletters for parents in the Triad area of North Carolina, which includes Winston-Salem, Greensboro, High Point and surrounding communities.
Pilates Style
Pilates Style® is the first and only magazine dedicated to the practice and lifestyle of Pilates. More than just a fitness magazine, Pilates Style brings you informative, newsworthy coverage of all things Pilates. Our magazine includes everything from exclusive workouts from the world’s best instructors to expert tips for performing and teaching to the latest innovations in apparatus and products.
Pilates Style serves the entire community—beginners, advanced students, apprentices, professionals, studio owners, manufacturers, retailers, health clubs—and brings you the latest Pilates- and fitness-related news, trends and services as well as the hottest new workout clothes, beauty products and style tips.
Why you’ll love it: Pilates Style is on a mission to help you achieve any fitness goal you desire, be it washboard abs, stress relief or even injury recovery. PS talks to the industry’s top experts to bring you proven workouts that will make you look—and feel—your best. But more importantly, Pilates Style talks to their readers, bringing you Pilates success stories, tried-and-true advice from pros to pros, and so much more. Come join the community today!
Planet Wizard
Planet Wizard is a media publishing company revolutionizing the health care Information sharing space with a forward thinking, edgy and globally minded vibe to promote a healthy global
populace. We are inspired by changing the old health system narrative from sickcare to healthcare by educating the community on better healthcare practices.
Pregnancy Made Comfortable With Yoga & Dietetics
This unique and must read book by Nishtha Saraswat is the only one of its kind that deals with pregnancy related problems with the help of unique combination of yoga and dietetics, two of the most relevant subjects in today`s social context. The effort has been put behind understanding various stages involved in pregnancy in a simple and easy to understand manner. The stress has been laid on providing practical solutions to the common problems faced by women before, during and after pregnancy. A combination of yogic exercises, meditation and special menu plans has been recommended keeping in mind the needs of Indian women. The book has been divided into various sections for ease of reference. The extensive use of pictures, tables, illustrations and testimonials lends practicality to the book and makes it user-friendly. The book aims at becoming a complete reference manual during the journey from planning pregnancy to getting back in a healthy shape post pregnancy. Aspiring mothers will find this book indispensable in their daily lives. Regular reference and usage of the book during pregnancy will ensure that pregnancy becomes a comfortable and pleasant experience for all women.
Prestige Hong Kong – REVIVE
REVIVE is Prestige’s definitive guide to wellness in the city. Launched at the start of 2021, the issue brings together the leading voices in the various sectors of fitness, health, nutrition and spiritual wellbeing, to help kickstart your journey to a healthier, happier you.
Prevention – Walking for Weight Loss
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