Showing 751–800 of 3787 results

El Dorado by Baroness Emmuska Orczy Orczy

SKU: 6235989716696

here has of late years crept so much confusion into the mind of the student as well as of the general reader as to the identity of the Scarlet Pimpernel with that of the Gascon Royalist plotter known to history as the Baron de Batz, that the time seems opportune for setting all doubts on that subject at rest.

Elizabeth Ann’s Houseboat by Josephine Lawrence

SKU: 9788184305645

A collection of fiction stories written by Josephine Lawrence for girls, ‘Elizabeth Ann’s Houseboat’ was first published in the year 1929. ““I don’t see why we have to hurry,” protested Elizabeth Ann.
She wanted to get out and see what kind of a flower was growing in the middle of the large field on the right hand side of the road. Lex had declared that for once he couldn’t stop. Usually Lex did just as Elizabeth Ann asked him to—Cousin Nellie said that both Lex and Uncle Doctor always did as Elizabeth Ann asked.” -an excerpt

Elizabeth Her Folks by Barbara Kay

SKU: 9788184305325

Barbara Kay is a pseudonym for Ethel May Keller.

Elmer Gantry by Sinclair Lewis

SKU: 9788184305526

A 1927 novel by Sinclair Lewis, ‘Elmer Gantry’ is a satirical novel. It is one of those few works by Lewis that presents aspects of the religious activity of America in fundamentalist and evangelistic circles and the attitudes of the 1920s public toward it. The novel’s protagonist, Dr. Elmer Gantry, is initially attracted by booze and easy money and chasing women. After various forays into evangelism, he becomes a successful Methodist minister despite his hypocrisy and serial sexual indiscretions.

Elson Grammar School Literature v4 by William H. Elson and Christine M. Keck

SKU: 9788184306049

“This book is designed to furnish reading material of choice literary and dramatic quality. The selections for the most part are those that have stood the test of time and are acknowledged masterpieces. The groupings into the separate parts will aid both teachers and pupils in the classification of the material, indicating at a glance the range and variety of the literature included.” -Introduction

Emily Fox-Seton by Frances Hodgson Burnett

SKU: PB-02020-05-0308

Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett was a British-American novelist and playwright. She is best known for the three children’s novels Little Lord Fauntleroy, A Little Princess, and The Secret Garden. Frances Eliza Hodgson was born in Cheetham, Manchester, England.

Emma  by Jane Austen

SKU: 9788184306297

First published in the year 1815, the present victorian novel ‘Emma’ by famous novelist Jane Austen is about youthful hubris and the perils of misconstrued romance. The central character of the story, Emma, is spoiled, headstrong, and self-satisfied; she greatly overestimates her own matchmaking abilities; she is blind to the dangers of meddling in other people’s lives; and her imagination and perceptions often lead her astray.

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1 by Various

SKU: 6235989715147

ANDROS, SIR EDMUND (1637-1714), English colonial governor in America, was born in London on the 6th of December 1637, son of Amice Andros, an adherent of Charles I., and the royal bailiff of the island of Guernsey. He served for a short time in the army of Prince Henry of Nassau, and in 1660-1662 was gentleman in ordinary to the queen of Bohemia (Elizabeth Stuart, daughter of James I. of England). He then served against the Dutch, and in 1672 was commissioned major in what is said to have been the first English regiment armed with the bayonet. In 1674 he became, by the appointment of the duke of York (later James II.), governor of New York and the Jerseys, though his jurisdiction over the Jerseys was disputed, and until his recall in 1681 to meet an unfounded charge of dishonesty and favouritism in the collection of the revenues, he proved himself to be a capable administrator, whose imperious disposition, however, rendered him somewhat unpopular among the colonists. During a visit to England in 1678 he was knighted.

Endymion  by Benjamin Disraeli

SKU: 9788184306338

It was a rich, warm night, at the beginning of August, when a gentleman enveloped in a cloak, for he was in evening dress, emerged from a club-house at the top of St. James’ Street, and descended that celebrated eminence. He had not proceeded more than half way down the street when, encountering a friend, he stopped with some abruptness.
“I have been looking for you everywhere,” he said.
“What is it?”
“We can hardly talk about it here.”
“Shall we go to White’s?”
“I have just left it, and, between ourselves, I would rather we should be more alone. ‘Tis as warm as noon. Let us cross the street and get into St. James’ Place. That is always my idea of solitude.” -An excerpt

England, My England by DH Lawrence

SKU: 9788184306282

First published in the year 1922, the present book ‘England, My England’ is a collection of short stories written by DH Lawrence. Many of these stories were written against the background of WW1.

English Grammar in Familiar Lectures by Samuel Kirkham

SKU: 9788184305040



English Hours by Henry James

SKU: 6235989716078

There is a certain evening that I count as virtually a first impression,—the end of a wet, black Sunday, twenty years ago, about the first of March. There had been an earlier vision, but it had turned to grey, like faded ink, and the occasion I speak of was a fresh beginning.

English Law and the Renaissance by Frederic William Maitland

SKU: 9788184305992

First published in the year 1901, famous English jurist and historian Frederic William Maitland’s present book ‘English Law and the Renaissance’ is a Rede lecture that the latter wrote to James Bradley Thayer, LL.D. Professor of Law at Harvard University.

English Literature by William J. Long

SKU: 9788184305505

This book, which presents the whole splendid history of English literature from Anglo-Saxon times to the close of the Victorian Era, has three specific aims. It is an useful and interesting guide for the students as well as teachers of English literatre, specially European and American.

English Synonyms and Antonyms by James Champlin Fernald

SKU: 9788184305037

English Synonyms and Antonyms is basically a vocabulary builder that students might use as they prepare for entrance or exit exams. Each entry gives a list of synonyms, followed by a paragraph that briefly explains or exemplifies the subtle distinctions between the listed words. The entries sometimes close with a few words on the prepositions that follow selected synonyms, but more often with a list of antonyms.

Enoch Soames: A Memory of the Eighteen-Nineties by Max Beerbohm

SKU: 9788184306326

“When a book about the literature of the eighteen-nineties was given by Mr. Holbrook Jackson to the world, I looked eagerly in the index for Soames, Enoch. It was as I feared: he was not there. But everybody else was. Many writers whom I had quite forgotten, or remembered but faintly, lived again for me, they and their work, in Mr. Holbrook Jackson’s pages. The book was as thorough as it was brilliantly written. and thus the omission found by me was an all the deadlier record of poor Soames’s failure to impress himself on his decade.” -an excerpt


SKU: PP-02020-0003-25

This is a collection of pithy sayings of Mahatma Gandhi on various subjects and important issues for rapid reference. The compiler has selected a few thousand epigrams from Gandhiji’s voluminous writings. The epigrams have been arranged alphabetically and the source of each epigram is given below it.

Equality by Edward Bellamy

SKU: BP-2020-005-0057

Looking Backward was a small book, and I was not able to get into it all I wished to say on the subject. Since it was published what was left out of it has loomed up as so much more important than what it contained that I have been constrained to write another book. I have taken the date of Looking Backward, the year 2000, as that of Equality, and have utilized the framework of the former story as a starting point for this which I now offer. In order that those who have not read Looking Backward may be at no disadvantage, an outline of the essential features of that story is subjoined:

Equinoctial Regions of America V1 by Alexander von Humboldt

SKU: 9788184306562

“Prior to the travels of Humboldt and Bonpland, the countries described in the following narrative were but imperfectly known to Europeans. For our partial acquaintance with them we were chiefly indebted to the early navigators, and to some of the followers of the Spanish Conquistadores. The intrepid men whose courage and enterprise prompted them to explore unknown seas for the discovery of a New World, have left behind them narratives of their adventures, and descriptions of the strange lands and people they visited, which must ever be perused with curiosity and interest.”

Equinoctial Regions of America V2 by Alexander von Humboldt

SKU: 9788184306563

“Prior to the travels of Humboldt and Bonpland, the countries described in the following narrative were but imperfectly known to Europeans. For our partial acquaintance with them we were chiefly indebted to the early navigators, and to some of the followers of the Spanish Conquistadores. The intrepid men whose courage and enterprise prompted them to explore unknown seas for the discovery of a New World, have left behind them narratives of their adventures, and descriptions of the strange lands and people they visited, which must ever be perused with curiosity and interest.”

Equinoctial Regions of America V3 by Alexander von Humboldt

SKU: 9788184306564

“Prior to the travels of Humboldt and Bonpland, the countries described in the following narrative were but imperfectly known to Europeans. For our partial acquaintance with them we were chiefly indebted to the early navigators, and to some of the followers of the Spanish Conquistadores. The intrepid men whose courage and enterprise prompted them to explore unknown seas for the discovery of a New World, have left behind them narratives of their adventures, and descriptions of the strange lands and people they visited, which must ever be perused with curiosity and interest.”

Erdgeist (Earth-Spirit): A Tragedy in Four Acts by Frank Wedekind

SKU: 6235989715208

(At rise, is seen the entrance to a tent, out of which steps an animal-tamer, with long, black curls, dressed in a white cravat, a vermilion dress-coat, white trowsers and white top-boots. He carries in his left hand a dog-whip and in his right a loaded revolver, and enters to the sound of cymbals and kettle-drums.)

Erewhon; Or, Over the Range by Samuel Butler

SKU: 9788184305456

Erewhon: or, Over the Range’ is a novel by Samuel Butler which was first published anonymously in 1872. Erewhon is a fictional country in the story, which is discovered by the protagonist. Butler meant the title to be read as “nowhere” backwards even though the letters “h” and “w” are transposed, as it would have been pronounced in his day. The book is a satire on Victorian society.

Eric; Or, Little by Little by F. W. Farrar

SKU: 6235989715367

She looked up from her work after he had gone, and sighed. In spite of the sunshine and balm of the bright weather, a sense of heaviness and foreboding oppressed her. Everything looked smiling and beautiful, and there was an almost irresistible contagion in the mirth of her young cousin, but still she could not help feeling sad. It was not merely that she would have to part with Eric, “but that bright boy,” thought Fanny, “what will become of him? I have heard strange things of schools; oh, if he should be spoilt and ruined, what misery it would be. Those baby lips, that pure young heart, a year may work sad change in their words and thoughts!” She sighed again, and her eyes glistened as she raised them upwards, and breathed a silent prayer.

Ernest Bracebridge: School Days by William Henry Giles Kingston

SKU: 6235989715388

It was a half-holiday. One of our fellows who had lately taken his degree and passed as Senior Wrangler had asked it for us. He had just come down for a few hours to see the Doctor and the old place. How we cheered him! How proudly the Doctor looked at him! What a great man we thought him! He was a great man! for he had won a great victory,—not only over his fellow-men, not only over his books, by compelling them to give up the knowledge they contained,—but over his love of pleasure; over a tendency to indolence; over his temper and passions; and now Henry Martin was able to commence the earnest struggle of life with the consciousness, which of itself gives strength, that he had obtained the most important of all victories—that over self.

Erotica Romana by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

SKU: 9788184305926

First published in the year 1795, celebrated Romantic age writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s book ‘Erotica Romana’ is a collection of twenty four poems. These poems reflect his Italian Journey from 1786 to 1788 and celebrate the sensuality and vigour of Italian and Classical culture.

Escape Velocity by Charles L. Fontenay

SKU: 6235989715769

Murdering Stein was easy. Kraag waited until Jonner donned his spacesuit and went out to have a personal look at the asteroid. Even then Kraag held his patience, because he wanted Jonner to come back to the ship unsuspecting.
Kraag sat tensely at the back of the control room while Stein, the navigator and communications man, operated the radio. There was a brief period when Stein talked with Marsport, then he got in touch with Jonner. Until Jonner got some distance from the wrecked ship, most of their conversation was an argument.

Essays and Dialogues by Giacomo Leopardi

SKU: 9788184307104

It is said that the first inhabitants of the earth were everywhere created simultaneously. Whilst children they were fed by bees, goats, and doves, as the poets say the infant Jove was nourished. The earth was much smaller than it is at present, and devoid of mountains and hills. The sky was starless. There was no sea; and the world as a whole was far less varied and beautiful than it now is.
—From this book

Essays and Tales by Joseph Addison.

SKU: 6235989715017

The sixty-fourth volume of this Library contains those papers from the Tatler which were especially associated with the imagined character of Isaac Bickerstaff, who was the central figure in that series; and in the twenty-ninth volume there is a similar collection of papers relating to the Spectator Club and Sir Roger de Coverley, who was the central figure in Steele and Addison’s Spectator. Those volumes contained, no doubt, some of the best Essays of Addison and Steele. But in the Tatler and Spectator are full armouries of the wit and wisdom of these two writers, who summoned into life the army of the Essayists, and led it on to kindly war against the forces of Ill-temper and Ignorance. Envy, Hatred, Malice, and all their first cousins of the family of Uncharitableness, are captains under those two commanders-in-chief, and we can little afford to dismiss from the field two of the stoutest combatants against them. In this volume it is only Addison who speaks; and in another volume, presently to follow, there will be the voice of Steele.

Essays Before a Sonata by Charles Ives

SKU: 9788184306915

The Essays Before a Sonata was conceived by Ives as a preface of sorts to the composition. Ives’s musings also explore the nature of music, discuss the source of a composer’s impulses and inspiration, and offer some biting comments on celebrated masters. The writings in this collection—now featuring a comprehensive index-allow readers entry into the brilliant mind that produced some of America’s most innovative musical works.

Essays by Clarence Darrow

SKU: PP-02020-0003-113

Hardy himself had received the censure of all the good people of England and the world, who, in spite of that, bought his books. They all condemned him when he wrote his ‘Tess;’ so he determined not to write any more prose. He thought that people probably were not intelligent enough to appreciate him; certainly not his viewpoint, and he didn’t wish to waste his time on them. —From the Book

Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson

SKU: 9788184305008

A new, wide-ranging selection of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s most influential writings, this edition captures the essence of American Transcendentalism and illustrates the breadth of one of America’s greatest philosophers and poets.

Essays in Little by Andrew Lang

SKU: 9788184307103

In the following essays, five are new, and this volume was written for. He is the author of “Letter for a young journalist”, Mr. Kipling’s study, Homer notes and “The Last Festive Novell” article on Mr. R. L. Stevenson. “Oh, no article on the author of. We never mention him,” appeared in New York Sun, and Mr. Dana had suggested that the journal Thakre and Dickens’s papers were published in Good Word, Which was published in Scriptor’s magazine on Dumus, which was written in The New Quarterly Review in New Theodore de Bevan.
—From this Book

Essays In Pastoral Medicine by Austin O’Malley and James J. Walsh

SKU: 9788184307106

The material of pastoral medicine requires constantly renewed discussion, because medicine in general is progressive enough frequently to devise better methods of diagnosis and treatment, and thus the postulates of the moral questions involved are changed. This discussion, however, is not easily made. The facts upon which the ethical part of pastoral medicine rests are furnished by the physician for the consideration and judgment of the moralist—the physician educated after modern methods knows little or nothing of ethics and can not himself make accurate moral decisions. The moralist, on the other hand, is commonly a poor counsellor to the physician, because long training in medicine is needed before the physical data of the moral decisions is comprehended. The physician, therefore, is at a loss to determine what he may or may not do in {vi} cases that involve the greatest moral responsibility, and the priest is a hesitating guide because the moral theologies do not convincingly present the doctrine in these cases.
—From this book

Essays in Radical Empiricism by William James

SKU: 6235989715081

The present volume is an attempt to carry out a plan which William James is known to have formed several years before his death. In 1907 he collected reprints in an envelope which he inscribed with the title ‘Essays in Radical Empiricism’; and he also had duplicate sets of these reprints bound, under the same title, and deposited for the use of students in the general Harvard Library, and in the Philosophical Library in Emerson Hall.

Essays in Rationalism by Charles Robert Newman

SKU: 9788184307105

In my proof of the invalidity of that argument—it being indeed what is called “the Argument from Design”—I point out that our experience simultaneously informs us of two modes of producing order, otherwise called arrangement, relation of parts to each other and to the whole direction of means towards some recognisable end; or, to describe the phenomenon in the most summary, as well as the most practical, way—two modes of producing effects identical with those that proceed from design. I explain that, of these two principles of order, the one is Design itself, a modus operandi of intelligence (such as we find it here below, of which the human mind affords the best examples), while the other is something to which no name has been assigned, and which, consequently, we can only shortly describe by saying that it is not design.
—From this book

Essays in the Art of Writing by Robert Louis Stevenson

SKU: 9788184307046

Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.

Essays of Michel de Montaigne — Complete by Michel de Montaigne

SKU: 9788184307086

The present publication is intended to supply a recognised deficiency in our literature—a library edition of the Essays of Montaigne. This great French writer deserves to be regarded as a classic, not only in the land of his birth, but in all countries and in all literatures. His Essays, which are at once the most celebrated and the most permanent of his productions, form a magazine out of which such minds as those of Bacon and Shakespeare did not disdain to help themselves; and, indeed, as Hallam observes, the Frenchman’s literary importance largely results from the share which his mind had in influencing other minds, coeval and subsequent. But, at the same time, estimating the value and rank of the essayist, we are not to leave out of the account the drawbacks and the circumstances of the period: the imperfect state of education, the comparative scarcity of books, and the limited opportunities of intellectual intercourse. Montaigne freely borrowed of others, and he has found men willing to borrow of him as freely. From this Book

Essays of Michel de Montaigne by Michel de Montaigne

SKU: 9788184305320

The Essays of Michel de Montaigne are contained in three books and 107 chapters of varying length. Montaigne’s stated design in writing

Essays of Travel by Robert Louis Stevenson

SKU: 6235989716251

I first encountered my fellow-passengers on the Broomielaw in Glasgow. Thence we descended the Clyde in no familiar spirit, but looking askance on each other as on possible enemies. A few Scandinavians, who had already grown acquainted on the North Sea, were friendly and voluble over their long pipes; but among English speakers distance and suspicion reigned supreme. The sun was soon overclouded, the wind freshened and grew sharp as we continued to descend the widening estuary; and with the falling temperature the gloom among the passengers increased. Two of the women wept. Any one who had come aboard might have supposed we were all absconding from the law. There was scarce a word interchanged, and no common sentiment but that of cold united us, until at length, having touched at Greenock, a pointing arm and a rush to the starboard now announced that our ocean steamer was in sight. There she lay in mid-river, at the Tail of the Bank, her sea-signal flying: a wall of bulwark, a street of white deck-houses, an aspiring forest of spars, larger than a church, and soon to be as populous as many an incorporated town in the land to which she was to bear us.

Essays on Paul Bourget by Mark Twain

SKU: 9788184307081

These well-considered and important verdicts were of a nature to restore public confidence, which had been disquieted by questionings as to whether so young a teacher would be qualified to take so large a class as 70,000,000, distributed over so extensive a schoolhouse as America, and pull it through without assistance.—form this book

Essays on the Greek Romances by Elizabeth Hazelton Haight

SKU: 9788184307079

My writing has been greatly facilitated by the cooperation of the staff of the Vassar Library, especially of Miss Fanny Borden, Librarian, who has provided me with a study in the Library, patiently borrowed many books from other libraries for me and shown unfailing interest in my work.—From this book

Essentials of Economic Theory by John Bates Clark

SKU: 9788184307269

In a work on the “Distribution of Wealth,” which was published in 1899, I expressed an intention of offering later to my readers a volume on “Economic Dynamics, or The Laws of Industrial Progress.” Though eight years have since passed, that purpose is still unexecuted, and it has become apparent that any adequate treatment of Economic Dynamics will require more than one volume of the size of the present one. In the meanwhile it is possible to offer a brief and provisional statement of the more general laws of progress.

Ethan Frome  by Edith Wharton

SKU: 9788184306311

First published in the year 1911, the present novel ‘Ethan Frome’ was written by the Pulitzer Prize-winning American author Edith Wharton. It is set in the fictitious town of Starkfield, Massachusetts. The novel is framed by the literary device of an extended flashback. The prologue opens with an unnamed male narrator spending a winter in Starkfield, a fictional town in New England, while in the area on business. He spots a limping, quiet man around the village, who is somehow compelling in his demeanor and carriage.

Etheldreda the Ready: A School Story by Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey

SKU: 6235989715415

The first part of the Christmas holidays had gone with a roar. The Saxon family in conclave agreed that never before had they had so good a time. Invitations poured in; amusement after amusement filled up afternoon and evening; parents and friends alike seemed imbued with a wholly admirable desire to make the season one gay whirl of enjoyment, and then, suddenly, just after the beginning of the New Year, the atmosphere became mysteriously clouded.

Ethics by Aristotle

SKU: 6235989716775

Aristotle’s ethics, or study of character, is built around the premise that people should achieve an excellent character (a virtuous character, “ethikē aretē” in Greek) as a pre-condition for attaining happiness or well-being (eudaimonia).

Etiquette by Emily Post

SKU: 6235989715260

Many who scoff at a book of etiquette would be shocked to hear the least expression of levity touching the Ten Commandments. But the Commandments do not always prevent such virtuous scoffers from dealings with their neighbor of which no gentleman could be capable and retain his claim to the title. Though it may require ingenuity to reconcile their actions with the Decalogue—the ingenuity is always forthcoming. There is no intention in this remark to intimate that there is any higher rule of life than the Ten Commandments; only it is illuminating as showing the relationship between manners and morals, which is too often overlooked. The polished gentleman of sentimental fiction has so long served as the type of smooth and conscienceless depravity that urbanity of demeanor inspires distrust in ruder minds. On the other hand, the blunt, unpolished hero of melodrama and romantic fiction has lifted brusqueness and pushfulness to a pedestal not wholly merited. Consequently, the kinship between conduct that keeps us within the law and conduct that makes civilized life worthy to be called such, deserves to be noted with emphasis. The Chinese sage, Confucius, could not tolerate the suggestion that virtue is in itself enough without politeness, for he viewed them as inseparable and “saw courtesies as coming from the heart,” maintaining that “when they are practised with all the heart, a moral elevation ensues.”