Showing 3651–3700 of 3787 results

Virgin Saints and Martyrs by S. Baring-Gould

SKU: 9788184305353

In the second century Lyons was the Rome of Gaul as it is now the second Paris of France. It was crowded with temples and public monuments. It was moreover the Athens of the West, a resort of scholars. Seated at the confluence of two great rivers, the Rhône and the Sâone, it was a centre of trade. It is a stately city now. It was more so in the second century when it did not bristle with the chimneys of factories pouring forth their volumes of black smoke, which the atmosphere, moist from the mountains, carries down so as to envelop everything in soot.

Virgin Soil by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

SKU: 6235989715642

TURGENEV was the first writer who was able, having both Slavic and universal imagination enough for it, to interpret modern Russia to the outer world, and Virgin Soil was the last word of his greater testament. It was the book in which many English readers were destined to make his acquaintance about a generation ago, and the effect of it was, like Swinburne’s Songs Before Sunrise, Mazzini’s Duties of Man, and other congenial documents, to break up the insular confines in which they had been reared and to enlarge their new horizon. Afterwards they went on to read Tolstoi, and Turgenev’s powerful and antipathetic fellow-novelist, Dostoievsky, and many other Russian writers: but as he was the greatest artist of them all, his individual revelation of his country’s predicament did not lose its effect. Writing in prose he achieved a style of his own which went as near poetry as narrative prose can do. without using the wrong music: while over his realism or his irony he cast a tinge of that mixed modern and oriental fantasy which belonged to his temperament. He suffered in youth, and suffered badly, from the romantic malady of his century, and that other malady of Russia, both expressed in what M. Haumand terms his “Hamletisme.” But in Virgin Soil he is easy and almost negligent master of his instrument, and though he is an exile and at times a sharply embittered one, he gathers experience round his theme as only the artist can who has enriched leis art by having outlived his youth without forgetting its pangs, joys, mortifications, and love-songs.

Virginia of Virginia by Amélie Rives

SKU: 9788184305339

Amélie Louise Rives was born in 1863 in Richmond, Virginia to noted engineer Alfred L. Rives and the former Sadie MacMurdo. The younger son of a titled Englishman emigrates to America to establish a stud-farm in post-Civil War Virginia. He meets and falls in love with the daughter of the farm’s caretaker. She was named after her aunt Amélie, a goddaughter of French Queen Marie-Amélie. She was a goddaughter of Robert E. Lee and a granddaughter of the engineer and Senator William Cabell Rives, who had also been American ambassador to France.

Virginia’s Adventure Club by Grace May North

SKU: BP-2020-005-0203

“Now that the Christmas holidays are over,” Babs remarked on the first Monday evening after the close of the short vacation, “I mean to redeem myself.”
Margaret Selover looked down at the Dresden China girl who, her fluffy golden curls loosened from their fastenings, was wearing a blue corduroy kimona which matched her eyes. Babs sat tailorwise upon the furry white rug close to their grate fire.
Megsy laughed. “Which means?” she inquired as she sat in front of her birds-eye maple dressing table, brushing her pretty brown hair.

Visions and other fantastic stories by Ivan Turgenev

SKU: 6235989715628

Years ago, with special fondness, I hunted near the village of Glinnoje, which is about twenty versts from my estate. It is probably the best hunting area in the whole counties. After searching all the fields and bushes for game, I went regularly to evening evening to the moorland – it was the only moorland in the whole area – and only went from there to my hospitable innkeeper, the village school of Glinnoje, where I in the hunting season always took place. From the moor I had scarcely two versts to go to the village; the path led through a lowland, and only half way up I had to climb over a not very high hill. On this hill is a small country estate, which consists of an uninhabited mansion and a garden. I almost always passed by at sunset, and the house, with the boarded-up shutters, bathed in the rays of the evening sun, always reminded me of a blind old man who had crawled out of his closet to warm himself in the sun.

Voltaire’s Philosophical Dictionary by Voltaire

SKU: 9788184306944

Voltaire’s Philosophical Dictionary is a series of short essays, hortatory and propagandist, over an enormously wide range of subjects. It was deliberately planned as a revolutionary book and was duly denounced on all sides and described as ‘a deplorable monument of the extent to which inteligence and erudition can be abused’.

Voyage to Jupiter by David Morrison and Jane Samz

SKU: 6235989716066

Few missions of planetary exploration have provided such rewards of insight and surprise as the Voyager flybys of Jupiter. Those who were fortunate enough to be with the science teams during those weeks will long remember the experience; it was like being in the crow’s nest of a ship during landfall and passage through an archipelago of strange islands. We had known that Jupiter would be remarkable, for man had been studying it for centuries, but we were far from prepared for the torrent of new information that the Voyagers poured back to Earth.

Walden & Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

SKU: 9788184305270

A discourse on appreciating nature and discovering personal identity, Henry David Thoreau wrote WALDEN, after retreating to a small cabin the woods near Walden Pond. Promoting individual thought, CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE reveals what is still considered essential American political thought.

Walden, and On The Duty Of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

SKU: PB-02020-05-0228

Henry David Thoreau was an American essayist, poet, and philosopher. A leading transcendentalist, he is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, and his essay “Civil Disobedience”, an argument for disobedience to an unjust state.

Wanted: A Cook Domestic Dialogues by Alan Dale

SKU: 9788184306977

We believe this work is culturally important, and have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy

SKU: 6235989715825

War and Peace is a novel by the Russian author Leo Tolstoy. It is regarded as one of the central works of world literature. The novel charts the history of the French invasion of Russia, and the impact of the Napoleonic era on Tsarist society, through the stories of five Russian aristocratic families.

War and the Future: Italy, France and Britain at War by H. G. Wells

SKU: 6235989715270

One of the minor peculiarities of this unprecedented war is the Tour of the Front. After some months of suppressed information—in which even the war correspondent was discouraged to the point of elimination—it was discovered on both sides that this was a struggle in which Opinion was playing a larger and more important part than it had ever done before. This wild spreading weed was perhaps of decisive importance; the Germans at any rate were attempting to make it a cultivated flower. There was Opinion flowering away at home, feeding rankly on rumour; Opinion in neutral countries; Opinion getting into great tangles of misunderstanding and incorrect valuation between the Allies. The confidence and courage of the enemy; the amiability and assistance of the neutral; the zeal, sacrifice, and serenity of the home population; all were affected. The German cultivation of opinion began long before the war; it is still the most systematic and, because of the psychological ineptitude of the Germans, it is probably the clumsiest. The French Maison de la Presse is certainly the best organisation in existence for making things clear, counteracting hostile suggestion, the British official organisations are comparatively ineffective; but what is lacking officially is very largely made up for by the good will and generous efforts of the English and American press. An interesting monograph might be written upon these various attempts of the belligerents to get themselves and their proceedings explained.

War is Kind by Stephen Crane

SKU: 9788184306309

First published in the year 1899, the present book ‘War is Kind’ is a collection of poems by American poet, novelist, and short story writer Stephen Crane. This collection was published less than an year before the author’s death. The title belongs to the first poem in his second poetry collection which is about war and its effects.

Warlord of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs

SKU: 9788184305448

The Warlord of Mars’ is a science fantasy novel by American writer Edgar Rice Burroughs, third in his ‘Barsoom series’. Just like his famous tarzan series, this too got first published in All-Story Magazine. This novel continues where the previous one in the series, ‘The Gods of Mars’ abruptly ended. At the end of the previous book, John Carter’s wife, princess Dejah Thoris, is imprisoned in the Temple of the Sun by the vile pretender goddess Issus. It is said that one has to wait an entire Barsoomian year before the room the prisoner is in revolves back to the entrance.

Warriors of Old Japan, and Other Stories by Yei Theodora Ozaki

SKU: 6235989715492

The kind reception given to “The Japanese Fairy Book” has encouraged me to venture on a second volume of stories from Japan. I have invented none of these stories. They are taken from many different sources, and in clothing them with an English dress my work has been that of adapter rather than translator. In picturesqueness of conception Japanese stories yield the palm to none. And they are rich in quaint expressions and dainty conceits. But they are apt to be written in a style almost too bald. This defect the professional story-teller remedies by colouring his story as he tells it.

Washington and the Riddle of Peac by H. G. Wells

SKU: 6235989715806

These twenty-nine papers do not profess to be a record or description of the Washington Conference. They give merely the impressions and fluctuating ideas of one visitor to that conference. They show the reaction of that gathering upon a mind keenly set upon the idea of an organized world peace; they record phases of enthusiasm, hope, doubt, depression and irritation. They have scarcely been touched, except to correct a word or a phrase here or there; they are dated; in all essentials they are the articles just as they appeared in the New York World, the Chicago Tribune, and the other American and European papers which first gave them publicity. It is due to the enterprise and driving energy of the New York World, be it noted, that they were ever written at all. But in spite of the daily change and renewal of mood and attitude, inevitable under the circumstances, vithey do tell a consecutive story; they tell of the growth and elaboration of a conviction of how things can be done, and of how they need to be done, if our civilization is indeed to be rescued from the dangers that encompass it and set again upon the path of progress. They record—and in a very friendly and appreciative spirit—the birth and unfolding of the “Association of Nations” idea, the Harding idea, of world pacification, they note some of the peculiar circumstances of that birth, and they study the chief difficulties on its way to realization. It is, the writer believes, the most practical and hopeful method of attacking this riddle of the Sphinx that has hitherto been proposed.

Washington Square by Henry James

SKU: 6235989715124

During a portion of the first half of the present century, and more particularly during the latter part of it, there flourished and practised in the city of New York a physician who enjoyed perhaps an exceptional share of the consideration which, in the United States, has always been bestowed upon distinguished members of the medical profession. This profession in America has constantly been held in honour, and more successfully than elsewhere has put forward a claim to the epithet of “liberal.” In a country in which, to play a social part, you must either earn your income or make believe that you earn it, the healing art has appeared in a high degree to combine two recognised sources of credit.

Waverley; Or, ‘Tis Sixty Years Since by Walter Scott

SKU: 9788184305744

A historical drama novel by famous writer Sir Walter Scott, ‘Waverley; Or, ‘Tis Sixty Years Since’ was first published in the year 1814.

Webster & Tourneur by Cyril Tourneur and John Webster

SKU: 9788184306972

This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. We believe this work is culturally important, and have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.

Wee Ones’ Bible Stories by Anonymous

SKU: 6235989716593

Jesus had chosen twelve out of the many who flocked about Him wishing to be His disciples, and these twelve were called apostles. He sent them forth to preach the gospel, giving them power to cast out evil spirits and to heal diseases; and when they were about to go forth upon their mission, He gave them instructions regarding what they were to do, and warned them of the persecutions which would be heaped upon them. He also bade them be strong and not fear those who had power to kill the body only, because the soul was far more precious. So the apostles went out into the cities and towns and preached the word of God and carried blessing with them.