Showing 3501–3550 of 3787 results

Things To Make by Archibald Williams

SKU: 6235989715255

To encourage readers to “use their hands” the following chapters have been written. The subjects chosen provide ample scope for the exercise of ingenuity and patience; but in making my selection I have kept before me the fact that a well-equipped workshop falls to the lot of but a few of the boys who are anxious to develop into amateur craftsmen. Therefore, while the easiest tasks set herein are very easy, the most difficult will not be found to demand a very high degree of skill, or more than a very moderate outlay on tools. I may say here that I have been over the ground myself to find out its difficulties for my readers, and that I made an engine similar to that described in Chapter XV (the most elaborate mechanism included in the book) with very simple tools. Some of the items which I had on my original list were abandoned, because they presupposed the possession of comparatively expensive machines.

Thirty Years a Slave by Louis Hughes

SKU: PB-02020-05-0335

“Thirty Years a Slave” by Louis Hughes. Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read.

This Country of Ours by H. E. Marshall

SKU: 9788184305988

First published in the year 1917, the present book ‘This Country of Ours’ by American historian and writer H. E. Marshall is a book on the history of the United States. It begins with a full account of the English exploration and settlement of North America and ends with the presidency of Woodrow Wilson.

This Freedom by A.S.M. Hutchinson

SKU: 9788184305521

Arthur Stuart-Menteth Hutchinson, commonly known by his initials A. S. M. Hutchinson, was a British novelist. ‘This Freedom’ is his mystery novel.
“[…]Rosalie’s earliest apprehension of the world was of a mysterious and extraordinary world that revolved entirely about her father and that entirely and completely belonged to her father. Under her father, all males had proprietory rights in the world and dominion over it; no females owned any part of the world or could do anything with it. All the males in this world—her father, and Robert and Harold her brothers, and all the other boys and men one sometimes saw—did mysterious and extraordinary things; and all the females in this world—her mother, and Anna and Flora and Hilda her sisters, and Ellen the cook and Gertrude the maid—did ordinary[…]”.

This Side of Paradise by F Scott Fitzgerald

SKU: 9788184306291

One of the most celebrated English novelist F Scott Fitzgerald’s novel ‘This Side of Paradise’ was first published in the year 1920. book examines the lives and morality of post–World War I youth. Its protagonist, Amory Blaine, is an attractive Princeton University student who dabbles in literature. The novel explores the theme of love warped by greed and status seeking.

This Was Bapu – Compiled by R. K. Prabhu

SKU: PP-02020-0003-87

This description is apocryphal and one of pure imagination. Gandhiji did not ask the scavengers to give up their work, nor was there a single day when the latrines were not cleaned. We, some of the teachers and students, in our impatience did demolish a permanent latrine because Gandhiji happened to remark that the structure was old- fashioned, insanitary and hopeless. He had neither the time nor the occasion to carry pots of the night-soil on his head. I do not mean to say that he would not have done it. He had done it on many occasions in jails in South Africa. He did it along with us, inmates of the ashram, for long periods, but we never carried the pots on our heads. We had better methods.
In the anecdote 25, the following sentence is attributed to Gandhiji: “Whether it is my Gurudev or anybody, my eating goes on.” I think it unlikely that Gandhiji could have referred to Tagore as “my Gurudev”. In Shantiniketan we all referred to the Poet as “Gurudev”. Gandhiji loyally followed the practice and always referred to the Poet as “the Gurudev”, just as the latter referred to him as “the Mahatma”. “My Gurudev”, just does not represent the natural attitude of Mahatma Gandhi. There is an element of irreverent familiarity and possessiveness in the word “my” which was foreign to it.

Thought Power by Sri Swami Sivananda

SKU: PP-02020-0003-04

This instructive book carries in itself a life-transforming value. None who reads it, with the needed interest and attention, will ever feel inclined to remain unchanged in personal nature and untransformed in conduct and character. A good deal of careful judgment and confidence would assist us in asserting that no one who reads this work, will fail to resist the readiness to make of his own will a Power that alters and exalts his own life and destiny. The work is fraught with implicit guidance for turning our personalities into forces of compelling influence and charm, and for rendering our lives into so many grand stories of the epic unfoldment of the Divine Truth we enshrine, the Divine Light we bear, and the Divine perfection we hold in our inner being.

Thought Vibration : The Law of Attraction in the Thought World by William Walker Atkinson

SKU: 6235989716682

From the Preface: ‘IN December, 1901, William Walker Atkinson in assuming the editorship of the popular magazine New Thought, introduced himself to the readers of that periodical in a memorable article. That article contained a clear, ringing, forceful statement of his individual creed, than which nothing can afford a deeper insight into the character and inner self of the man whose name appears as author of this book.’

Thought-Force in Business and Everyday Life by William Walker Atkinson

SKU: PP-02020-0003-01

I trust that my critics will spare themselves the trouble of pointing out my many defects of style and composition – I fully realize these things. I have subordinated everything else, in my endeavor to make this work plain and practical. This is an explanation, not an apology.
With the above understanding between us, I submit this little work to your kind consideration. Whilst fully cognizant of its defects, I still feel that it will be helpful to some of the many who are endeavoring to overcome unfavorable environments, which it may serve as a guidepost, pointing out the past to better things. I feel that it will do its share of the work of removing Fear thought from the minds of men, of replacing “I Can’t” with “I Can and I WILL.” I feel that I must do these things, for it contains within it the germs of a mighty Truth.

Thoughts Are Things by Prentice Mulford

SKU: PP-02020-0003-29

“The God in You” is a collection of essays written by American “New Thought” pioneer Prentice Mulford. The goal of the book is to help the reader to discover how to get to know his inner forces and how to get in touch with the god and its’ spirit using those forces and possibilities from within himself.
Although Prentice Mulford was one of the earliest pioneers of the New Thought teaching, he is still comparatively little known or read in this country, chiefly on account of the high price of the six volumes known as “The White Cross Library,” in which form his Essays are published in America, and it is hoped that this short selection of his Essays will be the means of bringing his teaching within the reach of those especially who are able to purchase only few or inexpensive books.

Thoughts I Met on the Highway by Ralph Waldo Trine

SKU: 9788184306054

The present book ‘Thoughts I Met on the Highway’ is a collection of random thoughts compiled in the form of poetry by renowned English poet-writer Ralph Waldo Trine. This collection was first published in the year 1912.

Thoughts on Art and Life by Leonardo da Vinci

SKU: 9873342561234

A fascinating collection of writings from the great polymath of the Italian Renaissaince, Leonardo da Vinci. There are sections covering the great man’s thoughts on life, art and science. Maurice Baring trawled the available manuscripts to distil da Vinci’s writings on these subjects into a single, accessible tome, which will be of interest to students of da Vinci, the Renaissance and the history of both art and science.

Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex by Sigmund Freud

SKU: 9788184306596

First published in the year 1905, the present book, ‘Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex’ by the father of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud, advanced his theory of sexuality, in particular its relation to childhood. Freud began his first essay, on “The Sexual Aberrations”, by distinguishing between the sexual object and the sexual aim — noting that deviations from the norm could occur with respect to both. The sexual object is therein defined as a desired object, and the sexual aim as what acts are desired with said object.

Three Ghost Stories by Charles Dickens

SKU: 9788184305971

First published in 1859, celebrated English realist novelist and storyteller Charles Dickens’ present book ‘Three Ghost Stories’ is a collection of his three ghost stories.

Three Men by Maxim Gorky

SKU: PB-02020-05-0336

Alexei Maximovich Peshkov, primarily known as Maxim Gorky, was a Russian and Soviet writer, a founder of the socialist realism literary method, and a political activist. He was also a five-time nominee for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Three Minute Stories by Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards

SKU: 9873342561178

This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time

Three Prayers and Sermons by Jonathan Swift

SKU: 9788184306221

“Almighty and most gracious Lord God, extend, we beseech Thee, Thy pity and compassion toward this Thy languishing servant; teach her to place her hope and confidence entirely in Thee; give her a true sense of the emptiness and vanity of all earthly things; make her truly sensible of all the infirmities of her life past, and grant to her such a true sincere repentance as is not to be repented of. Preserve her, O Lord, in a sound mind and understanding during this Thy visitation; keep her from both the sad extremes of presumption and despair.” -An excerpt

Three Thousand Years of Mental Healing by George Barton Cutten

SKU: 9788184305084

The object of this book is to present a general view of mental healing, dealing more especially with the historical side of the subject. The term “mental healing” is given the broadest possible use, and comprehends any cures which may be brought about the effect of the mind over the body, regardless of whether the power back of the cure is supposed to be deity, demons, other human beings, or the individual mind of the patient.

Three Years’ War by Christiaan Rudolf De Wet

SKU: 6235989715691

“By way of introduction to my work I wish, dear reader, to say only this short word: “I am no book-writer.”—But I felt that the story of this struggle, in which a small people fought for liberty and right, is rightly said, throughout the civilized world, to be unknown, and that it was my duty to record my personal experiences in this war, for the present and for the future generations, not only for the Afrikander people, but for the whole world.” -Preface

Thrift by Orison Swett Marden

SKU: 6235989716562

The term thrift is not only properly applied to money matters, but to everything in life — the wise use of one’s time, the wise use of one’s ability, one’s energy, and this means prudent living, careful habits of life. Thrift is scientific management of one’s self, one’s time, one’s affairs, one’s money, the wisest pos- sible expenditure of what we have of all of life’s resources.

Throne-Makers by William Roscoe Thayer

SKU: 6235989715810

Since 1789 every European people has been busy making a throne, or seat of government and authority, from which its ruler might preside. These thrones have been of many patterns, to correspond to the diversity in tastes of races, parties, and times. Often, the business of destroying seems to have left no leisure for building. In England alone have men learned how to remodel a throne without disturbing its occupant; as we in America raise or move large houses without interrupting the daily life of the families who dwell in them.
To portray the personality of some of the conspicuous Throne-Makers of the century is the purpose of the following studies. I have wished to show just enough of the condition of the countries under review to enable the reader to understand what Bismarck, or Napoleon III, or Kossuth, or Garibaldi, achieved. I have been brief, and yet I trust that this method has afforded scope for exhibiting that influence of the individual on the multitude which—however our partial science may try to belittle it—was never more strikingly illustrated than by such careers as these in our own time.

Through the Brazilian Wilderness by Theodore Roosevelt

SKU: 9788184307253

The official and proper title of the expedition is that given it by the Brazilian Government: Expedicao Scientifica Roosevelt- Rondon. When I started from the United States, it was to make an expedition, primarily concerned with mammalogy and ornithology, for the American Museum of Natural History of New York. This was undertaken under the auspices of Messrs. Osborn and Chapman, acting on behalf of the Museum. In the body of this work I describe how the scope of the expedition was enlarged, and how it was given a geographic as well as a zoological character, in consequence of the kind proposal of the Brazilian Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, General Lauro Muller. In its altered and enlarged form the expedition was rendered possible only by the generous assistance of the Brazilian Government. Throughout the body of the work will be found reference after reference to my colleagues and companions of the expedition, whose services to science I have endeavored to set forth, and for whom I shall always feel the most cordial friendship and regard.

Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll

SKU: 6235989715063

One thing was certain, that the white kitten had had nothing to do with it:—it was the black kitten’s fault entirely. For the white kitten had been having its face washed by the old cat for the last quarter of an hour (and bearing it pretty well, considering); so you see that it couldn’t have had any hand in the mischief.

The way Dinah washed her children’s faces was this: first she held the poor thing down by its ear with one paw, and then with the other paw she rubbed its face all over, the wrong way, beginning at the nose: and just now, as I said, she was hard at work on the white kitten, which was lying quite still and trying to purr—no doubt feeling that it was all meant for its good.

Through the Magic Door  by Arthur Conan Doyle

SKU: 9788184305677

Serialized in early 1900s, ‘Through the Magic Door’ reveals Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s interests in literary genres as well as the names of the books that he readd. It sometimes appears like a conversational article.

Through these Eyes The courageous struggle to find meaning in a life stressed with cancer by Lauren Ann Isaacson

SKU: 9788184306923

Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts. We have not used OCR (Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad quality books with introduced typos. In books where there are images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc we have endeavoured to keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the original artefact. We believe this work is culturally important and have elected to bring the book back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide.

Through Unknown Tibet by M. S. Wellby

SKU: 6235989715312

Those who have experienced the charms of a nomad’s life, will, I trust, be once more reminded of happy days of freedom, will sympathise with us in our difficulties, and share the pleasures which they alone can appreciate. Should others, by chance, find some little interest in perusing these pages, and be tempted to taste for themselves the sweets of wandering through little known lands, they will be recompensed for doing so, and I shall have found my reward.

Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche

SKU: 9788184305303

Thus Spoke Zarathustra’ is a philosophical novel by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. It is composed in four parts. Much of the work deals with ideas such as the “eternal recurrence of the same”, the parable on the “death of God”, and the “prophecy” of the Übermensch, which were first introduced in ‘The Gay Science’.

Thuvia, Maid of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs

SKU: PB-02020-05-0215

Thuvia, Maid of Mars is a science fantasy novel by American writer Edgar Rice Burroughs, the fourth of the Barsoom series. The principal characters are Carthoris and Thuvia of Ptarth, each of whom appeared in the previous two novels.

Ticket No. “9672” by Jules Verne

SKU: 6235989715426

“What time is it?” inquired Dame Hansen, shaking the ashes from her pipe, the last curling rings from which were slowly disappearing between the stained rafters overhead.
“Eight o’clock, mother,” replied Hulda.
“It isn’t likely that any travelers will come to-night. The weather is too stormy.”
“I agree with you. At all events, the rooms are in readiness, and if any one comes, I shall be sure to hear them.”
“Has your brother returned?”
“Not yet.”
“Didn’t he say he would be back to-night?”
“No, mother. Joel went to take a traveler to Lake Tinn, and as he didn’t start until very late, I do not think he can get back to Dal before to-morrow.”
“Then he will spend the night at Moel, probably.”
“Yes; unless he should take it into his head to go on to Bamble to see Farmer Helmboe.”
“And his daughter Siegfrid.”
“Yes. Siegfrid, my best friend, whom I love like a sister!” replied the young girl, smiling.

Tiger and Tom and Other Stories for Boys by Various

SKU: 6235989715089

The day was pleasant, in that particularly pleasant part of summer time, which the boys call “vacation,” when Tiger and Tom walked slowly down the street together.

You may think it strange that I mention Tiger first, but I assure you, Tom would not have been in the least offended by the preference. Indeed, he would have told you that Tiger was a most wonderful dog, and knew as much as any two boys, though this might be called extravagant.

Nearly a year ago, on Tom’s birthday, Tiger arrived as a present from Tom’s uncle, and as the dog leaped with a dignified bound from the wagon in which he made his journey, Tom looked for a moment into his great, wise eyes, and impulsively threw his arms around his shaggy neck.

Timaeus by Plato

SKU: PB-02020-05-0211

Timaeus is one of Plato’s dialogues, mostly in the form of a long monologue given by the title character Timaeus of Locri, written c. 360 BC.

Time and Change by John Burroughs

SKU: 6235989715109

I suspect that in this volume my reader will feel that I have given him a stone when he asked for bread, and his feeling in this respect will need no apology. I fear there is more of the matter of hard science and of scientific speculation in this collection than of spiritual and aesthetic nutriment; but I do hope the volume is not entirely destitute of the latter. If I have not in some degree succeeded in transmuting my rocks into a kind of wholesome literary bread, or, to vary the figure, in turning them into a soil in which some green thing or flower of human interest and emotion may take root and grow, then, indeed, have I come short of the end I had in view.

Time and the Gods by Lord Dunsany

SKU: 6235989715083

These tales are of the things that befell gods and men in Yarnith,
Averon, and Zarkandhu, and in the other countries of my dreams.

Time and Time Again by James Hilton

SKU: 9788184305574

Time and Time Again’ is a 20th century novel by James Hilton, an English novelist. It is a story of a modest 20th century hero of his times. Bright with wit and incident by a master storyteller, it mounts to a startling , but credible climax.

Time Out of Mind by Rachel Field

SKU: 9788184305556

Lost Horizon’ is a 1933 novel by English writer James Hilton. It is best remembered as the origin of Shangri-La, a fictional utopian lamasery high in the mountains of Tibet. While attempting to escape a civil war, four people are kidnapped and transported to the Tibetan mountains. After their plane crashes, they are found by a mysterious Chinese man. He leads them to a monastery hidden in “the valley of the blue moon” — a land of mystery and matchless beauty where life is lived in tranquil wonder, beyond the grasp of a doomed world.

Time Regained by Marcel Proust

SKU: PB-02020-05-0232

Time Regained the final volume of “In Search of Lost Time,” begins in the bleak and uncertain years of World War I. Years later, after the war’ s end, Proust’ s narrator returns to Paris and reflects on time, reality, jealousy, artistic creation, and the raw material of literature– his past life.

Tinker’s Dam by Joseph Tinker

SKU: 9788184307153

The call on the TV-phone came right in the middle of my shaving. They have orders not to call me before breakfast for anything less than a national calamity. I pressed “Accept,” too startled to take the lather from my face.

“Hi, Gyp,” George Kelly said to me from the screen. “Hurry it up, boy.” He made no reference to my appearance on his screen. “Quit draggin’ your feet!”

This I take from George Kelly. First of all, he’s Director of the F.B.I. Even more important, he’s my boss. “Hey, George,” I protested, knowing he would not have called on a routine matter. “I got up before breakfast as it is. What’s up?” I hardly needed to ask. When they call me, it’s always the same sickening kind of trouble.

Titanic by Filson Young

SKU: 6235989715088

I will not conceal his parts, nor his power, nor his comely proportion.
His scales are his pride, shut up together as with a close seal.
One is so near to another, that no air can come between them.
They are joined one to another, they stick together, that they cannot be sundered.
Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out.
Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron.
His breath kindleth coals, and a flame goeth out of his mouth.
The flakes of his flesh are joined together; they are firm in themselves; they cannot be moved.

Titian by S. L. Bensusan

SKU: 6235989715092

TITIAN VECELLI, undeniably the greatest Venetian painter of the Renaissance, leaps into the full light of the movement. To be sure he appears full-grown, as Venus is said to have done when she appeared above the foam in the waters of Cythera, or Pallas Athene when she sprang from the brain of Zeus, but happily he was destined to live to a great age.
We have few and scanty records to tell of the very early days. So wide was his circle of patrons in after life, so intimate his acquaintance with the leading men of his generation, that it is not difficult to find out what manner of man he was without the aid of his pictures, even though they have a very definite story to tell the painstaking student.

To Have and to Hold by Mary Johnston

SKU: 6235989715264

THE work of the day being over, I sat down upon my doorstep, pipe in hand, to rest awhile in the cool of the evening. Death is not more still than is this Virginian land in the hour when the sun has sunk away, and it is black beneath the trees, and the stars brighten slowly and softly, one by one. The birds that sing all day have hushed, and the horned owls, the monster frogs, and that strange and ominous fowl (if fowl it be, and not, as some assert, a spirit damned) which we English call the whippoorwill, are yet silent. Later the wolf will howl and the panther scream, but now there is no sound. The winds are laid, and the restless leaves droop and are quiet. The low lap of the water among the reeds is like the breathing of one who sleeps in his watch beside the dead.

To the Last Man by Zane Grey

SKU: 6235989715257

Even to-day it is not possible to travel into the remote corners of the West without seeing the lives of people still affected by a fighting past. How can the truth be told about the pioneering of the West if the struggle, the fight, the blood be left out? It cannot be done. How can a novel be stirring and thrilling, as were those times, unless it be full of sensation? My long labors have been devoted to making stories resemble the times they depict. I have loved the West for its vastness, its contrast, its beauty and color and life, for its wildness and violence, and for the fact that I have seen how it developed great men and women who died unknown and unsung.

To the Lighthouse by  Virginia Woolf 

SKU: BP-2020-005-0075

To the Lighthouse is a 1927 novel by Virginia Woolf. The novel centres on the Ramsay family and their visits to the Isle of Skye in Scotland between 1910 and 1920.

Told After Supper by Jerome K Jerome

SKU: 9788184306414

“It was Christmas Eve.
“I begin this way because it is the proper, orthodox, respectable way to begin, and I have been brought up in a proper, orthodox, respectable way, and taught to always do the proper, orthodox, respectable thing; and the habit clings to me.
“Of course, as a mere matter of information it is quite unnecessary to mention the date at all. The experienced reader knows it was Christmas Eve, without my telling him. It always is Christmas Eve, in a ghost story,
“Christmas Eve is the ghosts’ great gala night. On Christmas Eve they hold their annual fete. On Christmas Eve everybody in Ghostland who IS anybody—or rather, speaking of ghosts, one should say, I suppose, every nobody who IS any nobody—comes out to show himself or herself, to see and to be seen, to promenade about and display their winding-sheets and grave-clothes to each other, to criticise one another’s style, and sneer at one another’s complexion.” -Introduction

Tolstoy by Romain Rolland

SKU: 9788184305032

Romain Rolland’s biography of Tolstoy is both a tribute to its great subject and an assessment of his work. Rolland, who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1915, was profoundly affected by Tolstoy’s writing and particularly concerned with Tolstoy’s conceptions of art.

Tom and Some Other Girls: A Public School Story by Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey

SKU: 6235989715417

A plaintive sob greeted his words from the neighbourhood of the sofa. For once in her life Mrs Chester’s kindly, good-tempered face had lost its smiles, and was puckered up into lines of distress. She let one fat, be-ringed hand drop to her side and wander restlessly over the satin skirt in search of a pocket. Presently out came a handkerchief, which was applied to each eye in turn, and came away bedewed with tears.

Tom Grogan by Francis Hopkinson Smith

SKU: 9788184306453

The present fiction novel ‘Tom Grogan’ was written by Francis Hopkinson Smith. It was first published in the year 1896. It was the best selling book in the United States that year. Prior to its full fledged publication, it was also serialized in ‘The Century Magazine’ starting in December 1895.

Tom Sawyer Abroad by Mark Twain

SKU: PB-02020-05-0218

Tom Sawyer Abroad is a novel by Mark Twain published in 1894. It features Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn in a parody of adventure stories like those of Jules Verne.