Showing 1051–1100 of 1827 results
Science Spin
An independent science magazine presenting science in a way that is accessible, relevant and interesting to all readers. Coverage of science extends from astronomy to zoology, and features are written with both general public and specialists in mind.
Science Spin was established in 2003 to provide an independent platform for reporting on science. Science Spin takes a local view of science both at home and abroad, and in this way it is different from international magazines.
Science Uncovered
In Science Uncovered, leading scientists from around the globe explain how the world around you works. It is packed with fascinating insights into space, nature, the human body, engineering, and technology, all brought to life with stunning photographs and illustrations.
“La marque qui éclaire le quotidien.
La science est partout, elle fait partie de notre quotidien. Science & Vie redonne la parole à la science et éclaire notre futur.”
Sciencecity is A Monthly Science Magazine that looks in to the field of Science, Computer , Mobile, & Technology. It deals with topic of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Zoology , Astronomy , Botany, & Various Other scientific fields. It keeps us updated about latest inventions in the field of computer & mobile technology also it discusses about the various issues in Life sciences. The Magazine regularly Gives a biography of a famous scientist. it gives statistical information about any one of the countries of the world. it traverses in to the past & gives us historical information about a person or an event.
Scientific Computing
Scientific Computing provides focused coverage of software and related hardware technologies for the scientific and engineering communities, highlighting the latest applications, best practices and integration strategies that can aid in advancing research and in delivering quality results better, faster and cheaper. Key coverage areas include informatics, data analysis, integration and big data. Full-featured Scientific Computing and HPC Source e-magazines offer immediate interaction through audio, video and rich-media pages. Free subscriptions for these digital magazines, as well as the NewsWire daily e-newsletter, are available at, where you can also find new product announcements, in-depth expert commentary and educational webcasts.
Scientific India
It provides a comprehensive look into the latest
science news in the world of science. Its subscription includes 6 print and 6 digital issues.
Scienze Kids
Scienze Kids is the first magazine for kids aged 7 to 11 years old entirely dedicated to science and great discoveries. Planets, atmospheric phenomena, the human body and everything you need to know to discover the world around us. Plus lots of experiments, puzzles and curiosities! Scienze Kids è la prima rivista per ragazzi dai 7 agli 11 anni interamente dedicata alla scienza e alle grandi scoperte. Pianeti, fenomeni atmosferici, corpo umano e tutto quello che c’è da sapere per scoprire il mondo che ci circonda. In più, tanti esperimenti, enigmi e curiosità !
Shaikshanik Sandarbh
A bimonthly magazine for school teachers on science and education, Sandarbh means ‘context’, and carries articles on various topics in Science and Education. These articles are meant to be a resource primarily for middle and high school teachers and students, who teach and learn in Hindi. The articles are usually in an informal style, and as far as possible are free of jargon. The magazine also serves as a means of communication between teachers across the country who write about their classroom experiences, activities and experiments that have worked and failed. Articles submitted to Sandarbh are often in Hindi, though many of them are in English and other languages as well, and are translated for publication.