Showing 1101–1150 of 1827 results
Solid State-High School
This e-book is about the solid state of matter. Solids are classified into crystalline and amorphous based upon the order of arrangement of particles.
The Solid State, Classification of Solids on the Basis of Nature of Order, Polymorphs, Classification of Crystalline Solids on the Basis of Intermolecular Forces, Some Important Characteristics of Various types of Crystals, Determination of Structure of Solids by X-ray Diffraction, Crystal Lattice/Bravais Lattice /Space Lattice, The Seven Crystal Systems, Bravais Unit Cells, Geometry of a Cube , Contribution of an Atom to the Unit cell Present at Its Different Sites, Types of Unit Cell, Relation between Edge length (a) and the Radius of Sphere (r) in Different Types of Cubic Unit for Pure Elements, Density of the Crystal, Packing of Constituent Particles in Crystal, Interstices or Voids or Holes in Crystals, Ionic Crystal, Assertion Reasoning Type of Questions, Imperfection or Defects in Crystals, Stoichiometric Defects, Impurity Defects, Properties of Solids, Superconductivity
Space Magazine
Get the latest outer space and science news, NASA information, View exclusive solar system Images, latest astronomy.
Space Magazine offers you the most exciting, visually stunning, and timely coverage of the heavens above. Each monthly issue includes expert science reporting, vivid color photography, complete sky coverage, spot-on observing tips, informative telescope reviews, and much more!
The quality of science material available in our country is mediocre which acts as a barrier in making science popular. This has also hindered the process of development of a scientific temper in people. As a solution to this , Srote a monthly science magazine was started in 1989. Srote is a weekly feature service on topics in science and technology for newspapers and magazines. Efforts are made to present news from all over the world in a simple language . Delivered to over 350 subscribers, each news snippet and feature article in Srote is picked up approximately five times. The weeklies are then compiled as a magazine each month.