221B is a bimonthly crime fiction and culture magazine that was first published in Turkey on January 2016. 221B is not just a crime fiction magazine; it is also a crime culture magazine. 221B is committed to handling various subjects regarding universal and local crime fiction including crime narratives, comic books, academic research, film & TV and book reviews, author interviews and of course short stories.

Crime fiction reaches a wider group of readers and audiences all over the world with each passing day. But how well do we know about the crime narratives of other countries and cultures? Beyond the works that are translated to our language or the ones in English that we can read and watch, what other crime fiction works are read or watched in other cultures? How can talented crime fiction writers from foreign countries meet with crime readers in various countries of the world? How can we make sure that significant academicians who carry out research in crime fiction can reach out to people interested in crime fiction from all over the world?

With all these questions in mind, 221B team decided to publish an English Edition of 221B Magazine which will meet its readers quarterly. And our first issue in English is out!



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