Africa Tamil Charal
This Tamil magazine is run by Tamil Association TYCA (TAMIL YOUTH CULTURAL ASSOCIATION) of Kinshasa, D.R.Congo. This magazine is in print version also, in circulation, free of cost, only among the members of the Association. The object of this magazine is nothing but to taste and let others taste the sweetness of the longest surviving classical languages in the world TAMIL. Each and every articles of this magazine is written by the members of this association, those who have got the love and passion towards the language Tamil. This magazine is the landmark in the activities of the Association. In fact , It is made by the members of the Association of the members of the Association and for the members of the Association. Now, we have decided to circulate to the Tamil Readers of the world. Hence, this uploading is done. Thanks to for making this possible.
Language |
Tamil |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
Monthly |
Publication Country |
India |
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