Navneet Samarpan

Navneet Samarpan Magazine is a Gujarati Magazine from India, published by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. The magazine is devoted to life, literature and culture. The Gujarati magazine caters to the affluent people of Gujarat and has become an integral part of their families. The magazine enjoys impressive growth record and a wide readership across India. It also has an extended coverage of various historical temples, articles from Indian epics and real life experiences. Navneet Samarpan has earned a credibility and respect, rarely enjoyed by other magazines. It also discusses about various topics such as spirituality, meditation, yoga, etc.
Many outstanding poets, short story writers and thinkers, contribute to it. Republishing articles from Samarpan has become a usual feature in several Gujarati papers and magazines.
The Navneet Samarpan is published in Gujarati on 1st of every month i.e. 12 issues a year.
Editor : Shri Deepak Doshi
Editorial & Administrative Office:
Navneet Samarpan
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
Kulapati Dr. K. M. Munshi Marg,
Mumbai 400 007.
Phone: 022-23631261 / 23634462
Fax No: 022-23630058



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