One-Act Play Collection 015
Here, in our 15th collection, are 10 One Act Plays for your enjoyment. They range from the mid-1600s to the early 1900s, from outright farce to bittersweet relationships, all short gems to make you laugh, cry, think, or all three. NOTE: Although the plays here were all published before 1923 and hence are in the Public Domain in the U.S., Moeller died in 1958 while the death dates for Postgate, Crandall, and Bornstead are unknown. Their plays may not yet be in the Public Domain in some countries.. – Summary by ToddHW Cast lists: 1. Re-Taming of the Shrew: A Shakespearean Travesty in One Act by John W. Postgate (?-?). BC for this play is ToddHW Petruchio, a Mad-cap Ruffian Tamed by Marriage: Larry Wilson Angelo, Stern Magistrate Softened by Matrimony: Tomas Peter Duke of Illyria, Sentimental Lover Turned Meek Husband: James R. Hedrick Othello, Fierce Black General Under Sway of his Wife: Wayne Cooke Macbeth, Scottish Chieftain Fond of the Barley Bree: Alan Mapstone Grumio, Reformed Sevant of Petruchio: ToddHW Katherine, Leader in Woman’s Rights Movement: WendyKatzHiller Mariana, Formerly Despondent Lady of the Moated Grange: Jenn Broda Viola, Patience on a Monument Prior to her Marriage: Joanna Michal Hoyt Desdemona, Becomes Suffragist after Eloping with the Moor: Annie Mars Lady Macbeth, Strong-minded Caustic Wife of Witch-ridden Macbeth: mleigh Stage Directions: awonski 2. The Jealousy of Le Barbouille by Moliere, translated by Charles Heron Wall (1836-1905). BC for this play is ToddHW Le Barbouill?, husband to Ang?lique: Joanna Michal Hoyt Gorgibus, father to Ang?lique: Alan Mapstone Val?re, lover to Ang?lique: Tomas Peter Ang?lique: awonski Cathau, maid to Ang?lique: Sonia Villebrequin: Kelly S. Taylor The Doctor: ToddHW La Vall?e: Greg Giordano Stage Directions: Larry Wilson 3. A Photographic Fix by Frederic Hay. BC for this play is SonOfTheExiles Michael Angelo Chrome: ToddHW Ebenezer Staggers: Andrew James Bob Cropp: Son of the Exiles Miss Diana Duff: Availle Miss Caroline Cropp: Sonia Stage Directions: WendyKatzHiller 4. Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady by J.R. Planche (1796-1880). BC for this play is ktaylor07 King Charles II of Spain Matea Bracic Duchess de Torreneuva Kelly S. Taylor Ruy Gomez cavaet Leonora Elise Dee Marquis de Santa Cruz Andrew James Guzman Greg Giordano Pedro Adrian Stephens Lopez Larry Wilson Page Adrian Stephens Stage Directions Tchaikovsky 5. The Roadhouse in Arden by Philip Moeller (died 1958). BC for this play is mleigh Master Hamlet, the keeper of the inn: Greg Giordano Mistress Cleopatra Hamlet, his wife: mleigh Master Robin Goodfellow Hamlet, their son: Scotty Smith Mistress Immortality: Jenn Broda Sir Francis B., a literary man from London: David Moon Sir William S., a literary man from London: ToddHW Stage Directions: Joanna Michal Hoyt 6. In the Shadow of the Glen by John Millington Synge (1871 ? 1909). BC for this play is AngeliqueAnja Daniel Burke, an elderly farmer: Alan Mapstone Nora Burke, his young wife: Annie Mars Michael Dara, a youthful shepherd: Tomas Peter A Tramp: Algy Pug Stage Directions: Availle 7. The Last Rehearsal by Irene Jean Crandall (dates unknown). BC for this play is jennlea Margery Patterson, The Ingenue: Linda Webster Harold Spaulding, The Lover: Tomas Peter M. Forbes-Smith, The Stage Manager: Andrew Gaunce Doris Street, The Playwright: TJ Burns Isabel Brookins, The Leading Lady: Jenn Broda Stage Directions: ToddHW 8. The Trysting Place: A Farce in One Act by Booth Tarkington (1869-1946). BC for this play was Ambsweet13, now Rapunzelina Mrs. Curtis, The Young Woman, twenty-five or perhaps even a little older.: Joanna Michal Hoyt Lancelot Briggs, The Boy, slim and obviously under twenty.: Tim Jones Mrs. Briggs, his mother, a handsome woman of forty-five or fifty.: mleigh Jessie, his sister, a pretty girl of about twenty.: JennPratt Rupert Smith, The Young Man, about twenty-five.: Tomas Peter Mr. Ingoldsby, a man of fifty-five or, possibly, sixty.: Andrew James The
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