The Daily Gourmet Cook Book

“If you have ingredients, have time and want to cook but are short on ideas for your next party… The Daily Gourmet Cookbook would be your best kitchen companion. With countless creative ideas, well illustrated pictures and interestingly descriptive recipes, this book gives you the confidence to think beyond your daily cooking, making every dish a gourmet dish. This book will help you to go way beyond the recipies given in it. So use the ingredient sections to learn about gourmet ingredients and recipe variations to create your own innovative set of recipes. So grab a whisk, put on your aprons and enter your kitchen with The Daily Gourmet Cookbook to set on a gastronomically satisfying culinary journey. Bon Appétit!
In The Daily Gourmet Cookbook, Radhicka has shared wonderful weekend and party cooking ideas. As you read through the book you will find more than just recipes.
This book can play a perfect host to your party by giving you great ideas to entertain your guests. Each recipe has been created to help you plan your innovative party menu. You will come across unconventional yet easy to make recipes, that will leave your guests wonderfully amazed.
This book is an A-Z compilation of hand-picked gourmet ingredients. For each alphabet you will come across two ingredients with their detailed write-up followed by a recipe for each ingredient. The description of each ingredient will give you an insight on its origin, availability, growing conditions, culinary uses and cooking methods. Once you learn about the ingredient you will come across a recipe using that ingredient. Each recipe is scrumptiously illustrated with pictures for suggested serving options and ideas for presentation. The interactive more ideas section with each recipe gives you a plethora of options to play around with.
So go ahead, take time out and enjoy cooking each recipe with love and passion.



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