Trustworthy Magazine

In this first (ever!!) July 2018 issue of Trustworthy Magazine, artist Amina Buddafly graces the cover! In our conversation Buddafly talks about her dating life, and her new album “Mother”. You will also be able to immerse in stories from Hollywood actress Ciera Payton, who shares her thoughts on the changes she wishes to see in the film industry, and her daily routines to stay happy and balanced. We share an article with coach Todra Payne that explains how she’s able to live in luxury homes worldwide at no cost, and teaches you how! Holistic nutritionist Maritza Worthington who specializes in optimizing the gut, shares a delicious Thai salad recipe that (trust me!!) you don’t want to miss! And so many more insightful and inspirational articles that I hope you will enjoy!



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United States

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