Voice of Urdu
VOU is a complete Urdu portal which include vast spectrum of news, views, literature, entertainment, culinary, fashion, horoscope and video clippings on regional, national as well as global affairs. This Urdu portal boasts of being first of its kind in India and promises to provide ample dose of customized as well as syndicated information. A robust team of scribes are there 24*7 to cover events and incidents with utmost precision.
The portal remains user-friendly and requires little pain to manipulate options in order to arrive at the desired results. The menu bar at the top provides choices for the viewers, such as under ‘NEWS’ we find sub-options, like, ‘domestic’, ‘international’, ‘sports’, ‘technology’, ‘literature’, etc.
Impartiality vis-Ã -vis news is the bedrock of our editorial policy. This is provided below in the topic, Policies and Procedures.
The portal caters to varied taste buds: have different sections for different age groups, genders, strata, profession, cultural and ethnic entities.
Stories, fiction, history, diets, religious sermons are there for children to lap up.
Urdu literature occupies prominent place in the portal. The relevance of yesteryears authors and poets in contemporary world religiously appears in every successive edition with experts’ inputs.
Religion is yet another but important topic we provide for enlightening our readers vis-Ã -vis interpretational aspect of Islamic scriptures. It remains totally secular and utmost care is taken to avoid controversy and hurting sentiments of other religious denomination. We prominently portray the different shades of the life and times of the great prophet of Islam.
Women occupy centre stage and their interests are taken care of by the portal. Latest costumes, kitchenware, cosmetics and other information of their interests are presented in the most simple and lucid language.
Health and hygiene are greatly elaborated in our every edition. Foods that prevent cholesterol and hypertension, vegetables that curb free-radicals and cancers, food that make you healthy appear in this section. Yoga and other forms of exercises are precisely elaborated.
We entertain our audiences in a way that none of our contemporaries do. Bollywood, Hollywood, movies, theater, drama and page3 parties appear in our successive edition. We interview celebrities, bring out scintillating revelations revolving them and make an interesting reading.
Language |
Urdu |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
Monthly |
Publication Country |
India |
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