Competative Books
Showing 1301–1350 of 4042 results
All India PSC AE/PSU – Electronics & Communication Engineering VOLUME-1
All India PSC AE/PSU – Electronics & Communication Engineering VOLUME-1
All India Sainik School Entrance Exam. (For Class-6)
All India Sainik School Entrance Exam. (For Class-6)
All India Sainik School Entrance Exam. (For Class-9)
All India Sainik School Entrance Exam. (For Class-9)
All India State PSC AE/PSU – Electronics & Communication Engineering Vol.-2
All India State PSC AE/PSU – Electronics & Communication Engineering Vol.-2
All State ITI Exam Lineman & TG-2 Electrician Trade
All State ITI Exam Lineman & TG-2 Electrician Trade
All State JE SSC RRB UPSSC NTPC ETC Mechanical Engineering
All State JE SSC RRB UPSSC NTPC ETC Mechanical Engineering
All University B.Sc. II Semester Chemistry
All University B.Sc. II Semester Chemistry
All University B.Sc. II Semester Mathematics
All University B.Sc. II Semester Mathematics
All You Wanted To Know About Sex
Sex being a taboo in our society, it restricts us from discussing the subject openly. As a result, several misconceptions and myths have gained currency. The book throws light on the subject dispelling several myths associated with it. Backed by apt illustrations it will prove to be informative, educative and enjoyable reading material. This book describes threadbare the entire gamut of sexual artistry, with references from celebrated sex manuals like Kamasutra and other proven texts on the subject.
Allahabad High Court Contractual ICT Posts (IT Supporting Staff) Recruitment Exam.
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Allahabad High Court Contractual ICT Posts (IT Supporting Staff) Recruitment Exam. exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Amal Scroll
Every year the Amal Scroll has been
piled up with new ideas and innovations getting better and better year by
Amazing Astro Science
Astro Science is the investigation of the way enormous articles, like planets and stars, impact human lives. The principal individuals to recognize stars and star heavenly bodies were the old Egyptians. Crystal gazing says that the situation of vast articles at the hour of a kid’s introduction to the world will shape different parts of their life. It is a will be an old practice which is a mix of craftsmanship and science, as it is both natural and specialized. In view of the perception of the universe around us, it estimates the energy affecting Earth and it’s occupants. It has been utilized for millennia by various societies and native clans across the globe.
AMCAT : 2020
Aspiring Minds’ Computer Adaptive Test (AMCAT) is an employability test that is used as a benchmark for employers to evaluate candidates for hiring the most skilled and righteous individual. AMCAT is the flag bearer of talent-exchange that helps in making the job market more efficient and productive. It has been taken by more than 300,000 applicants across more than 700 institutions. It was rated by Business Week as one of world’s 25 most intriguing platform for job seekers. AMCAT helps in the filtration of applicants at the time of recruitment, thus reducing eventual low performers and improving organizational efficiency. It is an assessment that predicts the candidate’s skills and abilities accurately, for them to gauge their job-fitment and areas of improvement.
An Analytical Approach for Comprehensive Reasoning
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in the
An Analytical Approach for Comprehensive Reasoning test and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
An Analytical Approach for National Talent Search Exam. (Class X)
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in An Analytical Approach for National Talent Search Exam. (Class X) exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
An Introduction to Home Care Nursing
Basically, home care has been part of the health care system of any traditional society. It affords the family the opportunity to give care and show love to a sick member. When traditional society started to break down due to rapid industrialization and attendant social changes including urbanization, national and international migration, the traditional family care system started giving way to modern health care system. The modern version of health care soon realized the need for the aged, the chronically ill and other categories of patients to be put in a home devoid of the usual red tropism where trained health care professionals can closely monitor their health and take urgent professional actions when appropriate. This is where the goals and contents of this book come into play. The book is trying to introduce its readers to a health care facility that enables the clients to interact positively with trained health care givers and thereby experience a holistic care that relieves pain, alleviates suffering and promote health in an atmosphere of trust, compassions, competence, commitment, conscience, and confidence. The book is emphasizing the need for the care givers to perform the dependent role, involve the clients in the performance of the interdependent role with all contributing to consumer satisfaction. Therefore, it is my belief that all readers of this book will gain immensely from its contents.
The audio book is written by Adams Olatayo Omolola and audio narration done by Professor Prangyan Biswal , Published by ISL Publications. ISL Publication is a global Research Development, Advisory, Think-tank, Policy Research, Innovation Development, Publication, Communication and Advisory Firm working on Future Business Solution. This book depicts future transformation thoughts of developments. The book is available in all leading global stores.
An Objective History of English Literature Through MultipleChoice Questions (for UGCNET/SLET,TGT & P
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in An Objective History of English Literature Through MultipleChoice Questions (for UGCNET/SLET,TGT & PGT) exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Andhra Pradesh General Knowledge
The present book ‘Andhra Pradesh – General Knowledge’ has been specially published for the people who want to explore more about the beautiful state of Andhra Pradesh to quench their thirst of knowledge for the purpose of Competitive Exams, Business Opportunities, Travel & Tourism or any other reason. The book is the outcome of months of painstaking research and careful study carried out about the state and its various important features and aspects covered at appropriate length, such as: Origin, History, Geography, Government, Economy, People, Art & Culture, Customs & Traditions, Festivals, Rivers & Temples, Forests & Wildlife, Industries, Education, Transport & Tourism, etc.
Android for Beginners (AFB)
Build Android apps starting from zero programming experience
Key Features
● Comprehensive coverage of Android lying more stress on examples
● The book covers the topics in simple and easy form taking practical examples in each topic
● Simple language, crystal clear approach, straight forward comprehensible presentation
● Adopting user-friendly classroom lecture style
● The concepts are duly supported by several examples
● The book cover the topics in a manner which fulfilled the skill gap among industry and academia
The book has been written in such a way that the concepts are explained in detail, giving adequate emphasis on examples. To make clarity of the programming examples, logic is explained properly as well as discussed using comments in program itself. The book covers the topics right from the Introduction of the Android Studio and writing programs into it. The Android topics are discussed in detail taking into consideration the practical examples from simple to complex for the better understanding of students. Various sample practical exercises are included in the Book and their solutions so as to give students the basic idea of developing apps in Android. The examples given in book are user-focused and have been highly updated including topics, figures and examples.
The book features more on practical approach with more examples covering topics from simple to complex one addressing many of the core concepts required at the beginner level.
What will you learn
● Toasts, Activity, Dialogs, Intent, Android Life Cycle, Menus
● Asynchronous Task, Recycler-view, Broadcast Receiver and Notification
● Shared Preferences, Sqlite Database, Alarm Manager, Android Services, Testing Activity, Publishing App
Who this book is for
Students pursuing BE/BSc/ME/MSc/BTech/MTech in Computer Science
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Toast
3. Activity
4. Dialogs
5. Intent
6. Android Life Cycle
7. Menus
8. Asynchronous Task
9. Recyclerview
10. Broadcast Receiver and Notification
11. Shared Preferences
12. Sqlite Database
13. Alarm manager
14. Android Services
15. Testing Activity
16. Publishing App
17. Appendix I
18. Exercise 1
19. Appendix II
About the Author
Pratiyush Guleria has done M.Tech in Computer Science with a Gold Medal, B.Tech in Information Technology and MBA Degree in Operation Research from Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). He has qualified SLET (State Level Eligibility Test) and has more than nine years of experience in IT Industry and Academics. He has, to his credit, approximately 25 research papers in peer reviewed International Journals and Conferences and has been the Technical Program Committee Member and reviewer for journals and International Conferences. His research interests include Data Mining Machine Learning and Web Technologies. He is also recipient of “Young Scientist Award” for best paper presentation in one of the International Conference.
His LinkedIn Profile: Android apps starting from zero programming experience
Key Features
● Comprehensive coverage of Android lying more stress on examples
● The book covers the topics in simple and easy form taking practical examples in each topic
● Simple language, crystal clear approach, straight forward comprehensible presentation
● Adopting user-friendly classroom lecture style
● The concepts are duly supported by several examples
● The book cover the topics in a manner which fulfilled the skill gap among industry and academia
The book has been written in such a way that the concepts are explained in detail, giving adequate emphasis on examples. To make clarity of the programming examples, logic is explained properly as well as discussed using comments in program itself. The book covers the topics right from the Introduction of the Android Studio and writing programs into it. The Android topics are discussed in detail taking into consideration the practical examples from simple to complex for the better understanding of students. Various sample practical exercises are included in the Book and their solutions so as to give students the basic idea of developing apps in Android. The examples given in book are user-focused and have been highly updated including topics, figures and examples.
The book features more on practical approach with more examples covering topics from simple to complex one addressing many of the core concepts required at the beginner level.
What will you learn
● Toasts, Activity, Dialogs, Intent, Android Life Cycle, Menus
● Asynchronous Task, Recycler-view, Broadcast Receiver and Notification
● Shared Preferences, Sqlite Database, Alarm Manager, Android Services, Testing Activity, Publishing App
Who this book is for
Students pursuing BE/BSc/ME/MSc/BTech/MTech in Computer Science
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Toast
3. Activity
4. Dialogs
5. Intent
6. Android Life Cycle
7. Menus
8. Asynchronous Task
9. Recyclerview
10. Broadcast Receiver and Notification
11. Shared Preferences
12. Sqlite Database
13. Alarm manager
14. Android Services
15. Testing Activity
16. Publishing App
17. Appendix I
18. Exercise 1
19. Appendix II
About the Author
Pratiyush Guleria has done M.Tech in Computer Science with a Gold Medal, B.Tech in Information Technology and MBA Degree in Operation Research from Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). He has qualified SLET (State Level Eligibility Test) and has more than nine years of experience in IT Industry and Academics. He has, to his credit, approximately 25 research papers in peer reviewed International Journals and Conferences and has been the Technical Program Committee Member and reviewer for journals and International Conferences. His research interests include Data Mining Machine Learning and Web Technologies. He is also recipient of “Young Scientist Award” for best paper presentation in one of the International Conference.
His LinkedIn Profile: Android apps starting from zero programming experience
Key Features
● Comprehensive coverage of Android lying more stress on examples
● The book covers the topics in simple and easy form taking practical examples in each topic
● Simple language, crystal clear approach, straight forward comprehensible presentation
● Adopting user-friendly classroom lecture style
● The concepts are duly supported by several examples
● The book cover the topics in a manner which fulfilled the skill gap among industry and academia
The book has been written in such a way that the concepts are explained in detail, giving adequate emphasis on examples. To make clarity of the programming examples, logic is explained properly as well as discussed using comments in program itself. The book covers the topics right from the Introduction of the Android Studio and writing programs into it. The Android topics are discussed in detail taking into consideration the practical examples from simple to complex for the better understanding of students. Various sample practical exercises are included in the Book and their solutions so as to give students the basic idea of developing apps in Android. The examples given in book are user-focused and have been highly updated including topics, figures and examples.
The book features more on practical approach with more examples covering topics from simple to complex one addressing many of the core concepts required at the beginner level.
What will you learn
● Toasts, Activity, Dialogs, Intent, Android Life Cycle, Menus
● Asynchronous Task, Recycler-view, Broadcast Receiver and Notification
● Shared Preferences, Sqlite Database, Alarm Manager, Android Services, Testing Activity, Publishing App
Who this book is for
Students pursuing BE/BSc/ME/MSc/BTech/MTech in Computer Science
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Toast
3. Activity
4. Dialogs
5. Intent
6. Android Life Cycle
7. Menus
8. Asynchronous Task
9. Recyclerview
10. Broadcast Receiver and Notification
11. Shared Preferences
12. Sqlite Database
13. Alarm manager
14. Android Services
15. Testing Activity
16. Publishing App
17. Appendix I
18. Exercise 1
19. Appendix II
About the Author
Pratiyush Guleria has done M.Tech in Computer Science with a Gold Medal, B.Tech in Information Technology and MBA Degree in Operation Research from Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). He has qualified SLET (State Level Eligibility Test) and has more than nine years of experience in IT Industry and Academics. He has, to his credit, approximately 25 research papers in peer reviewed International Journals and Conferences and has been the Technical Program Committee Member and reviewer for journals and International Conferences. His research interests include Data Mining Machine Learning and Web Technologies. He is also recipient of “Young Scientist Award” for best paper presentation in one of the International Conference.
His LinkedIn Profile: Android apps starting from zero programming experience
Key Features
● Comprehensive coverage of Android lying more stress on examples
● The book covers the topics in simple and easy form taking practical examples in each topic
● Simple language, crystal clear approach, straight forward comprehensible presentation
● Adopting user-friendly classroom lecture style
● The concepts are duly supported by several examples
● The book cover the topics in a manner which fulfilled the skill gap among industry and academia
The book has been written in such a way that the concepts are explained in detail, giving adequate emphasis on examples. To make clarity of the programming examples, logic is explained properly as well as discussed using comments in program itself. The book covers the topics right from the Introduction of the Android Studio and writing programs into it. The Android topics are discussed in detail taking into consideration the practical examples from simple to complex for the better understanding of students. Various sample practical exercises are included in the Book and their solutions so as to give students the basic idea of developing apps in Android. The examples given in book are user-focused and have been highly updated including topics, figures and examples.
The book features more on practical approach with more examples covering topics from simple to complex one addressing many of the core concepts required at the beginner level.
What will you learn
● Toasts, Activity, Dialogs, Intent, Android Life Cycle, Menus
● Asynchronous Task, Recycler-view, Broadcast Receiver and Notification
● Shared Preferences, Sqlite Database, Alarm Manager, Android Services, Testing Activity, Publishing App
Who this book is for
Students pursuing BE/BSc/ME/MSc/BTech/MTech in Computer Science
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Toast
3. Activity
4. Dialogs
5. Intent
6. Android Life Cycle
7. Menus
8. Asynchronous Task
9. Recyclerview
10. Broadcast Receiver and Notification
11. Shared Preferences
12. Sqlite Database
13. Alarm manager
14. Android Services
15. Testing Activity
16. Publishing App
17. Appendix I
18. Exercise 1
19. Appendix II
About the Author
Pratiyush Guleria has done M.Tech in Computer Science with a Gold Medal, B.Tech in Information Technology and MBA Degree in Operation Research from Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). He has qualified SLET (State Level Eligibility Test) and has more than nine years of experience in IT Industry and Academics. He has, to his credit, approximately 25 research papers in peer reviewed International Journals and Conferences and has been the Technical Program Committee Member and reviewer for journals and International Conferences. His research interests include Data Mining Machine Learning and Web Technologies. He is also recipient of “Young Scientist Award” for best paper presentation in one of the International Conference.
His LinkedIn Profile:
Angreji Bolna Sikhe Marathi
Prastut pustak ‘inglish speeking kors’ baajaar mein upalabdh angrejee sikhaane vaalee pustakon se alag hatakar vaigyaanik paddhati se likhee gayee hai. is pustak mein angrejee sikhaane kee aadhunik shailee ka prayog kiya gaya hai, jisase paathakon ko angrejee samajhane tatha use dharaapravaah bolane mein aasaanee hogee.
Is pustak ko nimnalikhit khandon mein baanta gaya hai-Alphabet ; Pronunciation; Grammar; Sentences; Conversation; Writing; Vocabulary; Exercises
Pustak kee visheshataen-
Angrejee shabdon ka sahee uchchaaran
Shabd rachana evan vaaky rachana
Angerajee vyaakaran kee saral prastuti
Pratyek paristhiti evan vyakti ke anukool vaaky
Hindi evan angrejee mein 50 shreshth vaartaalaap
Patra-lekhan evan anuvaad
Email evan WhatsApp par vistrt adhyaay
Vargeekrt shabdaavalee hindee tatha angrejee mein sammilit
Aatm-pareekshan hetu abhyaas uttar sahit(This book ‘English Speaking Course’ is written in different scientific methods than the English teaching books available in the market. In this book, the modern style of teaching English has been used, allowing readers to understand English and speak fluently. This book is divided into the following sections – alphabet; Pronence; Grammar; Sentences; conversation; writing; Vocabulary; Exercises Book Features-Correct pronunciation of English wordsWord composition and syntaxSimple presentation of English Grammar Every situation and person friendly sentence50 Best Conversation in Hindi & EnglishLetter-writing and translation Detailed chapters on email and whatsappClassified terminology included in Hindi and EnglishWith self-test practice answers) #v&spublishers
Angreji Bolna Sikhen Gujarati
Prastut pustak ‘inglish speeking kors’ baajaar mein upalabdh angrejee sikhaane vaalee pustakon se alag hatakar vaigyaanik paddhati se likhee gayee hai. is pustak mein angrejee sikhaane kee aadhunik shailee ka prayog kiya gaya hai, jisase paathakon ko angrejee samajhane tatha use dharaapravaah bolane mein aasaanee hogee.
Is pustak ko nimnalikhit khandon mein baanta gaya hai-Alphabet ; Pronunciation; Grammar; Sentences; Conversation; Writing; Vocabulary; Exercises
Pustak kee visheshataen-
Angrejee shabdon ka sahee uchchaaran
Shabd rachana evan vaaky rachana
Angerajee vyaakaran kee saral prastuti
Pratyek paristhiti evan vyakti ke anukool vaaky
Hindi evan angrejee mein 50 shreshth vaartaalaap
Patra-lekhan evan anuvaad
Email evan WhatsApp par vistrt adhyaay
Vargeekrt shabdaavalee hindee tatha angrejee mein sammilit
Aatm-pareekshan hetu abhyaas uttar sahit(This book ‘English Speaking Course’ is written in different scientific methods than the English teaching books available in the market. In this book, the modern style of teaching English has been used, allowing readers to understand English and speak fluently. This book is divided into the following sections – alphabet; Pronence; Grammar; Sentences; conversation; writing; Vocabulary; Exercises Book Features-Correct pronunciation of English wordsWord composition and syntaxSimple presentation of English Grammar Every situation and person friendly sentence50 Best Conversation in Hindi & EnglishLetter-writing and translation Detailed chapters on email and whatsappClassified terminology included in Hindi and EnglishWith self-test practice answers) #v&spublishers
Angreji Bolna Sikhen Hindi
Angreji bhaashsha mein sastee tareeke se baaten karane ke lie lekh ko angrejee vyaakaran seekhana bahut aavashyak hai. isake anuchaarit shabdon aur angrejee shabdon ka prarakshan bhandaar bhee hona chaahie, taaki baatacheet ke dauraan angrejee ke uchit shabdon ke abhaav ke kaaran aap beech mein hee atak nahin jaen. uparyukt tathyon aur baajaar kee maang ko dhyaan mein rakhate hue prrastut pustak ka lekhan evan sankalan kuchh is prakaar kiya gaya hai ki koee bhee angrejee bolana seekhane ko taiyaar paathak, yadi 15 dinon tak niyamit roop se isaka adhyayan karen, to vah itana kam samay mein keval pharraatedaar angrejee bolana seekh sakate hain. prastut pustak kee vishshay vastu mein pathan-paathan, mool vyaakaran, vyaavahaarik vyaakaran, sabhee prakaar kee sambhaavit paristhitiyon par prayog kie ja sakane vaale vaaky vaaky, vyay angrejee aur sahabhaagita ka samaavesh kiya gaya hai. pustak mein angrejee bhaashsha ke sahee uchchaaran ke lie visheshsh adhyaay diya gaya hai, jisamen angrejee uchchaaran ke dauraan mukhy roop se dhyaan rakhane yogy sabhee baareek tathyon kee vistaar se charcha kee gaee hai. in baaton par dhyaan rakhane ke lie pustak mein jagah-jagah ’smaraneey’ ke maadhyam se aavashyak nirdesh die gae hain, jinaka dhyaan rakhana aavashyak hai.] hindee bhaashee lekhon ke lie is pustak ka lekhan sankshipt roop mein nishchit kiya gaya hai, lekin pustak kee sampoornata mein koee katautee nahin kee gaee hai.
Angreji Bolna Sikhen Kannada
Prastut pustak ‘inglish speeking kors’ baajaar mein upalabdh angrejee sikhaane vaalee pustakon se alag hatakar vaigyaanik paddhati se likhee gayee hai. is pustak mein angrejee sikhaane kee aadhunik shailee ka prayog kiya gaya hai, jisase paathakon ko angrejee samajhane tatha use dharaapravaah bolane mein aasaanee hogee.
Is pustak ko nimnalikhit khandon mein baanta gaya hai-Alphabet ; Pronunciation; Grammar; Sentences; Conversation; Writing; Vocabulary; Exercises
Pustak kee visheshataen-
Angrejee shabdon ka sahee uchchaaran
Shabd rachana evan vaaky rachana
Angerajee vyaakaran kee saral prastuti
Pratyek paristhiti evan vyakti ke anukool vaaky
Hindi evan angrejee mein 50 shreshth vaartaalaap
Patra-lekhan evan anuvaad
Email evan WhatsApp par vistrt adhyaay
Vargeekrt shabdaavalee hindee tatha angrejee mein sammilit
Aatm-pareekshan hetu abhyaas uttar sahit(This book ‘English Speaking Course’ is written in different scientific methods than the English teaching books available in the market. In this book, the modern style of teaching English has been used, allowing readers to understand English and speak fluently. This book is divided into the following sections – alphabet; Pronence; Grammar; Sentences; conversation; writing; Vocabulary; Exercises Book Features-Correct pronunciation of English wordsWord composition and syntaxSimple presentation of English Grammar Every situation and person friendly sentence50 Best Conversation in Hindi & EnglishLetter-writing and translation Detailed chapters on email and whatsappClassified terminology included in Hindi and EnglishWith self-test practice answers) #v&spublishers
Angreji Bolna Sikhen Punjabi
Prastut pustak ‘inglish speeking kors’ baajaar mein upalabdh angrejee sikhaane vaalee pustakon se alag hatakar vaigyaanik paddhati se likhee gayee hai. is pustak mein angrejee sikhaane kee aadhunik shailee ka prayog kiya gaya hai, jisase paathakon ko angrejee samajhane tatha use dharaapravaah bolane mein aasaanee hogee.
Is pustak ko nimnalikhit khandon mein baanta gaya hai-Alphabet ; Pronunciation; Grammar; Sentences; Conversation; Writing; Vocabulary; Exercises
Pustak kee visheshataen-
Angrejee shabdon ka sahee uchchaaran
Shabd rachana evan vaaky rachana
Angerajee vyaakaran kee saral prastuti
Pratyek paristhiti evan vyakti ke anukool vaaky
Hindi evan angrejee mein 50 shreshth vaartaalaap
Patra-lekhan evan anuvaad
Email evan WhatsApp par vistrt adhyaay
Vargeekrt shabdaavalee hindee tatha angrejee mein sammilit
Aatm-pareekshan hetu abhyaas uttar sahit(This book ‘English Speaking Course’ is written in different scientific methods than the English teaching books available in the market. In this book, the modern style of teaching English has been used, allowing readers to understand English and speak fluently. This book is divided into the following sections – alphabet; Pronence; Grammar; Sentences; conversation; writing; Vocabulary; Exercises Book Features-Correct pronunciation of English wordsWord composition and syntaxSimple presentation of English Grammar Every situation and person friendly sentence50 Best Conversation in Hindi & EnglishLetter-writing and translation Detailed chapters on email and whatsappClassified terminology included in Hindi and EnglishWith self-test practice answers) #v&spublishers
Angular Essentials
Basic to Advance learning of Angular concepts.
Key Features
● A complete overview of the key aspects of Angular
● Up to date with the latest Angular release
● The book covers the framework’s mental model, API, and the design principles behind it.
This book is an Essentials guide for every Angular developer. It covers all required topics an Angular developer need to get started. This book is written in Angular version 7 and explains vital concepts of Angular in extremely descriptive way with lot of code examples.
What will you learn
● Components & Binding, Web API
● SPAs & Routing, Template Driven Forms
● Forms, HTTP
● Unit Testing, ngModel, Angular Directives
● Pipes, Ignite UI,
Who this book is for
● Students of Polytechnic Diploma Classes- Computer Science/ Information Technology
● Graduate Students- Computer Science/ CSE / IT/ Computer Applications
● Master Class Students—Msc (CS/IT)/ MCA/ M.Phil, M.Tech, M.S.
● Industry Professionals- Preparing for Certifications
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Component and Data Binding
3. Components Communications
4. Angular Directives
5. ViewEncapsulation in Angular
6. Pipes
7. Template Driven Forms
8. Reactive Forms
9. Angular Routing
10. Change Detection
11. Services and Providers
12. Working with API and $http
13. Advanced Components
About the Author
Dhananjay Kumar is winner of 9 Microsoft MVP Awards and organizer of India’s Angular Conference ng-India. He works as Developer Evangelist for Infragistics. He has authored more than 900 articles on his blog and has delivered more than 75 talks in various conference across the world. He lives in Gurgaon, India and when not working spends time in reading, running, climbing mountains, or writing poetry.
LinkedIn: to Advance learning of Angular concepts.
Key Features
● A complete overview of the key aspects of Angular
● Up to date with the latest Angular release
● The book covers the framework’s mental model, API, and the design principles behind it.
This book is an Essentials guide for every Angular developer. It covers all required topics an Angular developer need to get started. This book is written in Angular version 7 and explains vital concepts of Angular in extremely descriptive way with lot of code examples.
What will you learn
● Components & Binding, Web API
● SPAs & Routing, Template Driven Forms
● Forms, HTTP
● Unit Testing, ngModel, Angular Directives
● Pipes, Ignite UI,
Who this book is for
● Students of Polytechnic Diploma Classes- Computer Science/ Information Technology
● Graduate Students- Computer Science/ CSE / IT/ Computer Applications
● Master Class Students—Msc (CS/IT)/ MCA/ M.Phil, M.Tech, M.S.
● Industry Professionals- Preparing for Certifications
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Component and Data Binding
3. Components Communications
4. Angular Directives
5. ViewEncapsulation in Angular
6. Pipes
7. Template Driven Forms
8. Reactive Forms
9. Angular Routing
10. Change Detection
11. Services and Providers
12. Working with API and $http
13. Advanced Components
About the Author
Dhananjay Kumar is winner of 9 Microsoft MVP Awards and organizer of India’s Angular Conference ng-India. He works as Developer Evangelist for Infragistics. He has authored more than 900 articles on his blog and has delivered more than 75 talks in various conference across the world. He lives in Gurgaon, India and when not working spends time in reading, running, climbing mountains, or writing poetry.
LinkedIn: to Advance learning of Angular concepts.
Key Features
● A complete overview of the key aspects of Angular
● Up to date with the latest Angular release
● The book covers the framework’s mental model, API, and the design principles behind it.
This book is an Essentials guide for every Angular developer. It covers all required topics an Angular developer need to get started. This book is written in Angular version 7 and explains vital concepts of Angular in extremely descriptive way with lot of code examples.
What will you learn
● Components & Binding, Web API
● SPAs & Routing, Template Driven Forms
● Forms, HTTP
● Unit Testing, ngModel, Angular Directives
● Pipes, Ignite UI,
Who this book is for
● Students of Polytechnic Diploma Classes- Computer Science/ Information Technology
● Graduate Students- Computer Science/ CSE / IT/ Computer Applications
● Master Class Students—Msc (CS/IT)/ MCA/ M.Phil, M.Tech, M.S.
● Industry Professionals- Preparing for Certifications
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Component and Data Binding
3. Components Communications
4. Angular Directives
5. ViewEncapsulation in Angular
6. Pipes
7. Template Driven Forms
8. Reactive Forms
9. Angular Routing
10. Change Detection
11. Services and Providers
12. Working with API and $http
13. Advanced Components
About the Author
Dhananjay Kumar is winner of 9 Microsoft MVP Awards and organizer of India’s Angular Conference ng-India. He works as Developer Evangelist for Infragistics. He has authored more than 900 articles on his blog and has delivered more than 75 talks in various conference across the world. He lives in Gurgaon, India and when not working spends time in reading, running, climbing mountains, or writing poetry.
LinkedIn: to Advance learning of Angular concepts.
Key Features
● A complete overview of the key aspects of Angular
● Up to date with the latest Angular release
● The book covers the framework’s mental model, API, and the design principles behind it.
This book is an Essentials guide for every Angular developer. It covers all required topics an Angular developer need to get started. This book is written in Angular version 7 and explains vital concepts of Angular in extremely descriptive way with lot of code examples.
What will you learn
● Components & Binding, Web API
● SPAs & Routing, Template Driven Forms
● Forms, HTTP
● Unit Testing, ngModel, Angular Directives
● Pipes, Ignite UI,
Who this book is for
● Students of Polytechnic Diploma Classes- Computer Science/ Information Technology
● Graduate Students- Computer Science/ CSE / IT/ Computer Applications
● Master Class Students—Msc (CS/IT)/ MCA/ M.Phil, M.Tech, M.S.
● Industry Professionals- Preparing for Certifications
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Component and Data Binding
3. Components Communications
4. Angular Directives
5. ViewEncapsulation in Angular
6. Pipes
7. Template Driven Forms
8. Reactive Forms
9. Angular Routing
10. Change Detection
11. Services and Providers
12. Working with API and $http
13. Advanced Components
About the Author
Dhananjay Kumar is winner of 9 Microsoft MVP Awards and organizer of India’s Angular Conference ng-India. He works as Developer Evangelist for Infragistics. He has authored more than 900 articles on his blog and has delivered more than 75 talks in various conference across the world. He lives in Gurgaon, India and when not working spends time in reading, running, climbing mountains, or writing poetry.
LinkedIn: to Advance learning of Angular concepts.
Key Features
● A complete overview of the key aspects of Angular
● Up to date with the latest Angular release
● The book covers the framework’s mental model, API, and the design principles behind it.
This book is an Essentials guide for every Angular developer. It covers all required topics an Angular developer need to get started. This book is written in Angular version 7 and explains vital concepts of Angular in extremely descriptive way with lot of code examples.
What will you learn
● Components & Binding, Web API
● SPAs & Routing, Template Driven Forms
● Forms, HTTP
● Unit Testing, ngModel, Angular Directives
● Pipes, Ignite UI,
Who this book is for
● Students of Polytechnic Diploma Classes- Computer Science/ Information Technology
● Graduate Students- Computer Science/ CSE / IT/ Computer Applications
● Master Class Students—Msc (CS/IT)/ MCA/ M.Phil, M.Tech, M.S.
● Industry Professionals- Preparing for Certifications
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Component and Data Binding
3. Components Communications
4. Angular Directives
5. ViewEncapsulation in Angular
6. Pipes
7. Template Driven Forms
8. Reactive Forms
9. Angular Routing
10. Change Detection
11. Services and Providers
12. Working with API and $http
13. Advanced Components
About the Author
Dhananjay Kumar is winner of 9 Microsoft MVP Awards and organizer of India’s Angular Conference ng-India. He works as Developer Evangelist for Infragistics. He has authored more than 900 articles on his blog and has delivered more than 75 talks in various conference across the world. He lives in Gurgaon, India and when not working spends time in reading, running, climbing mountains, or writing poetry.
LinkedIn: to Advance learning of Angular concepts.
Key Features
● A complete overview of the key aspects of Angular
● Up to date with the latest Angular release
● The book covers the framework’s mental model, API, and the design principles behind it.
This book is an Essentials guide for every Angular developer. It covers all required topics an Angular developer need to get started. This book is written in Angular version 7 and explains vital concepts of Angular in extremely descriptive way with lot of code examples.
What will you learn
● Components & Binding, Web API
● SPAs & Routing, Template Driven Forms
● Forms, HTTP
● Unit Testing, ngModel, Angular Directives
● Pipes, Ignite UI,
Who this book is for
● Students of Polytechnic Diploma Classes- Computer Science/ Information Technology
● Graduate Students- Computer Science/ CSE / IT/ Computer Applications
● Master Class Students—Msc (CS/IT)/ MCA/ M.Phil, M.Tech, M.S.
● Industry Professionals- Preparing for Certifications
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Component and Data Binding
3. Components Communications
4. Angular Directives
5. ViewEncapsulation in Angular
6. Pipes
7. Template Driven Forms
8. Reactive Forms
9. Angular Routing
10. Change Detection
11. Services and Providers
12. Working with API and $http
13. Advanced Components
About the Author
Dhananjay Kumar is winner of 9 Microsoft MVP Awards and organizer of India’s Angular Conference ng-India. He works as Developer Evangelist for Infragistics. He has authored more than 900 articles on his blog and has delivered more than 75 talks in various conference across the world. He lives in Gurgaon, India and when not working spends time in reading, running, climbing mountains, or writing poetry.
Angular Interview Questions and Answers
Step by step guide to become an expert in Angular
Key Features
● Book provide all the important aspects required for angular developers
● Learn modern Web Frameworks like AngularJS 1.x, KnockoutJs, Ember, Backbone
● Book will give you an idea of the Angular framework (including version 2, 4, 5 and 6) and provide you an excellent understanding of the concepts.
This book provide all the important aspects required for angular developers looking for brief and useful content for frequently asked Angular Interview questions. You have already worked with other Modern Web Frameworks like AngularJS 1.x, KnockoutJs, Ember, Backbone and now you are keen to become an expert in Angular including version 2, 4, 5 and 6.
You have no framework experience at all but you have a profound understanding of Angular and now you are keen to know how to bring your web apps as well as mobile apps to the next level. This book will give you an idea of the Angular framework (including version 2, 4, 5 and 6 and provide you an excellent understanding of the concepts.
Changing job is one of the biggest challenges for any IT professional. When IT professional starts searching job, they realise that they need much more than experience. Working on a project is one thing and cracking an interview is
another. This book will give you a bird’s eye view of what is needed in an interview. It will help you in doing a quick revision so that you can be ready for the discussion faster.
What will you learn
● The Basic Concepts of Angular, its Components, Directives and Modules
● Angular Form, Elements, Templates, and Validations
● Dependency Injection (DI), HttpClient
● Angular Services, Routing and Navigation
● Angular Compiler, Pipes, Service Workers
● Server Side Rendering (Angular Universal)
● Angular Security, Cookies
● Basic Understanding of Angular Testing and TypeScript
Who this book is for
You are new or have some experience in Angular and now want to take the step to became an expert in Angular and want to learn more about how you can apply the new concepts specifically for an Interview or developing robust web apps as well as mobile apps.
Table of Contents
1. The Basic Concepts of Angular
2. Angular Components
3. Angular Directives
4. Angular Modules
5. Angular Form, Templates, and Validations
6. Angular Elements
7. Dependency Injection (DI)
8. HttpClient
9. Angular Services
10. Routing and Navigation
11. Angular Compiler
12. Angular Pipes
13. Service Workers
14. Server Side Rendering (Angular Universal)
15. Angular Security
16. Angular Cookies
17. Basic Understanding of Angular Testing
18. Basic Understanding of TypeScript
About the Author
Anil singh has done B.Sc. (Mathematics) and MCA (Master of Computer Application). He has a number of certifications including MCP, MCTS-515 and MCTS-513. He is currently working as Technical leader at Australian MNC.
His linkedin:
His blog: (Blog) (Blog)Step by step guide to become an expert in Angular
Key Features
● Book provide all the important aspects required for angular developers
● Learn modern Web Frameworks like AngularJS 1.x, KnockoutJs, Ember, Backbone
● Book will give you an idea of the Angular framework (including version 2, 4, 5 and 6) and provide you an excellent understanding of the concepts.
This book provide all the important aspects required for angular developers looking for brief and useful content for frequently asked Angular Interview questions. You have already worked with other Modern Web Frameworks like AngularJS 1.x, KnockoutJs, Ember, Backbone and now you are keen to become an expert in Angular including version 2, 4, 5 and 6.
You have no framework experience at all but you have a profound understanding of Angular and now you are keen to know how to bring your web apps as well as mobile apps to the next level. This book will give you an idea of the Angular framework (including version 2, 4, 5 and 6 and provide you an excellent understanding of the concepts.
Changing job is one of the biggest challenges for any IT professional. When IT professional starts searching job, they realise that they need much more than experience. Working on a project is one thing and cracking an interview is
another. This book will give you a bird’s eye view of what is needed in an interview. It will help you in doing a quick revision so that you can be ready for the discussion faster.
What will you learn
● The Basic Concepts of Angular, its Components, Directives and Modules
● Angular Form, Elements, Templates, and Validations
● Dependency Injection (DI), HttpClient
● Angular Services, Routing and Navigation
● Angular Compiler, Pipes, Service Workers
● Server Side Rendering (Angular Universal)
● Angular Security, Cookies
● Basic Understanding of Angular Testing and TypeScript
Who this book is for
You are new or have some experience in Angular and now want to take the step to became an expert in Angular and want to learn more about how you can apply the new concepts specifically for an Interview or developing robust web apps as well as mobile apps.
Table of Contents
1. The Basic Concepts of Angular
2. Angular Components
3. Angular Directives
4. Angular Modules
5. Angular Form, Templates, and Validations
6. Angular Elements
7. Dependency Injection (DI)
8. HttpClient
9. Angular Services
10. Routing and Navigation
11. Angular Compiler
12. Angular Pipes
13. Service Workers
14. Server Side Rendering (Angular Universal)
15. Angular Security
16. Angular Cookies
17. Basic Understanding of Angular Testing
18. Basic Understanding of TypeScript
About the Author
Anil singh has done B.Sc. (Mathematics) and MCA (Master of Computer Application). He has a number of certifications including MCP, MCTS-515 and MCTS-513. He is currently working as Technical leader at Australian MNC.
His linkedin:
His blog: (Blog) (Blog)Step by step guide to become an expert in Angular
Key Features
● Book provide all the important aspects required for angular developers
● Learn modern Web Frameworks like AngularJS 1.x, KnockoutJs, Ember, Backbone
● Book will give you an idea of the Angular framework (including version 2, 4, 5 and 6) and provide you an excellent understanding of the concepts.
This book provide all the important aspects required for angular developers looking for brief and useful content for frequently asked Angular Interview questions. You have already worked with other Modern Web Frameworks like AngularJS 1.x, KnockoutJs, Ember, Backbone and now you are keen to become an expert in Angular including version 2, 4, 5 and 6.
You have no framework experience at all but you have a profound understanding of Angular and now you are keen to know how to bring your web apps as well as mobile apps to the next level. This book will give you an idea of the Angular framework (including version 2, 4, 5 and 6 and provide you an excellent understanding of the concepts.
Changing job is one of the biggest challenges for any IT professional. When IT professional starts searching job, they realise that they need much more than experience. Working on a project is one thing and cracking an interview is
another. This book will give you a bird’s eye view of what is needed in an interview. It will help you in doing a quick revision so that you can be ready for the discussion faster.
What will you learn
● The Basic Concepts of Angular, its Components, Directives and Modules
● Angular Form, Elements, Templates, and Validations
● Dependency Injection (DI), HttpClient
● Angular Services, Routing and Navigation
● Angular Compiler, Pipes, Service Workers
● Server Side Rendering (Angular Universal)
● Angular Security, Cookies
● Basic Understanding of Angular Testing and TypeScript
Who this book is for
You are new or have some experience in Angular and now want to take the step to became an expert in Angular and want to learn more about how you can apply the new concepts specifically for an Interview or developing robust web apps as well as mobile apps.
Table of Contents
1. The Basic Concepts of Angular
2. Angular Components
3. Angular Directives
4. Angular Modules
5. Angular Form, Templates, and Validations
6. Angular Elements
7. Dependency Injection (DI)
8. HttpClient
9. Angular Services
10. Routing and Navigation
11. Angular Compiler
12. Angular Pipes
13. Service Workers
14. Server Side Rendering (Angular Universal)
15. Angular Security
16. Angular Cookies
17. Basic Understanding of Angular Testing
18. Basic Understanding of TypeScript
About the Author
Anil singh has done B.Sc. (Mathematics) and MCA (Master of Computer Application). He has a number of certifications including MCP, MCTS-515 and MCTS-513. He is currently working as Technical leader at Australian MNC.
His linkedin:
His blog: (Blog) (Blog)Step by step guide to become an expert in Angular
Key Features
● Book provide all the important aspects required for angular developers
● Learn modern Web Frameworks like AngularJS 1.x, KnockoutJs, Ember, Backbone
● Book will give you an idea of the Angular framework (including version 2, 4, 5 and 6) and provide you an excellent understanding of the concepts.
This book provide all the important aspects required for angular developers looking for brief and useful content for frequently asked Angular Interview questions. You have already worked with other Modern Web Frameworks like AngularJS 1.x, KnockoutJs, Ember, Backbone and now you are keen to become an expert in Angular including version 2, 4, 5 and 6.
You have no framework experience at all but you have a profound understanding of Angular and now you are keen to know how to bring your web apps as well as mobile apps to the next level. This book will give you an idea of the Angular framework (including version 2, 4, 5 and 6 and provide you an excellent understanding of the concepts.
Changing job is one of the biggest challenges for any IT professional. When IT professional starts searching job, they realise that they need much more than experience. Working on a project is one thing and cracking an interview is
another. This book will give you a bird’s eye view of what is needed in an interview. It will help you in doing a quick revision so that you can be ready for the discussion faster.
What will you learn
● The Basic Concepts of Angular, its Components, Directives and Modules
● Angular Form, Elements, Templates, and Validations
● Dependency Injection (DI), HttpClient
● Angular Services, Routing and Navigation
● Angular Compiler, Pipes, Service Workers
● Server Side Rendering (Angular Universal)
● Angular Security, Cookies
● Basic Understanding of Angular Testing and TypeScript
Who this book is for
You are new or have some experience in Angular and now want to take the step to became an expert in Angular and want to learn more about how you can apply the new concepts specifically for an Interview or developing robust web apps as well as mobile apps.
Table of Contents
1. The Basic Concepts of Angular
2. Angular Components
3. Angular Directives
4. Angular Modules
5. Angular Form, Templates, and Validations
6. Angular Elements
7. Dependency Injection (DI)
8. HttpClient
9. Angular Services
10. Routing and Navigation
11. Angular Compiler
12. Angular Pipes
13. Service Workers
14. Server Side Rendering (Angular Universal)
15. Angular Security
16. Angular Cookies
17. Basic Understanding of Angular Testing
18. Basic Understanding of TypeScript
About the Author
Anil singh has done B.Sc. (Mathematics) and MCA (Master of Computer Application). He has a number of certifications including MCP, MCTS-515 and MCTS-513. He is currently working as Technical leader at Australian MNC.
His linkedin:
His blog: (Blog) (Blog)Step by step guide to become an expert in Angular
Key Features
● Book provide all the important aspects required for angular developers
● Learn modern Web Frameworks like AngularJS 1.x, KnockoutJs, Ember, Backbone
● Book will give you an idea of the Angular framework (including version 2, 4, 5 and 6) and provide you an excellent understanding of the concepts.
This book provide all the important aspects required for angular developers looking for brief and useful content for frequently asked Angular Interview questions. You have already worked with other Modern Web Frameworks like AngularJS 1.x, KnockoutJs, Ember, Backbone and now you are keen to become an expert in Angular including version 2, 4, 5 and 6.
You have no framework experience at all but you have a profound understanding of Angular and now you are keen to know how to bring your web apps as well as mobile apps to the next level. This book will give you an idea of the Angular framework (including version 2, 4, 5 and 6 and provide you an excellent understanding of the concepts.
Changing job is one of the biggest challenges for any IT professional. When IT professional starts searching job, they realise that they need much more than experience. Working on a project is one thing and cracking an interview is
another. This book will give you a bird’s eye view of what is needed in an interview. It will help you in doing a quick revision so that you can be ready for the discussion faster.
What will you learn
● The Basic Concepts of Angular, its Components, Directives and Modules
● Angular Form, Elements, Templates, and Validations
● Dependency Injection (DI), HttpClient
● Angular Services, Routing and Navigation
● Angular Compiler, Pipes, Service Workers
● Server Side Rendering (Angular Universal)
● Angular Security, Cookies
● Basic Understanding of Angular Testing and TypeScript
Who this book is for
You are new or have some experience in Angular and now want to take the step to became an expert in Angular and want to learn more about how you can apply the new concepts specifically for an Interview or developing robust web apps as well as mobile apps.
Table of Contents
1. The Basic Concepts of Angular
2. Angular Components
3. Angular Directives
4. Angular Modules
5. Angular Form, Templates, and Validations
6. Angular Elements
7. Dependency Injection (DI)
8. HttpClient
9. Angular Services
10. Routing and Navigation
11. Angular Compiler
12. Angular Pipes
13. Service Workers
14. Server Side Rendering (Angular Universal)
15. Angular Security
16. Angular Cookies
17. Basic Understanding of Angular Testing
18. Basic Understanding of TypeScript
About the Author
Anil singh has done B.Sc. (Mathematics) and MCA (Master of Computer Application). He has a number of certifications including MCP, MCTS-515 and MCTS-513. He is currently working as Technical leader at Australian MNC.
His linkedin:
His blog: (Blog) (Blog)Step by step guide to become an expert in Angular
Key Features
● Book provide all the important aspects required for angular developers
● Learn modern Web Frameworks like AngularJS 1.x, KnockoutJs, Ember, Backbone
● Book will give you an idea of the Angular framework (including version 2, 4, 5 and 6) and provide you an excellent understanding of the concepts.
This book provide all the important aspects required for angular developers looking for brief and useful content for frequently asked Angular Interview questions. You have already worked with other Modern Web Frameworks like AngularJS 1.x, KnockoutJs, Ember, Backbone and now you are keen to become an expert in Angular including version 2, 4, 5 and 6.
You have no framework experience at all but you have a profound understanding of Angular and now you are keen to know how to bring your web apps as well as mobile apps to the next level. This book will give you an idea of the Angular framework (including version 2, 4, 5 and 6 and provide you an excellent understanding of the concepts.
Changing job is one of the biggest challenges for any IT professional. When IT professional starts searching job, they realise that they need much more than experience. Working on a project is one thing and cracking an interview is
another. This book will give you a bird’s eye view of what is needed in an interview. It will help you in doing a quick revision so that you can be ready for the discussion faster.
What will you learn
● The Basic Concepts of Angular, its Components, Directives and Modules
● Angular Form, Elements, Templates, and Validations
● Dependency Injection (DI), HttpClient
● Angular Services, Routing and Navigation
● Angular Compiler, Pipes, Service Workers
● Server Side Rendering (Angular Universal)
● Angular Security, Cookies
● Basic Understanding of Angular Testing and TypeScript
Who this book is for
You are new or have some experience in Angular and now want to take the step to became an expert in Angular and want to learn more about how you can apply the new concepts specifically for an Interview or developing robust web apps as well as mobile apps.
Table of Contents
1. The Basic Concepts of Angular
2. Angular Components
3. Angular Directives
4. Angular Modules
5. Angular Form, Templates, and Validations
6. Angular Elements
7. Dependency Injection (DI)
8. HttpClient
9. Angular Services
10. Routing and Navigation
11. Angular Compiler
12. Angular Pipes
13. Service Workers
14. Server Side Rendering (Angular Universal)
15. Angular Security
16. Angular Cookies
17. Basic Understanding of Angular Testing
18. Basic Understanding of TypeScript
About the Author
Anil singh has done B.Sc. (Mathematics) and MCA (Master of Computer Application). He has a number of certifications including MCP, MCTS-515 and MCTS-513. He is currently working as Technical leader at Australian MNC.
His linkedin:
His blog: (Blog) (Blog)
Anishth Grah Aur Jyotish
“Annant aakash me faile alokik shakti ke prichayak koti-koti taron v grah – nakshtro ke adrishy sanket tatha bhukampo ka aana, jwalamukhi fut Padna, barfili hawaon ka chalna, samudri tufano ka jor aadi vinashkari ghatnaye prithvi ke jad, chetan pranivarg ko hani pahuchate hai. Jyotish vigyan dvara in sabhi tathyo ka purvanuman lagakar inse bacha ja sakta hai
Prastut pustak me prarmbhik 3 adhyayon me
1. Jyotish, kram aur bhagya.prarambh
2. Vaidik ganit ke Niymo/Siddhnto ke anusar lagn gyat karne ki aasan vidhi sahit janamkundli rachna.
3. Grah, rashi aur nakshtra ka samuchit varnan hai
4. Janamkundli ke dwadash bhavo me navgraho ki abhisht evam anisht grah sthiti evam prabhav darshye gaye hai.
Isme mantra shakti, yantra bal, vrat/upvas labh, sadharan vastu daan, havan-anushthan-yagya karna, shubh rattan dharan karna, grah sambandhi rudraksh apne paas rakhna, bimar hone par aushadh sanan karna aadi upayo ki ek lambi shrinkhla hai. Iske atirikat pan, bhkut v nadi dosh apvaad, manlike dosh parihar, kalsarp dosh upay, shani ki sadhesati v dhaiya ka bachav ke upay, pitrudosh/maturdosh v upay, chunavi samar jit ke upay, videsh pravas ke upay ka ullekh hai.
(The invisible signs of the stars and the constellations of the supernatural power spread in the infinite skies and the coming of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,stormy winds, the addition of sea storms, etc. devastating incidences harm the root of the Earth, the conscious animal.Astrology can be avoided by predicting all these facts.In the introductory book, in the first 3 chapters: 1. Astrology, karma and destiny. Beginning2. According to the rules / principles of vedic mathematics, Horoscope composition, including an easy method to know marriage.3. The house, zodiac sign and the name of the nakshtra 4. In the dream lines of the horoscope, the capabilities and effects of the neo-planets and the effects of neo-planets have been shown. It includes mantra strength, yantra force, fasting / fasting benefits, ordinary objects donation, hav-rituals-sacrifice, holding auspicious rattan, etc. There is a long series of measures related to keeping the house related Rudraksha with you, medication while ill.)
Anishth Navgrah – Shanti Ke Upay
Anant aakaash mein failee alaukik shakti ke parichayak koti-koti taaroon va grah-nakshatroon ke adrishy sankeet yatha bhuukampoon ka aana, jvaalaamukhee fuut padana, barfeelai havaoon ka chalana, samudree tuufaanoon ka joor aadi vinaashakaaree ghatanaayeen prithvee ke jad, chetan praaneevarg ko haani pahunchaatee hain . Jyootish vijnaan dvaara in sabhee tathyoon ka puurvaanumaan lagaakar inasee bacha ja sakata hai.
Prastut pustak mein navagrahoon ke abheesht evan anisht grah sthiti prabhaav darshaayai gayai hain. Isamein mantra shakti, yantra bal, vrat / upavaas laabh, saadharan vastu daan, havan-anushthaan-yajn karana, shubh ratn dharan karana, grah sambandhee rudraaksh apanee paas rakhana aadi upaayoon kee ek lambee shrinkhala hai.(When one or more planets in a horoscope becomes debilitated, combust, conjunct Rahu/Ketu or malefic, or owns/occupies 6, 8, 12 houses, it gives negative results. To reduce their negative impact of malefic Surya, Chandra, Mangal, Budh, Guru, Shukra, Shani, Rahu and Ketu, the author Lakshmi Narayan Sharma shows ways drawn from ancient authentic astrological scriptures, gems, Rudraksh and on the methodologies described in Lal Kitab. ) #v&spublishers
Ank Jyotish Vigyan Evam Bhavishyafal
Iss pustak mein lekhak ke 25 varshon ke pathan paathan ka anubhav saamuhit hai tatha vishey ki gudhta evam gahanta ko spasht shabdon mein sahaj karke prastut kiya gaya hai. Ankh jyotish jaise duruh vishey ko jansadharan ki bhaasha mein likhne ke liye lekhak ne aadhik prayas kiya hai. Tathapi ismein bhasha shaili ki veh ravaangi hai ki pathak isse bina shabdkosh ke padhne mein kaamyaab ho sakenge. Sabki yeh dili iccha hoti hai apna bhavishya jaanna. Ankh jyotish bhavishya kathan ki ek prabhavi vidya ban chuki hai. Aasha hai ki humaare sehriday pathak isse khushi se sweekaar karenge.(In this book, the experience of reading of the author of 25 years is a compilation and the intricacy and depth of the subject is presented in a simple way.The author has made enormous efforts to write such a dubious topic as Akhara astrology in an easy language.However, it is the language of the language style that the reader will be able to read it without any dictionary. This is the wish of everyone to have your future.Aksh Astrology has become an effective teaching of the future narrative. Hope that our kind readers will accept it happily.)
Apna Mulaank Janen
Ank jyootish eevan bhavishyapaphal par aadharit yah pustak saadharanatah boolacaal kee bhaasha meen likhee gayee hai. Prastut pustak kee bhaasha itanee saral eevan sahaj hai ki saadharan see saadharan parha-likha vyakti bhee isee aasaanee see samajh leega tatha isaka puura laabh utha sakanee meen saksham hooga.
Is pustak meen leekhak ka 25 varshoon kee jyootish vishay kee pathan-paathan kee muul mantra too samaahit hain hee, saath-saath isameen bhaasha-shailee kee vah ravaanagee hai ki aap isee bina kisee shabdakoosh kee parhanee meen saksham hoongee.
Jaisa ki ham sab jaanatee hain ki bhavishy jaananee kee iccha manushy kee man meen aadikaal see rahee hai. Aaj bhavishy jaananee kee kaee vidhayeen pracalit hain, jinameen janm-vuphandalee, prashn-vuphandalee, ramalashaastra, hastareekhaashaastra aadi pramukh hain. Parantu ank jyootish eek aisee vidh hai jisaka prayoog any sabhee vidhoon meen kisee na kisee ruup meen avashy kiya jaata hai.
Google Translate for Business:Translator ToolkitWebsite TranslatorGlobal Market Finder(The book has been written in a simple language so that everybody is able to read it and understand. The treatment consists of astrology, numerology and the mantras. As we all know, people are visually curious to know about their future. The book shows ways to know that with the help of like birth spiral, question spiral, horoscope, etc. ) #v&spublishers
Apna Vyaktitva Prabhavshali Kaise Banaye
Influential personalities of each person in the crowd because of its priceless heritage which has made her identity. Family or society, country or abroad, job or industry, business administration or political system, for instance Everywhere you look a lot people will stand among them who could most influence and dignity of all to find what would be your ideal. You have to be the same. This book to make you so attractive and influential gives sound advice.
Apprentice Vikas Adhikari Pariksha
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Apprentice Vikas Adhikari Pariksha exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Arithmetic for Competitive Exams
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in “Arithmetic for Competitive Exams” exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Arithmetic With Shortcut Methods
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Arithmetic With Shortcut Methods exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Army Cadet College (ACC) Entrance Exam Guide (Big Size)
This comprehensive book is useful for Army Cadet College Entrance Exam for the purpose of Study and practice of questions based on the latest pattern of the examination. This book included Comprehensive Study Material with Solved Question-Answers and Model Test Paper (Solved). Detailed Answers have also been provided for the questions for Better Understanding of the Candidates.
Artificer Apprentice Recruitment Test (Indian Navy)
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Artificer Apprentice Recruitment Test (Indian Navy) exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Artificial Intelligence
For beginners to level up Core Programming Skills
Key Features
● The book gives a lucid introduction to the idea of AI.
● The book is insightful for an academic understanding of AI in the concept of Legal Personality meant for every person, including professionals in the field of Technology, Finance, Healthcare, HR Management, Agriculture.
● The book gives a idea about many new AI products and services being released in the market.
● The book presents various social, ethical, and political challenges including significant risk to humanity.
Our World of personal life and work is set to change dramatically over the next decade as Artificial Intelligence (AI) strikes deeper roots with new products and services; robots take charge of manufacturing and warehouses; and drones reach the remote corners to deliver orders to customers. AI services and robots will particularly facilitate the life of the older people and the visually-impaired. AI has raised the bar of competition in the international market place and countries are busy implementing policies that will keep them ahead in the race of the next-generational change. AI will raise the productivity of the economy and provide a lot more convenience, though there is bound to be a short-term pain in the transformational process.
This book explains the concepts of AI with lots of real-life examples. While the big tech companies like Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, IBM, Microsoft (3AFIM) of the US and Alibaba, Baidu,, Tencent (ABJY) of chine are busy re-fashioning their businesses by integrating AI into all products and services they deliver, startups on the other hand are disrupting the traditional business models in finance, e-commerce, healthcare, HR management, fashion, law and even agriculture. AI-driven smart cities would provide a richer quality of living to their residents. This book also provide an insight into various social and ethical issues, such as monopoly of the big tech, ownership of data, personal privacy, job losses and autonomy of technology particularly in military warfare, which poses an existential threat to mankind. Future of AI is also discusses taking a 360-degree approach.
AI offers a huge economic opportunity, but a thoughtful approach for democratization of technology is required to provide benefits to all sections of the society. Nations and communities need to come together to evolve models that will be sustainable in the long run.
What will you learn
Able to solve real-life AI case studies. Understand the future of AI solutions and adapt quickly to them.
Who this book is for
It is a simple, explanatory, and descriptive guide for developers, technology consultants, and those interested in AI and wants to understand the fundamentals of AI and implement it practically by devising smart solutions.
Table of Contents
1. AI, How it is transforming Life and Business
2. Understanding AI and Associated Technologies
3. AI in the ‘bull’ run
4. Data, the Engine of AI
5. Big tech bets big on AI
6. AI Startups that transformed Businesses
7. AI Startups in Finance
8. AI Startups in Healthcare
9. AI Startups in Human Resource
10. AI Startups in Fashion, Law, Agriculture and Other Areas
11. Ethical, Social and Political issues in AI
12. Future of AI
13. ConclusionFor beginners to level up Core Programming Skills
Key Features
● The book gives a lucid introduction to the idea of AI.
● The book is insightful for an academic understanding of AI in the concept of Legal Personality meant for every person, including professionals in the field of Technology, Finance, Healthcare, HR Management, Agriculture.
● The book gives a idea about many new AI products and services being released in the market.
● The book presents various social, ethical, and political challenges including significant risk to humanity.
Our World of personal life and work is set to change dramatically over the next decade as Artificial Intelligence (AI) strikes deeper roots with new products and services; robots take charge of manufacturing and warehouses; and drones reach the remote corners to deliver orders to customers. AI services and robots will particularly facilitate the life of the older people and the visually-impaired. AI has raised the bar of competition in the international market place and countries are busy implementing policies that will keep them ahead in the race of the next-generational change. AI will raise the productivity of the economy and provide a lot more convenience, though there is bound to be a short-term pain in the transformational process.
This book explains the concepts of AI with lots of real-life examples. While the big tech companies like Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, IBM, Microsoft (3AFIM) of the US and Alibaba, Baidu,, Tencent (ABJY) of chine are busy re-fashioning their businesses by integrating AI into all products and services they deliver, startups on the other hand are disrupting the traditional business models in finance, e-commerce, healthcare, HR management, fashion, law and even agriculture. AI-driven smart cities would provide a richer quality of living to their residents. This book also provide an insight into various social and ethical issues, such as monopoly of the big tech, ownership of data, personal privacy, job losses and autonomy of technology particularly in military warfare, which poses an existential threat to mankind. Future of AI is also discusses taking a 360-degree approach.
AI offers a huge economic opportunity, but a thoughtful approach for democratization of technology is required to provide benefits to all sections of the society. Nations and communities need to come together to evolve models that will be sustainable in the long run.
What will you learn
Able to solve real-life AI case studies. Understand the future of AI solutions and adapt quickly to them.
Who this book is for
It is a simple, explanatory, and descriptive guide for developers, technology consultants, and those interested in AI and wants to understand the fundamentals of AI and implement it practically by devising smart solutions.
Table of Contents
1. AI, How it is transforming Life and Business
2. Understanding AI and Associated Technologies
3. AI in the ‘bull’ run
4. Data, the Engine of AI
5. Big tech bets big on AI
6. AI Startups that transformed Businesses
7. AI Startups in Finance
8. AI Startups in Healthcare
9. AI Startups in Human Resource
10. AI Startups in Fashion, Law, Agriculture and Other Areas
11. Ethical, Social and Political issues in AI
12. Future of AI
13. ConclusionFor beginners to level up Core Programming Skills
Key Features
● The book gives a lucid introduction to the idea of AI.
● The book is insightful for an academic understanding of AI in the concept of Legal Personality meant for every person, including professionals in the field of Technology, Finance, Healthcare, HR Management, Agriculture.
● The book gives a idea about many new AI products and services being released in the market.
● The book presents various social, ethical, and political challenges including significant risk to humanity.
Our World of personal life and work is set to change dramatically over the next decade as Artificial Intelligence (AI) strikes deeper roots with new products and services; robots take charge of manufacturing and warehouses; and drones reach the remote corners to deliver orders to customers. AI services and robots will particularly facilitate the life of the older people and the visually-impaired. AI has raised the bar of competition in the international market place and countries are busy implementing policies that will keep them ahead in the race of the next-generational change. AI will raise the productivity of the economy and provide a lot more convenience, though there is bound to be a short-term pain in the transformational process.
This book explains the concepts of AI with lots of real-life examples. While the big tech companies like Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, IBM, Microsoft (3AFIM) of the US and Alibaba, Baidu,, Tencent (ABJY) of chine are busy re-fashioning their businesses by integrating AI into all products and services they deliver, startups on the other hand are disrupting the traditional business models in finance, e-commerce, healthcare, HR management, fashion, law and even agriculture. AI-driven smart cities would provide a richer quality of living to their residents. This book also provide an insight into various social and ethical issues, such as monopoly of the big tech, ownership of data, personal privacy, job losses and autonomy of technology particularly in military warfare, which poses an existential threat to mankind. Future of AI is also discusses taking a 360-degree approach.
AI offers a huge economic opportunity, but a thoughtful approach for democratization of technology is required to provide benefits to all sections of the society. Nations and communities need to come together to evolve models that will be sustainable in the long run.
What will you learn
Able to solve real-life AI case studies. Understand the future of AI solutions and adapt quickly to them.
Who this book is for
It is a simple, explanatory, and descriptive guide for developers, technology consultants, and those interested in AI and wants to understand the fundamentals of AI and implement it practically by devising smart solutions.
Table of Contents
1. AI, How it is transforming Life and Business
2. Understanding AI and Associated Technologies
3. AI in the ‘bull’ run
4. Data, the Engine of AI
5. Big tech bets big on AI
6. AI Startups that transformed Businesses
7. AI Startups in Finance
8. AI Startups in Healthcare
9. AI Startups in Human Resource
10. AI Startups in Fashion, Law, Agriculture and Other Areas
11. Ethical, Social and Political issues in AI
12. Future of AI
13. ConclusionFor beginners to level up Core Programming Skills
Key Features
● The book gives a lucid introduction to the idea of AI.
● The book is insightful for an academic understanding of AI in the concept of Legal Personality meant for every person, including professionals in the field of Technology, Finance, Healthcare, HR Management, Agriculture.
● The book gives a idea about many new AI products and services being released in the market.
● The book presents various social, ethical, and political challenges including significant risk to humanity.
Our World of personal life and work is set to change dramatically over the next decade as Artificial Intelligence (AI) strikes deeper roots with new products and services; robots take charge of manufacturing and warehouses; and drones reach the remote corners to deliver orders to customers. AI services and robots will particularly facilitate the life of the older people and the visually-impaired. AI has raised the bar of competition in the international market place and countries are busy implementing policies that will keep them ahead in the race of the next-generational change. AI will raise the productivity of the economy and provide a lot more convenience, though there is bound to be a short-term pain in the transformational process.
This book explains the concepts of AI with lots of real-life examples. While the big tech companies like Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, IBM, Microsoft (3AFIM) of the US and Alibaba, Baidu,, Tencent (ABJY) of chine are busy re-fashioning their businesses by integrating AI into all products and services they deliver, startups on the other hand are disrupting the traditional business models in finance, e-commerce, healthcare, HR management, fashion, law and even agriculture. AI-driven smart cities would provide a richer quality of living to their residents. This book also provide an insight into various social and ethical issues, such as monopoly of the big tech, ownership of data, personal privacy, job losses and autonomy of technology particularly in military warfare, which poses an existential threat to mankind. Future of AI is also discusses taking a 360-degree approach.
AI offers a huge economic opportunity, but a thoughtful approach for democratization of technology is required to provide benefits to all sections of the society. Nations and communities need to come together to evolve models that will be sustainable in the long run.
What will you learn
Able to solve real-life AI case studies. Understand the future of AI solutions and adapt quickly to them.
Who this book is for
It is a simple, explanatory, and descriptive guide for developers, technology consultants, and those interested in AI and wants to understand the fundamentals of AI and implement it practically by devising smart solutions.
Table of Contents
1. AI, How it is transforming Life and Business
2. Understanding AI and Associated Technologies
3. AI in the ‘bull’ run
4. Data, the Engine of AI
5. Big tech bets big on AI
6. AI Startups that transformed Businesses
7. AI Startups in Finance
8. AI Startups in Healthcare
9. AI Startups in Human Resource
10. AI Startups in Fashion, Law, Agriculture and Other Areas
11. Ethical, Social and Political issues in AI
12. Future of AI
13. ConclusionFor beginners to level up Core Programming Skills
Key Features
● The book gives a lucid introduction to the idea of AI.
● The book is insightful for an academic understanding of AI in the concept of Legal Personality meant for every person, including professionals in the field of Technology, Finance, Healthcare, HR Management, Agriculture.
● The book gives a idea about many new AI products and services being released in the market.
● The book presents various social, ethical, and political challenges including significant risk to humanity.
Our World of personal life and work is set to change dramatically over the next decade as Artificial Intelligence (AI) strikes deeper roots with new products and services; robots take charge of manufacturing and warehouses; and drones reach the remote corners to deliver orders to customers. AI services and robots will particularly facilitate the life of the older people and the visually-impaired. AI has raised the bar of competition in the international market place and countries are busy implementing policies that will keep them ahead in the race of the next-generational change. AI will raise the productivity of the economy and provide a lot more convenience, though there is bound to be a short-term pain in the transformational process.
This book explains the concepts of AI with lots of real-life examples. While the big tech companies like Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, IBM, Microsoft (3AFIM) of the US and Alibaba, Baidu,, Tencent (ABJY) of chine are busy re-fashioning their businesses by integrating AI into all products and services they deliver, startups on the other hand are disrupting the traditional business models in finance, e-commerce, healthcare, HR management, fashion, law and even agriculture. AI-driven smart cities would provide a richer quality of living to their residents. This book also provide an insight into various social and ethical issues, such as monopoly of the big tech, ownership of data, personal privacy, job losses and autonomy of technology particularly in military warfare, which poses an existential threat to mankind. Future of AI is also discusses taking a 360-degree approach.
AI offers a huge economic opportunity, but a thoughtful approach for democratization of technology is required to provide benefits to all sections of the society. Nations and communities need to come together to evolve models that will be sustainable in the long run.
What will you learn
Able to solve real-life AI case studies. Understand the future of AI solutions and adapt quickly to them.
Who this book is for
It is a simple, explanatory, and descriptive guide for developers, technology consultants, and those interested in AI and wants to understand the fundamentals of AI and implement it practically by devising smart solutions.
Table of Contents
1. AI, How it is transforming Life and Business
2. Understanding AI and Associated Technologies
3. AI in the ‘bull’ run
4. Data, the Engine of AI
5. Big tech bets big on AI
6. AI Startups that transformed Businesses
7. AI Startups in Finance
8. AI Startups in Healthcare
9. AI Startups in Human Resource
10. AI Startups in Fashion, Law, Agriculture and Other Areas
11. Ethical, Social and Political issues in AI
12. Future of AI
13. Conclusion
Artificial Intelligence meets Augmented Reality
Blending of AI and AR
Key Features
The book believes in the concept of teach by example. All the tools needed to facilitate quick understanding of complex concepts are provided in this book:
● Definition of key terms
● Industry studies, research statistics, etc., that clarify concepts
● Spotlight sections
● A Word of Caution sections
● Chapter summaries
● Questions for reflection
Artificial Intelligence Meets Augmented Reality: Redefining Regular Reality is a unique book as it presents the new technology paradigm of artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) and its full transition, right from major advantages that enhance entire industries to changing how the world operates at various levels. New realities will emerge in the context of our existing world through the combination of AI-AR. The book presents both the bright and bleak sides of the AI-AR duo in order to give a holistic view and help us to decide how we are going to leverage such technologies—and whether their disruptive or transformative nature—will mar or make the future of our world. A workforce of enlightened engineers is the key to designing and developing AI-AR solutions with responsibility in order to achieve the greater good. Through the book, Chitra Lele has explained a multidisciplinary, integrated approach as to how we can minimize barriers and blend AI and AR without destroying our natural settings. The book will help to chart out a path where there is no trail yet, and get you started on developing AI-AR solutions and experiences in bettering the world in an ethical and responsible manner.
What will you learn
● Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● AI and AR Ecosystem
● Business at the Crossroads of AI and AR
● What does the AI-AR Marriage Hold for the Future of the World
Who this book is for
Students, Academicians, Educationists, Professionals and Policy researchers.
Table of Contents
PART 1—Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● AI and AR Ecosystem
PART 2—Business at the Crossroads of AI and AR
● AI Meets AR in the Business Landscape
● More Dynamics of the AI-AR Convergence
PART 3—What does the AI-AR Marriage Hold for the Future of the World
● Collaboration of Intelligence and Augmentation in the Real World
● Challenges and Solutions
● Where do We Go from Here
About the Author
CHITRA LELE is a young software consultant, academic author and research scholar. She is a double postgraduate: Master in Computer Management and Master of Science in Software Engineering. Her publications include scholarly articles, research papers and academic books. She has been conferred with the title of “A Versatile Writer” by the India Book of Records for penning maximum number of books in a short span of eighteen months in various genres.
Her LinkedIn Profile: of AI and AR
Key Features
The book believes in the concept of teach by example. All the tools needed to facilitate quick understanding of complex concepts are provided in this book:
● Definition of key terms
● Industry studies, research statistics, etc., that clarify concepts
● Spotlight sections
● A Word of Caution sections
● Chapter summaries
● Questions for reflection
Artificial Intelligence Meets Augmented Reality: Redefining Regular Reality is a unique book as it presents the new technology paradigm of artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) and its full transition, right from major advantages that enhance entire industries to changing how the world operates at various levels. New realities will emerge in the context of our existing world through the combination of AI-AR. The book presents both the bright and bleak sides of the AI-AR duo in order to give a holistic view and help us to decide how we are going to leverage such technologies—and whether their disruptive or transformative nature—will mar or make the future of our world. A workforce of enlightened engineers is the key to designing and developing AI-AR solutions with responsibility in order to achieve the greater good. Through the book, Chitra Lele has explained a multidisciplinary, integrated approach as to how we can minimize barriers and blend AI and AR without destroying our natural settings. The book will help to chart out a path where there is no trail yet, and get you started on developing AI-AR solutions and experiences in bettering the world in an ethical and responsible manner.
What will you learn
● Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● AI and AR Ecosystem
● Business at the Crossroads of AI and AR
● What does the AI-AR Marriage Hold for the Future of the World
Who this book is for
Students, Academicians, Educationists, Professionals and Policy researchers.
Table of Contents
PART 1—Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● AI and AR Ecosystem
PART 2—Business at the Crossroads of AI and AR
● AI Meets AR in the Business Landscape
● More Dynamics of the AI-AR Convergence
PART 3—What does the AI-AR Marriage Hold for the Future of the World
● Collaboration of Intelligence and Augmentation in the Real World
● Challenges and Solutions
● Where do We Go from Here
About the Author
CHITRA LELE is a young software consultant, academic author and research scholar. She is a double postgraduate: Master in Computer Management and Master of Science in Software Engineering. Her publications include scholarly articles, research papers and academic books. She has been conferred with the title of “A Versatile Writer” by the India Book of Records for penning maximum number of books in a short span of eighteen months in various genres.
Her LinkedIn Profile: of AI and AR
Key Features
The book believes in the concept of teach by example. All the tools needed to facilitate quick understanding of complex concepts are provided in this book:
● Definition of key terms
● Industry studies, research statistics, etc., that clarify concepts
● Spotlight sections
● A Word of Caution sections
● Chapter summaries
● Questions for reflection
Artificial Intelligence Meets Augmented Reality: Redefining Regular Reality is a unique book as it presents the new technology paradigm of artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) and its full transition, right from major advantages that enhance entire industries to changing how the world operates at various levels. New realities will emerge in the context of our existing world through the combination of AI-AR. The book presents both the bright and bleak sides of the AI-AR duo in order to give a holistic view and help us to decide how we are going to leverage such technologies—and whether their disruptive or transformative nature—will mar or make the future of our world. A workforce of enlightened engineers is the key to designing and developing AI-AR solutions with responsibility in order to achieve the greater good. Through the book, Chitra Lele has explained a multidisciplinary, integrated approach as to how we can minimize barriers and blend AI and AR without destroying our natural settings. The book will help to chart out a path where there is no trail yet, and get you started on developing AI-AR solutions and experiences in bettering the world in an ethical and responsible manner.
What will you learn
● Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● AI and AR Ecosystem
● Business at the Crossroads of AI and AR
● What does the AI-AR Marriage Hold for the Future of the World
Who this book is for
Students, Academicians, Educationists, Professionals and Policy researchers.
Table of Contents
PART 1—Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● AI and AR Ecosystem
PART 2—Business at the Crossroads of AI and AR
● AI Meets AR in the Business Landscape
● More Dynamics of the AI-AR Convergence
PART 3—What does the AI-AR Marriage Hold for the Future of the World
● Collaboration of Intelligence and Augmentation in the Real World
● Challenges and Solutions
● Where do We Go from Here
About the Author
CHITRA LELE is a young software consultant, academic author and research scholar. She is a double postgraduate: Master in Computer Management and Master of Science in Software Engineering. Her publications include scholarly articles, research papers and academic books. She has been conferred with the title of “A Versatile Writer” by the India Book of Records for penning maximum number of books in a short span of eighteen months in various genres.
Her LinkedIn Profile: of AI and AR
Key Features
The book believes in the concept of teach by example. All the tools needed to facilitate quick understanding of complex concepts are provided in this book:
● Definition of key terms
● Industry studies, research statistics, etc., that clarify concepts
● Spotlight sections
● A Word of Caution sections
● Chapter summaries
● Questions for reflection
Artificial Intelligence Meets Augmented Reality: Redefining Regular Reality is a unique book as it presents the new technology paradigm of artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) and its full transition, right from major advantages that enhance entire industries to changing how the world operates at various levels. New realities will emerge in the context of our existing world through the combination of AI-AR. The book presents both the bright and bleak sides of the AI-AR duo in order to give a holistic view and help us to decide how we are going to leverage such technologies—and whether their disruptive or transformative nature—will mar or make the future of our world. A workforce of enlightened engineers is the key to designing and developing AI-AR solutions with responsibility in order to achieve the greater good. Through the book, Chitra Lele has explained a multidisciplinary, integrated approach as to how we can minimize barriers and blend AI and AR without destroying our natural settings. The book will help to chart out a path where there is no trail yet, and get you started on developing AI-AR solutions and experiences in bettering the world in an ethical and responsible manner.
What will you learn
● Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● AI and AR Ecosystem
● Business at the Crossroads of AI and AR
● What does the AI-AR Marriage Hold for the Future of the World
Who this book is for
Students, Academicians, Educationists, Professionals and Policy researchers.
Table of Contents
PART 1—Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● AI and AR Ecosystem
PART 2—Business at the Crossroads of AI and AR
● AI Meets AR in the Business Landscape
● More Dynamics of the AI-AR Convergence
PART 3—What does the AI-AR Marriage Hold for the Future of the World
● Collaboration of Intelligence and Augmentation in the Real World
● Challenges and Solutions
● Where do We Go from Here
About the Author
CHITRA LELE is a young software consultant, academic author and research scholar. She is a double postgraduate: Master in Computer Management and Master of Science in Software Engineering. Her publications include scholarly articles, research papers and academic books. She has been conferred with the title of “A Versatile Writer” by the India Book of Records for penning maximum number of books in a short span of eighteen months in various genres.
Her LinkedIn Profile: of AI and AR
Key Features
The book believes in the concept of teach by example. All the tools needed to facilitate quick understanding of complex concepts are provided in this book:
● Definition of key terms
● Industry studies, research statistics, etc., that clarify concepts
● Spotlight sections
● A Word of Caution sections
● Chapter summaries
● Questions for reflection
Artificial Intelligence Meets Augmented Reality: Redefining Regular Reality is a unique book as it presents the new technology paradigm of artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) and its full transition, right from major advantages that enhance entire industries to changing how the world operates at various levels. New realities will emerge in the context of our existing world through the combination of AI-AR. The book presents both the bright and bleak sides of the AI-AR duo in order to give a holistic view and help us to decide how we are going to leverage such technologies—and whether their disruptive or transformative nature—will mar or make the future of our world. A workforce of enlightened engineers is the key to designing and developing AI-AR solutions with responsibility in order to achieve the greater good. Through the book, Chitra Lele has explained a multidisciplinary, integrated approach as to how we can minimize barriers and blend AI and AR without destroying our natural settings. The book will help to chart out a path where there is no trail yet, and get you started on developing AI-AR solutions and experiences in bettering the world in an ethical and responsible manner.
What will you learn
● Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● AI and AR Ecosystem
● Business at the Crossroads of AI and AR
● What does the AI-AR Marriage Hold for the Future of the World
Who this book is for
Students, Academicians, Educationists, Professionals and Policy researchers.
Table of Contents
PART 1—Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● AI and AR Ecosystem
PART 2—Business at the Crossroads of AI and AR
● AI Meets AR in the Business Landscape
● More Dynamics of the AI-AR Convergence
PART 3—What does the AI-AR Marriage Hold for the Future of the World
● Collaboration of Intelligence and Augmentation in the Real World
● Challenges and Solutions
● Where do We Go from Here
About the Author
CHITRA LELE is a young software consultant, academic author and research scholar. She is a double postgraduate: Master in Computer Management and Master of Science in Software Engineering. Her publications include scholarly articles, research papers and academic books. She has been conferred with the title of “A Versatile Writer” by the India Book of Records for penning maximum number of books in a short span of eighteen months in various genres.
Her LinkedIn Profile: of AI and AR
Key Features
The book believes in the concept of teach by example. All the tools needed to facilitate quick understanding of complex concepts are provided in this book:
● Definition of key terms
● Industry studies, research statistics, etc., that clarify concepts
● Spotlight sections
● A Word of Caution sections
● Chapter summaries
● Questions for reflection
Artificial Intelligence Meets Augmented Reality: Redefining Regular Reality is a unique book as it presents the new technology paradigm of artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) and its full transition, right from major advantages that enhance entire industries to changing how the world operates at various levels. New realities will emerge in the context of our existing world through the combination of AI-AR. The book presents both the bright and bleak sides of the AI-AR duo in order to give a holistic view and help us to decide how we are going to leverage such technologies—and whether their disruptive or transformative nature—will mar or make the future of our world. A workforce of enlightened engineers is the key to designing and developing AI-AR solutions with responsibility in order to achieve the greater good. Through the book, Chitra Lele has explained a multidisciplinary, integrated approach as to how we can minimize barriers and blend AI and AR without destroying our natural settings. The book will help to chart out a path where there is no trail yet, and get you started on developing AI-AR solutions and experiences in bettering the world in an ethical and responsible manner.
What will you learn
● Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● AI and AR Ecosystem
● Business at the Crossroads of AI and AR
● What does the AI-AR Marriage Hold for the Future of the World
Who this book is for
Students, Academicians, Educationists, Professionals and Policy researchers.
Table of Contents
PART 1—Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● AI and AR Ecosystem
PART 2—Business at the Crossroads of AI and AR
● AI Meets AR in the Business Landscape
● More Dynamics of the AI-AR Convergence
PART 3—What does the AI-AR Marriage Hold for the Future of the World
● Collaboration of Intelligence and Augmentation in the Real World
● Challenges and Solutions
● Where do We Go from Here
About the Author
CHITRA LELE is a young software consultant, academic author and research scholar. She is a double postgraduate: Master in Computer Management and Master of Science in Software Engineering. Her publications include scholarly articles, research papers and academic books. She has been conferred with the title of “A Versatile Writer” by the India Book of Records for penning maximum number of books in a short span of eighteen months in various genres.
Her LinkedIn Profile:
Assertion and Reason in Science ( Medi.,Eng.,Pharmacy )
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in xxxx exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.