Magzter Books
Showing 901–950 of 5026 results
The bandit wore a gruesome garland of fingers of the men he had killed. As his garland of fingers grew longer strong men cowered in fright. The bandit was invincible – until he met a gentle monk – Buddha. Thus darkness came face to face with light and at last the restless bandit found peace.
Animal Antics
Animal Antics was produced by the editorial teams of 11 Media 24 Lifestyle titles. This is the company’s first annual stand-alone magazine for pet lovers. The publication offers load of tips and tricks for raising puppies and taking care of cats, rabbits, koi fish, snakes, piglets and even chickens, and also investigates issues such as whether animals can communicate with humans and how intelligent dogs are.
Animal Farm
“Published in 1945, Animal Farm is one of George Orwell’s finest fictional criticisms of the Soviet Union. An allegorical novel, the text was initially met with several rejections by publishers because the United Kingdom was then in alliance with Stalin’s regime against Nazi Germany. However, Orwell was a staunch opponent of fascist and autocratic regimes and saw a very destructive society building up under Stalin.
In Animal Farm, Orwell uses allegorical devices to comment upon systems of power that oppress individuals based on differing ideologies and identities. The animals of Manor Farm boldly fight for shatters when the power shifts from a human to another animal, while following the code that ‘All Animals are Equal’. A witty and brilliant masterpiece, this satire on the Russian Revolution weaves a story of a gradual descent into a dystopian society. It traces how the initial principles upon which the eponymous Animal Farm was built are flouted by Napoleon – a pig – who sees any ideology differing from his as a threat.
Orwell’s Animal Farm is an important, thought-provoking commentary on how unchecked and arbitrary power tends to lead to the formation of an unjust and oppressive society. Animal Farm continues to hold importance in the study of modern literature and societies worldwide.”
Animals Basic Origami
Illustrated Activity Book for Children – Origamifor grownups, some of our fondest memories revolve around making origami as kids. Some of that simpler time can be captured by a little pacer folding. Folding origami is also a great way for parents to spend quality time with kids without the need for any high tech gadget.
Animals Birds
“How to Draw” is a collection of tutorials that will teach your children everything from perspective basics to shading chrome. Never picked up a pencil before? Fear not! From simple line drawings to modern art and easy animations, we’ve got you covered.So you can start your masterpiece today!
Anishth Grah Aur Jyotish
“Annant aakash me faile alokik shakti ke prichayak koti-koti taron v grah – nakshtro ke adrishy sanket tatha bhukampo ka aana, jwalamukhi fut Padna, barfili hawaon ka chalna, samudri tufano ka jor aadi vinashkari ghatnaye prithvi ke jad, chetan pranivarg ko hani pahuchate hai. Jyotish vigyan dvara in sabhi tathyo ka purvanuman lagakar inse bacha ja sakta hai
Prastut pustak me prarmbhik 3 adhyayon me
1. Jyotish, kram aur bhagya.prarambh
2. Vaidik ganit ke Niymo/Siddhnto ke anusar lagn gyat karne ki aasan vidhi sahit janamkundli rachna.
3. Grah, rashi aur nakshtra ka samuchit varnan hai
4. Janamkundli ke dwadash bhavo me navgraho ki abhisht evam anisht grah sthiti evam prabhav darshye gaye hai.
Isme mantra shakti, yantra bal, vrat/upvas labh, sadharan vastu daan, havan-anushthan-yagya karna, shubh rattan dharan karna, grah sambandhi rudraksh apne paas rakhna, bimar hone par aushadh sanan karna aadi upayo ki ek lambi shrinkhla hai. Iske atirikat pan, bhkut v nadi dosh apvaad, manlike dosh parihar, kalsarp dosh upay, shani ki sadhesati v dhaiya ka bachav ke upay, pitrudosh/maturdosh v upay, chunavi samar jit ke upay, videsh pravas ke upay ka ullekh hai.
(The invisible signs of the stars and the constellations of the supernatural power spread in the infinite skies and the coming of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,stormy winds, the addition of sea storms, etc. devastating incidences harm the root of the Earth, the conscious animal.Astrology can be avoided by predicting all these facts.In the introductory book, in the first 3 chapters: 1. Astrology, karma and destiny. Beginning2. According to the rules / principles of vedic mathematics, Horoscope composition, including an easy method to know marriage.3. The house, zodiac sign and the name of the nakshtra 4. In the dream lines of the horoscope, the capabilities and effects of the neo-planets and the effects of neo-planets have been shown. It includes mantra strength, yantra force, fasting / fasting benefits, ordinary objects donation, hav-rituals-sacrifice, holding auspicious rattan, etc. There is a long series of measures related to keeping the house related Rudraksha with you, medication while ill.)
Anishth Navgrah – Shanti Ke Upay
Anant aakaash mein failee alaukik shakti ke parichayak koti-koti taaroon va grah-nakshatroon ke adrishy sankeet yatha bhuukampoon ka aana, jvaalaamukhee fuut padana, barfeelai havaoon ka chalana, samudree tuufaanoon ka joor aadi vinaashakaaree ghatanaayeen prithvee ke jad, chetan praaneevarg ko haani pahunchaatee hain . Jyootish vijnaan dvaara in sabhee tathyoon ka puurvaanumaan lagaakar inasee bacha ja sakata hai.
Prastut pustak mein navagrahoon ke abheesht evan anisht grah sthiti prabhaav darshaayai gayai hain. Isamein mantra shakti, yantra bal, vrat / upavaas laabh, saadharan vastu daan, havan-anushthaan-yajn karana, shubh ratn dharan karana, grah sambandhee rudraaksh apanee paas rakhana aadi upaayoon kee ek lambee shrinkhala hai.(When one or more planets in a horoscope becomes debilitated, combust, conjunct Rahu/Ketu or malefic, or owns/occupies 6, 8, 12 houses, it gives negative results. To reduce their negative impact of malefic Surya, Chandra, Mangal, Budh, Guru, Shukra, Shani, Rahu and Ketu, the author Lakshmi Narayan Sharma shows ways drawn from ancient authentic astrological scriptures, gems, Rudraksh and on the methodologies described in Lal Kitab. ) #v&spublishers
Ank Jyotish Vigyan Evam Bhavishyafal
Iss pustak mein lekhak ke 25 varshon ke pathan paathan ka anubhav saamuhit hai tatha vishey ki gudhta evam gahanta ko spasht shabdon mein sahaj karke prastut kiya gaya hai. Ankh jyotish jaise duruh vishey ko jansadharan ki bhaasha mein likhne ke liye lekhak ne aadhik prayas kiya hai. Tathapi ismein bhasha shaili ki veh ravaangi hai ki pathak isse bina shabdkosh ke padhne mein kaamyaab ho sakenge. Sabki yeh dili iccha hoti hai apna bhavishya jaanna. Ankh jyotish bhavishya kathan ki ek prabhavi vidya ban chuki hai. Aasha hai ki humaare sehriday pathak isse khushi se sweekaar karenge.(In this book, the experience of reading of the author of 25 years is a compilation and the intricacy and depth of the subject is presented in a simple way.The author has made enormous efforts to write such a dubious topic as Akhara astrology in an easy language.However, it is the language of the language style that the reader will be able to read it without any dictionary. This is the wish of everyone to have your future.Aksh Astrology has become an effective teaching of the future narrative. Hope that our kind readers will accept it happily.)
Anko Ka Jadu
The book highlights some of the astonishing features of numbers, such as how to make a magic box, guessing the number in a friend’s mind, telling the year printed on a coin etc. The book is not only fun and informative, but also awe-inspiring. It is a priceless treasure of your knowledge and entertainment.
Anmol Kahaniyan
“This book Folk Tales for Children makes a strong case that well-chosen stories give children good role models and increase their empathy for others. It doesn’t just hand children simplistic moral precepts, but give them the opportunity to think about and discuss moral choices.
Folk Tales for Children is a compilation of 50 one-page short stories for children. Language used is elementary and simple. Each story comes with a caricature type illustration in black & white to retain interest of young readers. The moral at the end of the story summaries precisely what the child is supposed to learn!
These stories educate children about a family, tradition, ethos, social mores or share cultural insight or a combination of all these. Thoughtful stories not only provide enjoyment, they also shape and influence lives of children.
We have published following books in this series:
• Legendary Tales for Children
• Jungle Tales for Children
• Folk Tales for Children
• Interesting Tales for Children
• Ramayana Tales for Children
These books don’t offer theoretical moral values or claim to preach to children. They show the way!!
Anthem of Words
iNTELLYJELLY believes in the power of a good story to take us to new places, spark our minds, and change our lives. That’s why it has launched Budding Writers’ Series, to find the best and brightest writing from young authors across the country.
Understanding the importance of providing a platform to young writers , Intellyjelly under its Budding Writers Series has invited children to send in their original works, with the promise that if the work is good, it will be published in a book. If you are in any grade in school, whether you have already written many short stories or are considering writing one for the first time, we want to read your work!
From the house of iNTELLYJELLY comes Anthem of Words, an anthology of short stories, poems , articles and art work written by children for children. This unique anthology of short stories includes a great mix of time travel, animal stories, and a touch of the supernatural with the stories and poems covering values, science fiction, humor , mystery and much more.
Anti Social Networking
Anti Social Networking is part of Studio Kokaachi’s MIXTAPE VOL. 2 – an anthology of short comics by Indian writers and artists.
Anusanadhan: A Multidisciplinary International Journal – Volume 1 – 2016
(अंतर-अनुशासन की अंतर्राष्ट्रीय शोध पत्रिका)
ज्ञान के विस्तार के साथ है कि मानव जीवन और ज्ञान विभिन्न विषयों की सीमा में सीमित नहीं है। इसका संबंध ज्ञान की विविध धाराओं और शाखाओं के रूप में व्याप्त है। सामाजिक विज्ञान के शोध क्षेत्र एवं विज्ञान के विविध शोध भी स्वभावतः एवं प्रवृत्तिगत रूप से अंतर अनुशासनात्मक हैं। मानव जीवन की व्यापकता और जटिलता को समझने के लिए शिक्षा और शोध क्षेत्र में अंतर-अनुशासनात्मक द्ष्टिकोण का विकास किया जाना अनिवार्य है। इसी को दृष्टिगत रखते हुए एडीआर प्रकाशन ने हिन्दी में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय पत्रिका अनुसंधान के प्रकाशन का निश्चय किया है। Focus and Scope इस पत्रिका में निम्नांकित क्षेत्रों के अंतर अनुशासनात्मक एवं विविध विषयों केे शोध पत्र को प्रकाशन के लिए स्वीकार किया जा सकता है।
1. समाज शास्त्र, अर्थशास्त्र, राजनीति विज्ञान, मनोविज्ञान आदि, 2. भाषा, भाषा विज्ञान, तकनीकि लेखन, 3. भूगोल, भूगर्भ शास्त्र, रिमोट सेंसिंग, पर्यावरण, परिस्थितिकीय, 4. विज्ञान एवं तकनीकि, 5. कम्प्यूटर विज्ञान, सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी, इंजीनियरिंग, 6. भौतिक विज्ञान, रसायन, गणित, मानविकीय, वनस्पति विज्ञान, प्राणी विज्ञान, 7. इतिहास, धर्म, दर्शन, 8. विधि, मानव अधिकार, अंतर्राष्ट्रीय विधि, श्रम विधि, 9. प्रबंधन, संगठन, 10. चिकित्सा, आयुर्वेदज्ञान, मेडीकल, प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा, योग, वैकल्पिक चिकित्सा।
Anusanadhan: A Multidisciplinary International Journal – Volume 2 – 2017
(अंतर-अनुशासन की अंतर्राष्ट्रीय शोध पत्रिका)
ज्ञान के विस्तार के साथ है कि मानव जीवन और ज्ञान विभिन्न विषयों की सीमा में सीमित नहीं है। इसका संबंध ज्ञान की विविध धाराओं और शाखाओं के रूप में व्याप्त है। सामाजिक विज्ञान के शोध क्षेत्र एवं विज्ञान के विविध शोध भी स्वभावतः एवं प्रवृत्तिगत रूप से अंतर अनुशासनात्मक हैं। मानव जीवन की व्यापकता और जटिलता को समझने के लिए शिक्षा और शोध क्षेत्र में अंतर-अनुशासनात्मक द्ष्टिकोण का विकास किया जाना अनिवार्य है। इसी को दृष्टिगत रखते हुए एडीआर प्रकाशन ने हिन्दी में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय पत्रिका अनुसंधान के प्रकाशन का निश्चय किया है। Focus and Scope इस पत्रिका में निम्नांकित क्षेत्रों के अंतर अनुशासनात्मक एवं विविध विषयों केे शोध पत्र को प्रकाशन के लिए स्वीकार किया जा सकता है।
1. समाज शास्त्र, अर्थशास्त्र, राजनीति विज्ञान, मनोविज्ञान आदि, 2. भाषा, भाषा विज्ञान, तकनीकि लेखन, 3. भूगोल, भूगर्भ शास्त्र, रिमोट सेंसिंग, पर्यावरण, परिस्थितिकीय, 4. विज्ञान एवं तकनीकि, 5. कम्प्यूटर विज्ञान, सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी, इंजीनियरिंग, 6. भौतिक विज्ञान, रसायन, गणित, मानविकीय, वनस्पति विज्ञान, प्राणी विज्ञान, 7. इतिहास, धर्म, दर्शन, 8. विधि, मानव अधिकार, अंतर्राष्ट्रीय विधि, श्रम विधि, 9. प्रबंधन, संगठन, 10. चिकित्सा, आयुर्वेदज्ञान, मेडीकल, प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा, योग, वैकल्पिक चिकित्सा।
Anusanadhan: A Multidisciplinary International Journal – Volume 3 – 2018
(अंतर-अनुशासन की अंतर्राष्ट्रीय शोध पत्रिका)
ज्ञान के विस्तार के साथ है कि मानव जीवन और ज्ञान विभिन्न विषयों की सीमा में सीमित नहीं है। इसका संबंध ज्ञान की विविध धाराओं और शाखाओं के रूप में व्याप्त है। सामाजिक विज्ञान के शोध क्षेत्र एवं विज्ञान के विविध शोध भी स्वभावतः एवं प्रवृत्तिगत रूप से अंतर अनुशासनात्मक हैं। मानव जीवन की व्यापकता और जटिलता को समझने के लिए शिक्षा और शोध क्षेत्र में अंतर-अनुशासनात्मक द्ष्टिकोण का विकास किया जाना अनिवार्य है। इसी को दृष्टिगत रखते हुए एडीआर प्रकाशन ने हिन्दी में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय पत्रिका अनुसंधान के प्रकाशन का निश्चय किया है। Focus and Scope इस पत्रिका में निम्नांकित क्षेत्रों के अंतर अनुशासनात्मक एवं विविध विषयों केे शोध पत्र को प्रकाशन के लिए स्वीकार किया जा सकता है।
1. समाज शास्त्र, अर्थशास्त्र, राजनीति विज्ञान, मनोविज्ञान आदि, 2. भाषा, भाषा विज्ञान, तकनीकि लेखन, 3. भूगोल, भूगर्भ शास्त्र, रिमोट सेंसिंग, पर्यावरण, परिस्थितिकीय, 4. विज्ञान एवं तकनीकि, 5. कम्प्यूटर विज्ञान, सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी, इंजीनियरिंग, 6. भौतिक विज्ञान, रसायन, गणित, मानविकीय, वनस्पति विज्ञान, प्राणी विज्ञान, 7. इतिहास, धर्म, दर्शन, 8. विधि, मानव अधिकार, अंतर्राष्ट्रीय विधि, श्रम विधि, 9. प्रबंधन, संगठन, 10. चिकित्सा, आयुर्वेदज्ञान, मेडीकल, प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा, योग, वैकल्पिक चिकित्सा।
Anwar’s Adventures
Our little Tinkle Toon who always manages to stump his elders is here to make you laugh in Anwar’s Adventures. Find out what he does when he is told to take care of his teeth. Watch him try to trick his way into getting an ice cream for dinner. Learn how to make the best of chicken-pox, Anwar style. Get inspired by his idea to save energy. And finally, find out how he jumps over the sun to win a challenge.
Aoife’s Kiss
Aoife’s Kiss publishes short stories, poetry, art/illustrations, and articles [including book and movie reviews] in the following genres: science fiction and fantasy, including some dark fantasy. These genres include several subgenres, among them sword & sorcery, steampunk, slipstream, interstitial, and cyberpunk.
Apna Mulaank Janen
Ank jyootish eevan bhavishyapaphal par aadharit yah pustak saadharanatah boolacaal kee bhaasha meen likhee gayee hai. Prastut pustak kee bhaasha itanee saral eevan sahaj hai ki saadharan see saadharan parha-likha vyakti bhee isee aasaanee see samajh leega tatha isaka puura laabh utha sakanee meen saksham hooga.
Is pustak meen leekhak ka 25 varshoon kee jyootish vishay kee pathan-paathan kee muul mantra too samaahit hain hee, saath-saath isameen bhaasha-shailee kee vah ravaanagee hai ki aap isee bina kisee shabdakoosh kee parhanee meen saksham hoongee.
Jaisa ki ham sab jaanatee hain ki bhavishy jaananee kee iccha manushy kee man meen aadikaal see rahee hai. Aaj bhavishy jaananee kee kaee vidhayeen pracalit hain, jinameen janm-vuphandalee, prashn-vuphandalee, ramalashaastra, hastareekhaashaastra aadi pramukh hain. Parantu ank jyootish eek aisee vidh hai jisaka prayoog any sabhee vidhoon meen kisee na kisee ruup meen avashy kiya jaata hai.
Google Translate for Business:Translator ToolkitWebsite TranslatorGlobal Market Finder(The book has been written in a simple language so that everybody is able to read it and understand. The treatment consists of astrology, numerology and the mantras. As we all know, people are visually curious to know about their future. The book shows ways to know that with the help of like birth spiral, question spiral, horoscope, etc. ) #v&spublishers
Apna Vyaktitva Prabhavshali Kaise Banaye
Influential personalities of each person in the crowd because of its priceless heritage which has made her identity. Family or society, country or abroad, job or industry, business administration or political system, for instance Everywhere you look a lot people will stand among them who could most influence and dignity of all to find what would be your ideal. You have to be the same. This book to make you so attractive and influential gives sound advice.
Apne Anushasanheen Bachchon Ko Kaise Sudharen
Aaj pashchim kee svachchhand aur bhoogavaadee sanskriti ke kaaran hamaara parivesh hee badal gaya hai. Aanand manaane, yoojanaoon mein jeene aur chakaachoundh bharee duniya mein sudh-budh bisaar dene kee hod machee hai. Aisee jeevan shailee se sarvapratham bachche hee prabhaavit hootee hain, kyonki seekhanee-samajhanai, paripakv bananee ke kachchee umr mien hee unheen pareelook jaisa kaalpanik sansaar aakarshit kar raha hoota hai. Yah sankraman kaal bhayaavah hai, jisasee bachana avashyambhaavee hai.
Beeja laad-pyaar, choree-cugalee, jiddeepan, eershya, aalas, padhaee se uub, kaam see jee churaana, tood-phood, maar-peet, aavaaraagardee, chichala manoranjan, behuda faishan, yaunaakarshan, deting-seiting, khataranaak nashon ka aakarshan , anushaasanaheenata, aparaadhee aur hinsak pravritti, lakshyaheenata, palaayan, kunthaein, paisee ka ghamand, galat sangatiyaan, shaaert kat kee sanskrti jaisee vikaar baccoon kee bacapan aur unakee bhavishy ko barbaad kar unakee sanrakshakoon ko abhishapt jeevan jeenee ke liye baadhy kar dete hain.
Leekin chinta karanee aur ghabaraanee kee aavashyakata naheen hai. Keeval aap sadaiv jaagaruuk banee rahain aur bachchoon ko sahee raasta dikhayen, unake bacapan ko sanvaareen aur sukhad bhavishy ka nirmaan karen. Yah pustak aapakee puuree-puuree sahaayata karegee. Isamein bachchoon ke bigaranee ke kaaran aur lakshan to diye hee gayai hain, saath hee unhen bigarane se rokane ke thos evn vyaavahaarik upaay bhee sujhaye gaye hain.(We all want our children to be disciplined, but it can be a hard thing to teach them at times! Lack of attention due to both parents working can be traumatic for children. Such absence disturbs their studies that they try to cover up through alibis. Excessive display of love and care on child may make them demanding besides throwing tantrums at the slightest opportunity. Throwing pocket money and frequent gifting in order to compensate for their long periods of absence is one of the strong reasons that make them ill mannered. The author Chuni Lal Saluja, backed by his knowledge of psychology and social behaviour offers parents keys to discipline such unruly children. ) #v&spublishers
Do you know who an APPATAKKAR is? Well, every one of us has come across an APPATAKKAR in our life. And this story is about 4 guys and one hot girl who is the love interest of 2 of those guys. They get involved in a roller-coaster trip to shoot a documentary about temples in south India. With each of them having their own hidden agenda, from becoming a film director to proposing to a girl in Face book to getting drunk for the first time, the trip becomes more confusing than ever. But in the end, only one of them becomes the BIGGEST APPATAKKAR. So – can you guess the APPATAKKAR?? The book also has the super crazy Face Book song composed by Siva Shah
Apprentice Vikas Adhikari Pariksha
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Apprentice Vikas Adhikari Pariksha exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Aranya Kand
Banished from Ayodhya for 14 years, Prince Rama, his wife, Sita and brother Lakshmana, wander through the Dandaka forest trying to find a place where they can settle down. They meet many sages and holy men who welcome them and guide them on their way. the sages tell Rama that they are plagued by demons and ogres who destroy their houses, wreck their rituals and prayers and have even killed many of them. They ask him to protect them since, even though in exile, he is their king Sure enough the three encounter the invincible Viradha and then the dangerous Suparnakha Both are defeated, but Suparnakha is no ordinary demoness. She is the sister of Ravana.
Architects of Modern India
At a time when Indian people were just beginning to fight the British stranglehold over their economy, there were men of vision and foresight who built structures that last even today – steel plants, cotton mills and institutions that produce India’s top scientists and engineers. During the Indian freedom struggle Ghanshyam Das Birla decided to raise an Indian industry to rival and threaten the British mills. Jamsetji Tata laid the foundation for India’s textile and steel industry. When the British did not allow Indians into five-star hotels, he built his own, more magnificent than all of theirs, the Taj in Mumbai. Half-French and in love with flying, Jamsetji’s nephew J.R.D. Tata nevertheless had his feet planted firmly in Indian soil. He took an already large business and expanded it in new directions – trucks, tea and India’s first airline. Collection of the following titles: Jamsetji Tata, G.D. Birla, J.R.D. Tata
Ardeshir and Pirojsha Godrej
“125 years ago, Ardeshir Godrej, a young man of 29 years, set up a small factory in Lalbaug in Bombay to make locks – the first of its kind in India. This was the humble origin of what today has become a trusted household name—‘Godrej’.
Ardeshir Burjorji Godrej dealt with personal tragedy and many disappointments before finding his true calling – making complex mechanisms for locks. As an inventor, who was infuriated by India’s impoverishment at the hands of the British, the call to action of the Swadeshi Movement resonated deeply with him. Pirojsha expanded the business further, while being careful of quality, customer satisfaction and worker’s welfare. The story of the Godrej family, which started with Ardeshir and Pirojsha, is a tale of courage, innovation and entrepreneurship.”
Arithmetic for Competitive Exams
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in “Arithmetic for Competitive Exams” exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Arithmetic With Shortcut Methods
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Arithmetic With Shortcut Methods exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Ariviyal Kathaigal
சிறுவர்களுக்கு அறிவியல் முன்னேற்றங்களைச் சொல்ல, கதை வடிவமே மிகச் சிறந்த வடிவமாக இருந்து வந்திருக்கிறது. இப்போதும் இருக்கிறது. ஒவ்வொரு கண்டுபிடிப்புக்கும் பின் இருக்கும் சுவாரசியமான வரலாறே, சிறுவர்களை படிக்கத் தூண்டுகிறது.
கதை வடிவம், சிறுவர்களுக்கு அறிவியலை மட்டும் சொல்வதில்லை, கூடவே, அதைப் போன்ற கண்டுபிடிப்புகளில் ஈடுபாடு கொள்ளவும் உற்சாகம் கொள்ளவும் தூண்டுகோலாக அமைகிறது. கதையாக படித்தால் ஒரு செய்தி, ஒரு கண்டுபிடிப்பு, சிறுவர்கள் மனத்தில் ஆழப்பதிந்துவிடும் என்பது உறுதி.
என். சொக்கன் சிறுவர்களுக்காக கோகுலம் மாத இதழில் எழுதிய அறிவியல் கதைகளே இங்கே புத்தக வடிவம் பெற்றிருக்கிறது. எளிமையான மொழி, சுலபமான சொல்லும் முறை, நீரோட்டமான நடை என்று சிறுவர்களின் மொழித்திறனை மனத்தில் கொண்டு எழுதப்பட்ட கதைகள் இவை.
Illustrated Indian Mythology Stories for Children.The Legends and myths constitute an integral part of human existence. Mythological stories are educational. They can be fun and entertaining if narrated in an interesting way for the kids. Since ages, mythology is considered an intriguing topic of study.
It is one of the best ways you can take along your kid to a journey into the unknown world. In course of the journey, your kid shall meet new characters and interact with new people of the story. Through storytelling you can actually snuggle, cuddle and connect to your kid in the best possible way.
Arjuna and Hanuman
When Arjuna hears the story about the monkey army that helped Rama build a bridge across the ocean, he laughs in disbelief! A monkey hears him and challenges Arjuna to build a bridge of arrows that can hold his weight. Little does Arjuna know that the monkey is Hanuman! Will Arjuna succeed, or will Hanuman teach him a lesson? Read the story of Arjuna and Hanuman to find out!
Army Cadet College (ACC) Entrance Exam Guide (Big Size)
This comprehensive book is useful for Army Cadet College Entrance Exam for the purpose of Study and practice of questions based on the latest pattern of the examination. This book included Comprehensive Study Material with Solved Question-Answers and Model Test Paper (Solved). Detailed Answers have also been provided for the questions for Better Understanding of the Candidates.
Aroma Therapy
Aromatherapy is a method of treatment that involves using essential oils to promote physical and emotional well-being. It is an ancient discipline that has withstood the test of time. This book captures the essence of aromatherapy and explains how certain oils can be effectively used to treat physical ailments. Aromatherapy is a safe and natural method which restores the balance of the body and promotes good health. An exotic way to heal yourself!
This book on Aromatherapy explores science’s new biological understanding of essential oils for improved immunity and treatment for whole body wellness. The book explains what essential oils are made of, chemical composition, production & blending of different oils. It then gives out, in alphabetical order, the properties, uses and benefits we derive from application of important aromatic oils, such as, Angelica oil, Basil Oil, Bay Oil, Birch Oil, Camphor Oil, Cinnamon Oil, Fennel Oil, Jasmine Oil, Lemon Oil, Rosewood Oil, Wintergreen Oil, Rose Oil, Black Paper Oil, Cedar wood Oil, Lemongrass Oil, Nutmeg Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Sandalwood Oil, Peppermint Oil, Thyme Oil, Pine Oil, Lavender Oil, Geranium Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Coriander Oil, Chamomile Oil, Cardamom, Oil, Ylang Ylang Oil.
This is followed by techniques used in Aromatherapy, Method of massages of different parts of the body, other kinds of aromatherapy massages, how –to during pregnancy, Baby & children massage, Aromatherapy for Face & skin care and Aromatherapy baths etc.
Around The World In 18 Days
Around the World in 18 Days was originally published by author Andy Davies in 2010. Been Magazine is republishing this round the world trip in words and photographs to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the trip and the original publication. The journey included extensive photography as well as a travel diary written to share the trip with friends and family along the way. It’s over 100 pages of full color photos with text written as it happened.
Around the World in 80 Days
Around the World in 80 Days is a classic adventure novel written by Jules Verne. In the novel, Phileas Fogg and his French Valet Passepartout try to go around the world in 80 days to win a huge sum of money put up by Fogg’s friends at the Reform Club. They leave from London by train on October 2 in order to win the bet; Fogg must return to the club by December 21, 80 days later. In Egypt, Fogg is a suspect for robbing the Bank of England by Scotland Yard detective Fix, and is thereafter followed by Fix. During journey Fogg and Passepartout have frustrating, exciting and perilous encounters that threaten to prevent them from completing their trip on time. The novel is widely acclaimed and considered one of Verne’s greatest works.
Around the World with Herbs
As the name suggests we travel around the work and see how important herbs are to the cuisine and health of different countries. Try something new in the kitchen and learn how to grow your favourite herbs.
Art of Public Speaking
The book has been designed to help those who want to be good speakers in public. It contains several tools and discusses various techniques to become good at public speaking. The main thing you need is to promote your belief that the art of good speaking in public can surely be cultivated through continuous efforts. For that one must possess a strong desire and practice all the traits contained herein. The book guides a learner how to gain confidence in public speaking in a systematic way as follows: Understanding good speaking and the effects of becoming a good speaker. Organizing and preparing the speech including all the required information. Drafting a complete outline of the speech for systematic and efficient delivery. Keeping calm and collected during the delivery of speech for win-win situation. Concluding the speech for lasting impact on the minds of audience/listeners. Overcoming stage anxieties and fears before delivering the speech in public. Keeping in mind some precautions, checks, and guidelines to deliver good speeches.
Artificer Apprentice Recruitment Test (Indian Navy)
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Artificer Apprentice Recruitment Test (Indian Navy) exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Artificial Intelligence
For beginners to level up Core Programming Skills
Key Features
● The book gives a lucid introduction to the idea of AI.
● The book is insightful for an academic understanding of AI in the concept of Legal Personality meant for every person, including professionals in the field of Technology, Finance, Healthcare, HR Management, Agriculture.
● The book gives a idea about many new AI products and services being released in the market.
● The book presents various social, ethical, and political challenges including significant risk to humanity.
Our World of personal life and work is set to change dramatically over the next decade as Artificial Intelligence (AI) strikes deeper roots with new products and services; robots take charge of manufacturing and warehouses; and drones reach the remote corners to deliver orders to customers. AI services and robots will particularly facilitate the life of the older people and the visually-impaired. AI has raised the bar of competition in the international market place and countries are busy implementing policies that will keep them ahead in the race of the next-generational change. AI will raise the productivity of the economy and provide a lot more convenience, though there is bound to be a short-term pain in the transformational process.
This book explains the concepts of AI with lots of real-life examples. While the big tech companies like Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, IBM, Microsoft (3AFIM) of the US and Alibaba, Baidu,, Tencent (ABJY) of chine are busy re-fashioning their businesses by integrating AI into all products and services they deliver, startups on the other hand are disrupting the traditional business models in finance, e-commerce, healthcare, HR management, fashion, law and even agriculture. AI-driven smart cities would provide a richer quality of living to their residents. This book also provide an insight into various social and ethical issues, such as monopoly of the big tech, ownership of data, personal privacy, job losses and autonomy of technology particularly in military warfare, which poses an existential threat to mankind. Future of AI is also discusses taking a 360-degree approach.
AI offers a huge economic opportunity, but a thoughtful approach for democratization of technology is required to provide benefits to all sections of the society. Nations and communities need to come together to evolve models that will be sustainable in the long run.
What will you learn
Able to solve real-life AI case studies. Understand the future of AI solutions and adapt quickly to them.
Who this book is for
It is a simple, explanatory, and descriptive guide for developers, technology consultants, and those interested in AI and wants to understand the fundamentals of AI and implement it practically by devising smart solutions.
Table of Contents
1. AI, How it is transforming Life and Business
2. Understanding AI and Associated Technologies
3. AI in the ‘bull’ run
4. Data, the Engine of AI
5. Big tech bets big on AI
6. AI Startups that transformed Businesses
7. AI Startups in Finance
8. AI Startups in Healthcare
9. AI Startups in Human Resource
10. AI Startups in Fashion, Law, Agriculture and Other Areas
11. Ethical, Social and Political issues in AI
12. Future of AI
13. ConclusionFor beginners to level up Core Programming Skills
Key Features
● The book gives a lucid introduction to the idea of AI.
● The book is insightful for an academic understanding of AI in the concept of Legal Personality meant for every person, including professionals in the field of Technology, Finance, Healthcare, HR Management, Agriculture.
● The book gives a idea about many new AI products and services being released in the market.
● The book presents various social, ethical, and political challenges including significant risk to humanity.
Our World of personal life and work is set to change dramatically over the next decade as Artificial Intelligence (AI) strikes deeper roots with new products and services; robots take charge of manufacturing and warehouses; and drones reach the remote corners to deliver orders to customers. AI services and robots will particularly facilitate the life of the older people and the visually-impaired. AI has raised the bar of competition in the international market place and countries are busy implementing policies that will keep them ahead in the race of the next-generational change. AI will raise the productivity of the economy and provide a lot more convenience, though there is bound to be a short-term pain in the transformational process.
This book explains the concepts of AI with lots of real-life examples. While the big tech companies like Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, IBM, Microsoft (3AFIM) of the US and Alibaba, Baidu,, Tencent (ABJY) of chine are busy re-fashioning their businesses by integrating AI into all products and services they deliver, startups on the other hand are disrupting the traditional business models in finance, e-commerce, healthcare, HR management, fashion, law and even agriculture. AI-driven smart cities would provide a richer quality of living to their residents. This book also provide an insight into various social and ethical issues, such as monopoly of the big tech, ownership of data, personal privacy, job losses and autonomy of technology particularly in military warfare, which poses an existential threat to mankind. Future of AI is also discusses taking a 360-degree approach.
AI offers a huge economic opportunity, but a thoughtful approach for democratization of technology is required to provide benefits to all sections of the society. Nations and communities need to come together to evolve models that will be sustainable in the long run.
What will you learn
Able to solve real-life AI case studies. Understand the future of AI solutions and adapt quickly to them.
Who this book is for
It is a simple, explanatory, and descriptive guide for developers, technology consultants, and those interested in AI and wants to understand the fundamentals of AI and implement it practically by devising smart solutions.
Table of Contents
1. AI, How it is transforming Life and Business
2. Understanding AI and Associated Technologies
3. AI in the ‘bull’ run
4. Data, the Engine of AI
5. Big tech bets big on AI
6. AI Startups that transformed Businesses
7. AI Startups in Finance
8. AI Startups in Healthcare
9. AI Startups in Human Resource
10. AI Startups in Fashion, Law, Agriculture and Other Areas
11. Ethical, Social and Political issues in AI
12. Future of AI
13. ConclusionFor beginners to level up Core Programming Skills
Key Features
● The book gives a lucid introduction to the idea of AI.
● The book is insightful for an academic understanding of AI in the concept of Legal Personality meant for every person, including professionals in the field of Technology, Finance, Healthcare, HR Management, Agriculture.
● The book gives a idea about many new AI products and services being released in the market.
● The book presents various social, ethical, and political challenges including significant risk to humanity.
Our World of personal life and work is set to change dramatically over the next decade as Artificial Intelligence (AI) strikes deeper roots with new products and services; robots take charge of manufacturing and warehouses; and drones reach the remote corners to deliver orders to customers. AI services and robots will particularly facilitate the life of the older people and the visually-impaired. AI has raised the bar of competition in the international market place and countries are busy implementing policies that will keep them ahead in the race of the next-generational change. AI will raise the productivity of the economy and provide a lot more convenience, though there is bound to be a short-term pain in the transformational process.
This book explains the concepts of AI with lots of real-life examples. While the big tech companies like Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, IBM, Microsoft (3AFIM) of the US and Alibaba, Baidu,, Tencent (ABJY) of chine are busy re-fashioning their businesses by integrating AI into all products and services they deliver, startups on the other hand are disrupting the traditional business models in finance, e-commerce, healthcare, HR management, fashion, law and even agriculture. AI-driven smart cities would provide a richer quality of living to their residents. This book also provide an insight into various social and ethical issues, such as monopoly of the big tech, ownership of data, personal privacy, job losses and autonomy of technology particularly in military warfare, which poses an existential threat to mankind. Future of AI is also discusses taking a 360-degree approach.
AI offers a huge economic opportunity, but a thoughtful approach for democratization of technology is required to provide benefits to all sections of the society. Nations and communities need to come together to evolve models that will be sustainable in the long run.
What will you learn
Able to solve real-life AI case studies. Understand the future of AI solutions and adapt quickly to them.
Who this book is for
It is a simple, explanatory, and descriptive guide for developers, technology consultants, and those interested in AI and wants to understand the fundamentals of AI and implement it practically by devising smart solutions.
Table of Contents
1. AI, How it is transforming Life and Business
2. Understanding AI and Associated Technologies
3. AI in the ‘bull’ run
4. Data, the Engine of AI
5. Big tech bets big on AI
6. AI Startups that transformed Businesses
7. AI Startups in Finance
8. AI Startups in Healthcare
9. AI Startups in Human Resource
10. AI Startups in Fashion, Law, Agriculture and Other Areas
11. Ethical, Social and Political issues in AI
12. Future of AI
13. ConclusionFor beginners to level up Core Programming Skills
Key Features
● The book gives a lucid introduction to the idea of AI.
● The book is insightful for an academic understanding of AI in the concept of Legal Personality meant for every person, including professionals in the field of Technology, Finance, Healthcare, HR Management, Agriculture.
● The book gives a idea about many new AI products and services being released in the market.
● The book presents various social, ethical, and political challenges including significant risk to humanity.
Our World of personal life and work is set to change dramatically over the next decade as Artificial Intelligence (AI) strikes deeper roots with new products and services; robots take charge of manufacturing and warehouses; and drones reach the remote corners to deliver orders to customers. AI services and robots will particularly facilitate the life of the older people and the visually-impaired. AI has raised the bar of competition in the international market place and countries are busy implementing policies that will keep them ahead in the race of the next-generational change. AI will raise the productivity of the economy and provide a lot more convenience, though there is bound to be a short-term pain in the transformational process.
This book explains the concepts of AI with lots of real-life examples. While the big tech companies like Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, IBM, Microsoft (3AFIM) of the US and Alibaba, Baidu,, Tencent (ABJY) of chine are busy re-fashioning their businesses by integrating AI into all products and services they deliver, startups on the other hand are disrupting the traditional business models in finance, e-commerce, healthcare, HR management, fashion, law and even agriculture. AI-driven smart cities would provide a richer quality of living to their residents. This book also provide an insight into various social and ethical issues, such as monopoly of the big tech, ownership of data, personal privacy, job losses and autonomy of technology particularly in military warfare, which poses an existential threat to mankind. Future of AI is also discusses taking a 360-degree approach.
AI offers a huge economic opportunity, but a thoughtful approach for democratization of technology is required to provide benefits to all sections of the society. Nations and communities need to come together to evolve models that will be sustainable in the long run.
What will you learn
Able to solve real-life AI case studies. Understand the future of AI solutions and adapt quickly to them.
Who this book is for
It is a simple, explanatory, and descriptive guide for developers, technology consultants, and those interested in AI and wants to understand the fundamentals of AI and implement it practically by devising smart solutions.
Table of Contents
1. AI, How it is transforming Life and Business
2. Understanding AI and Associated Technologies
3. AI in the ‘bull’ run
4. Data, the Engine of AI
5. Big tech bets big on AI
6. AI Startups that transformed Businesses
7. AI Startups in Finance
8. AI Startups in Healthcare
9. AI Startups in Human Resource
10. AI Startups in Fashion, Law, Agriculture and Other Areas
11. Ethical, Social and Political issues in AI
12. Future of AI
13. ConclusionFor beginners to level up Core Programming Skills
Key Features
● The book gives a lucid introduction to the idea of AI.
● The book is insightful for an academic understanding of AI in the concept of Legal Personality meant for every person, including professionals in the field of Technology, Finance, Healthcare, HR Management, Agriculture.
● The book gives a idea about many new AI products and services being released in the market.
● The book presents various social, ethical, and political challenges including significant risk to humanity.
Our World of personal life and work is set to change dramatically over the next decade as Artificial Intelligence (AI) strikes deeper roots with new products and services; robots take charge of manufacturing and warehouses; and drones reach the remote corners to deliver orders to customers. AI services and robots will particularly facilitate the life of the older people and the visually-impaired. AI has raised the bar of competition in the international market place and countries are busy implementing policies that will keep them ahead in the race of the next-generational change. AI will raise the productivity of the economy and provide a lot more convenience, though there is bound to be a short-term pain in the transformational process.
This book explains the concepts of AI with lots of real-life examples. While the big tech companies like Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, IBM, Microsoft (3AFIM) of the US and Alibaba, Baidu,, Tencent (ABJY) of chine are busy re-fashioning their businesses by integrating AI into all products and services they deliver, startups on the other hand are disrupting the traditional business models in finance, e-commerce, healthcare, HR management, fashion, law and even agriculture. AI-driven smart cities would provide a richer quality of living to their residents. This book also provide an insight into various social and ethical issues, such as monopoly of the big tech, ownership of data, personal privacy, job losses and autonomy of technology particularly in military warfare, which poses an existential threat to mankind. Future of AI is also discusses taking a 360-degree approach.
AI offers a huge economic opportunity, but a thoughtful approach for democratization of technology is required to provide benefits to all sections of the society. Nations and communities need to come together to evolve models that will be sustainable in the long run.
What will you learn
Able to solve real-life AI case studies. Understand the future of AI solutions and adapt quickly to them.
Who this book is for
It is a simple, explanatory, and descriptive guide for developers, technology consultants, and those interested in AI and wants to understand the fundamentals of AI and implement it practically by devising smart solutions.
Table of Contents
1. AI, How it is transforming Life and Business
2. Understanding AI and Associated Technologies
3. AI in the ‘bull’ run
4. Data, the Engine of AI
5. Big tech bets big on AI
6. AI Startups that transformed Businesses
7. AI Startups in Finance
8. AI Startups in Healthcare
9. AI Startups in Human Resource
10. AI Startups in Fashion, Law, Agriculture and Other Areas
11. Ethical, Social and Political issues in AI
12. Future of AI
13. Conclusion
Artificial Intelligence meets Augmented Reality
Blending of AI and AR
Key Features
The book believes in the concept of teach by example. All the tools needed to facilitate quick understanding of complex concepts are provided in this book:
● Definition of key terms
● Industry studies, research statistics, etc., that clarify concepts
● Spotlight sections
● A Word of Caution sections
● Chapter summaries
● Questions for reflection
Artificial Intelligence Meets Augmented Reality: Redefining Regular Reality is a unique book as it presents the new technology paradigm of artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) and its full transition, right from major advantages that enhance entire industries to changing how the world operates at various levels. New realities will emerge in the context of our existing world through the combination of AI-AR. The book presents both the bright and bleak sides of the AI-AR duo in order to give a holistic view and help us to decide how we are going to leverage such technologies—and whether their disruptive or transformative nature—will mar or make the future of our world. A workforce of enlightened engineers is the key to designing and developing AI-AR solutions with responsibility in order to achieve the greater good. Through the book, Chitra Lele has explained a multidisciplinary, integrated approach as to how we can minimize barriers and blend AI and AR without destroying our natural settings. The book will help to chart out a path where there is no trail yet, and get you started on developing AI-AR solutions and experiences in bettering the world in an ethical and responsible manner.
What will you learn
● Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● AI and AR Ecosystem
● Business at the Crossroads of AI and AR
● What does the AI-AR Marriage Hold for the Future of the World
Who this book is for
Students, Academicians, Educationists, Professionals and Policy researchers.
Table of Contents
PART 1—Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● AI and AR Ecosystem
PART 2—Business at the Crossroads of AI and AR
● AI Meets AR in the Business Landscape
● More Dynamics of the AI-AR Convergence
PART 3—What does the AI-AR Marriage Hold for the Future of the World
● Collaboration of Intelligence and Augmentation in the Real World
● Challenges and Solutions
● Where do We Go from Here
About the Author
CHITRA LELE is a young software consultant, academic author and research scholar. She is a double postgraduate: Master in Computer Management and Master of Science in Software Engineering. Her publications include scholarly articles, research papers and academic books. She has been conferred with the title of “A Versatile Writer” by the India Book of Records for penning maximum number of books in a short span of eighteen months in various genres.
Her LinkedIn Profile: of AI and AR
Key Features
The book believes in the concept of teach by example. All the tools needed to facilitate quick understanding of complex concepts are provided in this book:
● Definition of key terms
● Industry studies, research statistics, etc., that clarify concepts
● Spotlight sections
● A Word of Caution sections
● Chapter summaries
● Questions for reflection
Artificial Intelligence Meets Augmented Reality: Redefining Regular Reality is a unique book as it presents the new technology paradigm of artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) and its full transition, right from major advantages that enhance entire industries to changing how the world operates at various levels. New realities will emerge in the context of our existing world through the combination of AI-AR. The book presents both the bright and bleak sides of the AI-AR duo in order to give a holistic view and help us to decide how we are going to leverage such technologies—and whether their disruptive or transformative nature—will mar or make the future of our world. A workforce of enlightened engineers is the key to designing and developing AI-AR solutions with responsibility in order to achieve the greater good. Through the book, Chitra Lele has explained a multidisciplinary, integrated approach as to how we can minimize barriers and blend AI and AR without destroying our natural settings. The book will help to chart out a path where there is no trail yet, and get you started on developing AI-AR solutions and experiences in bettering the world in an ethical and responsible manner.
What will you learn
● Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● AI and AR Ecosystem
● Business at the Crossroads of AI and AR
● What does the AI-AR Marriage Hold for the Future of the World
Who this book is for
Students, Academicians, Educationists, Professionals and Policy researchers.
Table of Contents
PART 1—Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● AI and AR Ecosystem
PART 2—Business at the Crossroads of AI and AR
● AI Meets AR in the Business Landscape
● More Dynamics of the AI-AR Convergence
PART 3—What does the AI-AR Marriage Hold for the Future of the World
● Collaboration of Intelligence and Augmentation in the Real World
● Challenges and Solutions
● Where do We Go from Here
About the Author
CHITRA LELE is a young software consultant, academic author and research scholar. She is a double postgraduate: Master in Computer Management and Master of Science in Software Engineering. Her publications include scholarly articles, research papers and academic books. She has been conferred with the title of “A Versatile Writer” by the India Book of Records for penning maximum number of books in a short span of eighteen months in various genres.
Her LinkedIn Profile: of AI and AR
Key Features
The book believes in the concept of teach by example. All the tools needed to facilitate quick understanding of complex concepts are provided in this book:
● Definition of key terms
● Industry studies, research statistics, etc., that clarify concepts
● Spotlight sections
● A Word of Caution sections
● Chapter summaries
● Questions for reflection
Artificial Intelligence Meets Augmented Reality: Redefining Regular Reality is a unique book as it presents the new technology paradigm of artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) and its full transition, right from major advantages that enhance entire industries to changing how the world operates at various levels. New realities will emerge in the context of our existing world through the combination of AI-AR. The book presents both the bright and bleak sides of the AI-AR duo in order to give a holistic view and help us to decide how we are going to leverage such technologies—and whether their disruptive or transformative nature—will mar or make the future of our world. A workforce of enlightened engineers is the key to designing and developing AI-AR solutions with responsibility in order to achieve the greater good. Through the book, Chitra Lele has explained a multidisciplinary, integrated approach as to how we can minimize barriers and blend AI and AR without destroying our natural settings. The book will help to chart out a path where there is no trail yet, and get you started on developing AI-AR solutions and experiences in bettering the world in an ethical and responsible manner.
What will you learn
● Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● AI and AR Ecosystem
● Business at the Crossroads of AI and AR
● What does the AI-AR Marriage Hold for the Future of the World
Who this book is for
Students, Academicians, Educationists, Professionals and Policy researchers.
Table of Contents
PART 1—Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● AI and AR Ecosystem
PART 2—Business at the Crossroads of AI and AR
● AI Meets AR in the Business Landscape
● More Dynamics of the AI-AR Convergence
PART 3—What does the AI-AR Marriage Hold for the Future of the World
● Collaboration of Intelligence and Augmentation in the Real World
● Challenges and Solutions
● Where do We Go from Here
About the Author
CHITRA LELE is a young software consultant, academic author and research scholar. She is a double postgraduate: Master in Computer Management and Master of Science in Software Engineering. Her publications include scholarly articles, research papers and academic books. She has been conferred with the title of “A Versatile Writer” by the India Book of Records for penning maximum number of books in a short span of eighteen months in various genres.
Her LinkedIn Profile: of AI and AR
Key Features
The book believes in the concept of teach by example. All the tools needed to facilitate quick understanding of complex concepts are provided in this book:
● Definition of key terms
● Industry studies, research statistics, etc., that clarify concepts
● Spotlight sections
● A Word of Caution sections
● Chapter summaries
● Questions for reflection
Artificial Intelligence Meets Augmented Reality: Redefining Regular Reality is a unique book as it presents the new technology paradigm of artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) and its full transition, right from major advantages that enhance entire industries to changing how the world operates at various levels. New realities will emerge in the context of our existing world through the combination of AI-AR. The book presents both the bright and bleak sides of the AI-AR duo in order to give a holistic view and help us to decide how we are going to leverage such technologies—and whether their disruptive or transformative nature—will mar or make the future of our world. A workforce of enlightened engineers is the key to designing and developing AI-AR solutions with responsibility in order to achieve the greater good. Through the book, Chitra Lele has explained a multidisciplinary, integrated approach as to how we can minimize barriers and blend AI and AR without destroying our natural settings. The book will help to chart out a path where there is no trail yet, and get you started on developing AI-AR solutions and experiences in bettering the world in an ethical and responsible manner.
What will you learn
● Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● AI and AR Ecosystem
● Business at the Crossroads of AI and AR
● What does the AI-AR Marriage Hold for the Future of the World
Who this book is for
Students, Academicians, Educationists, Professionals and Policy researchers.
Table of Contents
PART 1—Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● AI and AR Ecosystem
PART 2—Business at the Crossroads of AI and AR
● AI Meets AR in the Business Landscape
● More Dynamics of the AI-AR Convergence
PART 3—What does the AI-AR Marriage Hold for the Future of the World
● Collaboration of Intelligence and Augmentation in the Real World
● Challenges and Solutions
● Where do We Go from Here
About the Author
CHITRA LELE is a young software consultant, academic author and research scholar. She is a double postgraduate: Master in Computer Management and Master of Science in Software Engineering. Her publications include scholarly articles, research papers and academic books. She has been conferred with the title of “A Versatile Writer” by the India Book of Records for penning maximum number of books in a short span of eighteen months in various genres.
Her LinkedIn Profile: of AI and AR
Key Features
The book believes in the concept of teach by example. All the tools needed to facilitate quick understanding of complex concepts are provided in this book:
● Definition of key terms
● Industry studies, research statistics, etc., that clarify concepts
● Spotlight sections
● A Word of Caution sections
● Chapter summaries
● Questions for reflection
Artificial Intelligence Meets Augmented Reality: Redefining Regular Reality is a unique book as it presents the new technology paradigm of artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) and its full transition, right from major advantages that enhance entire industries to changing how the world operates at various levels. New realities will emerge in the context of our existing world through the combination of AI-AR. The book presents both the bright and bleak sides of the AI-AR duo in order to give a holistic view and help us to decide how we are going to leverage such technologies—and whether their disruptive or transformative nature—will mar or make the future of our world. A workforce of enlightened engineers is the key to designing and developing AI-AR solutions with responsibility in order to achieve the greater good. Through the book, Chitra Lele has explained a multidisciplinary, integrated approach as to how we can minimize barriers and blend AI and AR without destroying our natural settings. The book will help to chart out a path where there is no trail yet, and get you started on developing AI-AR solutions and experiences in bettering the world in an ethical and responsible manner.
What will you learn
● Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● AI and AR Ecosystem
● Business at the Crossroads of AI and AR
● What does the AI-AR Marriage Hold for the Future of the World
Who this book is for
Students, Academicians, Educationists, Professionals and Policy researchers.
Table of Contents
PART 1—Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● AI and AR Ecosystem
PART 2—Business at the Crossroads of AI and AR
● AI Meets AR in the Business Landscape
● More Dynamics of the AI-AR Convergence
PART 3—What does the AI-AR Marriage Hold for the Future of the World
● Collaboration of Intelligence and Augmentation in the Real World
● Challenges and Solutions
● Where do We Go from Here
About the Author
CHITRA LELE is a young software consultant, academic author and research scholar. She is a double postgraduate: Master in Computer Management and Master of Science in Software Engineering. Her publications include scholarly articles, research papers and academic books. She has been conferred with the title of “A Versatile Writer” by the India Book of Records for penning maximum number of books in a short span of eighteen months in various genres.
Her LinkedIn Profile: of AI and AR
Key Features
The book believes in the concept of teach by example. All the tools needed to facilitate quick understanding of complex concepts are provided in this book:
● Definition of key terms
● Industry studies, research statistics, etc., that clarify concepts
● Spotlight sections
● A Word of Caution sections
● Chapter summaries
● Questions for reflection
Artificial Intelligence Meets Augmented Reality: Redefining Regular Reality is a unique book as it presents the new technology paradigm of artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) and its full transition, right from major advantages that enhance entire industries to changing how the world operates at various levels. New realities will emerge in the context of our existing world through the combination of AI-AR. The book presents both the bright and bleak sides of the AI-AR duo in order to give a holistic view and help us to decide how we are going to leverage such technologies—and whether their disruptive or transformative nature—will mar or make the future of our world. A workforce of enlightened engineers is the key to designing and developing AI-AR solutions with responsibility in order to achieve the greater good. Through the book, Chitra Lele has explained a multidisciplinary, integrated approach as to how we can minimize barriers and blend AI and AR without destroying our natural settings. The book will help to chart out a path where there is no trail yet, and get you started on developing AI-AR solutions and experiences in bettering the world in an ethical and responsible manner.
What will you learn
● Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● AI and AR Ecosystem
● Business at the Crossroads of AI and AR
● What does the AI-AR Marriage Hold for the Future of the World
Who this book is for
Students, Academicians, Educationists, Professionals and Policy researchers.
Table of Contents
PART 1—Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
● AI and AR Ecosystem
PART 2—Business at the Crossroads of AI and AR
● AI Meets AR in the Business Landscape
● More Dynamics of the AI-AR Convergence
PART 3—What does the AI-AR Marriage Hold for the Future of the World
● Collaboration of Intelligence and Augmentation in the Real World
● Challenges and Solutions
● Where do We Go from Here
About the Author
CHITRA LELE is a young software consultant, academic author and research scholar. She is a double postgraduate: Master in Computer Management and Master of Science in Software Engineering. Her publications include scholarly articles, research papers and academic books. She has been conferred with the title of “A Versatile Writer” by the India Book of Records for penning maximum number of books in a short span of eighteen months in various genres.
Her LinkedIn Profile:
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As A Man Thinketh
““They themselves are makers of themselves.”
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Written by one of the founding fathers of modern inspirational thought, As A Man Thinketh continues to improve the lives of millions of people around the world even today. The book focuses on a fundamental principle that “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” Allen himself described this book as, “A book that will help you to help yourself.”
Through his simple and beautiful writing, Allen explains the power of thought and the impact is has on our lives. Our successes, our ability, and even our destiny can be determined by what we think. Through this book, Allen inspires his readers to seize control of their minds and in turn, their destinies, making it a must-read for anyone who seeks spiritual betterment.
“You are today where your thoughts have brought you;
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