Showing 1501–1550 of 5026 results

Department of Posts Postman/Mailguard Recruitment Exam.

SKU: Mag-18283

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Department of Posts Postman/Mailguard Recruitment Exam. exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

Descendants Wicked World Cinestory Comic

SKU: Mag-26598

Descendants Wicked World Cinestory Comic Vol. III 1

Descendants: Fright at the Museum

SKU: Mag-27097

Descendants 3 tie-in OGN


SKU: Mag-26842

The latest monthly publication that commenced in January 2014 features an array of design aspects drawn from a broad range of spheres. Readers can peruse through rich spreads of articles featuring architecture, fashion, high jewellery, automotive, cuisine, personalities and more presented to showcase the innovative, unique and high-end elements of design.

Desktop Publishing

SKU: Mag-22614

This comprehensive guide book on Desktop Publishing will familiarise you with the fundamental concepts and issues related to producing high quality ready to print documents using popular desktop applications such as InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, PageMaker, Corel Draw, MathType, Flash, etc. The book covers all of the rules about dealing with text, images, colours, and files, so that your documents will always look slick, inviting, and well put-together.

Detective Stories

SKU: Mag-22615

This book contains an introductory page exclusively about the author, his brief life sketch, notable works and achievements along with word meanings of difficult words on each page marked and highlighted in the text for the students’ convenience and easy understanding of the story. There is also an Exercise part after each story titled as ‘An Understanding’ containing four or five Questions which the reader/student has to answer making the book all the more interesting and reader-friendly. Therefore, these books are a must read for all the students, irrespective of their age, education and social background. Even the teachers may find it interesting and can recommend the books for the senior classes as supplementary reading.

Devi Choudhurani

SKU: Mag-25552

Prafulla’s future promised only doom and sorrow. Gossiping neighbors and an unhappy marriage would have ruined many women, but Prafulla was not one to give in easily. With hard work and good sense, she turned her life around. An attractive heroine in Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay’s novel, Prafulla rose from poverty to a life of riches and fame.

Devotees of Vishnu: 5 in 1

SKU: Mag-22336


Dezan Shira & Associates

SKU: Mag-5727

Meet the firm behind these publications. Dezan Shira & Associates is a specialist foreign direct investment practice providing corporate establishment, business advisory, tax advisory and compliance, accounting, payroll, due diligence and financial review services to multinationals investing in emerging Asia. Since its establishment in 1992, the award-winning firm has grown into one of Asia’s most versatile full-service consultancies with operational offices across China, Hong Kong, India, Singapore and Vietnam, in addition to partner alliances in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand as well as liaison offices in Italy and the United States.

DFCCIL – Civil Engineering

SKU: Mag-24960

Civil Engg Solved Papers

DFCCIL Executive – Electrical Engineering

SKU: Mag-25419

DFCCIL Executive – Electrical Engineering

DFCCIL Executive – Signal and Telecommunication

SKU: Mag-25343

DFCCIL Executive – Signal and Telecommunication

Dhairya Evam Sahenshilta

SKU: Mag-23073

Patience and Tolerance are the compass devices that show the correct way of progress. To find success and to become someone in life, by facing the oncoming problems with focus and determination of solving them, take help of this book and guide yourself to your utmost goal.

Dharmik Suktiyan

SKU: Mag-23074

It is true that religious scriptures and silver-tongued teachings are always inspiring, guiding and constructive. The latent energy hidden in such words have the capability of lighting up the human life. They inspire us, provide us energy and excite us. To be able to use them as a reference in due course, it is imperative to compile them in one place. This book meets this objective.

Dhola and Maru

SKU: Mag-19589

Amar Chitra Katha announces the launch of its “Treasures of India” subscription programme across India and worldwide. Our unique subscription programme makes it possible for every Indian family to access and read hundreds of exciting stories in the comfort of their homes.

The subscription offers 3 select Amar Chitra Katha titles every month. These titles, handpicked by the editor, include a wide-ranging mix of stories from the epics and the Puranas, from the wisdom of the Panchatantra, the Jataka, the Hitopadesha and the Kathasaritasagara, from the best of Indian classical literature and from the exciting pages of Indian history

Dhruva and Ashtavakra

SKU: Mag-22879

To possess true knowledge, one need not be grey-haired or bald, this ancient adage was proved true by the young Dhruva and Ashtavarka. Dhruva countered the evil intentions of his scheming stepmother with intense devotion. Ashtavarka worked hard and by the age of 12 had absorbed all there was to learn. One was rewarded with a kingdom and a shining place in the celestial world for ever more, the other’s brilliance brought his father back to life.

Diabetes Control – Madhumeh

SKU: Mag-23075

Take on diabetes through Diet and Nutrition-control, Yoga and Meditation & Exercise, Nature Cure, Acupressure, Ayurveda/Homeopathy/Herbal Cure and Allopathy. Since diabetes cannot be cured, the only way to deal with it is to learn how to control it. With this clear objective in view, the book offers a complete guide on the ways and means to go about it.

Diabetes Control (Bangla)

SKU: Mag-22953

Take on diabetes through Diet and Nutrition-control, Yoga and Meditation & Exercise, Nature Cure, Acupressure, Ayurveda/Homeopathy/Herbal Cure and Allopathy. Since diabetes cannot be cured, the only way to deal with it is to learn how to control it. With this clear objective in view, the book offers a complete guide on the ways and means to go about it.

Diabetes Control In Your Hands

SKU: Mag-22616

Take on diabetes through Diet and Nutrition-control, Yoga and Meditation & Exercise, Nature Cure, Acupressure, Ayurveda/Homeopathy/Herbal Cure and Allopathy. Since diabetes cannot be cured, the only way to deal with it is to learn how to control it. With this clear objective in view, the book offers a complete guide on the ways and means to go about it.

Dictionary of Commerce

SKU: Mag-23686

The aim of this volume is to make the vocabulary of commerce easy to use and understand. This dictionary is written especially for students who want to keep abreast in this subject. This volume includes all fields of commerce such as e-commerce, international commerce, maritime commerce, banking, finance, insurance and much more. The explanations of entries range from brief definitions of a few lines to discussions of various lengths. The reader who is a non specialist in commerce can also understand the meaning of different terms as they are presented in a clear and lucid manner.

Dictionary of Education

SKU: Mag-23687

This immensely useful book ‘Dictionary of Education’ is designed as a comprehensive reference and collection of frequently used terms and definitions from a wide spectrum of topics in Education. The book is the result of months of painstaking work. The book comprehensively covers every level of education. It also covers topics from contemporary research, policies and different approaches. The main aim of this book is to cover as many important terms as possible. Alphabetical presentation used in the book will greatly help readers in quick-search of the desired words and terms. All the meanings and definitions are explained in a lucid and reader-friendly manner. Cross-references in the book will clear all confusion in the mind of readers and enhance the understanding of various educational terms. The book will prove extremely useful as a ready-reference to Students, Educators, Researchers, Scholars, General Readers and also to those aspirants who wish to appear in various Competitive Exams.

Dictionary Of Indology

SKU: Mag-22617

Dictionary of Indology presents the history of Indian Scriptures, Language, Literature and Humanities in all the forms, colours and dimensions; not graphically but alphabetically; from the most primitive time to the recent past; through detailed description of and references to, almost all the books available and the authors known in both Vedic and Laukika Samskrit. It deals mostly with the facts but some critical insight is also given wherever needed or necessary. Such a handy book was the need of the time as most of us are unfamiliar with most of the stupendous works by intellectual doyens. A familiarity and affection will instantly grow, which will bring the readers close to the richest and widest range of illuminating products of sublime minds.

Dictionary of Legal Terms

SKU: Mag-23688

The immensely useful ‘Dictionary of Legal Terms’ has been designed as a concise reference and collection of frequently used terms and definitions from a wide spectrum of topics in Law. The book comprises highly useful information for all curious readers who wish to keep themselves abreast of the minutest details in the field of Law. All important aspects of Law are appropriately covered in the book in a concise and easy manner. Alphabetical presentation of matter will greatly help readers in quick-search of the desired words and terms. All the meanings and definitions are explained in a lucid and reader-friendly manner. Cross-references in the book will clear all confusion in the mind of readers and enhance the understanding of various Legal Terms. The book will prove extremely useful as a ready-reference to Law Students, General Readers and also to those aspirants who wish to appear in various Competitive Tests & Exams for Admissions or Recruitments.

Dictionary of Library & Information Science

SKU: Mag-23689

This immensely useful book ‘Dictionary of Library & Information Science’ has been designed as an easy and just-in-time reference and collection of frequently used terms and definitions from a wide spectrum of topics in this specialised subject. Dictionary of Library & Information Science is a glossary of terms and acronyms of librarianship, library science, information science, information technology, and knowledge organization & management. Alphabetical presentation used in the book will greatly help readers in quick-search of the desired words and terms. All the meanings and definitions are explained in a lucid and reader-friendly manner. Cross-references in the book will clear all confusion in the mind of readers and enhance the understanding of various technical terms. Dictionary of Library and Information Science is expected to become an essential part of every library’s and librarian’s reference collection and will also be helpful to librarians, Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) & Ph.D. students, scholars, researchers, and IT professionals.

Dictionary of Political Science

SKU: Mag-23690

A Collection of Authentic Data & Facts.

Dictionary of Quotations

SKU: Mag-18172

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Dictionary of Quotations exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

Dictionary of Sociology

SKU: Mag-23691

This immensely useful book ‘Dictionary of Sociology’ has been designed as a comprehensive reference and collection of frequently used terms and definitions from a wide spectrum of topics in Sociology alongwith Abbreviations etc. The book comprises highly useful information for all curious readers who wish to keep themselves abreast of the latest developments in the field of Sociology. Both pure and applied aspects of Sociology are amply covered in the book. Alphabetical presentation of the book will greatly help readers in quick-search of the desired words and terms. All the meanings and definitions are explained in a lucid and reader-friendly manner. Cross-references in the book will clear all confusion in the minds of readers and enhance the understanding of various Sociological & technical terms. The book will prove extremely useful as a ready-reference to Students of Sociology, General Readers and also to those Aspirants who wish to appear in various Competitive Exams.

Differential Calculus

SKU: Mag-2172

In this book concepts of Differentiability,Continuity and Differential calculus have been discussed. The book contains 100+ questions with detailed explanation.
Continuity of a Function at a Point,Discontinuous Function,Relation between Continuity and Differentiability,Geometrical Meaning of Derivatives at a Point,Differentiation,Differentiation of Algebraic functions,logarithmic and Exponential Functions,Trigonometric Functions,Differentiation by using Trigonometric Transformations,Differentiation of inverse Trigonometric functions,Leibnitz’s Theorem,Relation between dy/dx and dx/dy,Differentiation of Integral Function……

Digital Photography

SKU: Mag-22083

Σελίδες 194 – Έτος κυκλοφορίας έντυπης έκδοσης: 2018.

Dilkash Gazalein

SKU: Mag-23076

The book is a collection of heart-touching gazals by the author ‘Anjan’ who has expressed his feelings and thinking through them.

Dino Doggies

SKU: Mag-26286

Based on the new Disney Junior animated series; this story book is perfect for the Pluto fan in your life. Includes simple text and colorful illustrations! Life is ruff for Pluto when he has no place to play. But when Funny the Fun house sends him back in time; everything is roar-some! Pluto becomes a prehistoric pup when Funny accidentally sends him back in time! Can Mickey rescue his best furry friend from the land of the dinosaurs? Geared towards kids ages 2-7; this book will encourage imaginative play and focus on themes of friendship and creativity. For more Mickey fun; checkout: Mickey Mouse Fun house Home sick! Mickey Mouse Fun house Get Ready for Fun! Mickey Mouse Club house: Mickey’s Easter Hunt Disney Junior Mickey: Box of Mickey Fun World of Reading: Disney Junior Mickey: Friendship Tales World of Reading: Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures Campy Camper Day

DiplomaCertificate Pravesh Pratiyogita Pariksha Para Medical (Intermediate Level) Solved Papers

SKU: Mag-18700

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in DiplomaCertificate Pravesh Pratiyogita Pariksha Para Medical (Intermediate Level) Solved Papers exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

Diplomacy & Commerce Austria

SKU: Mag-12842

Diplomacy & Commerce GE is a monthly that covers the topics of economy, trade, business, diplomacy, politics and the life of diplomatic and business communities in Germany, as well as the topics of interest for the expatriates in Germany, foreign and Serbian businessmen, entertainment and culture.

Diplomacy & Commerce Israel

SKU: Mag-13344

Diplomacy & Commerce Israel, that covers the topics of economy, trade, business, diplomacy, politics and the life of diplomatic and business communities in Germany, as well as the topics of interest for the expatriates in Israel, foreign and Israel businessmen, entertainment and culture.

Diplomat Africa

SKU: Mag-3527

Sharing African knowledge, future vision and inspiration in the pursuit of best practice in governance and leadership.

Discover Gin

SKU: Mag-10227

Here is your essential guide to all the glories of gin.
As you turn the pages you will discover fascinating facts, provocative history and downright quirky stuff about gins, old and new.
This guide takes you from its origins, when gin was used as a medicine, through the time when it was labelled Mother’s Ruin and the days of the Gin Palaces to the incredible resurgence of the popularity that exists today.
You’ll see how the juniper berry has fascinated and intrigued everyone from multi-million global companies to small hand-crafted concerns who distil their gins in their own home!
This book shows how the wonders of gin go on and on. From those flavoured with the likes of tree bark and seaweed to ones where more exotic elements, such as frankincense and myrrh are employed.
So relax, pour a gin cocktail – you’ll be amazed by how many there are! – and drink in this toast to one of the world’s favourite tipples.

Disney Animals Storybook Collection

SKU: Mag-26200

Pua and Heihei go on a quest for the perfect gift; Timothy and Dumbo plan a special performance; Winnie the Pooh and Piglet find a fuzzy duckling; and more! This delightful collection of four stories features new and old friends and tales full of heart and adventure.

Disney Beauty and the Beast: As Told by Emoji

SKU: Mag-26607

Joe Books presents DISNEY AS TOLD BY EMOJI a series of books based on the popular ‘As Told by Emoji’ YouTube series, retelling favorite Disney films in a new way. The books will be 5 ¼ by 7 ½ and feature curved outside edges to mimic the smartphones that serve as the backdrop of the series. Launching in September of 2017, these books capture the fun of emojis with the magic of Disney.

Disney Descendants 2 Cinestory Comic

SKU: Mag-26612

When the pressure to be royally perfect becomes too much for Mal, she returns to her rotten roots on the Isle of the Lost where her archenemy Uma, the daughter of Ursula, has taken her spot as a self-proclaimed queen of the run-down town. Uma, still resentful over not being selected by Ben to go to Auradon Prep with the other Villain Kids, stirs her pirate gang–including Captain Hook’s son Harry and Gaston’s son Gil–to break the barrier between the Isle of the Lost and Auradon, and unleash all the villains imprisoned on the Isle, once and for all. You’ll be chillin’ like a villain with the Disney Descendants Cinestory Comic, a wickedly cool, graphic novel-style adaptation of the smash hit film.

Disney Descendants Shorts Cinestory Comic

SKU: Mag-26594

Disney Descendants Shorts Cinestory Comic Volume II

Disney Mickey and the Roadster Racers: Running of the Roadsters Cinestory Comic

SKU: Mag-26624

Cinestory comic adaptation of one episode of Disney Mickey and the Roadster Racers, designed with simplified storytelling for younger readers.

Disney Mickey Mouse 90th Anniversary Celebration Cinestory Comic

SKU: Mag-26613

Cinestory comic adaptations of Mickey Mouse shorts

Disney Mickey’s Christmas Carol Cinestory Comic

SKU: Mag-26611

Disney Mickey’s Christmas Carol Cinestory Comic

Disney Princess Comic Strips: The Enchanted Collection

SKU: Mag-26963

The Disney Princess Comics collected in a new, prestige format. Collects volumes 1-3 of the comic strips collections.

Disney Princess Volume of Building Stories

SKU: Mag-26780

A collection featuring original stories based in the world of Disney Princess. The Disney Princess collection will feature 1- and 2-page self-contained stories that explore life inside the castles and surrounding environments. 32 pages + cover. 28 cm x 44 cm / 11″ x 17″.

Disney Puppy Dog Pals: Their Royal Pug-ness Cinestory Comic

SKU: Mag-26609

Disney Puppy Dog Pals Cinestory Comic

Disney Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

SKU: Mag-26605

Disney Snow White — the story of the movie in comics

Disney Tales From Adventureland

SKU: Mag-26218

Andy Stanley has never met his famous grandfather, renowned archaeologist and explorer Ned Lostmore. Then Ned goes missing on the search for a hidden temple deep in the Amazonian jungle, and everyone assumes he’s dead. But when Andy receives a mysterious letter and key from his grandfather, he is drawn into a quest to stop several lost, magical artifacts from falling into the wrong hands. His adventure takes him deep into the worlds of the attractions featured at Disney’s Adventureland—the Tiki Room, Jungle Cruise, and more!

Disney Tangled: The Series Cinestory Comic

SKU: Mag-26601

Cinestory comic of episodes 1-3

Disney The Nightmare Before Christmas: As Told by Emoji

SKU: Mag-26622

Joe Books presents DISNEY AS TOLD BY EMOJI a series of books based on the popular ‘As Told by Emoji’ YouTube series, retelling favorite Disney films in a new way. The books will be 5 ¼ by 7 ½ and feature curved outside edges to mimic the smartphones that serve as the backdrop of the series. Launching with MOANA, NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS, and ZOOTOPIA in September of 2017, these books capture the fun of emojis with the magic of Disney.