Showing 3151–3200 of 5026 results


SKU: Mag-14014

உங்கள் மன அழுத்தத்தைக் குறைத்து நிம்மதியாக வாழலாம். பண வரவை அதிகரித்து, பிரச்னைகளில் இருந்து விடுபடலாம். சீரற்ற உறவுகளைச் சீர்படுத்திக் கொள்ளலாம். ஆல்ஃபா தியானத்தில் கிடைக்கும் வெற்றி மூலம் உங்கள் வாழ்க்கையை அற்புதமாக்கலாம்!

My Dream Life

SKU: Mag-26131

This book will open your eyes spiritually to understand the spiritual realm. Dreams are like eyes in the spiritual realm that can help us understand small portions of the will of God over our lives.

My Mind’s Imaginative Creations

SKU: Mag-28341

“A good story is a dream shared by the author and the reader. Anything that wakes the reader from the dream is a mortal sin.” ― Victor J. Banis
It is fair to say that the author of this book has crafted all of the author’s imaginations, beliefs, and fantasies into the narrations of the book in the form of lyrical poems and captivating short stories. You’ll find all of this information in the book. In order to bestow an extraordinary amount of joy and satisfaction on each and every reader who acquires a copy of the book.

The author has included a variety of works, ranging from fables to a stunning poem, all of which are related to the upcoming tasks and examinations. The author went into detail about the difficulties that come up for animals when there is a drought. In addition, the author narrates the journey that the pig takes from the land to the hills as well as the journey that the school children take into the shadow woods. The author came up with the most peculiar poem one could possibly imagine about having dinner with Dracula.

I urge you to take your time and savour the magical ride that this book provides.

My Own Trumpet, My Own Drum

SKU: Mag-27486

This book is a rambling account of several interesting incidents and episodes in a busy and varied career of an Army officer who has had the good fortune to serve in many different places, in many different appointments, for many decades. This book has no pretensions to enrich the great fund of military lore. This is just a tale of a wonderful time which a young professional soldier had the great good luck to enjoy. And it is meant to amuse the reader as much as it has amused the writer. The Indian army has changed over the years. The challenges are different too. But in every soldier’s life there are lighter moments that help offset the gravitas of their noble calling. This book is replete with them.

MyNorth Senior Living

SKU: Mag-6226

From the same people who produce Traverse, Northern Michigan’s Magazine, MyNorth Senior Living is both a celebration of, and a resource for living a retirement lifestyle in Northern Michigan. Articles provide useful tips, quick reference lists, succinct question-and-answer interviews with experts and more to connect seniors and their adult children with the information and services they need to thrive during retirement Up North.

N.D.A. Pariksha

SKU: Mag-17959

N.D.A. Pariksha

N.D.A. Pariksha Solved Papers

SKU: Mag-18500

N.D.A. Pariksha Solved Papers

N.D.A. Solved Papers

SKU: Mag-17954

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in N.D.A. Solved Papers exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

NABARD Assistant Manager (Grade A & B) Phase-1 Officer

SKU: Mag-21624

This book is a self help book for the people preparing for NABARD exam. This book gives you some basic rules to follow for better performance in exams.

Nadodi Sirukathai Thoguppu

SKU: Mag-16411

நாடோடி சிறுகதை தொகுப்பு

Nadu Nedu

SKU: Mag-28442

తెలంగాణ ఆవిర్భవించిన తర్వాత రాష్ట్రంలో జరిగిన అభివృద్ధిని పుస్తకరూపంలోకి తేవడం అభినందనీయమని సత్తుపల్లి ఎమ్మెల్యే సండ్ర వెంకటవీరయ్య పేర్కొన్నారు. తెలంగాణ రాష్ట్రం ఆనాడు ఎలాంటి దుర్భర స్థితిలో ఉంది? ఈరోజు ఎంతటి అభివృద్ధి సాధించింది అనే విషయాలను కళ్లకు కడుతూ ‘నాడు నేడు’ పేరిట వచ్చిన ఈ పుస్తకం ఎంతో అద్భుతమైనదని అన్నారు. పట్టణంలోని తన క్యాంపు కార్యాలయంలో మంగళవారం ఆయన ఈ పుస్తకాన్ని ఆవిష్కరించి మాట్లాడారు.

తెలంగాణ రాకముందు, తెలంగాణ వచ్చిన తర్వాత పరిస్థితుల గురించి అందమైన చిత్రాలతో రూపొందించిన పుస్తకం నాటి, నేటి పరిస్థితులను ప్రస్ఫుటిస్తోందని అన్నారు. జిల్లా గ్రంథాలయ సంస్థ చైర్మన్‌ కొత్తూరు ఉమామహేశ్వరరావు, ఆత్మ చైర్మన్‌ శీలపురెడ్డి హరికృష్ణారెడ్డి, మున్సిపల్‌ చైర్మన్‌ కూసంపూడి మహేశ్‌, ఎంపీపీ పగుట్ల వెంకటేశ్వరరావు, పాల వెంకటరెడ్డి, కనగాల వెంకట్రావు, మల్లూరు అంకమరాజు, దొడ్డా శంకర్‌రావు, భీమిరెడ్డి గోపాలరెడ్డి, డీసీసీబీ డైరెక్టర్‌ చల్లగుళ్ల కృష్ణయ్య, రఫీ, గొర్ల సంజీవరెడ్డి, దయాకర్‌ పాల్గొన్నారు.


SKU: Mag-15147

This is a very small book with ten pages only. It Carries details from ancient granthas and describes Nagamani in detail. The book is just for research Purpose and, I do not endorse the killing of wild life in Any way.
The book carries detailed analysis of this myth and a Differentiation between a fake and real pearl.


SKU: Mag-25242

Even though Nahusha, the son of King Ayus and Queen Indumati, was spirited away at birth to be killed by the demon, Hunda, he lived on to achieve immortality. Married to Ashokasundari, the beautiful daughter of Shiva and Parvati, he was elected to be the king of heaven and then his mortal mind succumbed to the sin of pride. The stories of Nahusha are taken from the Padma Purana and the Mahabharata.


SKU: Mag-13984

கடவுளைத் தரிசனம் செய்வது என்றால் என்ன? எப்படி? என்ன கேட்கவேண்டும்? என்ன சொல்ல வேண்டும்? எப்படிக் கேட்க வேண்டும்? எப்படித் தொழ வேண்டும்? எப்படியெல்லாம் கேட்டால், என்னவெல்லாம் கொடுப்பார்?

இன்றல்ல, நேற்றல்ல…இந்தக் கேள்வி ஒவ்வொரு தலைமுறையிலும் ஒவ்வொரு சமூகத்தினரின் இடையேயும் கேட்கப்பட்டே வந்திருக்கிறது. அப்படிக் கேட்டவர்களுக்கு கிடைத்த பயன்கள் பற்றிய கதைகளும் நமக்கு ஏராளமாகக் கிடைத்திருக்கின்றன.

டாக்டர் சுதா சேஷய்யன், இந்த நூலில் நல்ல தரிசனம் என்பதை மிக விரிவாக பேசியிருக்கிறார். ஒவ்வொரு அத்தியாயத்திலும் ஒவ்வொரு பாடல், ஒவ்வொரு அனுபவம், ஒவ்வொரு உதாரணங்களுடம் மனத்தைச் செம்மைப்படுத்தும் அரும் கருத்துகளை எடுத்துத் தந்திருக்கிறார்.

Nandi Vishala

SKU: Mag-25535

These Jataka tales are a wake-up call to all ungrateful, arrogant, hypocritical and self-serving liars. Full of humor and sound advice, they reveal the tyrannical power of money, the foolishness of superstition and the dangers of losing self-control. So, read and be entertained and laugh as you learn and remember, the good always triumph.

Narad Ki Kathayen (Hindi)

SKU: Mag-23795

Narada is a sage, most devoted to Vishnu, the protector god. He is ever on the move, singing praises of the god. Yet, even he does not escape being led astray by the god of love or by pride in his devotion itself. The stories here are meant to be lessons in humility and in the superiority of the devotion of commoners during their daily toils.

Narayan Guru

SKU: Mag-23768

It was a time when the evils of the caste system cast a malevolent shadow over Kerala. The ‘avarnas’, as the low castes were called, lived on the fringes of a society that found their very shadow, polluting. It was at such a time that Narayana was born. As a child he shocked his elders by questioning the system. As a guru he strove to educate people in the oneness of God and the human race.

Nari Apne Rishto Ka Nirvah Kaise Kare

SKU: Mag-23122

“Women hold a very prominent place in the Indian Society. She works as the axis of the family, which is critical in solving all the family problems and maintaining a level of consistency in the family responsibilities.
In fact, the book uses the maintenance of relationships approach to lead a woman to become a successful housewife. This book tells the ways of coordinating various family relationships such as husband-wife, brother-sister, mother-daughter, mother-son etc in addition to various other family tree relationships.

National Cyber Olympiad – Class 1

SKU: Mag-22866

Developed by Professionals and Experienced Teachers from top schools across the country, the book has been divided into three sections namely Computers, Logical Reasoning and Achievers section. The concepts have been explained through examples, illustrations, and diagrams. To enhance the problem solving skills of students, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions have been provided at the end of each chapter. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack Cyber Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book. The book is recommended for various school level and competitive exams.

National Cyber Olympiad – Class 10

SKU: Mag-22865

The book ‘National Cyber Olympiad’ has been divided into five sections namely Computer and IT, Logical Reasoning, Achievers section, Subjective section, and Model Papers. In every chapter, the theory has been explained through solved examples, illustrations and diagrams wherever required. To enhance the problem solving skills of candidates Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions are provided in the end of each chapter. The questions in the Achievers’ section are set to evaluate the computer skills of brilliant students while the subjective section includes questions of descriptive nature. Two Model Papers have been included for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack Cyber Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book.

National Cyber Olympiad – Class 2

SKU: Mag-22864

Developed by Professionals and Experienced Teachers from top schools across the country, the book has been divided into five sections namely Computer and IT, Logical Reasoning, Achievers section, Subjective section, and Model Papers. The concepts have been explained through examples, Illustrations, and diagrams. To enhance the problem solving skills of candidates, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions have been provided at the end of each chapter. The Subjective section has been introduced for thorough practice on writing descriptive type questions. Two Mock Test Papers have been provided for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack Cyber Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book. The book is recommended for various school level and competitive exams.

National Cyber Olympiad – Class 3

SKU: Mag-22863

Developed by Professionals and Experienced Teachers from top schools across the country, the book has been divided into five sections namely Computer and IT, Logical Reasoning, Achievers section, Subjective section, and Model Papers. The concepts have been explained through examples, Illustrations, and diagrams. To enhance the problem solving skills of candidates, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions have been provided at the end of each chapter. The Subjective section has been introduced for thorough practice on writing descriptive type questions. Two Mock Test Papers have been provided for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack Cyber Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book. The book is recommended for various school level and competitive exams.

National Cyber Olympiad – Class 4

SKU: Mag-22862

Developed by Professionals and Experienced Teachers from top schools across the country, the book has been divided into five sections namely Computer and IT, Logical Reasoning, Achievers section, Subjective section, and Model Papers. The concepts have been explained through examples, Illustrations, and diagrams. To enhance the problem solving skills of candidates, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions have been provided at the end of each chapter. The Subjective section has been introduced for thorough practice on writing descriptive type questions. Two Mock Test Papers have been provided for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack Cyber Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book. The book is recommended for various school level and competitive exams.

National Cyber Olympiad – Class 5

SKU: Mag-22861

Developed by Professionals and Experienced Teachers from top schools across the country, the book has been divided into five sections namely Computer and IT, Logical Reasoning, Achievers section, Subjective section, and Model Papers. The concepts have been explained through examples, Illustrations, and diagrams. To enhance the problem solving skills of candidates, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions have been provided at the end of each chapter. The Subjective section has been introduced for thorough practice on writing descriptive type questions. Two Mock Test Papers have been provided for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack Cyber Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book. The book is recommended for various school level and competitive exams.

National Cyber Olympiad – Class 6

SKU: Mag-22860

The book ‘National Cyber Olympiad’ has been divided into five sections namely Computer and IT, Logical Reasoning, Achievers section, Subjective section, and Model Papers. In every chapter, the theory has been explained through solved examples, illustrations and diagrams wherever required. To enhance the problem solving skills of candidates Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions are provided in the end of each chapter. The questions in the Achievers’ section are set to evaluate the computer skills of brilliant students while the subjective section includes questions of descriptive nature. Two Model Papers have been included for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack Cyber Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book.

National Cyber Olympiad – Class 7

SKU: Mag-22859

The book ‘National Cyber Olympiad’ has been divided into five sections namely Computer and IT, Logical Reasoning, Achievers section, Subjective section, and Model Papers. In every chapter, the theory has been explained through solved examples, illustrations and diagrams wherever required. To enhance the problem solving skills of candidates Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions are provided in the end of each chapter. The questions in the Achievers’ section are set to evaluate the computer skills of brilliant students while the subjective section includes questions of descriptive nature. Two Model Papers have been included for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack Cyber Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book.

National Cyber Olympiad – Class 8

SKU: Mag-22858

The book ‘National Cyber Olympiad’ has been divided into five sections namely Computer and IT, Logical Reasoning, Achievers section, Subjective section, and Model Papers. In every chapter, the theory has been explained through solved examples, illustrations and diagrams wherever required. To enhance the problem solving skills of candidates Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions are provided in the end of each chapter. The questions in the Achievers’ section are set to evaluate the computer skills of brilliant students while the subjective section includes questions of descriptive nature. Two Model Papers have been included for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack Cyber Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book.

National Cyber Olympiad – Class 9

SKU: Mag-22857

The book ‘National Cyber Olympiad’ has been divided into five sections namely Computer and IT, Logical Reasoning, Achievers section, Subjective section, and Model Papers. In every chapter, the theory has been explained through solved examples, illustrations and diagrams wherever required. To enhance the problem solving skills of candidates Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions are provided in the end of each chapter. The questions in the Achievers’ section are set to evaluate the computer skills of brilliant students while the subjective section includes questions of descriptive nature. Two Model Papers have been included for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack Cyber Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book.

National Defence Academy Examination

SKU: Mag-18072

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in National Defence Academy Examination exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

National insurance company limited Administrative Officer

SKU: Mag-18431

National insurance company limited Administrative Officer

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in xxxx exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

National insurance company limited Administrative Officer Hindi

SKU: Mag-18729

National insurance company limited Administrative Officer Hindi

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in xxxx exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

National MeansCumMerit Scholarship National Talent Search Exam. Solved Papers (Class VIII)

SKU: Mag-18099

National MeansCumMerit Scholarship National Talent Search Exam. Solved Papers (Class VIII)

National Science Olympiad – Class 1

SKU: Mag-22856

Developed by Professionals and Experienced Teachers from top schools across the country, the book has been divided into five sections namely Science, Logical Reasoning, Achievers section, Subjective section, and Model Papers. The concepts have been explained through examples, illustrations, and diagrams. To enhance the problem solving skills of candidates, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions have been provided at the end of each chapter. The Subjective section has been introduced for thorough practice on writing descriptive type questions. Two Mock Test Papers have been provided for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack Science Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book. The book is recommended for various school level and competitive exams.

National Science Olympiad – Class 10

SKU: Mag-22855

The book ‘National Science Olympiad’ has been divided into five sections namely Science, Logical Reasoning, Achievers section, Subjective section, Model Papers. In every chapter, the theory has been explained through solved examples, illustrations and diagrams wherever required. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions are provided in the end of each chapter to enhance the problem solving skills of candidates. The questions in the Achievers section are set to evaluate scientific skills of brilliant students whereas the Subjective section includes questions of descriptive nature. Two Model Papers have been included to do practice on the expected questions. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack Science Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book. The book is also useful for various competitive exams such as NTSE, NSTSE, and SLSTSE as well.

National Science Olympiad – Class 2

SKU: Mag-22854

Developed by Professionals and Experienced Teachers from top schools across the country, the book has been divided into five sections namely Science, Logical Reasoning, Achievers section, Subjective section, and Model Papers. The concepts have been explained through examples, illustrations, and diagrams. To enhance the problem solving skills of candidates, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions have been provided at the end of each chapter. The Subjective section has been introduced for thorough practice on writing descriptive type questions. Two Mock Test Papers have been provided for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack Science Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book. The book is recommended for various school level and competitive exams.

National Science Olympiad – Class 3

SKU: Mag-22853

Developed by Professionals and Experienced Teachers from top schools across the country, the book has been divided into five sections namely Science, Logical Reasoning, Achievers section, Subjective section, and Model Papers. The concepts have been explained through examples, illustrations, and diagrams. To enhance the problem solving skills of candidates, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions have been provided at the end of each chapter. The Subjective section has been introduced for thorough practice on writing descriptive type questions. Two Mock Test Papers have been provided for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack Science Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book. The book is recommended for various school level and competitive exams.

National Science Olympiad – Class 4

SKU: Mag-22852

Developed by Professionals and Experienced Teachers from top schools across the country, the book has been divided into five sections namely Science, Logical Reasoning, Achievers section, Subjective section, and Model Papers. The concepts have been explained through examples, illustrations, and diagrams. To enhance the problem solving skills of candidates, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions have been provided at the end of each chapter. The Subjective section has been introduced for thorough practice on writing descriptive type questions. Two Mock Test Papers have been provided for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack Science Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book. The book is recommended for various school level and competitive exams.

National Science Olympiad – Class 5

SKU: Mag-22851

Developed by Professionals and Experienced Teachers from top schools across the country, the book has been divided into five sections namely Science, Logical Reasoning, Achievers section, Subjective section, and Model Papers. The concepts have been explained through examples, illustrations, and diagrams. To enhance the problem solving skills of candidates, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions have been provided at the end of each chapter. The Subjective section has been introduced for thorough practice on writing descriptive type questions. Two Mock Test Papers have been provided for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack Science Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book. The book is recommended for various school level and competitive exams.

National Science Olympiad – Class 6

SKU: Mag-22850

The book ‘National Science Olympiad’ has been divided into five sections namely Science, Logical Reasoning, Achievers section, Subjective section, Model Papers. In every chapter, the theory has been explained through solved examples, illustrations and diagrams wherever required. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions are provided in the end of each chapter to enhance the problem solving skills of candidates. The questions in the Achievers section are set to evaluate scientific skills of brilliant students whereas the Subjective section includes questions of descriptive nature. Two Model Papers have been included to do practice on the expected questions. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack Science Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book. The book is also useful for various competitive exams such as NTSE, NSTSE, and SLSTSE as well.

National Science Olympiad – Class 7

SKU: Mag-22849

The book ‘National Science Olympiad’ has been divided into five sections namely Science, Logical Reasoning, Achievers section, Subjective section, Model Papers. In every chapter, the theory has been explained through solved examples, illustrations and diagrams wherever required. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions are provided in the end of each chapter to enhance the problem solving skills of candidates. The questions in the Achievers section are set to evaluate scientific skills of brilliant students whereas the Subjective section includes questions of descriptive nature. Two Model Papers have been included to do practice on the expected questions. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack Science Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book. The book is also useful for various competitive exams such as NTSE, NSTSE, and SLSTSE as well.

National Science Olympiad – Class 8

SKU: Mag-22848

The book ‘National Science Olympiad’ has been divided into five sections namely Science, Logical Reasoning, Achievers section, Subjective section, Model Papers. In every chapter, the theory has been explained through solved examples, illustrations and diagrams wherever required. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions are provided in the end of each chapter to enhance the problem solving skills of candidates. The questions in the Achievers section are set to evaluate scientific skills of brilliant students whereas the Subjective section includes questions of descriptive nature. Two Model Papers have been included to do practice on the expected questions. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack Science Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book. The book is also useful for various competitive exams such as NTSE, NSTSE, and SLSTSE as well.

National Science Olympiad – Class 9

SKU: Mag-22847

The book ‘National Science Olympiad’ has been divided into five sections namely Science, Logical Reasoning, Achievers section, Subjective section, Model Papers. In every chapter, the theory has been explained through solved examples, illustrations and diagrams wherever required. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions are provided in the end of each chapter to enhance the problem solving skills of candidates. The questions in the Achievers section are set to evaluate scientific skills of brilliant students whereas the Subjective section includes questions of descriptive nature. Two Model Papers have been included to do practice on the expected questions. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack Science Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book. The book is also useful for various competitive exams such as NTSE, NSTSE, and SLSTSE as well.

National Talent Search Exam. (For Class X)

SKU: Mag-18513

National Talent Search Exam. (For Class X)

National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) Guide for 10th Class: with Previous Papers (Solved)ENGLISH

SKU: Mag-22266

The present book has been specially developed for the candidates of National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) for Class 10th. The book is highly recommended for the NTSE Stage-I (State/UT) & Stage-II (National) Level Exams. New Pattern based Previous Exam Solved Papers of both Stage I and Stage II have been provided for the candidates to be familiar with the exam pattern, the type of questions asked with their answers. Separate sections have been provided for detailed study and practice of important subjects for Mental Ability Test (MAT), Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and the Language Test of both Stage I and Stage II. Based on the Current Pattern of Exam, the book will prove very useful for study, practice and during precious moments before the exam for reference and revision. It is highly recommended to Sharpen your Problem Solving Skills with thorough practice of numerous questions provided in the book, and prepare yourself to face the exam with Confidence, Successfully.

National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) Guide for 10th Class: with Previous Papers (Solved)Hindi

SKU: Mag-22267

This comprehensive book is specially developed for the candidates of National Talent Search Examination for 10th Class (For Stage-I (State/UTs) & Stage-II (National) Level Exams. This book includes Study Material and Previous Papers (Solved) for the purpose of practice of questions based on the latest pattern of the examination. Detailed Explanatory Answers have also been provided for the selected questions for Better Understanding of the Candidates.

National Talent Search Examination Solved Papers (ClassX)

SKU: Mag-17976

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in National Talent Search Examination Solved Papers (ClassX) exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

National Talent Search Examination Solved Papers (ClassX) Hindi

SKU: Mag-18414

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in National Talent Search Examination Solved Papers (ClassX) Hindi exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.


SKU: Mag-27526

“Nationalism is a collection of lectures delivered by Rabindranath Tagore in Japan, in 1916. This collection is divided into three essays: Nationalism in Japan, Nationalism in the West, and Nationalism in India. During the time when these lectures were delivered, the First World War was unfolding. Tagore’s lectures critiquing nationalism led to a mixed response.
The lectures critique the concepts of nation and nationalism that turn men and women away from their self-sacrificing and creative nature. Tagore cautions us against aggressive imperialistic tendencies of nationalism found in the West and Japan. He proposes an alternate definition of nationalism for India—one that is shaped through the works of medieval mystics, poets and spiritual figures, such as Guru Nanak, Sant Kabir Das, and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
Tagore’s thoughts on nation and nationalism bore a lasting influence on Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. Interestingly, Tagore criticized Gandhi’s Non-cooperation Movement as narrow, and dangerous. In his infamous meeting with Gandhi in 1921, he focused on India’s hospitality and the country’s potential to contribute towards creating a more united world. These discussions helped Gandhi rework the meaning of nationalism. Tagore’s ideas on diversity and inclusivity went on to help Nehru shape up his vision of India as a synthesis between tradition and modernity.

Nature Cure

SKU: Mag-22832

“This book will help understand the methods used by Naturopathy which was given a new definition in India by Dr. Jussawalla several decades ago. There are valuable tips on how to lead a healthy life. You can see why Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Morarji Desai, Meena Kumari and several other well-known personalities resorted to Nature Cure.
The book may help you decide whether you need allopathy for immediate relief or if it is a better bet to change your lifestyle completely and remove the cause of the disease from the root. You will get to know the therapeutic uses of water, sunlight, air, massage, other Naturopathic methods, the right diet, the benefits of fasting, the virtues of vegetarianism, the importance of regular exercise, the value of sleep, the need for fellowship and a mind at peace with itself, the effects of colours, herbs, minerals, vitamins, even the zodiac, the harm from Genetically Modified foods, and so on.
You can also decide if you need to be vaccinated as the dangers of vaccination are being hotly discussed all over the world now. This book will open a window to the latest research on health, nutrition and fitness sourced from the most authentic and – sometimes — even irreverent health gurus who oppose mainstream beliefs with sound empirical knowledge.

Nature Cure Through Fruits and Vegetables

SKU: Mag-24321

Natural Cures with fruits and vegetables. Oftentimes the use of chemicals and drug based treatments only worsen health problems when the real answer can be found in nature by consuming lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Nothing is easier to digest than a fruit or a vegetable. Also the best way to consume these magical and healthy super foods is by eating them in their raw state to profit from all the nutrients and the powers they have, when cooked some of the nutrients and vitamins are lost. You reduce the risk of many types of diseases like different types of cancer and heart disease when you make these wonderful vitamin & mineral filled foods a part of your daily menus. The author Sunita Pant Bansal has revealed the properties and uses of 43 fruits and vegetables to stay healthy and stay younger. Protect your health and keep doctors away! You need the power of antioxidants from healthy foods like fruits and vegetables for a healthier you now! Healthy eating is the key for a healthy lifestyle.