Showing 551–600 of 606 results
A Spiritual cultural Tamil & Sanskrit monthly magazine, The magazine will serve as a spiritual guide to all the religious minded theists and will focus on the innumerable precious thoughts and views contained on our three Veda Sastra
हिन्दी के विराट जनक्षत्रे में नयी सदी की बेचैनियाँ और आकांक्षाएँ जोर मार रही हैं। हिन्दी के नये पाठक को अब शुद्ध ‘साहित्यवाद’ नहीं भाता। वह समाज को उसके समग्र में समझने को बेताब है। साहित्य के राजनीतिक पहलू ही नहीं, उसके समाजशास्त्रीय, मनोवैज्ञानिक पहलुओं को पढ़ना नये पाठक की नयी माँग है। वह इकहरे अनुशासनों के अध्ययनों से ऊब चला है और अन्तरानुशासनिक ;इंटरडिसिपि्लनरी) अध्ययनों की ओर मुड़ रहा है जहाँ नये–नये विमर्श, उनके नये रंग–रेशे एक–दूसरे में घुलते–मिलते हैं। नयी सदी का पाठक ग्लोबल माइंड का है और भूमंडलीकरण, उदारतावाद, तकनीक, मीडिया, उपभोक्ता, मानवाधिकारवाद, पर्यावरणवाद, स्त्रीत्ववाद, दलितवाद उत्तर–आधुनिक विमर्श, उत्तर–संरचनावादी, चिन्ह, शास्त्रीय विमर्श इत्यादि तथा उनके नये–नये सन्दर्भों, उपयोगों को पढ़ना– समझना चाहता है। थियरीज के इसी ‘हाइपर रीयल’ में उसे पढ़ना होता है। साहित्य भी इस प्रक्रिया में बदल रहा है। प्ााठक भी। ‘वाक्’ इन तमाम नित नए विमर्शों से अपने नये पाठक को लैस करने का प्रयत्न है। ‘वाक्’ हिन्दी में पहली बार ‘परिसर रचना’ की अवधारणा प्रस्तुत कर रहा है।
This is a bilingual magazine combined in Malayalam and English. Published once in a month from Pune, Maharashtra. .This magazine is rich in variety of topics such as story, poetry, politics, contemporary issues, interviews, contributions from various legends in literary field etc.
Vanakkam Tamil
This digital magazine is all about Global Tamil people’s life style. It contains Tamil culture, life style, stories, events, articles, poems etc. This magazine is published from London and spread over through the glob..
“VELVEECHU” a monthly magazine that covers the legacy of tamils, their traditions, culture and the political events surrounding the race. In today’s environment, most of the media cover, the policies of the government and that of the barons alone. It no longer acts with a social responsibility. In contrast to this trend, our magazine is aimed to arouse interest and carry information on Tamil ecology, Tamil culture, the political elements that support the welfare of the Tamil ethnic group. We look forward for your support and subscription.
VENCE Magazine traverses the world. Featuring travel locations all around the globe from a whole country to a single street. Giving a sneak peek from a traveller point of view. Always keeping it simple and providing the best information to plan & enhance your travel experience.
Not a frequent traveller? Why not travel with us throughout the journey.
You can simply sit at home and indulge fully with high-quality photography. Explore a whole new cultural & lifestyle experience like never before
Veritas Arcana ENG
Veritas Arcana is digital magazine about Archaeology, History and Science. We talk about ancient world and new discoveries of science in search of the roots of humankind. Veritas Arcana explore the human knowledge with an open mind, would you join our Quest?
Per aspera ad astra
Verve – Savor the South
Welcome to Verve magazine, Mississippi’s freshest lifestyle magazine. To understand what Verve is about is to understand the very definition of the word. When we set out to create our magazine, we needed a name that represented the spirit and enthusiasm found in the people and culture that define our region. Luckily for us, there’s one word that does just that—Verve.
From cover to cover, Verve magazine celebrates stories of the hard-working hands, creative minds, and compassionate hearts that embody the best of our unique Southern culture. Our pages provide engaging content and beautiful photography spanning subjects from travel, culture, and the arts, to food, health, and entertaining with some surprises in between. Each seasonal issue speaks to the spirit and soul of our diverse region with meaningful, fun, optimistic, and valuable information that will enrich and empower your life.
At Verve magazine, we’re serious about our work, but we’re not too serious about ourselves. We value curiosity, honesty, generosity and hard work while we also embrace the ingenuity and uniqueness found in the charming residents and beautiful communities throughout our state. We believe in supporting creativity wherever we find it and supporting local businesses that enrich our culture and economy.
Whether you have a head for business or a heart for home, an eye for design or the hands for healing, we hope to provide you with a timeless resource you may rely on for daily inspiration and enjoyment.
Vibes Magazine cover social issues which are unheard and untouched in Human Lifestyle. The content is equipped with poetic vibes. Read out the magazine to Unfold Boldness.
Viduthalai Malar
For the past 54 years “Viduthalai Special” has been published regularly every year in Tamil by the Tamil Daily ‘Viduthalai‘, the only Rational Daily News Paper in the world. Ever since Dr.K.Veeramani took over the Editorship of the Daily in 1962, this Special is being published in order to propagate the most cherished ideals of our mentor Thanthai Periyar written by eminent scholars, writers, thinkers and leaders. This Issue has several interesting features, photographs and anecdotes along with all the activities, meetings, agitations, seminars and training camps of the Dravidar Kazhagam throughout the year in a very high quality of print, colour and art on art paper. This is how it becomes the official chronicle of the organisation establishing links among all such efforts in the world. It is a proud possession for anyone.
Vietnam Heritage
A monthly magazine in English covering Vietnam’s natural and cultural heritage and its conservation.
Published under the auspices of the Vietnam Cultural Heritage Association.
Serving readers who are interested in Vietnam’s rich natural and cultural treasure.
Clear and concise stories written by professional journalists, reporters as well as renowned researchers, culture experts and artists provide readers with multi-faceted and valuable approaches on Vietnam’s land, people and its cultural evolution.
Photos and paintings on the landscapes, nature reserve, historical sites, architectural and sculptural structures, cultural activities, folk and modern art from around the country as well as Vietnamese people’s daily life scenes.
Maps and directions are also available to serve readers who love travelling.
Vincy Carnival Souvenir Magazine
Vincy Mas, the annual Carnival in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, may be one of many such festivals in the Caribbean, but ours is undoubtedly unique and colourful as the people of this multi-island nation.
Our Carnival is an explosion of creativity and ingenuity as much as it is a time of excitement and unfretted celebration.
No one yet, has documented that consuming spirit of Vincy Mas quite like THE VINCENTIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED has, and we are pleased once again, to offer another (2015) VINCY CARNIVAL SOUVENIR MAGAZINE; one hundred pages of exquisite print and photography, as an opportunity for those who witnessed it to relive the memories, and for those who missed it, to taste the nectar of the HOTTEST CARNIVAL IN THE CARIBBEAN.
vishvaguru ojaswi
This magazine helpful for all people life. heath, spiritual, saints life story, and many more here for read you.
Vishwakarma Vishwa
Kala Karigari and Kaushalya ne Ujagar karatu vishwakarma parivar nu sau pratham monthly magazine.
Visual Arts News
Visual Arts News is dedicated to visual art in Atlantic Canada; every issue includes engaging exhibition reviews, artist profiles and in-depth features on issues facing art professionals across the province. As one of the oldest publications in Atlantic Canada, it is a well-trusted source of information for readers with a passion for its thriving visual arts scene. Written in a clear and sophisticated style by some of the most talented arts writers, Visual Arts News reflects the diversity of from our geographic and cultural communities.
Vivek Jyoti
भारत की सनातन वैदिक परम्परा, मध्यकालीन हिन्दू संस्कृति तथा श्रीरामकृष्ण-विवेकानन्द के सार्वजनीन उदार सन्देश का प्रचार-प्रसार करने के लिए स्वामी विवेकानन्द के जन्म-शताब्दी वर्ष १९६३ ई. से ‘विवेक-ज्योति’ पत्रिका को त्रैमासिक रूप में आरम्भ किया गया था, जो १९९९ से मासिक होकर गत 60 वर्षों से निरन्तर प्रज्वलित रहकर यह ‘ज्योति’ भारत के कोने-कोने में बिखरे अपने सहस्रों प्रेमियों का हृदय आलोकित करती रही है । विवेक-ज्योति में रामकृष्ण-विवेकानन्द-माँ सारदा के जीवन और उपदेश तथा अन्य धर्म और सम्प्रदाय के महापुरुषों के लेखों के अलावा बालवर्ग, युवावर्ग, शिक्षा, वेदान्त, धर्म, पुराण इत्यादि पर लेख प्रकाशित होते हैं ।
आज के संक्रमण-काल में, जब भोगवाद तथा कट्टरतावाद की आसुरी शक्तियाँ सुरसा के समान अपने मुख फैलाएँ पूरी विश्व-सभ्यता को निगल जाने के लिए आतुर हैं, इस ‘युगधर्म’ के प्रचार रूपी पुण्यकार्य में सहयोगी होकर इसे घर-घर पहुँचाने में क्या आप भी हमारा हाथ नहीं बँटायेंगे? आपसे हमारा हार्दिक अनुरोध है कि कम-से-कम पाँच नये सदस्यों को ‘विवेक-ज्योति’ परिवार में सम्मिलित कराने का संकल्प आप अवश्य लें ।
The Magazine “VIVEKA PRABHA” is the only Kannada Magazine which is being published by The Ramakrishna Maha Sangha. This magazine was released in 2000. The magazine features writings by renounced monks and also the leading writers and is read by over 25,000 readers across the state of Karnataka and also outside.
ರಾಮಕೃಷ್ಣ ಮಹಾಸಂಘದ ಮಾಸಪತ್ರಿಕೆ ವಿವೇಕಪ್ರಭ. ಪ್ರತಿ ತಿಂಗಳೂ ವೇದಾಂತ, ಆಧ್ಯಾತ್ಮಿಕ ಪರಂಪರೆ, ಭಾರತೀಯ ಸಂಸ್ಕೃತಿ ಹಾಗೂ ಶ್ರೀರಾಮಕೃಷ್ಣ-ಶ್ರೀಶಾರದಾದೇವಿ-ಸ್ವಾಮಿ ವಿವೇಕಾನಂದರ ಜೀವನ-ಸಂದೇಶಗಳನ್ನು ಸರಳ ಭಾಷೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಎಲ್ಲರಿಗೂ ತಲುಪಿಸುವುದೇ ಈ ಪತ್ರಿಕೆಯ ಗುರಿ. ಆಧುನಿಕ ಜೀವನದ ಸಂದರ್ಭಕ್ಕೆ ಅನುಗುಣವಾಗುವಂತೆ ನಮ್ಮ ಪಾರಂಪರಿಕ ಮೌಲ್ಯಗಳನ್ನು ಹೊಸದಾಗಿ ಪ್ರತಿಷ್ಠಾಪಿಸುವುದು, ಆತ್ಮ ಸಾಕ್ಷಾತ್ಕಾರ ಹಾಗೂ ಜಗತ್ತಿನ ಒಳಿತಿಗಾಗಿ ದುಡಿಯುವಂತೆ ಯುವಪೀಳಿಗೆಯನ್ನು ಪ್ರೇರೇಪಿಸುವುದು, ಸುಸಂಸ್ಕೃತ ಮೌಲ್ಯಗಳ ಹಾಗೂ ಆಧ್ಯಾತ್ಮಿಕ ಆದರ್ಶಗಳ ಆಧಾರದಲ್ಲಿ ಪವಿತ್ರ ಜೀವನ ನಡೆಸುವಂತೆ ಸಮಾಜದ ಎಲ್ಲ ವರ್ಗಗಳ, ಎಲ್ಲ ಸ್ತರಗಳ ಸ್ತ್ರೀಪುರುಷರನ್ನು, ವಿದ್ಯಾರ್ಥಿಗಳನ್ನು ಹಾಗೂ ಬಾಲಕರನ್ನು ಮುನ್ನಡೆಸುವುದು ಈ ಪತ್ರಿಕೆಯ ಧ್ಯೇಯವಾಗಿದೆ. ಬನ್ನಿ, ವಿವೇಕಪ್ರಭ ಆ್ಯಪ್ ಅನ್ನು ಸಂಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಿ.. ಇದರ ಅಂತರಂಗವನ್ನು ಹೊಕ್ಕು ನೋಡಿ..
Vivekananda Kendra Patrika
Vivekananda Kendra Patrika is biannual thematic journal, each issue dedicated to a single theme of cultural or national interest. Views, approaches and information collected and presented as articles in a comprehensive volume forms each issue.
Voice of Urdu
VOU is a complete Urdu portal which include vast spectrum of news, views, literature, entertainment, culinary, fashion, horoscope and video clippings on regional, national as well as global affairs. This Urdu portal boasts of being first of its kind in India and promises to provide ample dose of customized as well as syndicated information. A robust team of scribes are there 24*7 to cover events and incidents with utmost precision.
The portal remains user-friendly and requires little pain to manipulate options in order to arrive at the desired results. The menu bar at the top provides choices for the viewers, such as under ‘NEWS’ we find sub-options, like, ‘domestic’, ‘international’, ‘sports’, ‘technology’, ‘literature’, etc.
Impartiality vis-à-vis news is the bedrock of our editorial policy. This is provided below in the topic, Policies and Procedures.
The portal caters to varied taste buds: have different sections for different age groups, genders, strata, profession, cultural and ethnic entities.
Stories, fiction, history, diets, religious sermons are there for children to lap up.
Urdu literature occupies prominent place in the portal. The relevance of yesteryears authors and poets in contemporary world religiously appears in every successive edition with experts’ inputs.
Religion is yet another but important topic we provide for enlightening our readers vis-à-vis interpretational aspect of Islamic scriptures. It remains totally secular and utmost care is taken to avoid controversy and hurting sentiments of other religious denomination. We prominently portray the different shades of the life and times of the great prophet of Islam.
Women occupy centre stage and their interests are taken care of by the portal. Latest costumes, kitchenware, cosmetics and other information of their interests are presented in the most simple and lucid language.
Health and hygiene are greatly elaborated in our every edition. Foods that prevent cholesterol and hypertension, vegetables that curb free-radicals and cancers, food that make you healthy appear in this section. Yoga and other forms of exercises are precisely elaborated.
We entertain our audiences in a way that none of our contemporaries do. Bollywood, Hollywood, movies, theater, drama and page3 parties appear in our successive edition. We interview celebrities, bring out scintillating revelations revolving them and make an interesting reading.
Vulture Magazine
VULTURE is an independent space to explore ideas that would influence a new establishment of a younger creative class. Focusing on the key movers of contemporary culture, it aims to curate and reflect highlights of the current zeitgeist. Empowering a partnership between art, design, fashion and people to bring a new consciousness to the masses. Independent in essence, Vulture constantly discovers and fosters an appreciation for global cutting edge creativity and incubate emerging young talent. It is a platform for established brands that embraces creative experimentation.
Washington, D.C. -Guide for the Arts
The Guide for the Arts is the only publication featuring the complete annual schedules of Washington, D.C.’s Leading Arts organizations. Opera, Symphony,Ballet,Theatres and Museums,special event calendars,box office listings and more. A must have for the serious Arts Patron
West Hollywood Lifestyle
Incorporated in 1984, the City of West Hollywood is a magnet for creativity and trend-setting professionals who exert a powerful influence in the highly prized Los Angeles demographic. WEST HOLLYWOOD LIFESTYLE Magazine (a quarterly magazine) presents the residents, officials, artists, cultural institutions and lifestyle dynamics that have made this city renowned both nationally and overseas.
Our readers will know first-hand why Elton John, Oprah Winfrey and Jeff Klein, among many others, have been enticed to live, work and play in West Hollywood. Chosen for a VANITY FAIR Oscar party and by BRAVO to film a reality series, West Hollywood has quickly emerged as an unmatched center for art, design and progressive culture.
The City of West Hollywood is at the forefront of fashion, art and multi-cultural enterprise. From chic boutiques filled with top designers on Sunset Plaza Drive, Robertson, Melrose and San Vicente strips to the high-rise tower developments, enviable nightlife spots, and the new West Hollywood design district – the city infrastructure is growing exponentially.
WEST HOLLYWOOD LIFESTYLE Magazine will keep our readers in Southern California or across the nation, informed and engaged as we take a high-speed journey to the next phase in the community while celebrating life in West Hollywood and surrounding enclaves.
Westchester Country Capitalist Magazine, weston magazine group publisher of 14 upscale & sophisticated hyper-local regional luxury lifestyle magazines in new york city metro/suburban luxury market: sohonyc magazine, hamptons country capitalist magazine, greenwich country capitalist magazine, central park west magazine, the upper east side magazine, tribeca magazine, litchfield county country capitalist magazine, new canaan country capitalist magazine, westport country capitalist magazine, weston magazine, rye magazine, westchester country capitalist magazine, long island country capitalist magazine and alpine nj magazine.
Western Art Collector
With previews of gallery exhibitions, museum shows and auctions, Western Art Collector is the premier monthly magazine for collectors searching for works by talented living and past artists who depict the West in paintings and sculptures.
Weston Magazine, weston magazine group publisher of 14 upscale & sophisticated hyper-local regional luxury lifestyle magazines in new york city metro/suburban luxury market: sohonyc magazine, hamptons country capitalist magazine, greenwich country capitalist magazine, central park west magazine, the upper east side magazine, tribeca magazine, litchfield county country capitalist magazine, new canaan country capitalist magazine, westport country capitalist magazine, weston magazine, rye magazine, westchester country capitalist magazine, long island country capitalist magazine and alpine nj magazine.
Westport Country Capitalist Magazine, weston magazine group publisher of 14 upscale & sophisticated hyper-local regional luxury lifestyle magazines in new york city metro/suburban luxury market: sohonyc magazine, hamptons country capitalist magazine, greenwich country capitalist magazine, central park west magazine, the upper east side magazine, tribeca magazine, litchfield county country capitalist magazine, new canaan country capitalist magazine, westport country capitalist magazine, weston magazine, rye magazine, westchester country capitalist magazine, long island country capitalist magazine and alpine nj magazine.
What’s Hot London?
What’s Hot London? promotes all that’s undiscovered, unheard and underrated in London as Hot with a focus on London city and society.
What’s Up Yukon
What’s Up Yukon is Yukon’s Only FREE Weekly Entertainment Magazine. We covers arts, culture, active interests, all things entertainment and all things fun. Content focussed Yukon wide and cover some of our neighbours events too. Our neighbours are Skagway and Haines Alaska, Inuvik NWT, Atlin, BC. Stories are 100% locally written and 100% fun.
Whidbey Life Magazine
Whidbey Life Magazine exists because we love arts and culture and living on Whidbey Island. On these pages, we strive to present the best stories of the island’s rich culture with our community and visitors.
We started as an online network and directory for the visual arts community on the island in 2012. It was a place where local artists, performers, writers and arts organizations could find the tools and opportunities they needed to promote themselves and their events. Yet small beginnings have a way of becoming big dreams.
Today, Whidbey Life Magazine is the number one online resource for arts and culture activities on Whidbey Island and our fourth print magazine is at over retail locations on Whidbey Island. You can find out where to get your print magazine here. 10% of all magazine sales go to fund our new WLM Arts Grant, see more about our first grant here.
Our website is a treasure trove of information about what to do, see, taste, hear, read and watch on Whidbey Island. Enjoy a wide variety of lively feature stories, blogs by local artists, event listings and the popular weekly “What’s Happening”. Use WLM to plan a day, evening, weekend or week of entertainment for you or your guests. You can also use it to submit your own Community News or event. Find out how in “how to.”
Whidbey Life Magazine is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization, please consider a donation to help us continue our mission.
Whispering Wind
Established in 1967, Whispering Wind is the longest lived publication on American Indian crafts, material culture, history, and now the ONLY magazine on the market that focuses on these topics. Each issue, 48-56 pages, features peer-reviewed articles on Native American material culture, crafts, history and historical images. Each issue includes historical photo analysis as well Native American auction previews and results. Also featured are museum exhibitions, book and music reviews. A great resource for stores that sell American Indian related crafts and interests.
White Wing Messenger
The White Wing Messenger is a magazine striving to inspire Christian thought and practice as it imparts the “good news” of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the official publication of the Church of God of Prophecy denomination, which has a global membership of 1.5 million.
Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine
Trace your family’s past and discover your roots with Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine. The official companion to the successful BBC TV series, Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine delves in to the celebrities’ pasts, features military and social history, recounts the stories of ordinary and extraordinary people and how they used to live. Packed with practical advice, from getting started to expert tips, we show you how to get the most out of online resources and build your own family tree.
WILD – Wilderness Magazine
Wild is the longest running outdoor adventure magazine in the Australasian region, with specialist content providing coverage, education and conservation information for outdoor enthusiasts.
WisdomWinds is a monthly magazine that focuses on promoting conscious living. Launched in April 2016, we aim to make a difference in people’s lives by helping them live in a conscious manner. At WisdomWinds we believe that living consciously is a lifestyle, which needs to be ingrained in our daily routine. It is being conscious about what we do, think and decide upon. Making conscious choices help in evolving our inner being, along with developing the community and protecting the environment. Be conscious. Live conscious. That’s our motto!
Works That Work
Works That Work is an international magazine for the curious mind, intending to surprise its readers with a rich mix of diverse subjects connected by the theme of unexpected creativity that improved our lives. We publish original, in-depth essays and stories on subjects connected with design, presenting projects that challenge and change the way you perceive them. Perhaps most importantly, we hope to publish articles that make great dinner stories to tell your friends.
World Bride Magazine
World Bride Magazine (WBM) is positioned as the premier multicultural and multiethnic global lifestyle bridal magazine for the woman who has not only a palette for life’s pleasures but also the discerning taste and disposable income to make luxury purchases set by her own standards. The WBM woman isn’t sitting around with a dowry, waiting to be rescued by her prince charming. Conversely, she seeks a mate who complements her accomplished lifestyle—educated, cultured, traveled, confident and bold.
World Bride Magazine provides informative editorial content that seeks to motivate a “thinking outside of the box” approach that prepares a woman not just for the wedding day and the honeymoon… but also for the voyage beyond. Whether this is the bride-to-be’s first, second or third trip down the aisle, each issue also provides diverse essential pearls of wisdom that offer advice from financial planning starting with the engagement and wedding dossier to blended families, living arrangements, personal spirituality, health and wellness.
The betrothed—or any woman seeking enlightenment on luxury brands and services to complement her quality of life—now has a new source. WBM offers insight to various cultures and available resources around the world. Our goal is to present a kaleidoscope of beauty and information on various brands, products and services to enhance your exposure to the elegant, luxurious and diverse world that exists in the bridal industry. Nuptials Around the World… Living, Culture & Beyond.
WR magazine Worcestershire
WR magazine is Worcestershire’s own ABC lifestyle magazine reflecting the culture, heritage and modernity of the UK county.
Yeah! International Student Magazine
A magazine aimed at international students, based in Ireland. Features, articles and interviews from an international team of journalists and journalism students related to culture, university life, and anything of interest to students.
Yoof is here to nurture and guide the aspirations and dreams of those who are the hope of our future. Yoof is an all-in-one magazine for every youth-related issue.
Let us start our new journey towards a better future. to build a world as fresh, energetic, and curious as the young minds are.
Your Family History
Your Family Tree is the most respected genealogy magazine around, helping you get started with family history research using your computer and the internet, as well as going to record offices. Our aim is to make tracing family history accessible and rewarding for everyone. Your Family Tree offers practical, expert advice for everyone from absolute newcomers to seasoned family historians. Each issue our team of professional genealogists answer your questions to help you overcome your research brick walls, while a mix of practical guides, historical articles and real-life reader stories mean there’s something for all everyone to enjoy.
Your Vintage Business Magazine
With each issue, we celebrate in the office, not because we are relieved that it’s over for another month (!) But because we like to think we are adding it to the growing collection of magazines, newsletter, fanzines and a whole host of other news, venture and projects from across the globe from thousands of vintage and nostalgia fans. Because its all about keeping going, keeping the bygone years alive and showing our appreciation of fashion, community, survival and life of years gone by when the world saw it’s darkest hour.
Vintage News
We are delighted to bring as a new feature, our very own vintage news. We love to highlight what’s on for your own time out from the business. We source, visit ourselves and report back on the most creative and inspiring exhibitions for you to visit, plus up and coming businesses, bloggers and other people moving in the vintage world. We love tripping up to London where all the best museums are and in particular, we love checking out what’s on at the Textile and Fashion museum who this autumn, is choosing to showcase Liberty as it’s favourite design house.
Yukon, North of Ordinary
Yukon, North of Ordinary is the premier, full-colour magazine about the Yukon Territory. Our goal is to share everything about the Yukon with those both inside and outside of the territory. From its people to its culture, history, and great outdoors, you’ll find it all in Yukon, North of Ordinary.
The magazine of global documentary. ZEKE explores the world through photographs, ideas, and words, by leading documentary photographers from across the globe. Each issue of ZEKE explores a wide range of themes of interest for an audience that loves photography as a means to learning more about our world.