Showing 1701–1750 of 3730 results
i-Succeed, A monthly magazine for Civil Service Aspirants is a periodical which covers Current Affairs and follow the exam pattern of Civil Services (Union and States)
This magazine provides monthly Current Affairs in ‘SAMAY CHAKRA’ section. In this section we cover National, International, India & World, Economy, Science & Technology, Trends, Sports and State News with views and related facts.
Latest General Knowledge is an important part of Current Affairs, which is covered with Appointments, Person in News, Awards, Books, Date & Days and Abbreviations.
Articles are also the great part of this magazine. We are here with focused articles related to Civil Services syllabus. We cover current events and vibrant issues in articles. Solved and Practice Papers Section is a helpful part for students, which give the space to exercise and evaluation. In this section we are giving the solved papers of IAS & PCS exam papers. We put answers with explanation in the solved paper section.
i-Succeed is fully designed matter for those students, who are preparing for IAS/PCS in Hindi medium.
I.T.I. / Diploma / R.R.B. Welder Trade Thyori
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in “I.T.I. / Diploma / R.R.B. Welder Trade Thyori” exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
IAS.UPPCS/RO/ARO/SSC General Science & Technology (Physics, Chemistry & Biology)
IAS.UPPCS/RO/ARO/SSC General Science & Technology (Physics, Chemistry & Biology)
IAS/All States PCS – General Science & Technology
General Science & Technology Solved Papers
IAS/All States PCS – General Studies
History of Modern India & National Movement Chapter-wise Solved Papers
IAS/All States PCS – Indian Constitution & Governance
Indian Constitution & Governance Solved Papers
IBPS Bank Clerical Cadre Common Written Exam. Solved Papers
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in IBPS Bank Clerical Cadre Common Written Exam. Solved Papers exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
IBPS Bank Clerical Cadre Common Written Main Exam.
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in IBPS Bank Clerical Cadre Common Written Main Exam. exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
IBPS Bank Clerical Cadre Common Written Preliminary Examination
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in IBPS Bank Clerical Cadre Common Written Preliminary Examination exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Magazine designed as a complete solution for IBPS Clerk Examinations
Idioms & Phrase details
This Collections of Idioms & Phrase is useful for Govt Exams and Student appear for any Exams.
Idog – How to Train a Dog
Idog – How to Train a Dog is US Best pet magazine. Filled with Dog Training of All kind of pets, super pictures, great content, Dogs & More is a world class production, meticulously planned and stylishly designed.
IELTS – Academic Module
“IELTS TECH – ACADEMIC MODULE is a smart techno product for the students who are competing for the IELTS –The International English Language Testing System. This book is a complete visual aid for the students and teaches them the perfect strategy to crack IELTS. It also serves as a smarter way to learn IELTS. The book is an outcome of incessant hard work and research by an experienced and veteran author in this field.
Basically, the book is 4 in 1 with a wholesome package of Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking Skills and Strategies along with Smart CD Presentation with its Practice Sessions. The uniqueness of the book lies in the fact that you get everything on IELTS in this single book- making it a Bible for the students aspiring to compete the IELTS exams.
IELTS – General Module
IELTS TECH – GENERAL MODULE is the fourth book in the IELTS-Tech Series, and is widely recognised as a reliable means of assessing the language ability of candidates, who need to study or work where English is the language of Communication. This unique book is designed to give the future IELTS candidates an idea of whether their English is at the required level or not to compete the IELTS examinations. The book consists of all the four modules along with Presentations and Listening Material in a Compact Disk.
IELTS – Speaking Essentials
IELTS TECH – Speaking Essentials is the fifth and the last book in the IELTS-Tech Series and will effectively serve the purpose of both the Academic and General Candidate, particularly those appearing for the Interview Sessions to learn the technique of facing Interviews and Interacting with the Interviewee in the IELTS (The International English Language Testing System Examinations). It covers all the three vital aspects of Speaking Essentials as laid down in the IELTS Exams, i.e., Part- 1 Personal Interaction, Part – 2 Q – Cards and Part -3 Follow up Session.
IELTS – Vocal Cosmetics
IELTS TECH – Vocal Cosmetics is the third book of the IELTS-Tech Series, an ideal for students aiming and striving hard to learn as well as improve their Vocal Cosmetics and Speech Therapy, specifically written and designed for the IELTS – International English Language Testing System Examinations. This book will not only enhance the Speaking Skills of the candidates, but will also be of great assistance to them in easily understanding and learning the technical aspect of IELTS related Speaking Techniques like Word Stress, Intonation, Rhythm, Coherence, Lexical Resource, Fluency, etc.
IELTS – Writing Essentials
IELTS TECH-Writing Essentials is the second book in the IELTS-Tech Series and is the only answer to the Writing Skills for an IELTS, i.e., International English Language Testing System exams. The book has been primarily divided into three sections- Graphical Representations, Letter Writing and Essays, exclusively according to the IELTS pattern of Examinations. In addition to all these, the book is also accompanied with one Awareness CD Presentation which helps the students with the vocabulary of common topics, its significance in present and future, language usage, etc. Many practice sessions are also available for enhancing the writing capacity of the student, which is considered to be one of the most salient criteria for cracking the IELTS Exams.
IERT Entrance Exam. (For Engineering/Technology Diploma Courses)
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in IERT Entrance Exam. (For Engineering/Technology Diploma Courses) exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Ignited Minds
Madhyamam’, has now stepped into English journalism with the association of one of the world’s renowned premiere B-School IIM Kozhikkode. Its quarterly magazine titled ‘Ignited Minds’, was launched by Ms. Ambika Soni, Honorable Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Govt. of India on 27th June 2012.
This magazine aims at developing academic and creative faculties of the budding generation, instilling positive qualities and encouraging achievements in the entire career fields including business and management. The next issue of the magazine is on the anvil and scheduled to be launched in September 2012 in the entire GCC as well as in India which will be distributed students, professionals and business icons.
Madhyamam is India’s first international newspaper-with Gulf Madhyamam, the largest circulated newspaper in the Middle East, it is also the only Malayalam daily published from seven countries. Madhyamam is the third largest Malayalam daily in India in terms of circulation and advertisement volume. Now into its twenty-fifth year, it has grown into 19 editions including Gulf and online editions But it’s not the quantitative merit that sets it apart. It places great value on quality, truth and credibility. Madhyamam, run by a Public Charitable Trust, is not linked to any interest group or business houses. Its news is often rated the most independent and truthful and its editorial fearless and impartial. The paper does not accept advertisements that exploit women’s honour and offend human dignity, titillate base emotions, promote superstitions or dishonest business. The many public interest campaigns Madhyamam initiated by its investigative reporting, sacrificing much advertisement income, have helped to create a
fiercely loyal readership for the paper. And the circle is growing wherever Malayalis live. Madhyamam has a strict code of ethics on news, views and advertisements. It believes that news is sacred and not to be tampered with. It also believes that comment should be free. Both are age-old norms but fast fading from the media under survival pressure. Madhyamam sets great store by universal human values that transcend boundaries of caste, race, religion and region. The paper has established beyond doubt that even in these days of crass profiteering, value-based journalism is viable, and that it still has adherents and public support. That is why it has grown in spite of its strict ethical codes.
IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in “IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam” exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
IIT Buzzword
The desire to satisfy the intellectual need of increasing pool of engineering aspirants in the country has led to the conceptualization of IIT- Buzzword. IIT Buzzword is a magazine meant to pace up engineering preparation through smart work in lesser time. The monthly magazine covers topics of physics, chemistry and maths and supplements it with practice exercises and explanation that is easy to understand. Concepts that otherwise bother new learners become easy when facilitated through diagrams and figures. Moreover, IIT Buzzword classifies questions into various levels and different sections so that students can easily hit on those areas that require immediate attention. In short, it is not a magazine that just talks but the one that facilitates the learning process.
IIT-Buzzword is especially known for the inspirational young stories that it captures in its every issue. Interviews of young talents revealing their journey has proved to be a great morale booster for million other aspirants. Other important feature of the magazine is to familiarize its readers with the latest ‘buzz’ or trends in elite engineering colleges. General Articles on Health and concentration etc. are found extremely valuable by students who combat such problems during preparation. Its cover stories reflect the motto of the magazine—to encourage its young readers to aim for the skies.
Imagine is a wholesome companion for school students in the form of a MagBook that provides them with updated information in creative formats. It’s a resource with subject matter that complements their academic learning from school.
Scan, Share, Spread
Almost every article is completed with scannable codes that direct the student to videos, news pieces or other audio visuals, selected by our editors, providing more pertinent information about the topic. Why Google the topic when you can get the info with just a scan? Download QR code reader from your App Store and start scanning
Collect, Connect, Create
Mind maps are the way the human mind functions, the way it thinks. They use association, location and imagination to form an idea. Besides developing higher level thinking abilities and improve reading comprehensions, mind mapping helps children recall words more effectively with improvements in memory of up to 52%. Interchanging topics or brainstorming for ideas – let the mind mapping begin
Learn, Observe, Discover
We answer the student’s question of “Where in life am I ever going to use this?” So much taught in this classroom and so much to discover outside. Imagine is essentially based on the syllabus and curriculum followed in schools. Every topic is theme based, hand-picked by our team and connected to it’s application or relevance in the real world. Imagine helps them apply what they learn and what they know.
Improve Your Memory Power
“In this competitive world of today, one cannot achieve success only by putting in hard work. One has to imbibe and practise various techniques along with hard work to fulfil one’s desires or reach the targetted goals.
The book precisely deals with the different techniques, one has to inculcate in order to improve and enhance one’s memory power. This is because hard work combined with a sharp memory is an ideal combination and can create wonders!
The book has been divided into 30 chapters which denote 30 days in which each chapter symbolises a day, and the author aims to improve and sharpen the memory of all its readers in just 30 days! Basically, each chapter contains all the necessary steps and methods, one must practise in one’s daily life to increase and strengthen the faculties of one’s brain.
Some of the salient features of the book are:
• How to improve one’s imaginative powers?
• How to improve the concentration of mind?
• How to remember and successfully perform all our daily activities?
• How to prepare notes and excel in exams?
• How to remember dates, birthdays, anniversaries, historical dates, incidents, etc.?
• How to remember telephone numbers, names of persons, places, terms and terminologies?
All the above and much more… Hence readers, it is definitely a must read for all of you, particularly the students and young professionals who are striving hard for a bright future ahead!
Improve Your Memory Power (Bangla)
The book serves as a complete guide and elaborately explains the different usages of nouns, adjectives, adverbs, phrases, proverbs and so on. Hence, it will undoubtedly serve as a bible for both the lovers and wizards of English language.
Improve Your Memory Power (Gujarati)
The book has been divided into 30 chapters which denote 30 days in which each chapter symbolises a day, and the author aims to improve and sharpen the memory of all its readers in just 30 days! Basically, each chapter contains all the necessary steps and methods, one must practise in one’s daily life to increase and strengthen the faculties of one’s brain.
Improve Your Memory Power (Hindi)
Iss pratiyogi duniya mein keval kadhi mehnat karne se kaamyaabi nahi milti. Kaamyaabi paane ke liye aapko tarah-tarah ki taknikiyon ka prayog karna padhta hai. Prastut pustak mein iss disha mein sarhaniye prayas kiye gaye hain. Iski madad se aap na keval apni smaran shakti badha sakte, balki pariksha mein acche ankh bhi prapt kar sakte hain. Iske apeksha prastut pustak mein smaran shakti badhane ke liye manovagyanik dhang se 30 dino ke ek pathyakram ki taknik prastut ki gayi hai, jiske anusaar anusaran karke vyakti apni smaran-shakti ko maatra 30 dino mein hi viksit kar sakta hai aur pariksha ityaadi mein acche ankh prapt kar ek medhvi vyakti ban sakta hai.(In this competitive world only hard work does not get success. To achieve success, you learn to use a variety of techniques.Attempts have been made in this book in this book. With its help, you can not only increase your memory, but also keep a good track record in your examinations.In order to increase the memory power .the technique of a 30-day course has been presented in a psychologically manner in the book. According to which a person can develop his memory only within 30 days and get a good account in exam etc.)
Improve Your Memory Power (Marathi)
“In this competitive world of today, one cannot achieve success only by putting in hard work. One has to imbibe and practise various techniques along with hard work to fulfil one’s desires or reach the targetted goals.
The book precisely deals with the different techniques, one has to inculcate in order to improve and enhance one’s memory power. This is because hard work combined with a sharp memory is an ideal combination and can create wonders!
The book has been divided into 30 chapters which denote 30 days in which each chapter symbolises a day, and the author aims to improve and sharpen the memory of all its readers in just 30 days! Basically, each chapter contains all the necessary steps and methods, one must practise in one’s daily life to increase and strengthen the faculties of one’s brain.
Some of the salient features of the book are:
• How to improve one’s imaginative powers?
• How to improve the concentration of mind?
• How to remember and successfully perform all our daily activities?
• How to prepare notes and excel in exams?
• How to remember dates, birthdays, anniversaries, historical dates, incidents, etc.?
• How to remember telephone numbers, names of persons, places, terms and terminologies?
All the above and much more… Hence readers, it is definitely a must read for all of you, particularly the students and young professionals who are striving hard for a bright future ahead!
Improve your Personality
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Improve your Personality exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Improve Your Presentation Skills
“The book can be very handy and useful to anyone, who wants to deliver powerful presentations. The whole book has been organized in a reader-friendly manner, giving all the desired details to help in the development of contents and delivery skills of readers.
The book has been supplemented with many case studies and examples to make it more interesting. The book comes accompanied by an interactive CD containing a PowerPoint Presentation for better understanding. The book will act as a valuable guide for all its readers to remove the barriers of effective communication.
Some of the highlights of the book are:
Finding Context to your Presentation
Organizing It
Tailoring It
Remembering It
Rehearsing It
Delivering It
Improve Your Vocabulary
“Whether it’s on a school level or business level, a good command over a language, especially English is always an add on to one’s persona and a great advantage. This command over any language comes naturally when one is good with words and a thorough and extensive knowledge of words always helps build a stronger vocabulary.
The knowledge of Vocabulary must be as deep as it is wide. This book primarily aims in enhancing the readers’ vocabulary, not just by the addition of a sheer number of words, students eventually acquire, while studying in schools and colleges, but also by developing an understanding of the word base they already have.
The book has an exhaustive list of Antonyms, Synonyms, Prefixes, Suffixes, One-word Substitutes, Acronyms, etc. besides Word Search and Jumbled Words. Each of these topics has been explained in detail, accompanied with ample examples and easy exercises to make the topics all the more simpler and fun for readers, particularly the school children to learn and use them in their day-to-day lives.
Improve Your Word Power
English is a unique language which has innumerable great poets and authors from the past as well as the present, who have contributed profusely to its rich heritage. Nonetheless, we can not ignore the complexities of the English language which sometimes perplex a reader or even a scholar of this language. Improve your word power by Clifford Sawhney simplifies all these complexities of the language by providing answers to the many nagging grammatical queries, syntax, style, choice of words, spellings, etc. This book serves as a complete guide and elaborately explains the different usages of nouns, adjectives, adverbs, phrases, proverbs and so on. Hence, it will undoubtedly serve as a bible for both the lovers and wizards of English language.
Independent Schools, Colleges, Universities Summer Guide
Weston Magazine Group Independent Schools, Colleges, Universities Guide and Colleges, Universities and School Summer Programs Guide
India Best professional colleges handbook
In the last few years, India’s education system has undergone much
change, at the secondary education level as well as in higher, college
education. Some of these, especially the change in the Class 10 examination
system, are beginning to take root, though teething troubles
remain. Some others, like the Four-Year University Programme, still in its
infancy, continue to face resistance, from students and academics alike.
The arrival of a new government and its declared intention of taking a
logical, hard look at these changes has sparked hope in students aspiring
to get into India’s burgeoning educational institutions. The plan to substantially
increase resources for the education sector has raised
expectations of an increased focus on improving the quality of education
not just at college level but from primary school onwards.
The current state of higher education is not very encouraging. According
to the All India Council for Technical Education, India has over 3,500
engineering colleges with a capacity of over 1.7 million and actual enrolments
of over 1.2 million students. Yet, many struggle to find a proper
institution to get quality education. It is in this light that Outlook’s annual
ranking of India’s Best Professional Colleges becomes relevant, for students,
parents and all stakeholders in the Indian education ecosystem.
Last year, India’s Best Professional Colleges Handbook gave a snapshot of
the entire spectrum of top engineering and medical colleges in India,
along with Outlook’s last three years’ rankings. We also presented a new,
unique aggregated ranking of India’s top engineering and medical colleges
based on the colleges’ performance in Outlook’s rankings over the three
years. This year’s Handbook has fresh aggregated ranking of engineering
and medical colleges based on their rankings in 2011, 2012 and 2013. We
also present the complete rankings of the last three years for all streams,
complete with parameters-wise scores and supplementary tables.
last year, there is also a comprehensive information pack of India’s top 100
engineering colleges and top 30 medical colleges. Alongside,
we have also
some of Outlook’s defining stories and interviews.
So, for those lost in the fast changing Indian educational environment,
Outlook hopes to offer some clarity. As always, choose wisely.