Showing 2301–2350 of 3730 results
Objective General Knowledge – MCQ’s
“This Objective General Knowledge contains 5000 plus multiple choice questions (MCQs) for competitive examinations. Answer key has been provided.
Every attempt has been made to ensure that the questions included are topical, and relevant to contemporary trend of various competitive and entrance exams and mind-set of question paper setters.
This book is useful for all exams held by UPSC such as Civil Services, CDS, NDA, Railways, IBPS (Banking Services), SSC & other exams organized by State Public Service Commissions and other examining bodies.
1000+ MCQs
Answer keys
Previous Years Questions
Objective General Knowledge – Physics, Chemistry, Biology And Computer
“This General Knowledge book on Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computers contains multiple choice questions (MCQs) for competitive examinations. It contains 1000 plus multiple choice questions. Answer key has been provided.
Every attempt has been made to ensure that the questions included are topical, and relevant to contemporary trend of various competitive and entrance exams and mind-set of question paper setters.
This book is useful for all exams held by UPSC such as Civil Services, CDS, NDA, Railways, IBPS (Banking Services), SSC & other exams organized by State Public Service Commissions and other examining bodies.
1000+ MCQs
Answer keys
Previous Years Questions
Objective General Knowledge Geography
“This General Knowledge book on Geography contains multiple choice questions (MCQs) for competitive examinations. It contains 1000 plus multiple choice questions. Answer key has been provided.
Every attempt has been made to ensure that the questions included are topical, and relevant to contemporary trend of various competitive and entrance exams and mind-set of question paper setters.
This book is useful for all exams held by UPSC such as Civil Services, CDS, NDA, Railways, IBPS (Banking Services), SSC & other exams organized by State Public Service Commissions and other examining bodies.
1000+ MCQs
Answer keys
Previous Years Questions
Objective General Knowledge Geography Hindi
“saamaany gyaan bhoogol pustak mein lok seva aayog evan raaj seva aayog pratiyogita pareekshaon se sambandhit 1000 prashnon ke bahuvikalpeey prashn sankalit hain. pustak ke ant mein sabhee prashnon ke uttar bhee diye gaye hain.
pustak lekhan ke dauraan sabhee prakaar ke pareekshaon kee vartamaan paddhati evan vishay ke paathyakrarmon ka visheshatah yaan rakha gaya hai.
yah pustak yoopeeesasee, seedeees, enadeee, relave, aaibeepeees (baiking sarvisej), esesasee evan raajy lok seva aayog dvaara aayojit kiye jaane vaale doosaree pareekshaon ke lie visheshatah upayogee hai.
pustak kee visheshataen-
1000 bahuvikalpeey prashn
prashnon ke uttar
pareekshaon ke mool prashn patr
(In the General Knowledge Geography book, multiple choice questions of 1000 questions related to Public Service Commission and State Service Commission Competitive Examinations are compiled.Also, answers to th questions have been provided at the end of thr book.During the compilation of the book, the current system of all types of examinations and the subject courses had been given special care.This book is also useful for other exams conducted by UPSC, CDS, NDA, Railways, IBPS (Banking Services), SSC and State Public Service Commission.Book Features-1000 Multiple Choice QuestionsAnswers to questionsOriginal Question Paper of Examinations)
Objective General Knowledge Hindi
“saamaany gyaan bhaarateey raajaneeti evan bhaarateey arthavyavastha pustak mein lok seva aayog evan raajavyavastha pratiyogita pareekshaon se sambandhit 5000 prashnon ke bahuvikalpeey prashn sankalit hain. pustak ke ant mein sabhee prashnon ke uttar bhee diye gaye hain.
pustak lekhak ke dauraan sabhee prakaar ke pareekshaon kee vartamaan paddhati evan vishay ke paathyakarmon ka visheshatah dhyaan rakha gaya hai.
yah pustak yoopeeesasee, seedeees, relave, aaibeepeees (bainking sarvisej), esesajee evan raajy lok seva aayog dvaara aayojit kiye jaane vaale doosaree pareekshaon ke lie visheshatah upayogee hain.
pustak kee visheshataenµ
¬ 5000 bahuvilkapeey prashn
¬ prashnon ke uttar
¬ pareekshaon ke mool prashn pratr(In this book, 5000 multiple choice questions related to General Knowledge, Indian Politics and Indian Economy, Service Commission and State Management Competition have been given in book.Also, answers to the questions have been provided at the end of the book.During the compilation of the book, the current system of all types of examinations and the subject courses had been given special care.This book is also useful for other exams conducted by UPSC, CDS, NDA, Railways, IBPS (Banking Services), SSC and State Public Service Commission.Book Features-5000 Multiple Choice Questions Answers to questions Original Question Paper of Examinations)
Objective General Knowledge History
“This General Knowledge book on History contains multiple choice questions (MCQs) for competitive examinations. It contains 1000 plus multiple choice questions. Answer key has been provided.
Every attempt has been made to ensure that the questions included are topical, and relevant to contemporary trend of various competitive and entrance exams and mind-set of question paper setters.
This book is useful for all exams held by UPSC such as Civil Services, CDS, NDA, Railways, IBPS (Banking Services), SSC & other exams organized by State Public Service Commissions and other examining bodies.
1000+ MCQs
Answer keys
Previous Years Questions
Objective General Knowledge History Hindi
“saamaany gyaan itihaas pustak mein lok seva aayog evan raaj seva aayog pratiyogita pareekshaon se sambandhit 1000 prashnon ke bahuvikalpeey prashn sankalit hain. pustak ke ant mein sabhee prashnon ke uttar bhee diye gaye hain.
pustak lekhan ke dauraan sabhee prakaar ke pareekshaon kee vartamaan paddhati evan vishay ke paathyakrarmon ka visheshatah dhyaan rakha gaya hai.
yah pustak yoopeeesasee, seedeees, enadeee, relave, aaibeepeees (baiking sarvisej), esesasee evan raajy lok seva aayog dvaara aayojit kiye jaane vaale doosaree pareekshaon ke lie visheshatah upayogee hai.
pustak kee visheshataen-
1000 bahuvikalpeey prashn
prashnon ke uttar
pareekshaon ke mool prashn patr
(In the General Knowledge History book, multiple choice questions related to the 1000 questions related to Public Service Commission and State Service Commission Competitive Examinations are compiled.Also, answers to th questions have been provided at the end of thr book.During the compilation of the book, the current system of all types of examinations and the subject courses had been given special care.This book is also useful for other exams conducted by UPSC, CDS, NDA, Railways, IBPS (Banking Services), SSC and State Public Service Commission.Book Features-1000 Multiple Choice QuestionsAnswers to questionsOriginal Question Paper of Examinations)
Objective General Knowledge Indian Polity And Economy
“This General Knowledge book on Indian Polity & Indian Economy contains multiple choice questions (MCQs) for competitive examinations. It contains 1000 plus multiple choice questions. Answer key has been provided.
Every attempt has been made to ensure that the questions included are topical, and relevant to contemporary trend of various competitive and entrance exams and mind-set of question paper setters.
This book is useful for all exams held by UPSC such as Civil Services, CDS, NDA, Railways, IBPS (Banking Services), SSC & other exams organized by State Public Service Commissions and other examining bodies.
1000+ MCQs
Answer keys
Previous Years Questions
Objective General Knowledge Indian Polity And Economy Hindi
“saamaany gyaan bhaarateey raajaneeti evan bhaarateey arthavyavastha pustak mein lok seva aayog evan raajavyavastha pratiyogita pareekshaon se sambandhit 1000 prashnon ke bahuvikalpeey prashn sankalit hain. pustak ke ant mein sabhee prashnon ke uttar bhee diye gaye hain.
pustak lekhan ke dauraan sabhee prakaar ke pareekshaon kee vartamaan paddhati evan vishay ke paathyakrarmon ka visheshatah dhyaan rakha gaya hai.
yah pustak yoopeeesasee, seedeees, enadeee, relave, aaibeepeees (baiking sarvisej), esesasee evan raajy lok seva aayog dvaara aayojit kiye jaane vaale doosaree pareekshaon ke lie visheshatah upayogee hai.
pustak kee visheshataen-
1000 bahuvikalpeey prashn
prashnon ke uttar
pareekshaon ke mool prashn patr
(1000 multiple choice questions related to general knowledge, Indian politics and Indian economy, public service commission and state management competition examinations have been given in the book. Also, answers to th questions have been provided at the end of thr book.During the compilation of the book, the current system of all types of examinations and the subject courses had been given special care.This book is also useful for other exams conducted by UPSC, CDS, NDA, Railways, IBPS (Banking Services), SSC and State Public Service Commission.Book Features-1000 Multiple Choice QuestionsAnswers to questionsOriginal Question Paper of Examinations)
Objective Mechanical Engineering
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Objective Mechanical Engineering exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Objective Mechanical Engineering – Hindi
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive Objective Mechanical Engineering – Hindi exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Officers Pulse – In Depth
A quality source for Weekly Current Affairs compilations for various Competitive Exams.
Officers’ Pulse – At a Glance
The Officers’ Monthly Pulse magazine aims at aiding the students who are preparing for competitive exams. It is focused on providing the news from many hallmark sources in one place in a comprehensive but crisp manner. Each Monthly Pulse edition covers a range of subjects from Art and Culture to Polity. It is aimed at covering all the vital topics from the examination perspective.
The topics are a summary of the most important facts combined with an in depth situational analysis that will aid candidates who have to write any kind of essay type/descriptive papers. With a multitude of sources to read from such as Kurukshetra, Yojana, PIB, The Hindu, Down-to-Earth, a candidate may not have the time to parse through voluminous amounts of news that are available throughout the month. Therefore in order to simplify the candidate’s preparation and save them time, we present to you “Monthly Pulse” that plumbs the depths of these topics into one manageable magazine.
Official Noting & Drafting (Eng-Hindi)
Ever since HND gained the status of the official language ,the moral responsibility of making the language acceptable in perfect administrative form has gradually increased. For the growth, development and expansion of HND, this book is a positive endeavour. As for official purposes, Government officials and employees are deeply enamoured of English in official transactions and failed to accept HND seriously. It is because of a lack of confidence to use proper words or sentences in HND. This book would enlighten the readers about the fact that each official English expression has an HND equivalent to it. The book is meant for those (particularly for English speaking individuals) who are in government offices, industrial houses, corporate business, private establishments, banks, railways or LIC, etc where the need to communicate in HND arises from time to time. The book offers the reader valuable techniques on how to structure the language. Salient features include: *Gazette Notifications. *Administrative Notings. *Accounts & Audit Notings & Objections. *Draft Telegrams. *Synonyms of Secret Reports. *Adjective Terminology. And many more useful tips.
The Arts and Science Magazine for children.
OKIDO is for 3 to 8 year old children
On The Rise
With colorectal cancer on the rise among young adults (>50), The Colon Club’s annual magazine, “On The Rise,” provides unparalleled prevention, awareness and support, featuring in depth layouts of young adult colorectal cancer (CRC) survivors, their scars and journeys. These young adults are unfortunately faced with unique obstacles, which can sometimes become taboo and “On The Rise” is not afraid to address – infertility, bathroom issues, mental health, sex and intimacy, genetics, careers and school, clinical trials, body image and ostomy. Knowledge is power and “On The Rise” is changing the perception of colorectal cancer and how we, as a society, educate and raise awareness!
The Colon Club is a national 501c3 (tax ID: 06-1690953)
One India One People
One India One People Foundation (OIOP) is a not-for-profit organisation, set up by the late Mr. Sadanand A. Shetty, an industrialist, in August 1997, coinciding with India’s 50th year of Independence. The purpose of the Foundation is to build awareness about various issues concerning India, in order to bring about a systemic change. With this in mind, he launched the One India One People magazine and the One India One People Clubs.
One India One People Magazine is a unique, informative, well-researched, thought-provoking and thematic monthly magazine about issues which are peculiar to India and concerns Indians. It documents and highlights the cultural legacy, developmental challenges, contribution of Indians, and the lesser known geographical facts about this vast country. India has made tremendous progress in some areas of development, while it is still grappling with very basic issues of poverty, corruption and access to basic infrastructure for its citizens. The magazine has been covering diverse and socially relevant themes such as Health, Poverty, Literacy, Casteism, Corruption, Law & Judiciary, Police Reforms, Consumer Rights, Corporate Social Responsibility, Disaster Management, Terrorism, Infrastructure, Spirituality, Media, Civil Society, Human Rights, Youth, etc., to name a few.
One Week G.K.
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in the
One Week G.K. test and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
VMG Biotech Consultants offer the following education and skill training courses online/offline for students who wish to improve their English and Scientific vocabulary, Communication skills, Work from home or Start their own Business in Medical and Pharmacy. Easy to read material and Online assessment.
Online MR Magazine
This is a Magazine for the people interested in Online Market Research Industry and who wants to know more about the nuances of survey research. With technology driving research industry today the Online Research is the NEXT BIG thing and this magazine will help to expand the knowledge and information among its readers.
Ordnance & Ordnance Equipment Factories Trade Apprentices Training Selection Test
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Ordnance & Ordnance Equipment Factories Trade Apprentices Training Selection Test exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Orissa PSC Civil Judge Preliminary Exam.
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Orissa PSC Civil Judge Preliminary Exam. exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Our Canada
The extraordinary magazine that brings our country to life! Share in the stories, photos, special hometown places, and family-favourite recipes that make this the most unique. proud-to-be-Canadian magazine ever. Every picture and story in this one-of-a-kind magazine will bring Canada to vivid, colourful life for you. Join almost 800,000 readers – and celebrate Canada!
Our Kids: Canada’s Camp and Program Guide
The ultimate guide to summer camps and programs.
Our Kids: Canada’s Private School Guide
A solid education is the best thing you can do for your child.
The Our Kids Canada’s Private School Guide guide helps you review the best schools across Canada and the United States, from preschool and Montessori schools to Ivy League boarding high schools.
What’s Inside:
– Comprehensive profiles of top private and independent schools
– Quick tips to help you understand your child’s learning style and choose the best school
– Admissions, application and scholarship advice to make sure you get in
– FEATURED VIDEOS: Personal testimonials and advice from students and admissions
Out Of Syllabus
“It is easy to skip a question during an exam if it is “Out of Syllabus” but what do you do if you are faced with a situation in life for which you were not given any inputs? Can you run away from the situation using the “Out of Syllabus” excuse?
Career is one area where one is expected to know and manage situations. After all a person is paid a salary to be able to handle things and deliver results. The reality is that most people get a lot of academic and conceptual inputs relating to one’s career choice but very little practical inputs on how to effective use the academic learning.
“Out of Syllabus” outlines the various such gaps in your learning with regard to career success and also gives specific and precise inputs that can be actioned with ease. The book defines the career of a person in phases and details the crucial elements that need to go into each of these phases. The end result is a holistic, balanced orientation which would help the individual work towards success in their careers. And more importantly, these inputs can also enable personal effectiveness and success.
Outdoor Equipment Dealer Magazine
This magazine showcases “Exclusive Test Drives”, industry news, product reviews, technical editorial from some of the industry’s biggest names and in-depth reports on business development for retailers and hire professionals, Outdoor Equipment Dealer provides subscribers with information they cannot get from anywhere else. In an industry where practical methodology makes for a successful business and can increase your bottom line; the magazine is resource and knowledge base.
OYLA Youth Science, New Zealand and Australia
OYLA is the first New Zealand and Australian scientific magazine designed for students, as well as their parents. The focus and content of the magazine are based on the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) concepts. All articles and contents are endorsed, prepared and proofread by professors and industry experts.
The main distinctive feature of OYLA magazine is that we explain complex subjects in simple words along with informative graphics which makes it easier for young readers.
Contributors are recognised professors, teachers, scientists, industry experts, designers and so on, who have vast of experiences and come from the variety of backgrounds. We sincerely believe in the bright future of science and our goal is to popularise science amongst young generation.
Each year 12 issues with more than 100 pages of OYLA will reach more than
20 000 people and businesses within New Zealand and Australia.
Law, Human and Constitutional Rights. Learn what is happening in the world of law, courts and cases. Heart Breaking reality. We stand for Human and Constitutional Rights. Palaver is the voice of the people.
An education magazine in English to cater to the major stake holders in education sector including students, teachers, parents, school and college administrators, researchers and policy makers. It carries news on education, articles on learning, pedagogy, sports, medicine, science and technology, parenting, psychology, spirituality among others. It also carries thought articles on higher education, literature, leadership and related topics
Paractice Sets UGCNET/JRF/SET History (PaperII&III)
Paractice Sets UGCNET/JRF/SET History (PaperII&III)
Parents Guide – Guidelines For talking With your Child
Parents Guide Magazine is a wonderful new addition to the magazine world.
Every month we update exciting new Parental Tips which are easy to follow.
We hope you join us for every new issue of Parenting Guides. Get started today and download the first issue free for a limited time only!
The terms of subscription:
– Title of publication: Parents Guide Magazine
– Free trial for 7 days then $1.99/£1.49 per month per active subscription
– Length of subscription: 12 months with 1 magazine delivery per month
– Price per issue is $1.99/£1.49
– Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase
– Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period
– Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period, and identify the cost of the renewal
– Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user’s Account Settings after purchase
– No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during active subscription period
– Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when you purchase a subscription
By purchasing a subscription or downloading an app you agree that you have read
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Parrots magazine
Parrots magazine is exclusively about parrots and parakeets covering a wide range of topics including how they can become valued companions, behavioural issues, breeding, veterinary and healthcare, conservation, general husbandry and many other interesting aspects about these unique birds. Apart from information being interesting and appealing to readers, the magazine always encourages responsibility and education in order for owners to provide the best care for their birds. Information on shows, conventions and many other visitor attractions. Advertisements from a wide range of suppliers of feeds, accessories, ecotours, vet listing, ‘Lost and Found’ register, and other parrot related items
Paryavaran Urja Times
This is a campaign magazine started on 5th February 1998, in Hindi language to extend the most essential knowledge on the vulnerable environment, climate change crisis, sever pollution, resource conservation, energy crisis, population explosion, health deterioration, toxic chemical based cultivation practices and all such issues which are posing threat to the existence of present human civilization. Since, majority of these impact are result of ignorance of most common people to whom this knowledge is not available in their own language thus the magazine was started as a carrier of campaign on all these issue. The Hindi language is mother tongue of more than 1 billion people of the world, thus this is one of the most published magazine in world on these subjects. this group is created to act as link to reach to those people who are severely affected by the adverse impact of environment degradation but are innocent, and ignorant as how to safeguard themselves and also take corrective action at their end. We solicit active participation all the invited members towards achieving this objectives.