Showing 51–100 of 298 results

Delhi Uptodate

SKU: Mag-17725

Cover stories on
News, View and reviews and Opinon.
Global, National and Local Politics , Problems and solution


SKU: Mag-8064

Laying a role in shaping the cultural ethos of Bengalis over the years, Desh magazine has been the epitome of Bengali language and literature in India. 

Desh — Born on November 24 1933, is the second publication from the house of ABP.
A fortnightly, the magazine covers trends in literature, arts, science , current affairs and philosophy.
Some renowned literary figures both past and present associated with Desh include Rabindranath Tagore, Bibhuti Bhushan Bandopadhyay, Jibanananda Das, Saradindu Bandyopadhyay ,Shibram Chakraborty, Syed Mujtaba Ali ,Abu Sayeed Ayub ,Subodh Ghosh ,Subhash Mukhopadhyay, Satyajit Ray ,Ramapada Chaudhuri ,Samaresh Basu, Samaresh Majumdar, Shankar, Sunil Gangopadhyay, Shirshendu Mukhopadhyay, Joy Goswami , Suchitra Bhattacharyya .

An all-colour magazine since 2003, Desh encompasses an array of features from Mantabya, Probondho,  Bhraman , Galpo ,Dharabahik Upanyash, Kabita, Shilpa-Sanskriti, Granthalok ,Chitipatra ,Seshkatha.

Desh also brings forth special issues such as Desh Galpo Sankha and also Desh Boi Sankha during the Kolkata Book Fair . 

Desh completed 80 years in 2013.

Diplomacy & Commerce Austria

SKU: Mag-12842

Diplomacy & Commerce GE is a monthly that covers the topics of economy, trade, business, diplomacy, politics and the life of diplomatic and business communities in Germany, as well as the topics of interest for the expatriates in Germany, foreign and Serbian businessmen, entertainment and culture.

Diplomacy & Commerce Israel

SKU: Mag-13344

Diplomacy & Commerce Israel, that covers the topics of economy, trade, business, diplomacy, politics and the life of diplomatic and business communities in Germany, as well as the topics of interest for the expatriates in Israel, foreign and Israel businessmen, entertainment and culture.

Diplomacy and Commerce

SKU: Mag-12653

Diplomacy & Commerce is a monthly that covers the topics of economy, trade, business, diplomacy, politics and the life of diplomatic and business communities in Serbia, as well as the topics of interest for the expatriates in Serbia, foreign and Serbian businessmen, entertainment and culture.

Doctrine & Life

SKU: Mag-15383

Ten times a year, Doctrine & Life maintains a dialogue between the inheritance of Christian faith and the concerns of today’s world – political, artistic and economic. It includes articles which relate the wisdom of the church’s tradition with questions arising in the modern world and articles on the concerns of young religious.

* `provides a stimulating mix of theological reflection and pastoral challenge.’ Bishop Donal Murray
* `keeps alive undaunted the authentic spirit of Vatican II. Concerned Christians need its informed insights more than ever today.’ Louis McRedmond

Dravida Vaasippu

SKU: Mag-24082

திராவிட இயக்கத்தின் கடந்த கால வரலாறும் நிகழ்காலப் போராட்டங்களும் எதிர்கால செயல் திட்டங்களையும் வாசிப்பின் வழியாகப் இன்றுள்ள தலைமுறைக்கும் இனி வரும் தலைமுறைக்கும் கடத்தும் எளிய முயற்சி.

Dussehra Magazine

SKU: Mag-11518

Political and current affairs from Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh, News and views magazine in hindi from Chhattisgarh

Economic and Political Weekly

SKU: Mag-13556

First published in 1949 as the Economic Weekly and since 1966 as the Economic and Political Weekly, EPW, as the journal is popularly known, occupies a special place in the intellectual history of independent India. For more than five decades EPW has remained a unique forum that week after week has brought together academics, researchers, policy makers, independent thinkers, members of non-governmental organisations and political activists for debates straddling economics, politics, sociology, culture, the environment and numerous other disciplines.


SKU: Mag-411

Magazine Porta:

The eGov magazine enjoys the distinction of being Asia’s first magazine on e-Governance. Founded in 2005, the monthly magazine is published in both print and online formats, and is focussed exclusively on the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for bringing efficiency, accountability and transparency to various citizen and business related initiatives of the government.

No other magazine in Asia offers readers such in-depth coverage of new e-Governance models. We cover all aspects of e-Governance – from new technological advances in ICT to the ways in which common citizens benefit when their interactions with government departments are through digital interfaces and the myriad issues involved in implementation of e-Governance initiatives.

The eGov magazine’s biggest advantage is its ability to carry the views of all the stakeholders in e-Governance domain – policy makers, experts, industry leaders, administrators and the academia. Our experienced team of editors, researchers, and marketers take a 360-degree approach for creating content – breaking news, feature articles and interviews – that can keep our steadily growing global audience well informed on issues of e-Governance. The who’s who in the industry disseminate their ideas and innovations through the pages of our magazine.

eGov aims to be your first stop for what’s new and what’s next in e-Governance.

Expensive Minds

SKU: Mag-22423

Expensive Minds is a magazine dedicated totally to geopolitical issues around the globe. We bring you a detailed analysis of the happening in the world. We are a team of youth in their early 20s, thus you get to know the viewpoint of the youths on the issues.

Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatist

SKU: Mag-4183

Diplomatist is a monthly magazine that has created a niche where there was none. It is the only comprehensive magazine that brings to fore current domestic and international policy and leadership thoughts driving governance and business houses, not just in India, but the world over.

The magazine focuses on international relations, economic trends and offers non-partisan perspective, while sharing the diplomatic endeavours that go in its fruition.

We publish sectoral and country reports based on business market intelligence.

Diplomacy, Current/Foreign Affairs, Geo-Political Analysis, Socio-Economic Affairs, International Relations, Interviews (Ministers, Diplomats), Industry Reports, Global Footprint, Cultural Diplomacy, International Events/Conference/Summit, Public Policy

Eye Spy Intelligence Magazine

SKU: Mag-10391

The world’s only independent publication dedicated to espionage and intelligence. First published in May 2001 and often described as the bridge between ‘officialdom’ and the public.

Eye Spy is extremely popular with those who work in intelligence, security, defence and specialist wings of the armed forces. Subscribed to by hundreds of official intelligence agencies, government training academies, military forces and security colleges throughout the world.

However, its non-political – visual editorial and easy-reading style ‘demystifies’ the intelligence subject, making it equally as popular with people outside the industry.

Eighty four full colour pages; whether it’s the inside story of a lengthy government surveillance operation, an interview with a CIA polygraph examiner, MI6’s role behind the assassination of Rasputin, or the tradecraft used by those who ply their trade in the world’s second oldest profession, Eye Spy is a must for anyone interested in espionage and intelligence.

Eyes of Local Government

SKU: Mag-10105

The Eyes of Local Government™ is intended to deliberate on an urgent
and action oriented plan to strengthen local government is line with President
Jacob Zuma`s emphasis in the 2014 State of the Nation Address that Local
Government must be at the coalface of improving people`s lives and creating
conditions for inclusive economic growth and job creation.

This quarterly magazine, amongst the other platforms, carries our hope for
determined, focused, radical, bold and decisive interventions to strengthen
delivery and the confidence of the masses of our people in local government.


SKU: Mag-14627

Today, we have a national magazine in print for the Armed Forces called FAUJI INDIA. It is India’s first print magazine in popular format in independent media space since 2014.

The editor of the magazine is MAROOF RAZA.

This magazine fights for the men who fight for the country. It takes issues well-articulated on the problems of sainiks and veterans to the powers-that-be.

It is read by sainiks, veterans, units, formations, HQs, civilians like leading business heads, bureaucrats, embassies, foreign service heads, media people, judges, libraries, institutes, ministers, RM and the PM.

We urge to subscribe this magazine of national importance for yourself.


SKU: Mag-12079

“Feelings.” It was launched from Vadodara with a vision and determination to provide quality, positive reading material, inspiring articles on various topics of interest including informative content. It has a reach of 2 million readers across the globe in 44 countries, in both print copies and web editions.

2014 saw the launch of “Feelings” in the US. The US edition of “Feelings” has covered USA focused articles and news and is available across the US. With the office in Chicago and New Jersey we are catering to Gujaratis and non-Gujaratis.

We are spreading our wings and touching new horizons with the launch of our new initiative –The English edition of “Feelings.” This edition will be available in hard copy as well as an e-magazine.

Fires Bulletin

SKU: Mag-13061

Provides a forum for discussion and dissemination of professional knowledge for the Fire Community (Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery).

Fountain Ink

SKU: Mag-538

This monthly magazine of narrative journalism is from India. A selection of narratives, photo stories, cartoons, and essays that will, in a longer and richer format, make sense of the world around us. We are an independent magazine and our commitment is to reportage; the finest of which will feature regularly in Fountain Ink.

Fox Story India

SKU: Mag-26423

Fox Story India is to build a platform that is more than just a news platform, giving Wings to the natural and fortune media, with no manipulation and creating hopes to the ethical news hub and media platform.

Free Press Bulletin

SKU: Mag-27567

Free Press Bulletin is your one-stop destination to the top politcs and business news in the recent period. It covers political changes, business changes, economy, neighbouring countries conflict, effect of war, pandemic effects, cartoon critics and much more.

Gambhir Samachar

SKU: Mag-16851

Gambhir Samachar is a News & Education magazine which cover the day to day political as well as cultural affairs of India


SKU: Mag-3276

GeoIntelligence is a bimonthly magazine which focuses exclusively on Defence and Internal Security. The magazine aims to address the issues of the geospatial and IT community. Each edition of the magazine brings forth the latest news and happenings from around the world, presents viewpoints of the experts through interview or article, assimilate case studies and reviews on the recent and upcoming products and technologies.


SKU: Mag-152

Geopolitics is an authoritative, independent and professional source of information about India’s defence, security and diplomacy scenario. Providing a unique perspective on issues of the region, particularly with respect to security and defence, Geopolitics is a source of information and ideas for the civil-military establishment, manufacturers, academicians and the common man, who wish to make informed choices on geopolitical realties of the sub-continent.
An unputdownable monthly publication from Newsline Publications, Geopolitics provides a forum for the significant and high profile community comprising decision-makers and policy-makers involved in India’s National Security to express views on a wide range of issues from international diplomacy to multilateralism to the goings-on in the defense business across the world.


SKU: Mag-555

gfiles is the country’s first independent magazine written, designed and produced for India’s civil services—the vast and formidable network of bureaucracies and public sector organisations that provides continuity and stability to this nation’s governance.

Every month this niche market product reaches 56,000 individuals with a universe of more than 1,00,000 readers. Its exclusive audience consists of the men and women who lead the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), the Indian Foreign Service (IFS), the Indian Police Service (IPS), the Indian Revenue Service (IRS), Class I Union Services, as well as a host of Allied Services.

gfiles magazine edited by India’s seniormost journalists who have made an intensive study of the reading preferences of decision makers and implementers in government services, the magazine—with substantial contributions from serving and retired officers—is uniquely designed to engage the bureaucrat’s attention in the entire content. It has therefore been divided into sections according to the specific reading needs of this target audience. While these readers flip through newswpapers and general magazines, they read gfiles from page to page.

This is because gfiles magazine provides not only exclusive news unavailable anywhere else in the media or the Internet, but also focuses exclusively on the future, anticipating events and developments. It contains detailed, extensive, and accurate reports about transfers and postings. It features interviews, case studies, snippets, retirement profiles, financial planning advice, political changes, as well as birthdays and alumni tracking.

gfiles magazine cuts through rumour mills and hearsay and helps India’s civil servants reach out to one another, share and become acquainted with their issues, practical problems, everyday challenges and the intricacies of their working environment.

Global Asia

SKU: Mag-5752

Global Asia is a quarterly publication of the East Asia Foundation. The foundation, established in Seoul in January 2005, strives to promote peace, prosperity, security and sustainability in East Asia by creating an open and creative forum for the exchange of ideas on regional co-operation and integration, among other goals.
The mission we have set for ourselves with Global Asia is both bold and urgent: It is to provide a compelling, serious, and responsible forum for distinguished thinkers, policymakers, political leaders and business people to debate the most important issues in Asia today.
Global Asia is not a journal with a fixed point of view, or a particular agenda. Our aim is to give voice to the global dimension of what is happening in Asia. In our pages and on our web site, we aim for Asia to speak to the world, and the world to Asia. That is important at a time when this region is playing an ever greater role in world affairs.
There are other fine publications on international affairs. What sets us apart is our focus: Asia. We believe that the world is moving into “the Age of Asia,” to borrow a phrase from one of the articles in the inaugural issue of Global Asia in September 2006. This transformation is not going to occur overnight, but it has already begun.
The region’s dynamic economic growth, stable and accountable political systems, maturing democracies, and evolving sense of community are giving Asia greater weight in the world. These developments will have enormous implications for governments, businesses, societies and individuals across the globe. How that transformation is viewed, and shaped, from within Asia and how it is perceived outside Asia is an essential part of the story we have to tell.
The forces of globalization are having a profound impact throughout the world. And they are being influenced and channeled in different ways in different parts of the world. Ours is the story of Asia’s experience with globalization, and the ideas and debates influencing it. In pursuing our mission, we aim to play a part, however modest, in helping to shape the future of Asia.

Global Military

SKU: Mag-3255

Everything you need to know about helicopters, military, civil, history and efficient solutions through multiple channels, new and interesting creative opportunities, that have lead subscribers to vote us the aviation magazine of choice.

Governance Today

SKU: Mag-7692

The spectrum of good governance ranges from least governance to citizen-centric governance and finally to participative governance. It is participatory, consensus oriented, accountable,transparent, responsive, effective and efficient, equitable and inclusive and follows the rule of law. To ensure sustainable human development, actions need to be taken to work towards this ideal with the aim of making it a reality.


SKU: Mag-1016

Governance Now is a multi-media initiative for participatory reportage and analyses related to governance of all institutions and processes that are vital to public life in India. Currently, we are available as, and GovernanceNow, the fortnightly print magazine.

Our editorial team comprises senior journalists, citizen journalists, and guest writers from diverse disciplines and professional backgrounds. All of us are passionate about transparency and accountability in our national public life.

Governancenow Hindi

SKU: Mag-4234

चार दशक से मीडिया जगत में सक्रिय और कई पुस्तकों के लेखक, जाने-माने संपादक पद्मश्री आलोक मेहता के संपादन में हिंदी में शुरू की गई है पत्रिका ‘गवर्नेंस नाउ’। ‘गवर्नेंस नाउ’ (हिंदी) पत्रिका नए रंग-रूप में लेकर आई है- खोजपरक रिपोर्ट्स, सामाजिक- राजनीतिक- आर्थिक- सांस्कृतिक मुद्दों पर विचारोत्तेजक विश्लेषण तथा हर पीढ़ी के लिए रोचक सामग्री। साथ ही, उत्तर प्रदेश-उत्तराखंड, बिहार-झारखंड, राजस्थान, मध्य प्रदेश, दिल्ली, हरियाणा और हिमाचल की खास रिपोर्ट्स।


SKU: Mag-7912

GreatGameIndia is a quarterly magazine on geopolitics and international affairs providing geopolitical intelligence through strategic analysis by placing events in a geopolitical framework to better understand international developments and the world around us.

GreatGameIndia is a group of physicists, computer professionals, management experts, business analysts, geopolitical strategists and others who from their backgrounds developed a systematic research methodology and study process to understand and unearth the time hidden documented historical events and enhance everybody’s understanding. We believe this understanding one day may one day help India to regain its role as beacon of knowledge and light to the world, and help rest of the world to regain its composure from wars, famines, and greed and shift to the path of true human development, progress and sustained evolution.

Guerre e Guerrieri

SKU: Mag-28198

Guerre e guerrieri is the bimonthly magazine that provides an in-depth account of the military strategies, battles and exploits of the most famous leaders and commanders in ancient and modern history. A must-have magazine for all military history enthusiasts. Guerre e guerrieri è la rivista bimestrale che racconta in modo approfondito le strategie militari, le battaglie e le imprese dei più famosi condottieri e comandanti della storia antica e moderna. Una rivista imperdibile per tutti gli appassionati di storia militare.

Guideline in Action 2 – Atlantic Resolve

SKU: Mag-21296

Atlantic Resolve: Nato’s show of strength in Europe 2014 -2020 by Gary Hatcher Atlantic Resolve is a response to Russia’s actions in Ukraine, mainly the war in Donbass, and is funded under the European Reassurance Initiative. The US took several immediate steps to demonstrate solidarity with NATO, such as augmenting the air, ground and naval presence in the region, and enhancing previously scheduled exercises. The US is taking measures to improve NATO military plans and defence capabilities, and remains committed to maintaining a persistent presence in Central and Eastern Europe. This second Guideline in Action looks at the US Air Force’s recent deployments in support of Atlantic Resolve, US Army aviation assets, and multinational training exercises, as well as the transport and logistics efforts behind the maintenance of the front line squadrons.

Hans Magazine

SKU: Mag-20728

हंस दिल्ली से प्रकाशित होने वाली हिन्दी की कथा मासिक पत्रिका है जिसका सम्पादन राजेन्द्र यादव ने 1986 से 2013 तक किया।

उपन्यास सम्राट प्रेमचंद द्वारा स्थापित और सम्पादित हंस अपने समय की अत्यन्त महत्वपूर्ण पत्रिका रही है। महात्मा गांधी और कन्हैयालाल माणिक लाल मुंशी भी दो वर्ष तक हंस के सम्पादक मण्डल में शामिल रहे। मुंशी प्रेमचंद की मृत्यु के बाद हंस का सम्पादन उनके पुत्र कथाकार अमृतराय ने किया। अनेक वर्षों तक हंस का प्रकाशन बन्द रहा। बाद में मुंशी प्रेमचंद की जन्मतिथि (31 जुलाई) को ही सन् 1986 से अक्षर प्रकाशन ने कथाकार राजेन्द्र यादव के सम्पादन में इस पत्रिका को एक कथा मासिक के रूप में फिर से प्रकाशित करना प्रारम्भ किया | आने वाले वर्षों में यह सबसे अधिक पढ़ी जाने वाली हिंदी साहित्यिक पत्रिका के रूप में उभरी और आज भी यह हिंदी साहित्य जगत में एक प्रतिष्ठित और विचारशील पत्रिका का स्थान बनाए हुए है.

सन 2013 में राजेन्द्र यादव की मृत्यु के बाद हंस का प्रकाशन और प्रबंध निदेशन उनकी पुत्री रचना यादव द्वारा किया जा रहा है और हिंदी के प्रख्यात कहानीकार संजय सहाय अब हंस के संपादक हैं.


SKU: Mag-1347

HASYAKAIRALI, a monthly journal of socio-political satire makes you laugh till your eyes are filled with tears and also makes you think of the ideas imprinted. It is a wholly satirical magazine that commands readership from those who care for contemporary politics and caustic comments in it. The mirth and drama presented by HASYAKAIRALI is unparalleled and involves the readers to ponder on the deeper issues involved. HASYAKAIRALI doesn’t tolerate those who suffer foolery on any front and a whole audience who is serious imbibes its pages.

Helpline today

SKU: Mag-4467

Helpline today is the leading magazine for news and social issues worldwide. It provides news and analysis of what’s happening in the India and social sectors across the world. It also acts as a forum for exchange of ideas and experiences among Journalists.

As well as news and conference reports, articles, book reviews and opinion columns, each issue has a special in-depth feature on some key aspect of social issues like female forticite and social issues, with contributors from around the world and expert guest editors.

Home Defender

SKU: Mag-4775

Devoted to bringing you the latest news and product reviews to keep you, your family and your home, safe. Learn simple perimeter defense tips, discover the most effective.
We bring entertainment and information to automotive, homes, outdoor and food enthusiasts and support communities where they can share their passions.
Our magazines, web sites, apps, books, products, and videos provide the best information to enthusiasts, while our communities allow them to share with others who have similar interests.

Home Town News

SKU: Mag-12340

This is a weekly news paper. Main focus in news for health and medical with entertainment and politics with social activities. The papers are focused on the the people, places and events that make living and working in India so unique, and includes business news, crime updates, entertainment stories and other information etc


SKU: Mag-3201

i-Succeed, A monthly magazine for Civil Service Aspirants is a periodical which covers Current Affairs and follow the exam pattern of Civil Services (Union and States)

This magazine provides monthly Current Affairs in ‘SAMAY CHAKRA’ section. In this section we cover National, International, India & World, Economy, Science & Technology, Trends, Sports and State News with views and related facts.

Latest General Knowledge is an important part of Current Affairs, which is covered with Appointments, Person in News, Awards, Books, Date & Days and Abbreviations.

Articles are also the great part of this magazine. We are here with focused articles related to Civil Services syllabus. We cover current events and vibrant issues in articles. Solved and Practice Papers Section is a helpful part for students, which give the space to exercise and evaluation. In this section we are giving the solved papers of IAS & PCS exam papers. We put answers with explanation in the solved paper section.

i-Succeed is fully designed matter for those students, who are preparing for IAS/PCS in Hindi medium.

IISS Newsletter

SKU: Mag-5228

Behind the Military Balance and Shangri-La Dialogue, the International Institute for Strategic Studies is a world-leading authority on global security, political risk and military conflict.

The IISS was founded in the UK in 1958 with a focus on nuclear deterrence and arms control. Today, it is also renowned for its annual Military Balance assessment of countries’ armed forces and for its high-powered security summits, including the Shangri-La Dialogue.

Illustrated Media Today

SKU: Mag-6148

ILLUSTRATED MEDIA TODAY is quality News Magazine covering Political, Social, Financial, Cultural, Crime, Sports & Entertainment, Family, Youth & Children and issues concerning the women folk besides Current News & Views.
Any D.D /Cheque may be drawn in favour of ILLUSTRATED MEDIA TODAY payable at New Delhi.

In Focus Montenegro

SKU: Mag-13759

This month InFocus overviews the business cooperation between Serbia and Montenegro, two ex-members of the federation set apart 10 years ago. Divergent and convergent at the same time, the two economies have close relationship and strong cooperation. We interviewed some of the prominent figures from Montenegrin political and business life.


SKU: Mag-6524

Inclusion is the first and only journal in the country that champions the cause of social, financial and digital inclusion. With a discernable and ever- increasing readership, the quarterly relentlessly pursues the three inclusions through its rich content comprising analysis, reportage, features, interviews, grassroots case studies and columns by domain experts. The magazine caters to top decision makers, policy makers, industry captains, banking, financial services and insurance industries, economists, academia and civil society.

India Legal

SKU: Mag-19142

Stories That Count

India Strategic

SKU: Mag-2517

India STRATEGIC 2013 Magazines I Web I TV I Coffee Table Books I Seminars 
About Us 
India Strategic is about reach and respect. 
Our Editorial Board has highly distinguished personalities, including three former Chiefs of Air Staff, two former Foreign Secretaries (Deputy Secretaries of State), Ambassadors, Admirals, Generals, and Strategic Experts. The editor, Mr Gulshan R Luthra, is a distinguished defence analyst. He is a member of the governing board of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), a think tank set up in 1965 by the Indian Ministry of Defence on the lines of US Rand Corporation. 

India Strategic magazine 
This is an authoritative monthly on Defence, Strategic, Foreign and Nuclear Affairs, India Strategic magazine is routinely quoted in the media for its exclusive reports. It was inaugurated in February 2006 by the then Indian Defence Minister as well as the then Chief of Air Staff of the Indian Air Force (IAF). 
We cover Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Paramilitary organisations, Intelligence, Homeland Security, Civil Aviation, Nuclear Power and International Affairs. 
Civil Aviation is appropriately covered in the perspective of aircraft and systems developments in global, regional, Middle East and Indian perspectives. 
In 2008, the Chief of Air Staff launched our e-publication on our 2nd Anniversary. A random, independent check on (a US Amazon agency) will show that we are far, far ahead of any Indian trade publication, print or web. 
Google is # 1 in the world, and the closer you are to it, the better. We have maintained an average position of 30,000 to 50,000 in India, and around 300,000 to 500,000 globally. (You can check our website’s – and one’s – rating at ) is popular among the younger and mid and top level officers in India, and is updated routinely on daily basis. . We are launching this e-publication from Dubai for the Gulf region from Jan 2013. Details will follow separately. 

We have been holding two seminars every year and cooperate with universities and think tanks. 
The National Seminar on Aerospace Technologies (N-SAT) is held in cooperation with the Indian Air Force, and its 5th edition was held on 26th November 2012. 
FirePower India, a conference on precision weapons, is held in cooperation with the Indian Army’s think tank, CLAWS. Officers from Army, Navy and Air Force.

India Today

SKU: Mag-5

India Today is an Indian weekly news magazine published by Living Media India Limited, in publication since 1975 based in New Delhi. India Today is also the name of its sister-publication in Hindi. Aroon Purie has been the magazine’s editor-in-chief since 1975, a position he has held continuously for the last three decades.

It is part of the India Today group, also founded in 1975, which now includes 13 magazines, 3 radio stations, 4 TV channels, 1 newspaper, a classical music label (Music Today), book publishing, and India’s only book club. With the publication of its 30th Anniversary issue in December 2005, the magazine, which had commenced publication in 1975 with a circulation of 5,000 copies, has published five editions and currently has a circulation of over 1.1 million copies with a readership of over 5.62 million.


SKU: Mag-24570

A Hindi News Magazine