Showing 101–150 of 298 results


SKU: Mag-17463

Indian Military Review (IMR) covers national defence, homeland security, neighbourhood, modernisation, defence research, military technology, paramilitary forces and military history. IMR is recommended reading for service officers preparing for Staff College entrance and promotion exams.
Subjects covered are:
National Security
Internal Security
Modernisation of the Army, Navy, Air Force
Military Technology
Defense Research
Defense Industry
Defense Expenditure
Conflict Watch
Terrorism & Insurgency
Force Structure
Show Reports
Combat Vehicles
Soldier Technology
Air Defense
Combat Engineering
Military Logistics
Naval Combatants
Aerospace & Avionics
Aerial Armaments
Unmanned Vehicles
Defense Procurement
Military Communications
Defense in Parliament
Paramilitary Forces
Military Diplomacy
Risk Assessment
Disaster Management
Police Reforms
Military History
Military Leaders
IMR is intellectually stimulating for top executives and professionals. It has hard-to-find and non-partisan analyses for middle level officers and is a source of rich knowledge for young officers.

InFocus France

SKU: Mag-13758

The Bastille fell in July, and this July we have a special issue of InFocus appendix analysing France and Serbia, and the mutual relationships in business, politics and culture. Across the different topics, we interviewed some of the prominent figures from Franco-Serbian political and business life.

InFocus Greece

SKU: Mag-14309

This issue of Appendix named InFocus is fully dedicated to Greece, a maritime world power and one of the strong economies of Europe. Charalambos Kounalakis, Minister Counsellor for Economic and Commercial Affairs at the Embassy of Greece to Serbia, Goran Knežević, Economy Minister, Georgios Papanastasiou, President of the Hellenic Business Association (HBA) told us stories about the cooperation between our two countries. Rita Ioanis Lozinsky, Ceo & Managing Director Of Alumil Yu Industry A.D. gave us her insight into doing business in Serbia, while Fanina Kovačević-Popaz Executive Officer of the Hellenic Business Association explains that the Serbian market has always been appealing to Greek investors. We analyse Greek crisis, tourism, spirit, customs and economy, as weel as the trade and cultural ties between Serbia and Greece.

InFocus India

SKU: Mag-13889

This issue of Appendix named InFocus is fully dedicated to India, a new rising power in the world’s economy and one of the leaders of the fresh economic and political wind called BRICS. The Ambassador Mrs Chahuan will present multiple opportunities for cooperation in her interview, and she will be joint by Mr Nikčević, Minister of Telecommunications of Serbia, since high technologies are Indian top product nowadays. Culture will be represented by discussions about learning Hindi, festivals and International Yoga Day, while businessmen present themselves in India-Serbia Business Forum. Many aspects of high-rising Indian new economy are covered in this issue, like pharmaceutical industry, space programme, the initiative for Digital India, power sector, and India as a new manufacturing hub in the world. The role of India within the UN will also be presented, as well as the history and current work of BRICS. Ayurveda, homoeopathy and tourism in Goa and rafting the mighty Indian rivers conclude this magnficent journey.

InFocus Italy

SKU: Mag-13757

InFocus Italy, With a great honour, Diplomacy&Commerce; presents the very first bilingual Italian-English issue, entirely dedicated to Italian business in Serbia called Italia e Serbia – Forza di un partenariato affidabile, or in English, Italy and Serbia: Strenght of reliable partnership. We would like to thank to the Embassy of Italy in Belgrade and to H.E. Giuseppe Manzo, Italian Ambassador, and to Italian-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, dr. Giorgio Ambrogio Marchegiani, Mr. Oliver Lepori and Mrs. Marija Savić.

InFocus Switzerland

SKU: Mag-14122

InFocus is this month dedicated to Switzerland, its culture, customs, business climate and the spirit that made this neutral country in the heart of Europe so successful. Yana Mikhailova, President of Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Maro Čadež, President of Serbian Chamber of Commerce were interviewed, among others.

InFocus Unicef

SKU: Mag-15972

This month’s appendix is dedicated to UNICEF and 70 years of this precious organisation dedicated to the help for every and any child in the world, since every child needs hope and future. It brings you interviews with Michel Saint-Lot, Director of UNICEF in Serbia, and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors, Aleksandar Đorđević, Ana Ivanović, Novak Đoković, corporations which help UNICEF programmes and many more.

Inner News

SKU: Mag-10508

Political Magazine with current news related to Madhya Pardesh Govt. This Magazine is a leading famous magazine which brings you by reading more and more new updates on a new information on new things and much more colorful things….

Investigate HIS

SKU: Mag-4866

New Zealand & Australia’s leading current affairs magazine.
Investigate HIS/HERS is published bi-monthly by HATM Magazines Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand, a subsidiary of the Howling At The Moon Publishing Group.


SKU: Mag-17391

Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture. The print magazine is released quarterly and reaches over 30,000 subscribers, in addition to a web audience of 1,000,000 a month.

Jana Aakrosha

SKU: Mag-27453

Jana Aakrosha is a Kannada language Fortnightly Magazine publishes from Yadgiri. It contains Political & Crime articles.


SKU: Mag-28281

சமூக மாற்றத்துக்கான ஆயுதம்

Just Bureaucracy

SKU: Mag-3297

The Top Magazine of India on High Profile Bureaucrats, Corporates, Diplomats, Policy Makers, Politicians, PSUs, IT Professionals, Celebs.


SKU: Mag-8067

India’s finest writers’ take on current affairs in India and abroad.
Seven years ago, Just in Print was conceived as a reaction to the dumping down that was taking place in the mainstream media. Newspapers, magazines and television were celebrating trivia and giving precedence to lifestyle and fluff. It was (and continues to be) a phase of terrible political and social decline, with stunning mediocrity and celebrity success replacing aesthetic refinements, deeper intellectual pursuits and cultural high points. The big picture had become shallow and metro- centric. Hence the urge and need for Just In Print. India’s Young Journal was conceived in the minds of Journalist friends. Without hue and cry the new born baby AKA Just in Print walked out.

K.I.S.S. Mag USA

SKU: Mag-17219

We are a magazine geared toward Global Influencers. Busy trying to make your mark as a Millennial or GenZ? K.I.S.S is a magazine for those interested in topics influenced by politics and religion. This is not a news source. We create organic articles based on topics affecting those in pursuit of purpose. We highlight Risk-Takers and are a Conservative headquarters for Millennials and GenZ wanting to use their voices to make a change in their communities…


SKU: Mag-1297

Kalachuvadu is an international monthly journal for politics and culture. Published since 1988, it was founded by the noted Tamil writer Sundara Ramaswamy (1931-2005). Kalachuvadu was published first as a quarterly then a bi-monthly and has been a monthly since 2004.


SKU: Mag-3813

Kalki – The provocative, influential Tamil weekly magazine for the family

Kamal Sandesh

SKU: Mag-14972

BJP National Mouthpiece (English & Hindi)

Kamal Sandesh (Hindi)

SKU: Mag-14973

Kamal Sandesh (Hindi) BJP National Mouthpiece

Karmanye National Monthly Hindi Magazine

SKU: Mag-14063

A national hindi magazine based on politics and social.


SKU: Mag-1344

The earliest periodical published by the house is KERALASABDAM. Started in 1962, this journal owes its tremendous popularity to the vivacious presentation of current political, social developments at the state, the national and international level and the serialisation of exciting fiction, both in original Malayalam and in translation from other Indian languages. The authenticity and comprehensiveness of the coverage make the reading of KERALASABDAM an intellectually satisfying experience for the socio-politically enlightened reading public of Kerala. This male oriented periodical reaches all those with purchasing power. The flagship journal of the home, now 47 years old is the one and only political journal in Malayalam. With a readership of over 2 million it reaches right from the grassroots to the ministerial desk. Week after week 14 lakh readers imbibe the weekly, cover to cover for its incisive news on national and international fronts and the exciting fiction-all lavishly illustrated.

Know the Issues

SKU: Mag-28157

A quarterly magazine that highlights people, bills and issues that affect NYS on a state and federal level. It educates and challenges you to apply critical thinking skills because we Americans need more than broad stroke concepts with no real meat of the issue for us to
digest. It also contains games and trivia. And there is a Letter to the Editor so you can have your voice heard. At times it also includes legislation being brought up in other state legislators to determine their value in NYS.

Lankesh Patrike

SKU: Mag-26275

ಇದು ಜಾಣ ಜಾಣೆಯರ ಪತ್ರಿಕೆ
ರಾಜಕೀಯ, ಸಾಹಿತ್ಯ, ಸಾಂಸ್ಕೃತಿಕ
ವಿಚಾರಗಳ ಅರ್ಥಪೂರ್ಣ ವಿಶ್ಲೇಷಣೆ

Latin Australian English

SKU: Mag-15523

Australian social life

Spanish community in Australia




Latino Press Worldwide

SKU: Mag-10110

Latino Press Worldwide Bilingual News 2nd 3rd Generations of Latinos in the USA and worldwide

Lawyers Update

SKU: Mag-2374

This magazine is for Law Students and professionals with lots of articles and other information which is important for law professionals. The magazine contains various blocks like Cover Story, Legal IQ, Information about Law Universities in India and abroad, Articles about Legal Issue, Good Living, Constitution of India, Important Supreme Court Judgements, Article on Cyber Laws and many more.

Le Nouveau Continental

SKU: Mag-8399

Le Nouveau Continental est un mensuel panafricain d’actualité. Edité pour l’heure en français, il met en exergue et décrypte les réussites ainsi que les échecs d’une Afrique et de sa diaspora en mouvement. Il Informe sur les faits et gestes des acteurs africains ou africanistes présents sur la scène africaine, et touche les différents segments de la vie : l’économie, la politique, la société, la santé, l’éducation, l’environnement, la technologie, le sport, la culture, l’histoire… auxquels s’ajoute une série de dossiers spéciaux sur les enjeux africains actuels et à venir, ainsi que sur les institutions, les hommes et les femmes qui en assurent la gestion. Le Nouveau Continental, c’est également le regard objectif et constant porté sur l’actualité internationale, en rapport avec le continent et sa diaspora.

Le Reporter sablais

SKU: Mag-19153

Revue numérique de News sur la Vendée, Les Sables d’Olonne, le littoral, les plages, le Vendée Globe, le Puy du Fou.

Lok Shakti

SKU: Mag-23604

Lok Shakti is a monthly news magazine based in India. Lok Shakti is also the name of its Daily-publication in Hindi. Premendra Agrawal has been the magazine’s editor-in-chief since its start.


SKU: Mag-12941

Lokayat is just not a magazine. It’s a kind of medium to scintillate political, social and cultural

consciousness among Indians. When majority of the media is narrowing its coverage span to local issues

these days, Lokayat has chosen to emerge as a national forum. As Indians we need to have information

and understanding of the entire country. Also this being an age of globalization, this magazine covers

important international developments regularly. The motto of Lokayat is to not only report in

perspective political happenings, but also interpret them in the context of social, economic and

technological changes. To make it a complete magazine it covers recipes, health, science, books, interior

decoration, business and economy with same gusto. Youths are the future of the country; therefore we

give elaborate coverage to campus issues, sports and entertainment. By giving advertisement in this

magazine you can send your message across entire country and all sections of society.


SKU: Mag-7281

Lokprabha, a weekly Marathi magazine, came into being 32 years ago. It carries extensive and in-depth coverage of topics, ranging from social to political, cultural to educational and many more.
Lokprabha is seen as the only magazine that symbolises Maharashtra in its true form. In-depth scrutiny is at the heart of of Lokprabha. As loyal readers know, it’s only here that you get an actual analysis of any situation.
Over the years, Lokprabha has received several honours from state organizations. The new initiative by Lokprabha is its foray into the youth segment where it has launched ‘Uthful’ – a fortnightly section dedicated to the youth of today and their trends.

Mail & Guardian

SKU: Mag-21462

The Mail & Guardian is a South African weekly newspaper, published by M&G Media in Johannesburg, South Africa. It focuses on political analysis, investigative reporting, Southern African news, local arts, music and popular culture.

Makkal Gosham

SKU: Mag-7330

Makkal Gosham is an upcoming Monthly Magazine in Tamil Language. It is covering Indian and Tamil Nadu Politics, Tamil Cinema and Events in Tamil Nadu.

Malayalam Vaarika

SKU: Mag-5437

Malayalam vaarika is one of the leading malayalam magazine published from the group of The New Indian Express. It is well received in the literature world of malayalees all over the globe. For more informations on this you can log to our site

Marudhara Today Magazine

SKU: Mag-11778

Marudhara Today’s mission is to deliver information on the people, ideas and technologies changing the world to our community of affluent business decision makers. What distinguishes Marudhara Today from other media brands is our exceptional access to the Rajasthan’s most powerful people—the game changers and disruptors who are advancing industries across the globe. Through our unique platform of print, digital, mobile, conference and products, Marudhara Today is changing the way content is created, distributed, consumed and shared.

From now Marudhara Today magazine is going to provide the affluent business leaders with strategic insight and information. We are going to produce an unbroken string of agenda-setting cover stories celebrating the people changing the world. Marudhara Today magazine is going to be the audience leader in the category and has plan to accrued over 1 Lac or more readers in coming 1 year for a total audience readership.

Marudhara Today is the homepage for the Rajasthan’s Political and business leaders, serving an engaging mix of top stories, video and trending features. Our unique social journalism platform enables content creators, consumers and marketers to participate more than ever before, and our network of 20 staff writers, reporters, expert designers, photographers and contributors.

Media Map

SKU: Mag-5940

Media Map is a thought journal on media. It addresses ethical and moral questions in the world of media, especially news media.
It covers Media Stories; Major reporting Events; International media scenario; Problems/politics of Indian press; News from the world of media education; Media seminars/Communication Research; Dilemmas/Issues of ethics and propriety for media; Political Issues as reported by media; Comments on political developments; Current issues relevant to media public; Geopolitical issues and international affairs; Economic issues as reported by media; Issues of media ownership and vested interests of economy and media.

Media Map Hindi

SKU: Mag-13903

A serious news journal covering issues critical to India’s socio-economic development. It puts to media scrutiny the policy framework and administrative decinions being taken by the Central as well as state governments on issues that are vital to protecting the interests of the disadvantaged sections of Indian society in general and dalits, minorities, women and children in particular. For this we believe in promoting scientific temper and inclusive growth.

Our editorial policy is liberal, progressive and secular. We provide a platform to cross currents of thinking, perception and ideas on media emerging from our experience of living in a pluralistic diversity. Our guiding philosophy is Gandhian journalism.

Media Map endeavours to promote an enlightened public opinion on issues that concern us as a citizen of India. Our effort is to raise the level of media debate above partisan views and biased opinions.

Military Modelcraft International

SKU: Mag-5660

Military Modelcraft International is the magazine for modellers by modellers. Each month MMI brings you the best in armour and military modelling from across the world. Featuring the latest kits, and packed with handy tips and step-by-step feature articles, it’s essential reading for modellers of all abilities.
Concentrating on the two World Wars and modern conflicts, each month MMI combines in-depth reviews, announcements of new products and reports from modelling shows around the world, with its unrivalled step-by-step feature articles. Superb photography, informative text, historical background articles, and the world’s best modellers combine to make MMI a ‘must-read’ magazine.

Military Modelling

SKU: Mag-8260

“Published 13 times a year, Military Modelling magazine is the longest established UK magazine for military modellers and since 1971 has built up a loyal readership that is respected for having a balanced, informative, inspiring and historically accurate content.
Inside you’ll find a variety of features on Tanks and AFVs in all the popular model scales. All the techniques you’ll need to know on how to convert, super-detail, paint and weather these models are covered in great detail. Articles are also regularly included on building and painting Model Soldiers and Busts from all periods of military history. Other supporting features take in diorama building, tools and techniques, full-size photo references and show reports.
The magazine’s website at has quickly grown to become a large and very friendly site with over 15,500 members. The site is more than just a forum and has an extensive free library of articles, reviews, a huge gallery plus a digital archive of issues (for subscribers) and much more.”

Mirror Today

SKU: Mag-12182

Mirror Today is a Socio political magazine in Telugu, The latest news, breaking news and current news of Politics at Mirror Today. Get all the big headlines, pictures, analysis, opinion and more

Mission Tehkikat

SKU: Mag-12103

मिशन तहकीकात हिन्दी मासिक पत्रिका


SKU: Mag-21792

The official quarterly corporate newsletter for Roads Agency Limpopo. Issue 1 of 2020

MSI Turkish Defence Review

SKU: Mag-8153

MSI (Military, Science & Intelligence) Turkish Defence Review (TDR) is one of the defence reviews sold in newsstands with the total circulation of about 5.500 copies and is the only periodical issued monthly in Turkish and English about defence (land, air, navy), aerospace (aviation & space), and security (including homeland security, cyber security & law enforcement) in Turkey.
MSI TDR has been working continuously with approximately 300 different sizes of Turkish defence companies in different subjects.
MSI TDR follows up all steps from emerging of an initial requirement to procurement, from production to test, from delivery to after sale service among the triangle of end users (Turkish Armed Forces, National Police, Gendarmerie General Command, Coast Guard), procurement body (the Undersecretaries for Defence Industries (SSM), Ministry of Defence (MSB)) and the defence industry (all prime and sub-contractor companies), makes news and releases to its subscribers.

Mukhbir Raj aur Azadi ke Mahanayak

SKU: Mag-23403

Mukhbir Raj aur Azadi ke Mahanayak

Mukti Sangharsh मुक्ति संघर्ष

SKU: Mag-16947

Mukti Sangharsh मुक्ति संघर्ष अंक 17


SKU: Mag-11904

Muthuchidharal is one of the political magazine publishing for the past ten years. The best editorial and current affairs. Readers can experience latest updates from different political parties.
Have a great reading experience.

Nadu Nedu

SKU: Mag-28442

తెలంగాణ ఆవిర్భవించిన తర్వాత రాష్ట్రంలో జరిగిన అభివృద్ధిని పుస్తకరూపంలోకి తేవడం అభినందనీయమని సత్తుపల్లి ఎమ్మెల్యే సండ్ర వెంకటవీరయ్య పేర్కొన్నారు. తెలంగాణ రాష్ట్రం ఆనాడు ఎలాంటి దుర్భర స్థితిలో ఉంది? ఈరోజు ఎంతటి అభివృద్ధి సాధించింది అనే విషయాలను కళ్లకు కడుతూ ‘నాడు నేడు’ పేరిట వచ్చిన ఈ పుస్తకం ఎంతో అద్భుతమైనదని అన్నారు. పట్టణంలోని తన క్యాంపు కార్యాలయంలో మంగళవారం ఆయన ఈ పుస్తకాన్ని ఆవిష్కరించి మాట్లాడారు.

తెలంగాణ రాకముందు, తెలంగాణ వచ్చిన తర్వాత పరిస్థితుల గురించి అందమైన చిత్రాలతో రూపొందించిన పుస్తకం నాటి, నేటి పరిస్థితులను ప్రస్ఫుటిస్తోందని అన్నారు. జిల్లా గ్రంథాలయ సంస్థ చైర్మన్‌ కొత్తూరు ఉమామహేశ్వరరావు, ఆత్మ చైర్మన్‌ శీలపురెడ్డి హరికృష్ణారెడ్డి, మున్సిపల్‌ చైర్మన్‌ కూసంపూడి మహేశ్‌, ఎంపీపీ పగుట్ల వెంకటేశ్వరరావు, పాల వెంకటరెడ్డి, కనగాల వెంకట్రావు, మల్లూరు అంకమరాజు, దొడ్డా శంకర్‌రావు, భీమిరెడ్డి గోపాలరెడ్డి, డీసీసీబీ డైరెక్టర్‌ చల్లగుళ్ల కృష్ణయ్య, రఫీ, గొర్ల సంజీవరెడ్డి, దయాకర్‌ పాల్గొన్నారు.


SKU: Mag-620

Nakkheeran நக்கீரன் : When ever a big news erupts in the socio political arena of tamil speaking world besides others people wait to see Nakkheeran starts with a gutest. Know the real truth in the news. Starting as a humble small magazine Nakkheeran completes its Twenty Fifth year with a very large viewership and readership very much higher than others. Nakkheeran triumph comes from its impartial, couraageous true investigation stories. Which leaves no stones unturned. Nakkheeran is not only a well read biweekly magazine it is a warrior as called by beloved readers. Its published on Wednesday & Saturday.