Showing 251–298 of 298 results

The Governor Magazine

SKU: Mag-5088

The Governor Magazine is a bi-monthly digital business magazine for governments, public sector departments and parastatals around the globe. It is where the art and science of smart government meet. Our editions focus on a wide range of topics, that we know are (and should be!) on executive agendas. We bring you aggregated, consolidated perspectives, that are both timeless and timely, giving global lessons local relevance, and translating concepts that work for businesses into ideas to inform, inspire and empower governments everywhere to be better at what they do, more easily.

The Independent Review

SKU: Mag-12081

The Independent Review is the acclaimed interdisciplinary journal devoted to the study of political economy and the critical analysis of government policy. The Independent Review is thoroughly researched, peer-reviewed, and based on scholarship of the highest caliber. However, unlike so many other journals, it is also provocative, lucid, and written in an engaging style. Ranging across the fields of economics, political science, law, history, philosophy, and sociology, The Independent Review boldly challenges the politicization and bureaucratization of our world, featuring in-depth examinations of past, present, and future policy issues by some of the world’s leading scholars and experts.

Undaunted and uncompromising, this is the journal that is pioneering future debate!

The Indian View

SKU: Mag-27064

National Hindi Magazine. registered by RNI of India.

The Kashmir Reach

SKU: Mag-17667

Kashmir’s First Grassroot Tabloid

The Lawyers Chronicle

SKU: Mag-11102

The Lawyers Chronicle is a pan-African online publication for lawyers, scholars, students and policy makers. It surveys the main trends of legal and socio-political issues on the African continent.

The Lawyers Chronicle is multidisciplinary and multidimensional in its work and approach. It provides the legal community, scholars and students with a very crucial platform for information and analysis on a broad range of issues that matter on the continent.

Though our focus is Africa, we are also working with friends from jurisdictions outside the continent. This is due to the fact that we believe that analyzing issues from other jurisdictions is crucial to our legal development and this would further enrich our expertise and knowledge of the law.

The Lucknow Observer Hindi

SKU: Mag-12800

द लखनऊ आब्जर्वर “हिंदी पत्रिका” में उत्तर प्रदेश के सामाजिक, राजनीतिक, साहित्यिक, सांस्कृतिक चेहरे को समीप से देख पाने का प्रयास किया गया है। बिना किसी भेदभाव के प्रदेश की उन सभी विरासतों को संजोने-संवारने का जिम्मा लेते हुए बृहत्तर पाठक वर्ग से जुड़ पाने की यह एक कोशिश है।

The Modern Rationalist Annual Number

SKU: Mag-20595

The Modern Rationalist Annual Number

The Nairobi Law Monthly

SKU: Mag-11416

The Nairobi Law Monthly is an independent magazine dedicated to excellence, accuracy and innovation. We offer coverage of the latest legal, human rights and business events, legal analyses and political developments. We cover news primarily focused on Kenya, but we are expanding our scope to include regional as well as international news.

The Politics

SKU: Mag-27528

“The Politics of Aristotle is the second part of the treatise written by Aristotle, of which Ethics is the first part. Aristotle believed that Politics follows Ethics as a general rule. He believed that Ethics are necessary for a human being to live a fulfilling life, but he also thought that they are not enough to live a fruitful life. In this part of his treatise, he expands on the notion that Politics isn’t a struggle for power or order. Instead, it is a study of the existing institutions without judgment and without looking to change it.
According to Aristotle, this is what makes Politics and Government stable and valuable. Any other expectation in terms of making these two entities perfect only leads to dissatisfaction due to impracticability. Like his mentor and teacher, Plato, Aristotle wasn’t a proponent of the concept of democracy. This treatise contains descriptions of democracy, oligarchy, and the stately constitution as being a healthy mix of the two, with each book being either idealist or realist – never both at the same time.

The Progress of Jharkhand

SKU: Mag-19396

The Progress of Jharkhand is a monthly Bi-Lingual (English & Hindi) Magazine published by Akanksha Welfare Trust (a social charitable organization) in collaboration with Jairaj Publications. The Magazine features current affairs, news & insights primarily focused on Jharkhand, a state in India founded in the year 2000.

Besides the regular news content, the magazine also features inspirational stories, fun facts, public opinion and expression, art, culture, technology and many such columns every month.

In print for more than 3 years now, the magazine has always been revered by the readers as a ‘positively-charged-read’ because of its no-negative content and social appeal.

Editor: Dr. Rajesh Prasad

The Republic

SKU: Mag-27529

“The Republic is one of Plato’s most widely read Socratic dialogue. The text is a discussion between Socrates—as the central speaker—and a group of Athenian citizens. Through The Republic, Plato develops and expands on his views regarding justice and eudaimonia (happiness) while establishing his philosophy of an ideal state.

The dialogue constructs the infamous city called Kallipolis, a city ruled by a ‘philosopher-king’. In the dialogue, the Athenians discuss the city-soul analogy; justice in the republic; political measures for a just city; the role of women in the just city; the role of philosophers and poets in the just city; and the soul.

Divided into ten books, The Republic is seen as a tract on the importance of education for the citizens and the philosopher king. The dialogue is famous for its discussion around poets as imitators, and the need for poetry to be censored for a harmonious city.

The Roots of Rebellion

SKU: Mag-15396

The Roots of Rebellion erupts from the fertile soil of profound discontent, self-determination and insatiable striving for liberty and power. Originating from the clash of two ancient kingdoms and unfurling at the world’s spiritual epicentres, this book declares the virulent and intractable enmity to truth; resulting in embattled sequels of tyranny and revolution and outbreaks of hostility and persecution, all yielding the bitter fruit of anarchy. The mystery of rebellion dominates the seats of government and rages in the hearts of humankind. Flourishing into mature, passionate and intrepid subversion, the instruments of rebellion construct and establish an order of chaos and coercion; commanding universal compliance and cooperation. As it effectively enlightens on the secret underpinnings of one world government and hegemonic imperialism, the reader is armed to encounter and counter the greatest deception of all time.

The Socialist

SKU: Mag-12023

The latest from the campaign against cuts, crisis and capitalism. The Socialist (formerly called Militant) is the weekly newspaper of the Socialist Party ( in England and Wales. Fight austerity – fight for socialism!

The Symposium

SKU: Mag-27530

“Set in ancient Athens, Symposium follows a group of philosophers attending a banquet and indulging in banter, squaring off in a friendly battle of speeches. Plato included Socrates as one of the characters, which is thought to be a criticism of Socrates and his philosophy as against the previous belief that it is a fitting tribute to his teacher. However, multiple traditional views of this book suggest the latter to be true.
Considered one of Plato’s most impactful works, Symposium was showered with heavy praise for the style of writing and philosophy. The men in this philosophical text are required to sing praises to Eros, the god of love, desire, and valour. While the book was written in dialogue form – a literary technique that Plato used in many of his works – he seems to have been lenient with its usage, especially since Socrates had a different approach to the topic at hand in this storyline.
Symposium is viewed as a work of great importance in the philosophical tradition. It laid the foundation of the idea of ‘Platonic Love’ – one that transcends desire and sexual gratification. This particular edition of the book has been translated by Benjamin Jowett, who was a famed administrator, tutor, theologian, and reformer of his own times, and went on to translate many of Plato’s dialogues from ancient Greek into English.

The Texas Observer

SKU: Mag-16422

The Texas Observer is an Austin-based nonprofit news organization known for fearless investigative reporting, narrative storytelling and sophisticated cultural criticism about all things Texan. The nonprofit Texas Democracy Foundation publishes the Texas Observer bimonthly magazine and

Since its founding in 1954, the Observer has covered issues that are often ignored or underreported by other media. We strive to expose injustice and to produce the kind of impact journalism that changes people’s lives for the better. Our thoughtful arts and culture coverage recognizes the diversity and talent of Texas’ creative community.

Our guiding light continues to be our founding mission statement:

We will serve no group or party but will hew hard to the truth as we find it and the right as we see it. We are dedicated to the whole truth, to human values above all interests, to the rights of humankind as the foundation of democracy. We will take orders from none but our own conscience, and never will we overlook or misrepresent the truth to serve the interests of the powerful or cater to the ignoble in the human spirit.

We cover stories crucial to the public interest and provoke dialogue that promotes democratic participation and open government, in pursuit of a Texas where education, justice and material progress are available to all.

Our reporting is fair, accurate, and, as our mission states, it hews hard to the truth as we find it. As a 501(c)(3), we do not endorse candidates or legislation.

The Thinker

SKU: Mag-8928

A Pan-African quarterly for thought leaders. The Thinker seeks to open up the space for public discourse, the clash of ideas, to stimulate intellectual debate and scientific discourse. The Thinker is a partisan journal for progressive change, but non-partisan with respect to party-political positions and activities. It strives to give all its contributors the freedom to express what they think, understanding that openness in the context of ideas, theoretical divergences and multi-dimensional practice is a necessary condition for fundamental social transformation. We are committed to providing a forum for honestly-expressed views, mindful that the ideas, analyses and commentaries that we publish may be uncomfortable for some and anathema for others.”


SKU: Mag-3180

The Week is the best selling general interest English news magazine. The magazine covers politics, entertainment, social issues, trends, technology, lifestyle, who’s hot, who’s not, and everything else you should be knowing.

The Week UK

SKU: Mag-9852

The Week covers the Best of the British and Foreign Media. With its non partisan reporting, The Week gives the reader an insight into all the the news, people, arts, drama, property, books and how the international media has reported it. This concise guide allows the reader to be up to date and have a wealth of knowledge to allow them to discuss all these key topics with their friends and peers.

TIME Magazine

SKU: Mag-11134

TIME, the world’s most respected weekly news magazine, is trusted by millions of readers for insightful authoritative reporting. For influential people who need to stay informed, TIME is the premier source for up-to-the-minute information on world, politics, business, finance, health, technology, education and more.

Transatlantic Policy Quarterly

SKU: Mag-27973

Transatlantic Policy Quarterly (TPQ), formerly the Turkish Policy Quarterly, is an Istanbul-based journal aiming to foster original thinking and constructive policy debates on global issues. The journal has been published on a quarterly basis since 2002.
Over the past 20 years, TPQ has provided balanced, inter-disciplinary, and independent coverage to its global audiences. TPQ engages decision makers, opinion leaders, practitioners, the business community, international investors, and members of the media and academia.

Transform SA Magazine

SKU: Mag-13307

Transform SA Magazine is an educational resource about socio economic transformation in Southern Africa. The magazine looks into various success stories of transforming businesses and government in South Africa. Topics covered by Transform SA Magazine include women in business, youth owned enterprises, entrepreneurship, small businesses, skills development, black economic empowerment, diversity, CSI and sustainability.

Tread Strong Survival

SKU: Mag-25551

Tread Strong Survival covers such subjects as self-defense, emergency preparation, outdoor food and situational survival. TSS is a part of the Tread Strong Media network.


SKU: Mag-12962

TRENDS is the leading international magazine on Arab affairs. With correspondents throughout the Middle East, the magazine provides business leaders and senior officials with critical insight regarding today’s key topics.
Our writers report on and analyze the events shaping the political, social, and economic issues of the Gulf, Levant, South Asia, and North Africa. For more than 10 years the magazine has delivered sterling insight and analysis on the region.

Uday India

SKU: Mag-12531

Uday India is successfully running in the 12th year of its existence. It is not a run-of-the-mill publication. Uday India does not fall as a thud on your doorstep but enters as a whiff of fresh air into reading corridors of the country. The weekly is based on the staple of news and current affairs. It focuses on politics, security, youth affairs, health, women, net space, diplomacy, media, economy, education, sports, showcasing the slow and steady march of India towards the goal of becoming a global power in every sense of the term. A new feather in the cap is spiritualism that has lately permeated every aspect of human endeavour. The cover story every week is spun out of the most current happening. There are for sure pages for book review and technological advancements. Apart from these building blocks, there are incessant efforts to customize the magazine to the taste of the reader. Its quality commensurates with the prolific promise.

Uday India Hindi

SKU: Mag-12532

Uday India is successfully running in the 12th year of its existence. It is not a run-of-the-mill publication. Uday India does not fall as a thud on your doorstep but enters as a whiff of fresh air into reading corridors of the country. The weekly is based on the staple of news and current affairs. It focuses on politics, security, youth affairs, health, women, net space, diplomacy, media, economy, education, sports, showcasing the slow and steady march of India towards the goal of becoming a global power in every sense of the term. A new feather in the cap is spiritualism that has lately permeated every aspect of human endeavour. The cover story every week is spun out of the most current happening. There are for sure pages for book review and technological advancements. Apart from these building blocks, there are incessant efforts to customize the magazine to the taste of the reader. Its quality commensurates with the prolific promise.

Uday Sarvodaya

SKU: Mag-17674

‘उदय सर्वोदय’ (Uday Sarvodaya) ने समाज में फैले अंधविश्वास, रूढ़ियों, पाखंड व नेगेटिव सोच को दूर करने का बीड़ा उठा रखा है और हम अपने इस प्रयास में बहुत हद तक सफल भी हुए हैं. अगले ही पल जब खबरें बासी हो जाती हैं, ‘उदय सर्वोदय’ अपने तर्कपूर्ण लेखों, आकर्षक फीचरों के द्वारा पाठकों को हर पल नई ताजगी, नई स्फूर्ति व जोश का एहसास कराती रहती है.

Ultimate Defence

SKU: Mag-25548

The magazine will be covering air, sea, land and space military as well as cyber.
Subjects range from training, to manufacturing and sales, international and local military shows, people in the industry and lots more.


SKU: Mag-11458

**Magazine has been discontinued**


SKU: Mag-13443

Uttarvarta is the multi language e-magazine. It consists of politics, literature, society, culture and cinema. It is published from New Delhi, India.


SKU: Mag-11879

“VELVEECHU” a monthly magazine that covers the legacy of tamils, their traditions, culture and the political events surrounding the race. In today’s environment, most of the media cover, the policies of the government and that of the barons alone. It no longer acts with a social responsibility. In contrast to this trend, our magazine is aimed to arouse interest and carry information on Tamil ecology, Tamil culture, the political elements that support the welfare of the Tamil ethnic group. We look forward for your support and subscription.

Veterans Today Magazine

SKU: Mag-15627

Veterans Today Magazine was initially thought up by Mark Kimball and Mic Alteredego. Together with a staff of Veterans and Veteran advocates we offer to Veterans relevant and up-to-date information that affects them and their families. With sections that report on litigation for Veterans’ rights and health, we want to keep you in the know. We are “Your #1 Veterans News Source”.

Veterans Today Magazine is an independent magazine that is designed by veterans and veteran advocates to report on the issues that matter to veterans across America. We look forward to bringing to you articles that are engaging, informative and relevant to the issues our veterans are facing everyday throughout America.

Just as our veterans served with honor and integrity, we shall serve the same.

We are not affiliated with websites such as nor are we running a propaganda mill. If you have questions or concerns about any of our stories or writers feel free to email the executive members of our publication.

Mark Kimball – Managing Editor

Mic Alteredego – Art Design Director

1110 Brickell Avenue Suite 430 Miami, Florida 33131

Viduthalai Malar

SKU: Mag-14138

For the past 54 years “Viduthalai Special” has been published regularly every year in Tamil by the Tamil Daily ‘Viduthalai‘, the only Rational Daily News Paper in the world. Ever since Dr.K.Veeramani took over the Editorship of the Daily in 1962, this Special is being published in order to propagate the most cherished ideals of our mentor Thanthai Periyar written by eminent scholars, writers, thinkers and leaders. This Issue has several interesting features, photographs and anecdotes along with all the activities, meetings, agitations, seminars and training camps of the Dravidar Kazhagam throughout the year in a very high quality of print, colour and art on art paper. This is how it becomes the official chronicle of the organisation establishing links among all such efforts in the world. It is a proud possession for anyone.

Viduthalai Sunday Malar

SKU: Mag-20910

Viduthalai Sunday Malar


SKU: Mag-3250

The socio-political magazine that covers all the aspects – from business to sports, from entertainment to lifestyle, Viqar-E-Hind reaches out to a captive segment that has never been touched upon by any other publication.

Vision 2030

SKU: Mag-12570

In collaboration with the National Planning Commission Secretariat in the Department of the Presidency, Topco Media will produce the Vision 2030 book to examine, outline, unpack the NDP from both the private and public sector perspective

Weekly Sadhana

SKU: Mag-12007

Weekly Sadhana is a Marathi ( Regional language of Maharashtra ) magazine based in Pune . A great freedom fighter and renowned literate Sane Guruji was the founder editor. It was started on the first anniversary of Indian independence, i.e.Aug 15, 1948. The magazine covers thought provoking / analytical articles on Social, Political & Cultural topics. This Magazines ideology is very much parallel to Indian constitution.


SKU: Mag-10218

Politics Cover Page of NarendraModi and Special Story with NarendraModi Of One Year Government.Wisheseh Magazine, Online E-Magazine, Cinesprint Online Entertainment Magazine, PoliticalNews, Politics, HealthTips, Yoga, NarendraModi


SKU: Mag-10255

WITNESS contains Research articles, Current affairs Analysis and Cartoons which draws attention to the changing political scenario. WITNESS is a high quality monthly magazine with the power of fresh and original content that deals exclusively with subjects on legality. Some of India top-notch practitioners and experts contribute in WITNESS on subjects relevant to all stakeholders in this profession…..

World Focus

SKU: Mag-4149

World Focus (English) is a widely read monthly journal of discussion, which has completed thirty three years of continuous publication in India. World Focus brings out a discussion each month on current affairs which has a bearing on current affairs, international affairs, economic diplomacy, foreign policy and national security issues. The journal is popular among civil service examination aspirants, students and research scholars, policy makers, administrators, members of parliament, journalists, politicians, universities and research organizations. This journal is a kind of ready reference material for the libraries in the country and abroad and gives an Indocentric perspective for in depth analysis on Indian contemporary affairs. This is the best vehicle for Scholars and policy analysts across the world to understand India’s growth model with a foreign policy perspective.
Many think tanks across the world use World Focus as a source material for preparing papers on political risk analysis.

World Focus-Hindi

SKU: Mag-5692

WORLD FOCUS takes up every month one international issue and gives an analysis of its various aspects by persons well known for their specialisation in the subject. The issues covered are topical or near topical, but of an abiding interest. The analysis is simple enough to interest even an initiate to world affairs, but without sacrificing depth. The aim is to present an Indocentric view on a particular issue currently facing the world.


SKU: Mag-17856

The fortnightly magazine is quite popular among the readers because of its great articles. This magazine is a compilation of political, social, economic and religious articles. In spite of the intense reach of digital media, there are two or three articles in each issue, which continue to be relevant to the readers. Magazine is very popular because of “Kahat Kabir” and “Batras” titles. You will find Pahal, Kavita, book review, science and health related issues in the magazine which are generally not found elsewhere.

Young India

SKU: Mag-6084

Young India is a prestigious and most sought after National News Weekly. It covers a wide range of topics concerning youth, to keep the youth informed about the latest happenings and scenarios in the political, social, cultural, Art, sports, Bollywood, fashion and entertainment arenas. Maintaining a high standard and believing in the view that today’s youths are tomorrow’s hope, Young India aims at educating and enlightening the youth about the government and system in a comprehensive manner. It is circulated all over India and read with a lot of enthusiasm and interest amongst the young generation.

Yugwarta (युगवार्ता)

SKU: Mag-17830

Yugwarta is a weekly political magazine. In every issue, a great article is published in the title “Mudda” (Issue), which is penned by the Chairman of Hindusthan Samachar group, Mr. R.K. Sinha. There is an analytical article on current issues in the “Nazariya” (viewpoint) title in every issue. There are articles on burning issues & matters, stories on problems of various states and feature stories. A collection of news is published which consists of titles like “Satta ke Galiyare Se” (from the corridor of power), “Charcha mein” (in discussions) and “halchal” (stir), which gives an impression of a bulletin. Articles are published on career through the title “Vidyarthi Kona” (student corner), which tells about vocational courses & job opportunities. Sports news, book reviews and cinema make Yugwarta special.

युगवार्ता एक साप्ताहिक राजनीतिक पत्रिका है। पत्रिका में मुद्दा शीर्षक से हर बार शानदार लेख छपता है, जिसे खुद हिन्दुस्थान समाचार के अध्यक्ष महोदय आर के सिन्हा लिखते हैं। पत्रिका के नजरिया शीर्षक में वर्तमान मुद्दों पर एक विश्लेषणात्मक लेख पढ़ने को मिलता है। ज्वलंत मुद्दों पर लेख, सुलगते मामलों पर लेख के साथ-साथ राज्यों की समस्याओं पर स्टोरी, फीचर स्टोरी,सत्ता के गलियारे से, चर्चा में, हलचल जैसे शीर्षकों के नाम से समाचारों का संग्रह प्रकाशित किया जाता है, जो बुलेटिन का एहसास कराते हैं। विद्यार्थी कोना शीर्षक के माध्यम से करियर पर लेख प्रकाशित होते हैं, जो ये बताते हैं कि जॉब के लिए स्टूडेंट कौन सा कोर्स करें। खेल जगत के समाचार, पुस्तक समीक्षा और सिनेमा युगवार्ता को खास बनाते हैं।


SKU: Mag-1696

Yuva is a Marathi magazine published monthly. This magazine is based on current topics and tries to encourage the younger generation. It provides fair and balanced perspectives of social and political changes in India and more.

எங்கள் தேசம்

SKU: Mag-9792

எங்கள் தேசம் – ஒரு இனத்தின் பெருங்கனவு

மார்க்சிஸ்ட் மாத இதழ்

SKU: Mag-25154

Marxist Theoretical Magazine is being published since 1989. We are publishing important Marxist articles in simple Tamil.