Showing 401–450 of 196957 results

125 Ganit Paheliyan by Rajesh Kumar Thakur

SKU: 9789382901372

125 गणित पहेलियाँ

पहेलियाँ दिमाग का आलोड़न कर मस्तिष्क को तरोताजा रखने में मदद करती हैं। और जब बात हो गणित की, तब निस्संदेह पहेलियाँ गणित को एक मनोरंजक विषय बनाने में मददगार साबित होती हैं। महान् गणितज्ञ भास्कराचार्य ने अपनी पुस्तक ‘लीलावती’ में गणित को सहज-सरल पहेलियों के रूप में प्रस्तुत किया है, क्योंकि उनका मानना था कि पहेलियाँ गणित को सरस बनाती हैं।
प्रस्तुत पुस्तक में भी लेखक ने गणित की बारीकियों को पहेली के माध्यम से सुगम बनाने का सफल प्रयास किया है। साथ ही प्रत्येक पहेली के पीछे छिपे गणितीय रहस्य को पाठकों के सामने लाकर गणित की जटिलता को समाप्‍त कर मनोरंजन के साथ-साथ इसे सारगर्भित बनाने का सराहनीय प्रयास भी किया है।

1400 Se Adhik Lokoktiya (Eng-Hindi)

SKU: Mag-22109

Kill two birds with one stone-or in Hindi : Ek teer se do shikar. So often we are looking for such exact translations, but find difficult to recollect off-hand. This Hindi-English Dictionary of Proverbs is a book provided in a straight forward format, compiled for easy reference usage. It is handy and meant for students and teachers alike and all interested in developing skill in translation and knowledge base in Hindi & English language. The contents cover most searches you are likely to encounter when using Hindi/English at work. #v&spublishers

15 in 1 Legendary Rulers of India

SKU: Mag-22322

India has seen the rise and fall of many empires and dynasties – from the golden age of the Guptas to the colonial rule of the British.These empires and their rulers shaped the identity of India. Legendary Rulers of India tells the stories of 15 men and women who led and protected their people with grit and determination.

1601: Conversation, as it was by the Social Fireside, in the Time of the Tudors

Please note: this recording contains strong language. “1601,” wrote Mark Twain, “is a supposititious conversation which takes place in Queen Elizabeth’s closet in that year, between the Queen, Ben Jonson, Beaumont, Sir Walter Raleigh, the Duchess of Bilgewater, and one or two others … If there is a decent word findable in it, it is because I overlooked it.” 1601 depicts a highfalutin and earthy discussion between the Queen and her court about farting and a variety of sexual peccadillos, narrated disapprovingly and sanctimoniously by the Queen’s Cup-Bearer, an eyewitness at “the Social Fireside.” [Summary by Denny Sayers] Cast: Introduction ? Denny Sayers Narrator ? Jonathan Horniblow The Queen ? miette Beaumonte ? David Lawrence Lady Margery Boothy ? Kristin Hughes Lady Alice Dilberry, Ben Jonson, Lord Bacon ? Ruth Golding Lady Helen ? Philippa Sir Walter Ralegh ? Mark F. Smith Shaxpur ? Andy Minter

1601: Conversation, as it was by the Social Fireside, in the Time of the Tudors (Version 2)

Please note: this recording contains strong language. Also known simply as “1601”, this is a humorously risque work by Mark Twain, first published anonymously in 1880, and finally acknowledged by the author in 1906. (Summary by John Greenman & Wikipedia)

161 Aloo & Paneer recipes

SKU: Mag-1056

Grehlaxmi presents 161 Aloo & Paneer Relish these mouth-watering, delicious and nutritious (recipes/sweets/snacks) to make your celebration as special as you.

161 Microwave special recipes

SKU: Mag-2162

In today’s fast life, we understand the value of time, women have to do mutkitasking. And one important task is cooking for family that too healthy and tasty. Grehlakshmi presents microwave recipes by Tarla Dalal. these recipes are easy and fastr to made.

161 swadisht Mishthan

SKU: Mag-539

Grehlakshmi presents 161 swadisht misthan, 161 mouth watering recipes to make your celebrations as special as you are..