Showing 2451–2500 of 5026 results

Improve Your Memory Power (Marathi)

SKU: Mag-22960

“In this competitive world of today, one cannot achieve success only by putting in hard work. One has to imbibe and practise various techniques along with hard work to fulfil one’s desires or reach the targetted goals.
The book precisely deals with the different techniques, one has to inculcate in order to improve and enhance one’s memory power. This is because hard work combined with a sharp memory is an ideal combination and can create wonders!
The book has been divided into 30 chapters which denote 30 days in which each chapter symbolises a day, and the author aims to improve and sharpen the memory of all its readers in just 30 days! Basically, each chapter contains all the necessary steps and methods, one must practise in one’s daily life to increase and strengthen the faculties of one’s brain.
Some of the salient features of the book are:
• How to improve one’s imaginative powers?
• How to improve the concentration of mind?
• How to remember and successfully perform all our daily activities?
• How to prepare notes and excel in exams?
• How to remember dates, birthdays, anniversaries, historical dates, incidents, etc.?
• How to remember telephone numbers, names of persons, places, terms and terminologies?
All the above and much more… Hence readers, it is definitely a must read for all of you, particularly the students and young professionals who are striving hard for a bright future ahead!

Improve Your Memory Power (Tamil)

SKU: Mag-24014

In this competitive world of today, one cannot achieve success only by putting in hard work. One has to imbibe and practise various techniques along with hard work to fulfil one’s desires or reach the targetted goals.
The book precisely deals with the different techniques, one has to inculcate in order to improve and enhance one’s memory power. This is because hard work combined with a sharp memory is an ideal combination and can create wonders!
The book has been divided into 30 chapters which denote 30 days in which each chapter symbolises a day, and the author aims to improve and sharpen the memory of all its readers in just 30 days! Basically, each chapter contains all the necessary steps and methods, one must practise in one’s daily life to increase and strengthen the faculties of one’s brain.
Some of the salient features of the book are:
• How to improve one’s imaginative powers?
• How to improve the concentration of mind?
• How to remember and successfully perform all our daily activities?
• How to prepare notes and excel in exams?
• How to remember dates, birthdays, anniversaries, historical dates, incidents, etc.?
• How to remember telephone numbers, names of persons, places, terms and terminologies?
All the above and much more… Hence readers, it is definitely a must read for all of you, particularly the students and young professionals who are striving hard for a bright future ahead!

Improve your Personality

SKU: Mag-18331

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Improve your Personality exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

Improve Your Presentation Skills

SKU: Mag-22925

“The book can be very handy and useful to anyone, who wants to deliver powerful presentations. The whole book has been organized in a reader-friendly manner, giving all the desired details to help in the development of contents and delivery skills of readers.

The book has been supplemented with many case studies and examples to make it more interesting. The book comes accompanied by an interactive CD containing a PowerPoint Presentation for better understanding. The book will act as a valuable guide for all its readers to remove the barriers of effective communication.
Some of the highlights of the book are:
Finding Context to your Presentation
Organizing It
Tailoring It
Remembering It
Rehearsing It
Delivering It

Improve Your Vocabulary

SKU: Mag-22677

“Whether it’s on a school level or business level, a good command over a language, especially English is always an add on to one’s persona and a great advantage. This command over any language comes naturally when one is good with words and a thorough and extensive knowledge of words always helps build a stronger vocabulary.
The knowledge of Vocabulary must be as deep as it is wide. This book primarily aims in enhancing the readers’ vocabulary, not just by the addition of a sheer number of words, students eventually acquire, while studying in schools and colleges, but also by developing an understanding of the word base they already have.
The book has an exhaustive list of Antonyms, Synonyms, Prefixes, Suffixes, One-word Substitutes, Acronyms, etc. besides Word Search and Jumbled Words. Each of these topics has been explained in detail, accompanied with ample examples and easy exercises to make the topics all the more simpler and fun for readers, particularly the school children to learn and use them in their day-to-day lives.

Improve Your Word Power

SKU: Mag-22678

English is a unique language which has innumerable great poets and authors from the past as well as the present, who have contributed profusely to its rich heritage. Nonetheless, we can not ignore the complexities of the English language which sometimes perplex a reader or even a scholar of this language. Improve your word power by Clifford Sawhney simplifies all these complexities of the language by providing answers to the many nagging grammatical queries, syntax, style, choice of words, spellings, etc. This book serves as a complete guide and elaborately explains the different usages of nouns, adjectives, adverbs, phrases, proverbs and so on. Hence, it will undoubtedly serve as a bible for both the lovers and wizards of English language.

In Focus Montenegro

SKU: Mag-13759

This month InFocus overviews the business cooperation between Serbia and Montenegro, two ex-members of the federation set apart 10 years ago. Divergent and convergent at the same time, the two economies have close relationship and strong cooperation. We interviewed some of the prominent figures from Montenegrin political and business life.

Inbound Marketing

SKU: Mag-21370

Unlock the Door to Potential Benefit Realisation

Key Features
● Forms the base line for choosing a career in Digital Marketing and gives a broad coverage aligning theory to practice
● Simplified English especially suited for Indian audience
● Concepts explained with help of relevant figures, diagrams and examples .
● Exercises for readers at end of each section
● Fits both academic and professional needs.
● Examples and Case studies from Indian context.

Book deals with strategies that aim to not force a product or service on the customers but rather understand their needs and provide them with content that they like which will eventually persuade them to buy the product or service. The book caters to both academic and professional needs and has numerous examples and case studies to help gain the desired clarity.

What will you learn
● Inbound Marketing, its analysis and implementation
● The Art and Science of Consumer Connections
● Customer Conversion Machine, Content Marketing
● Enticing Visitors to your Website
● Conversion and Measuring Success with Analytics

Who this book is for
You could be a student, a fresh graduate, or a working professional with any educational background and you will be able to start your career in digital marketing with the help of this book.

Table of Contents
1. Inbound Marketing An Introduction
2. Implementing and Analysing Inbound Marketing
3. The Art and Science of Consumer Connections
4. Customer Conversion Machine
5. Content Marketing
6. Enticing Visitors to your Website
7. The Concept of Conversion
8. Measuring Success with Analytics

About the Authors
Dr Chandrani Singh is currently working as Director-MCA and Placement Head – MCA(SMI) at Sinhgad Institute of Management Vadgaon,Pune and has a rich experience of over eighteen years in the academic sector. She has a Phd degree in Computer Management and holds to credit a strong research base . A NIT Rourkela alumni she is in the advisory board of various International Conferences and is in the review committee of many International Journals. She is also an eminent speaker and has participated in various Education Summit.

Her Linkedin:

Dr. Abiresh Abraham is a post graduate in management and information technology and holds a doctorate in management with more than 15 years of academic and industrial experience. He worked with Sinhgad Institute of Management, Pune for more than a decade. He also has a very good industrial experience in India and abroad. He has authored a number of books in IT and management and has published a number of research papers in Indian and international journals. He also has a patent published.

Ajit Pandey is 33 year old passionate (content) writer. He is working as an Asst.Professor in Sinhgad Institutes. He is a computer science post graduate from SRKNEC, Nagpur. He is expert in digital marketing, soft skills training, ICT and content development. He has done certification course in Instructional design for effective learning, social psychology, social media marketing etc. He is passionate about e-learning and digitization concepts. He is actively involved in technology research and knowledge upgradation through various online certification courses. He is writer at heart and in a way a writer by profession as well. By far, more than 500 poems in hindi and urdu are in his name. He loves blogging and knowledge sharing. His area of research includes e-learning and digitization of teaching-learning process.
Unlock the Door to Potential Benefit Realisation

Key Features
● Forms the base line for choosing a career in Digital Marketing and gives a broad coverage aligning theory to practice
● Simplified English especially suited for Indian audience
● Concepts explained with help of relevant figures, diagrams and examples .
● Exercises for readers at end of each section
● Fits both academic and professional needs.
● Examples and Case studies from Indian context.

Book deals with strategies that aim to not force a product or service on the customers but rather understand their needs and provide them with content that they like which will eventually persuade them to buy the product or service. The book caters to both academic and professional needs and has numerous examples and case studies to help gain the desired clarity.

What will you learn
● Inbound Marketing, its analysis and implementation
● The Art and Science of Consumer Connections
● Customer Conversion Machine, Content Marketing
● Enticing Visitors to your Website
● Conversion and Measuring Success with Analytics

Who this book is for
You could be a student, a fresh graduate, or a working professional with any educational background and you will be able to start your career in digital marketing with the help of this book.

Table of Contents
1. Inbound Marketing An Introduction
2. Implementing and Analysing Inbound Marketing
3. The Art and Science of Consumer Connections
4. Customer Conversion Machine
5. Content Marketing
6. Enticing Visitors to your Website
7. The Concept of Conversion
8. Measuring Success with Analytics

About the Authors
Dr Chandrani Singh is currently working as Director-MCA and Placement Head – MCA(SMI) at Sinhgad Institute of Management Vadgaon,Pune and has a rich experience of over eighteen years in the academic sector. She has a Phd degree in Computer Management and holds to credit a strong research base . A NIT Rourkela alumni she is in the advisory board of various International Conferences and is in the review committee of many International Journals. She is also an eminent speaker and has participated in various Education Summit.

Her Linkedin:

Dr. Abiresh Abraham is a post graduate in management and information technology and holds a doctorate in management with more than 15 years of academic and industrial experience. He worked with Sinhgad Institute of Management, Pune for more than a decade. He also has a very good industrial experience in India and abroad. He has authored a number of books in IT and management and has published a number of research papers in Indian and international journals. He also has a patent published.

Ajit Pandey is 33 year old passionate (content) writer. He is working as an Asst.Professor in Sinhgad Institutes. He is a computer science post graduate from SRKNEC, Nagpur. He is expert in digital marketing, soft skills training, ICT and content development. He has done certification course in Instructional design for effective learning, social psychology, social media marketing etc. He is passionate about e-learning and digitization concepts. He is actively involved in technology research and knowledge upgradation through various online certification courses. He is writer at heart and in a way a writer by profession as well. By far, more than 500 poems in hindi and urdu are in his name. He loves blogging and knowledge sharing. His area of research includes e-learning and digitization of teaching-learning process.
Unlock the Door to Potential Benefit Realisation

Key Features
● Forms the base line for choosing a career in Digital Marketing and gives a broad coverage aligning theory to practice
● Simplified English especially suited for Indian audience
● Concepts explained with help of relevant figures, diagrams and examples .
● Exercises for readers at end of each section
● Fits both academic and professional needs.
● Examples and Case studies from Indian context.

Book deals with strategies that aim to not force a product or service on the customers but rather understand their needs and provide them with content that they like which will eventually persuade them to buy the product or service. The book caters to both academic and professional needs and has numerous examples and case studies to help gain the desired clarity.

What will you learn
● Inbound Marketing, its analysis and implementation
● The Art and Science of Consumer Connections
● Customer Conversion Machine, Content Marketing
● Enticing Visitors to your Website
● Conversion and Measuring Success with Analytics

Who this book is for
You could be a student, a fresh graduate, or a working professional with any educational background and you will be able to start your career in digital marketing with the help of this book.

Table of Contents
1. Inbound Marketing An Introduction
2. Implementing and Analysing Inbound Marketing
3. The Art and Science of Consumer Connections
4. Customer Conversion Machine
5. Content Marketing
6. Enticing Visitors to your Website
7. The Concept of Conversion
8. Measuring Success with Analytics

About the Authors
Dr Chandrani Singh is currently working as Director-MCA and Placement Head – MCA(SMI) at Sinhgad Institute of Management Vadgaon,Pune and has a rich experience of over eighteen years in the academic sector. She has a Phd degree in Computer Management and holds to credit a strong research base . A NIT Rourkela alumni she is in the advisory board of various International Conferences and is in the review committee of many International Journals. She is also an eminent speaker and has participated in various Education Summit.

Her Linkedin:

Dr. Abiresh Abraham is a post graduate in management and information technology and holds a doctorate in management with more than 15 years of academic and industrial experience. He worked with Sinhgad Institute of Management, Pune for more than a decade. He also has a very good industrial experience in India and abroad. He has authored a number of books in IT and management and has published a number of research papers in Indian and international journals. He also has a patent published.

Ajit Pandey is 33 year old passionate (content) writer. He is working as an Asst.Professor in Sinhgad Institutes. He is a computer science post graduate from SRKNEC, Nagpur. He is expert in digital marketing, soft skills training, ICT and content development. He has done certification course in Instructional design for effective learning, social psychology, social media marketing etc. He is passionate about e-learning and digitization concepts. He is actively involved in technology research and knowledge upgradation through various online certification courses. He is writer at heart and in a way a writer by profession as well. By far, more than 500 poems in hindi and urdu are in his name. He loves blogging and knowledge sharing. His area of research includes e-learning and digitization of teaching-learning process.
Unlock the Door to Potential Benefit Realisation

Key Features
● Forms the base line for choosing a career in Digital Marketing and gives a broad coverage aligning theory to practice
● Simplified English especially suited for Indian audience
● Concepts explained with help of relevant figures, diagrams and examples .
● Exercises for readers at end of each section
● Fits both academic and professional needs.
● Examples and Case studies from Indian context.

Book deals with strategies that aim to not force a product or service on the customers but rather understand their needs and provide them with content that they like which will eventually persuade them to buy the product or service. The book caters to both academic and professional needs and has numerous examples and case studies to help gain the desired clarity.

What will you learn
● Inbound Marketing, its analysis and implementation
● The Art and Science of Consumer Connections
● Customer Conversion Machine, Content Marketing
● Enticing Visitors to your Website
● Conversion and Measuring Success with Analytics

Who this book is for
You could be a student, a fresh graduate, or a working professional with any educational background and you will be able to start your career in digital marketing with the help of this book.

Table of Contents
1. Inbound Marketing An Introduction
2. Implementing and Analysing Inbound Marketing
3. The Art and Science of Consumer Connections
4. Customer Conversion Machine
5. Content Marketing
6. Enticing Visitors to your Website
7. The Concept of Conversion
8. Measuring Success with Analytics

About the Authors
Dr Chandrani Singh is currently working as Director-MCA and Placement Head – MCA(SMI) at Sinhgad Institute of Management Vadgaon,Pune and has a rich experience of over eighteen years in the academic sector. She has a Phd degree in Computer Management and holds to credit a strong research base . A NIT Rourkela alumni she is in the advisory board of various International Conferences and is in the review committee of many International Journals. She is also an eminent speaker and has participated in various Education Summit.

Her Linkedin:

Dr. Abiresh Abraham is a post graduate in management and information technology and holds a doctorate in management with more than 15 years of academic and industrial experience. He worked with Sinhgad Institute of Management, Pune for more than a decade. He also has a very good industrial experience in India and abroad. He has authored a number of books in IT and management and has published a number of research papers in Indian and international journals. He also has a patent published.

Ajit Pandey is 33 year old passionate (content) writer. He is working as an Asst.Professor in Sinhgad Institutes. He is a computer science post graduate from SRKNEC, Nagpur. He is expert in digital marketing, soft skills training, ICT and content development. He has done certification course in Instructional design for effective learning, social psychology, social media marketing etc. He is passionate about e-learning and digitization concepts. He is actively involved in technology research and knowledge upgradation through various online certification courses. He is writer at heart and in a way a writer by profession as well. By far, more than 500 poems in hindi and urdu are in his name. He loves blogging and knowledge sharing. His area of research includes e-learning and digitization of teaching-learning process.
Unlock the Door to Potential Benefit Realisation

Key Features
● Forms the base line for choosing a career in Digital Marketing and gives a broad coverage aligning theory to practice
● Simplified English especially suited for Indian audience
● Concepts explained with help of relevant figures, diagrams and examples .
● Exercises for readers at end of each section
● Fits both academic and professional needs.
● Examples and Case studies from Indian context.

Book deals with strategies that aim to not force a product or service on the customers but rather understand their needs and provide them with content that they like which will eventually persuade them to buy the product or service. The book caters to both academic and professional needs and has numerous examples and case studies to help gain the desired clarity.

What will you learn
● Inbound Marketing, its analysis and implementation
● The Art and Science of Consumer Connections
● Customer Conversion Machine, Content Marketing
● Enticing Visitors to your Website
● Conversion and Measuring Success with Analytics

Who this book is for
You could be a student, a fresh graduate, or a working professional with any educational background and you will be able to start your career in digital marketing with the help of this book.

Table of Contents
1. Inbound Marketing An Introduction
2. Implementing and Analysing Inbound Marketing
3. The Art and Science of Consumer Connections
4. Customer Conversion Machine
5. Content Marketing
6. Enticing Visitors to your Website
7. The Concept of Conversion
8. Measuring Success with Analytics

About the Authors
Dr Chandrani Singh is currently working as Director-MCA and Placement Head – MCA(SMI) at Sinhgad Institute of Management Vadgaon,Pune and has a rich experience of over eighteen years in the academic sector. She has a Phd degree in Computer Management and holds to credit a strong research base . A NIT Rourkela alumni she is in the advisory board of various International Conferences and is in the review committee of many International Journals. She is also an eminent speaker and has participated in various Education Summit.

Her Linkedin:

Dr. Abiresh Abraham is a post graduate in management and information technology and holds a doctorate in management with more than 15 years of academic and industrial experience. He worked with Sinhgad Institute of Management, Pune for more than a decade. He also has a very good industrial experience in India and abroad. He has authored a number of books in IT and management and has published a number of research papers in Indian and international journals. He also has a patent published.

Ajit Pandey is 33 year old passionate (content) writer. He is working as an Asst.Professor in Sinhgad Institutes. He is a computer science post graduate from SRKNEC, Nagpur. He is expert in digital marketing, soft skills training, ICT and content development. He has done certification course in Instructional design for effective learning, social psychology, social media marketing etc. He is passionate about e-learning and digitization concepts. He is actively involved in technology research and knowledge upgradation through various online certification courses. He is writer at heart and in a way a writer by profession as well. By far, more than 500 poems in hindi and urdu are in his name. He loves blogging and knowledge sharing. His area of research includes e-learning and digitization of teaching-learning process.

Incredible Wirral

SKU: Mag-1950

The heritage and beauty of a unique peninsula. A treasure trove of photographs and stories from the familiar and much-loved to the long-forgotten.


SKU: Mag-23217



SKU: Mag-23224


India Best professional colleges handbook

SKU: Mag-6779

In the last few years, India’s education system has undergone much
change, at the secondary education level as well as in higher, college
education. Some of these, especially the change in the Class 10 examination
system, are beginning to take root, though teething troubles
remain. Some others, like the Four-Year University Programme, still in its
infancy, continue to face resistance, from students and academics alike.
The arrival of a new government and its declared intention of taking a
logical, hard look at these changes has sparked hope in students aspiring
to get into India’s burgeoning educational institutions. The plan to substantially
increase resources for the education sector has raised
expectations of an increased focus on improving the quality of education
not just at college level but from primary school onwards.
The current state of higher education is not very encouraging. According
to the All India Council for Technical Education, India has over 3,500
engineering colleges with a capacity of over 1.7 million and actual enrolments
of over 1.2 million students. Yet, many struggle to find a proper
institution to get quality education. It is in this light that Outlook’s annual
ranking of India’s Best Professional Colleges becomes relevant, for students,
parents and all stakeholders in the Indian education ecosystem.
Last year, India’s Best Professional Colleges Handbook gave a snapshot of
the entire spectrum of top engineering and medical colleges in India,
along with Outlook’s last three years’ rankings. We also presented a new,
unique aggregated ranking of India’s top engineering and medical colleges
based on the colleges’ performance in Outlook’s rankings over the three
years. This year’s Handbook has fresh aggregated ranking of engineering
and medical colleges based on their rankings in 2011, 2012 and 2013. We
also present the complete rankings of the last three years for all streams,
complete with parameters-wise scores and supplementary tables.
last year, there is also a comprehensive information pack of India’s top 100
engineering colleges and top 30 medical colleges. Alongside,
we have also
some of Outlook’s defining stories and interviews.
So, for those lost in the fast changing Indian educational environment,
Outlook hopes to offer some clarity. As always, choose wisely.

India Business of Fashion Report

SKU: Mag-3173

The Images Yearbook has always been a beacon and a milestone for the business of fashion. A coffee-table book with an encyclopedic sweep, the concept of the Yearbook is quite simply, a rundown of the turning points in the year past in the fashion and fashion retail industry in India. Told with all the essential details, it also becomes a story of the fascinating developments unraveling here, set against a dynamic backdrop of events and people who seized the moment to create their little bits of histories!

India Quiz

SKU: Mag-23460

The ‘India Quiz Book’ has been specially developed for all inquisitive readers, particularly those, who want to enhance their Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and General Knowledge for the purpose of appearing in various competitive exams for entrance and recruitment. The book is not an ordinary GK book but it is an effective tool and system to check your GK & IQ intelligently after you have gone through all those books on GK and other subjects which you could lay your hands on. The book is also extremely useful for those who aspire to participate in various educational and television quiz programmes of repute. The book is divided into more than Fifty Quiz Sets, each comprising the right-mix of questions on a different subject, from Geography to History, from Economy to Science, from Environment to Art & Culture, from Sports to Cinema, and many more are provided to test your GK & IQ precisely and make you tough-enough to appear in any Quiz contest or exam and emerge a clear winner.

India’s Women Unsung Heroes

SKU: Mag-26552

The movement to gain India’s independence brought together millions of people from every walk of life in protest of colonial rule. This book celebrates the lives of some of the women who led the charge and lit the flame of protest and rebellion throughout the country.

Read the stories of queens who battled colonial powers in the struggle against imperial rule and women who dedicated and even laid down their lives for the cause of the motherland.

As we celebrate 75 years of India’s independence, we bring you stories of women forgotten by time, but who’s contribution to our freedom movement can no longer be ignored.

Indian Air Force Airman Selection Test ( For Group ‘y’ Trade)

SKU: Mag-18769

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Indian Air Force Airman Selection Test ( For Group ‘y’ Trade)
exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

Indian Air Force: Airmen (Group X and Y Trades) Recruitment Exam Guide

SKU: Mag-22161

The present book has been specially published for the aspirants of Indian Air Force – Airmen (Group X & Y Trades) Recruitment Exam. The book comprises, along with the Specialised Study and Practice Material, a Solved Question Paper to make you familiar with the exam pattern. The book contains Specialised Study and Practice Material with numerous Multiple Choice Question-Answers on all the important subjects relevant to the exam. All the questions have been solved by respective subject-experts with due diligence. Detailed Explanations have also been provided for the Selected Questions for Better Understanding. It is believed, the book will prove very useful for study, practice and during precious moments before the exam for reference and revision. The book is highly recommended to Sharpen your Problem Solving Skills with thorough practice of numerous questions provided, and prepare yourself to face the exam with Confidence, Successfully. While the specialised study and practice material of this book is aimed to prepare you for Sure Success, your own intelligent study and practice in synergy with this will definitely Ensure you a Successful Career with Indian Air Force.

Indian Air Force: Airmen (Group X and Y Trades) Recruitment Exam Guide – Hindi

SKU: Mag-22160

परीक्षा में उत्तम सफलता हेतु यह पुस्तक ‘भारतीय वायु सेना – एयरमैन (ग्रुप X & Y Trades)’ भर्ती परीक्षा के परीक्षार्थियों के लिए विशेष रूप से प्रकाशित की गई है। पुस्तक में उत्कृष्ट अध्ययन-सामग्री के साथ एक प्रश्न-पत्र भी हल सहित दिया गया है। इसकी मदद से पाठक परीक्षा में पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों की प्रकृति एवं उन्हें हल करने की विधियों से भली-भांति परिचित हो सकेंगे और परीक्षा के लिए स्वयं को पूर्ण रूप से तैयार कर सकेंगे। पुस्तक में परीक्षा से संबंधित प्रायः सभी महत्वपूर्ण विषयों पर पर्याप्त पठन-सामग्री एवं अभ्यास-प्रश्नोत्तर (MCQs) उपलब्ध करवाए गए हैं, जिनकी रचना संबंधित विषय-विशेषज्ञों द्वारा की गई है। अभ्यर्थियों की बेहतर जानकारी के लिए अनेक चुने हुए प्रश्नों के उत्तर व्याख्यात्मक रूप में भी दिए गए हैं। पुस्तक में विभिन्न अध्यायों में संयोजित उत्तम पठन-सामग्री तथा प्रत्येक अध्याय के अंत में विषय पर आधारित वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न पर्याप्त मात्रा में दिए गए हैं। इनके समुचित अध्ययन तथा अभ्यास द्वारा पाठकों का ज्ञान तथा बुद्धि-कौशल अपने चरमोत्कर्ष पर पहुँच सकेगा तथा परीक्षा में उनकी सफलता का मार्ग प्रशस्त करेगा। पुस्तक में प्रस्तुत उत्कृष्ट पठन एवं अभ्यास-सामग्री जहाँ पाठकों के लिए ‘गागर में सागर’ समान उपयोगी सिद्ध होगी वहीं इसके समुचित उपयोग के साथ उनके अध्ययन तथा अभ्यास का संयोजन परीक्षा में सफलता द्वारा भारतीय वायु सेना में उनके उज्ज्वल भविष्य का मार्ग सुनिश्चित करेगा।

Indian Army: Soldier (GD/Tradesman X & VIII/GD Military Police) Recruitment Exam Guide

SKU: Mag-22165

परीक्षा में उत्तम सफलता हेतु यह पुस्तक ‘भारतीय थल सेना – सोल्जर’ (पुरुष एवं महिला) भर्ती परीक्षा के परीक्षार्थियों के लिए विशेष रूप से प्रकाशित की गई है। पुस्तक में अध्ययन-सामग्री के साथ एक माडल प्रश्न-पत्र भी हल सहित दिया गया है। इसकी मदद से पाठक परीक्षा में पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों की प्रकृति एवं उन्हें हल करने की विधियों से भली-भांति परिचित हो सकेंगे और परीक्षा के लिए स्वयं को पूर्ण रूप से तैयार कर सकेंगे। पुस्तक में परीक्षा से संबंधित प्रायः सभी महत्वपूर्ण विषयों पर पर्याप्त पठन-सामग्री एवं अभ्यास-प्रश्नोत्तर (MCQs) उपलब्ध करवाए गए हैं, जिनकी रचना संबंधित विषय-विशेषज्ञों द्वारा की गई है। अभ्यर्थियों की बेहतर जानकारी के लिए अनेक चुने हुए प्रश्नों के उत्तर व्याख्यात्मक रूप में भी दिए गए हैं। पुस्तक में विभिन्न अध्यायों में संयोजित सरल पठन-सामग्री तथा प्रत्येक अध्याय के अंत में विषय पर आधारित वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न पर्याप्त मात्रा में दिए गए हैं। इनके समुचित अध्ययन तथा अभ्यास द्वारा पाठकों का ज्ञान तथा बुद्धि-कौशल अपने चरमोत्कर्ष पर पहुँच सकेगा तथा परीक्षा में उनकी सफलता का मार्ग प्रशस्त करेगा। पुस्तक में प्रस्तुत उत्कृष्ट पठन एवं अभ्यास-सामग्री जहाँ पाठकों के लिए ‘गागर में सागर’ समान उपयोगी सिद्ध होगी वहीं इसके समुचित उपयोग के साथ उनके अध्ययन तथा अभ्यास का संयोजन परीक्षा में सफलता द्वारा भारतीय थल सेना में उनके उज्ज्वल भविष्य का मार्ग सुनिश्चित करेगा।

Indian Army: Soldier (Technical Trades) Recruitment Exam Guide

SKU: Mag-22162

The present book has been specially published for the aspirants of “Indian Army – Soldier Technical Trade” (previously known as MER – Technical Trade) Recruitment Exam. The book comprises, along with the Latest Study and Practice Material, a Solved Previous Paper and Model Paper to make you well conversant with the exam pattern, the type of questions asked and their answers. Detailed Explanatory Answers have also been provided for the Selected Questions for Better Understanding of readers. The book contains adequate Study and Practice Material with numerous Multiple Choice Question-Answers on all the relevant subjects important from the point of view of examination. Both the Study and Practice Material have been prepared by respective subject-experts with due diligence. Based on the Current Pattern of exam, the book will prove very useful for study, practice and during the precious moments before the exam for reference and revision. It is highly recommended to sharpen your Problem Solving Skills with thorough practice of numerous questions provided in the book, and prepare yourself to face the exam with Confidence, Successfully.

Indian Army: Soldier Clerks (SKT & GD) Recruitment Exam Guide

SKU: Mag-22164

The present book has been specially published for the aspirants of ‘Indian Army – Soldier Clerks (SKT & GD)’ Recruitment Exam. The book comprises Specialised Study and Practice Material for the exam which is prepared by experts. Prominent Features of the Book: The book contains adequate Study and Practice Material with numerous MCQs on all the relevant subjects important from the point of view of examination. Both the Study and Practice Material have been prepared by respective subject-experts with due diligence. A Solved Previous Year Paper has also been given in the book to make you well-conversant with the exam pattern, the type of questions asked and their answers. Detailed Explanatory Answers have also been provided for the Selected Questions for Better Understanding of readers. Based on the Current Pattern of exam, the book will prove very useful for study, practice and during precious moments before the exam for reference and revision. It is highly recommended to Sharpen your Problem Solving Skills with thorough practice of numerous questions provided in the book, and prepare yourself to face the exam with Confidence, Successfully.

Indian Coast Guard Navik (Domestic Branch) Recruitment Exam Guide

SKU: Mag-22168

The present book has been specially published for the aspirants of ‘Indian Coast Guard – Navik (Domestic Branch)’ Recruitment Exam. The book comprises Specialised Study and Practice Material for the exam which is prepared by experts. The book contains adequate Study and Practice Material with numerous MCQs on all the relevant subjects important from the point of view of examination. Both the Study and Practice Material have been prepared by respective subject-experts with due diligence. A Solved Question Paper has also been given in the book to make you well-conversant with the exam pattern, the type of questions asked and their answers. Based on the Current Pattern of exam, the book will prove very useful for study, practice and during precious moments before the exam for reference and revision. It is highly recommended to Sharpen your Problem Solving Skills with thorough practice of numerous questions provided in the book, and prepare yourself to face the exam with Confidence, Successfully.

Indian Coast Guard Navik (Domestic Branch) Recruitment Exam Guide – Hindi

SKU: Mag-22167

परीक्षा की नवीनतम पद्धति पर आधारित यह पुस्तक इंडियन कोस्ट गार्ड – नाविक ‘डोमेस्टिक ब्रांच’ (कुक एवं स्टीवर्ड) भर्ती परीक्षा के परीक्षार्थियों के लिए विशेष रूप से प्रकाशित की गई है। पुस्तक में पर्याप्त अध्ययन-सामग्री के साथ एक प्रश्न-पत्र भी हल सहित दिया गया है। इसकी मदद से पाठक परीक्षा में पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों की प्रकृति एवं उन्हें सरलतापूर्वक हल करने की विधियों से भली-भांति परिचित हो सकेंगे और परीक्षा के लिए स्वयं को पूर्ण रूप से तैयार कर सकेंगे। पुस्तक में परीक्षा से संबंधित प्रायः सभी महत्वपूर्ण विषयों पर पर्याप्त पठन-सामग्री एवं अभ्यास-प्रश्नोत्तर (MCQs) उपलब्ध करवाए गए हैं, जिनकी रचना संबंधित विषय-विशेषज्ञों द्वारा की गई है। अभ्यर्थियों की बेहतर जानकारी के लिए अनेक चुने हुए प्रश्नों के उत्तर व्याख्यात्मक रूप में भी दिए गए हैं। पुस्तक में विभिन्न अध्यायों में संयोजित सरल पठन-सामग्री तथा प्रत्येक अध्याय के अंत में विषय पर आधारित वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न पर्याप्त मात्रा में दिए गए हैं। इनके समुचित अध्ययन तथा अभ्यास द्वारा पाठकों का ज्ञान तथा बुद्धि-कौशल अपने चरमोत्कर्ष पर पहुँच सकेगा और परीक्षा में उनकी सफलता का मार्ग प्रशस्त करेगा। पुस्तक में प्रस्तुत उत्कृष्ट पठन एवं अभ्यास.सामग्री जहाँ पाठकों के लिए ‘गागर में सागर’ समान उपयोगी सिद्ध होगी वहीं इसके समुचित उपयोग के साथ उनकी अपनी बौद्धिक क्षमता तथा अभ्यास का संयोजन परीक्षा में सफलता द्वारा उनके उज्ज्वल भविष्य का मार्ग सुनिश्चित करेगा।

Indian Coast Guard Yantrik Recruitment Exam Guide

SKU: Mag-22169

This mentoring book is specially published for the aspirants of ‘Indian Coast Guard – Yantrik’ Recruitment Exam. The book comprises Latest Study and Practice Material to make you familiar with the exam pattern and the type of questions asked with their answers. Detailed Explanatory Answers have also been provided for the Selected Questions for Better Understanding of readers. The book contains adequate Study and Practice Material with numerous Multiple Choice Question-Answers on all the relevant subjects important from the point of view of examination. Both the Study and Practice Material have been prepared by respective subject-experts. Based on the Latest Pattern of exam, the book will prove very useful for study, practice and during the precious moments before the exam for reference and revision. The book is highly recommended to Sharpen your Problem Solving Skills with thorough practice of numerous questions provided in the book, and prepare you to face the exam with Confidence, Successfully.

Indian Coast Guard: Assistant Commandant Recruitment Exam Guide

SKU: Mag-22166

This comprehensive book is specially published for the aspirants of Indian Coast Guard–Assistant Commandant Recruitment Exam. The book covers both Preliminary and Final Selection Tests in detail, and comprises the latest study and practice material with exhaustive exercises. A solved test paper is also provided in the book to make the readers familiar with the test-pattern and gain expertise over tests. Detailed explanatory answers have also been provided for selected questions for better understanding of readers. The book covers in great detail, all aspects of Selection Tests and Interviews, such as: Mental Ability Test/Cognitive Aptitude Test, Psychological Tests (PP&DT, TAT, WAT, SRT, SAT), Group Tests (GTO Tasks & Obstacles), Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT/CPSS), Personal Interview/Personality Test. Numerous Model Interviews, Group Discussions and Lecturettes are also incorporated in the book for clear understanding and practice of the readers. There are additional units in the book on Interviewers’ Expectations from You, Personality Development Tips, and Do’s & Don’ts at Interview, etc. The book, with a simplified and reader-friendly approach, has been prepared under the active guidance and supervision of a panel of experts in the field of competitions. The sole aim of the book is to turn the young aspirants into candidates eligible for selection at Indian Coast Guard with flying colours.

Indian History Events and Timeline

SKU: Mag-13163

This unique title offers a overview of India’s history from Ancient to British rule alongwith a informations of various developments in history of , administration, social reforms and other fields The book will be of immense use for a candidate of the civil services, banking,, SSC and other govt examinations

Indian Journal of Holistic Nursing – Volume 2 – 2006

SKU: Mag-20824

Indian Journal of Holistic Nursing – Volume 2 – 2006

Indian Journal of Holistic Nursing – Volume 3 – 2007

SKU: Mag-20825

Indian Journal of Holistic Nursing – Volume 3 – 2007

Indian Journal of Holistic Nursing – Volume 4 – 2008

SKU: Mag-20826

Indian Journal of Holistic Nursing – Volume 4 – 2008

Indian Journal of Holistic Nursing – Volume 5 – 2009

SKU: Mag-20827

Indian Journal of Holistic Nursing – Volume 5 – 2009

Indian Journal of Holistic Nursing – Volume 6 – 2010

SKU: Mag-20828

Indian Journal of Holistic Nursing – Volume 6 – 2010

Indian Journal of Holistic Nursing – Volume 7 – 2011

SKU: Mag-20829

Indian Journal of Holistic Nursing – Volume 7 – 2011

Indian Journal of Holistic Nursing – Volume 8 – 2014

SKU: Mag-20830

Indian Journal of Holistic Nursing – Volume 8 – 2014

Indian Journal of Holistic Nursing – Volume 9 – 2018

SKU: Mag-20831

Indian Journal of Holistic Nursing – Volume 9 – 2018

Indian Journal of Youth and Adolescent Health – Volume 1 – 2014

SKU: Mag-20745

The Indian Journal of Youth and Adolescent Health is published by Advanced Research Publications and is dedicated to the latest advancements of Youth and Adolescent Medicine and Health ranging from the basic biological and behavioral sciences to public health and policy. IJoYAH emphasizes on efficient and effective Youth and Adolescent Medicine and Health, and provides a central forum for a deeper understanding in the discipline by encouraging the quantitative comparison and performance evaluation of the emerging components of these domains. IJoYAH is a peer review open access journal with a goal to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of Youth & Adolescent Health. We seek original manuscripts, review articles, letters to the editor, commentaries, and case reports from our colleagues instead of in it will be on the below topics:- Adolescent Health, Dentistry and Oral Health for youth and Adolescent Health, Education of youth and Adolescents, School health, Medicine Reproductive Health, Gender, Mental Health, Nursing, Nutrition, Psychology, Community health, Preventive Medicine, Public Health and Policy, Social Work, Sociology, Social Medicine, Communication and media, Services Research, International Health & Law, Anthropology, Sport medicine and Youth Development.

Indian Journal of Youth and Adolescent Health – Volume 2 – 2015

SKU: Mag-20746

The Indian Journal of Youth and Adolescent Health is published by Advanced Research Publications and is dedicated to the latest advancements of Youth and Adolescent Medicine and Health ranging from the basic biological and behavioral sciences to public health and policy. IJoYAH emphasizes on efficient and effective Youth and Adolescent Medicine and Health, and provides a central forum for a deeper understanding in the discipline by encouraging the quantitative comparison and performance evaluation of the emerging components of these domains. IJoYAH is a peer review open access journal with a goal to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of Youth & Adolescent Health. We seek original manuscripts, review articles, letters to the editor, commentaries, and case reports from our colleagues instead of in it will be on the below topics:- Adolescent Health, Dentistry and Oral Health for youth and Adolescent Health, Education of youth and Adolescents, School health, Medicine Reproductive Health, Gender, Mental Health, Nursing, Nutrition, Psychology, Community health, Preventive Medicine, Public Health and Policy, Social Work, Sociology, Social Medicine, Communication and media, Services Research, International Health & Law, Anthropology, Sport medicine and Youth Development.

Indian Journal of Youth and Adolescent Health – Volume 3 – 2016

SKU: Mag-20747

The Indian Journal of Youth and Adolescent Health is published by Advanced Research Publications and is dedicated to the latest advancements of Youth and Adolescent Medicine and Health ranging from the basic biological and behavioral sciences to public health and policy. IJoYAH emphasizes on efficient and effective Youth and Adolescent Medicine and Health, and provides a central forum for a deeper understanding in the discipline by encouraging the quantitative comparison and performance evaluation of the emerging components of these domains. IJoYAH is a peer review open access journal with a goal to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of Youth & Adolescent Health. We seek original manuscripts, review articles, letters to the editor, commentaries, and case reports from our colleagues instead of in it will be on the below topics:- Adolescent Health, Dentistry and Oral Health for youth and Adolescent Health, Education of youth and Adolescents, School health, Medicine Reproductive Health, Gender, Mental Health, Nursing, Nutrition, Psychology, Community health, Preventive Medicine, Public Health and Policy, Social Work, Sociology, Social Medicine, Communication and media, Services Research, International Health & Law, Anthropology, Sport medicine and Youth Development.

Indian Journal of Youth and Adolescent Health – Volume 4 – 2017

SKU: Mag-20748

The Indian Journal of Youth and Adolescent Health is published by Advanced Research Publications and is dedicated to the latest advancements of Youth and Adolescent Medicine and Health ranging from the basic biological and behavioral sciences to public health and policy. IJoYAH emphasizes on efficient and effective Youth and Adolescent Medicine and Health, and provides a central forum for a deeper understanding in the discipline by encouraging the quantitative comparison and performance evaluation of the emerging components of these domains. IJoYAH is a peer review open access journal with a goal to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of Youth & Adolescent Health. We seek original manuscripts, review articles, letters to the editor, commentaries, and case reports from our colleagues instead of in it will be on the below topics:- Adolescent Health, Dentistry and Oral Health for youth and Adolescent Health, Education of youth and Adolescents, School health, Medicine Reproductive Health, Gender, Mental Health, Nursing, Nutrition, Psychology, Community health, Preventive Medicine, Public Health and Policy, Social Work, Sociology, Social Medicine, Communication and media, Services Research, International Health & Law, Anthropology, Sport medicine and Youth Development.

Indian Journal of Youth and Adolescent Health – Volume 5 – 2018

SKU: Mag-20749

The Indian Journal of Youth and Adolescent Health is published by Advanced Research Publications and is dedicated to the latest advancements of Youth and Adolescent Medicine and Health ranging from the basic biological and behavioral sciences to public health and policy. IJoYAH emphasizes on efficient and effective Youth and Adolescent Medicine and Health, and provides a central forum for a deeper understanding in the discipline by encouraging the quantitative comparison and performance evaluation of the emerging components of these domains. IJoYAH is a peer review open access journal with a goal to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of Youth & Adolescent Health. We seek original manuscripts, review articles, letters to the editor, commentaries, and case reports from our colleagues instead of in it will be on the below topics:- Adolescent Health, Dentistry and Oral Health for youth and Adolescent Health, Education of youth and Adolescents, School health, Medicine Reproductive Health, Gender, Mental Health, Nursing, Nutrition, Psychology, Community health, Preventive Medicine, Public Health and Policy, Social Work, Sociology, Social Medicine, Communication and media, Services Research, International Health & Law, Anthropology, Sport medicine and Youth Development.

Indian Journal of Youth and Adolescent Health – Volume 6 – 2019

SKU: Mag-20750

The Indian Journal of Youth and Adolescent Health is published by Advanced Research Publications and is dedicated to the latest advancements of Youth and Adolescent Medicine and Health ranging from the basic biological and behavioral sciences to public health and policy. IJoYAH emphasizes on efficient and effective Youth and Adolescent Medicine and Health, and provides a central forum for a deeper understanding in the discipline by encouraging the quantitative comparison and performance evaluation of the emerging components of these domains. IJoYAH is a peer review open access journal with a goal to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of Youth & Adolescent Health. We seek original manuscripts, review articles, letters to the editor, commentaries, and case reports from our colleagues instead of in it will be on the below topics:- Adolescent Health, Dentistry and Oral Health for youth and Adolescent Health, Education of youth and Adolescents, School health, Medicine Reproductive Health, Gender, Mental Health, Nursing, Nutrition, Psychology, Community health, Preventive Medicine, Public Health and Policy, Social Work, Sociology, Social Medicine, Communication and media, Services Research, International Health & Law, Anthropology, Sport medicine and Youth Development.

Indian Navy (SSR) Sailor Recruitment Exam Guide

SKU: Mag-22187

The present book has been specially published for the aspirants of Indian Navy – Sailors (SSR) Recruitment Exam. The book comprises, along with the latest study and practice material, Solved Model Papers which will prove extremely useful for readers to be well-conversant with the exam pattern, the type of questions asked and their answers. The book will prove very useful for study and self-practice, to improve your problem-solving skill, and during the precious moments before the exam for quick grasp and reference purpose. It will also serve as a true test of your studies and preparation for the exam with actual exam-style questions and numerous practice questions given in exhaustive exercises. While the specialised study and practice material of this book has been published with the sole aim of making you sail smoothly to your Success, your own intelligent study and practice in synergy with this will definitely ensure you All Success in the Exam, paving the way for a Bright Career with Indian Navy.

Indian Navy SSR Practice Book

SKU: Mag-19619


Indian Navy SSR Sailors Recruitment Test

SKU: Mag-18670

Indian Navy SSR Sailors Recruitment Test

Indian Navy: MR & NMR (Steward, Chefs, Hygienists, Cook, Topass) Recruitment Exam Guide – ENGLISH

SKU: Mag-22186

The present book has been specially published for the aspirants of ‘Indian Navy – Matric Recruit & Non-Matric Recruit (MR & NMR)’ Exam. The book comprises Latest Study & Practice Material based on current pattern of exam to make you familiar with the latest trends of exams, exam pattern and the type of questions asked. The book comprises ample amount of Study Material and Exhaustive Exercises with Multiple Choice Question-Answers on all the relevant subjects and topics important for the exam. All the practice-questions have been solved by the respective subject-experts. The book is highly recommended to Sharpen your Problem Solving Skills with thorough practice of numerous solved questions provided in the book, and prepare you to face the exam with Confidence, Successfully. While the specialised study and practice material of this book is aimed to Navigate you to your Success, your own intelligent study and practice, will definitely Ensure you all the Success leading you to a Successful Career with Indian Navy.

Indian Navy: MR & NMR (Steward, Chefs, Hygienists, Cook, Topass) Recruitment Exam Guide – HINDI

SKU: Mag-22185

प्रस्तुत पुस्तक ‘भारतीय नौसेना – मैट्रिक रिक्रूट एवं नान-मैट्रिक रिक्रूट (MR & NMR)’ परीक्षा के अभ्यर्थियों के लिए विशेष रूप से प्रकाशित की गई है। नवीनतम परीक्षा पद्धति पर आधारित यह पुस्तक इस परीक्षा के लिए अति-उपयोगी है। पुस्तक में सुनियोजित विशेष पठन-सामग्री तथा अभ्यास हेतु अनेक बहु-विकल्पीय प्रश्न हल-सहित दिए गए हैं। आपकी बेहतर जानकारी के लिए पुस्तक में अनेक चुने हुए प्रश्नों को व्याख्यात्मक उत्तर सहित सम्मिलित किया गया है। इनकी मदद से आप परीक्षा में पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों को हल करने की सरल विधियों से भली-भाँति परिचित हो सकेंगे। पुस्तक में परीक्षा से संबंधित सभी महत्त्वपूर्ण विषयों पर पर्याप्त अभ्यास-सामग्री उपलब्ध करवायी गई है। पुस्तक में प्रस्तुत अभ्यास-प्रश्नोत्तरों के समुचित अभ्यास द्वारा आप निस्संदेह अपने बुद्धि-कौशल से प्रश्नों को हल करने की क्षमता का पर्याप्त विकास कर सकेंगे और आगामी परीक्षा में स्वयं को सफलतापूर्वक प्रस्तुत कर सकेंगे। पुस्तक में प्रस्तुत उत्कृष्ट पठन एवं अभ्यास-सामग्री जहाँ आपके लिए ‘गागर में सागर’ समान उपयोगी सिद्ध होगी, वहीं इसके साथ आपके बुद्धिमत्तापूर्ण अध्ययन तथा अभ्यास का संयोजन भारतीय नौसेना में आपके उज्ज्वल भविष्य का मार्ग सुनिश्चित करेगा।

Indian Navy: Tradesman MATE (Group C) Recruitment Exam Guide – ENGLISH

SKU: Mag-22194

The present book has been specially published for the aspirants of Tradesman Mate Recruitment Exam conducted by Indian Navy. The book comprises Specialised Study and Practice Material. It is highly recommended to study and Sharpen your Problem Solving Skills with thorough practice of numerous questions provided in the book, and prepare yourself to face the exam with Confidence, Successfully. A Question Paper is incorporated in the book to make you familiar with the exam pattern, the type of questions asked, and their appropriate answers. Practice-questions have also been modelled on the basis of questions asked in previous exam papers of same cadre and solved by respective subject-experts. Detailed Explanatory Answers have also been provided for the Selected Questions for Better Understanding of readers. Based on the Current Pattern of Exam, the book will prove very useful for study, practice and during precious moments before the exam for reference and revision. While the specialised study and practice material of this book is aimed to prepare you for Grand Success, your own intelligent study and practice, in Synergy with this, will definitely Ensure you a Bright Career with Indian Navy.

Indian Navy: Tradesman MATE (Group C) Recruitment Exam Guide – HINDI

SKU: Mag-22195

“प्रस्तुत पुस्तक भारतीय नौसेना (Indian Navy) द्वारा आयोजित ‘टेªड्समैन मेट (Tradesman Mate) भर्ती परीक्षा के परीक्षार्थियों के लिए विशेष रूप से तैयार की गई है। परीक्षा की आधुनिक पद्धति तथा नवीनतम पाठ्यक्रम पर आधारित एवं विशेषज्ञों द्वारा रचित यह पुस्तक इस परीक्षा के लिए अति-उपयोगी है। पुस्तक में सुनियोजित अध्यायों में संयोजित पठन-सामग्री एवं अनेक बहु-विकल्पीय प्रश्न हल-सहित दिए गए हैं। पुस्तक में एक प्रश्नपत्रा भी हल एवं व्याख्यात्मक उत्तर सहित दिया गया है। इससे परीक्षार्थी परीक्षा में पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों की प्रकृति और उन्हें सरल रूप से हल करने की विधियों से भली-भाँति परिचित हो सकेंगे एवं परीक्षा की तैयारी उचित प्रकार कर सकेंगे।
पुस्तक में परीक्षा से संबंधित सभी महत्त्वपूर्ण विषयों पर पर्याप्त पठन एवं अभ्यास सामग्री उपलब्ध करवायी गई है। पुस्तक में उपलब्ध अभ्यास-प्रश्नोत्तरों के समुचित अभ्यास द्वारा अभ्यर्थी निस्संदेह अपने बुद्धि-कौशल तथा सरलता एवं तीव्र गति से प्रश्नों को हल करने की क्षमता का पर्याप्त विकास कर सकेंगे और आगामी परीक्षा में स्वयं को आत्मविश्वास सहित, सफलतापूर्वक प्रस्तुत कर सकेंगे। पुस्तक में प्रस्तुत उत्कृष्ट पठन एवं अभ्यास.सामग्री जहाँ आपके लिए ‘गागर में सागर’ समान उपयोगी सिद्ध होगी, वहीं इसके साथ आपके अध्ययन तथा अभ्यास का संयोजन भारतीय नौसेना में आपके उज्ज्वल भविष्य का मार्ग सुनिश्चित करेगा।”

Indian Ordanance Factories Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ Recruitment Exam (LDC,Stenographer,Storekeeper & Fireman)

SKU: Mag-18651

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Indian Ordanance Factories Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ Recruitment Exam (LDC,Stenographer,Storekeeper & Fireman)
exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

Indian War Comics

SKU: Mag-1706

Indian War Comics – Bullets don’t bounce off their chests. Nor do they have superhuman powers to unleash webs or hoist themselves into the air, voluminous capes and all. What they do have is extraordinary courage. Meet the heroes of the Indian War Comics, a series that began in 2008 with a comic on Kargil martyr Captain Vikram Batra. The third one, commemorating Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan of 26/11 fame, will be released on Independence Day. If the cover is any indication—a fiery-eyed Maj. Unnikrishnan aiming his rifle at the enemy against the backdrop of a burning Taj Mahal Hotel, all the while supporting his injured colleague—the portrayal of the protagonist will fit snugly into the superhero mould, though it will also dwell on his early life and influences. 

It was ‘Yeh Dil Maange More’, Capt. Batra’s famous rallying cry on the icy heights of Kargil that inspired the series creator, Aditya Bakshi, to immortalise India’s military heroes through speech bubbles. A merchant navy officer and a General’s son, reared on dog-eared Commando comics, Aditya found himself moved to tears after a chat with his father about Capt. Batra, who died at the age of 24. “There was a lot of material available on him, but only in the regimental format of historical accounts, which would hardly appeal to children. I wanted to make these heroes known to the widest possible audience, and in a more permanent way than the odd TV programme.”
So, armed with a pencil, Aditya began to give shape to his idea, even doing the early drawings himself. Later, the realisation that the text he was penning needed professionally executed visuals sent him off to the Delhi College of Art with an ‘artist wanted’ poster. A student, Pradeep Yadav, came forward and Yeh Dil Maange More, the first black-and-white Indian War Comic—82 pages long, priced at Rs. 65 and merging facts and imagination with gusto—was born. While it is public knowledge that Capt. Batra single-handedly overpowered five enemy soldiers, approaching their bunker from the back after a perilous climb; the comic drew upon all the resources of the genre to illustrate how it was done—with a little creative license thrown in. For instance, it has Capt. Batra shout out the lines: “Yes, it’s raining bullets and perhaps we die. But what more worthy death can one hope for? Come on men, this is what we dreamed of…to die a soldier’s death and live forever.” It even has a bit role for journalist Barkha Dutt, who interviewed Capt. Batra at Kargil. 

Encouraged by the fact that a few thousand readers actually bought the comic, distributed by Om Books International, Aditya went on to launch his second comic, the True Maratha, on Ashok Chakra-winning Colonel N.J. Nair, who ignored his eventually fatal wounds to lead from the front and break an ambush by Naga insurgents. Two more are in the pipeline—on Param Vir Chakra winner Capt. Bana Singh, the only one of the heroes who is still alive, and on Ashok Chakra awardee, Commando Sanjog Chhetri.


SKU: Mag-14062

Indira, Chandra, Manthra, Jeyanthi (Kalki Rajendran)