Magzter Books
Showing 2501–2550 of 5026 results
இந்திரா, சந்திரா, மந்திரா, ஜெயந்தி (கல்கி ராஜேந்திரன்)
Indra and Shachi
Amar Chitra Katha announces the launch of its “Treasures of India” subscription programme across India and worldwide. Our unique subscription programme makes it possible for every Indian family to access and read hundreds of exciting stories in the comfort of their homes.
The subscription offers 3 select Amar Chitra Katha titles every month. These titles, handpicked by the editor, include a wide-ranging mix of stories from the epics and the Puranas, from the wisdom of the Panchatantra, the Jataka, the Hitopadesha and the Kathasaritasagara, from the best of Indian classical literature and from the exciting pages of Indian history
Indra And Shibi
It is little wonder that Indra was the lord of all gods, he displayed the true characteristics of a perfect leader. It was his diligence and eye for detail that ensured that only the virtuous were given god-like status. Arrogance and impatience were soon corrected. But, most importantly, as a leader, Lord Indra strove to be worthy of his position.
INET: Indian Navy Entrance Test Officers (Direct Entry) Guide
The present book has been specially published for the aspirants of Indian Navy Entrance Test (INET) for Direct Entry as Officers. The book comprises, along with the Latest Study and Practice Material, a Solved Model Paper to make you familiar with the exam pattern. Detailed Answers have also been provided for Selected Questions for Better Understanding. The book contains ample amount of Study Material and Question-Answers on all the subjects and topics important from the point of view of the exam. All the practice questions have been solved by respective subject experts with due diligence. It is believed, the book will prove very useful for study, practice and during the precious moments before the exam. The book is highly recommended for the aspirants to Sharpen their Problem Solving Skills with thorough practice of actual exam-style questions and numerous practice questions provided in the book, and prepare themselves to face the exam with Confidence, Successfully. While the specialised study and practice material of this book Paves the Way for your Success, your own intelligent study and practice with it will ensure you a Perfect Start for a Bright Career with Indian Navy as an Officer.
Infinity Navigation
Infinity Navigation is the thought of movement between certain points in time, analogous to motion between distinctive points in space by using an object or a person, usually with the use of a hypothetical system regarded as a time machine. Time travel is a extensively identified idea in philosophy and fiction, especially science fiction. Time tour is viable primarily based on the laws of physics, according to new calculations from researchers at the University of Queensland. But time-travelers would not be in a position to alter the past.Time journey also plays an necessary position in laptop studying and statistics science. Reproducibility of fashions and experiments is a key consideration for facts scientists, due to the fact they regularly create 100s of fashions earlier than they put one into production, and in that time-consuming manner would like to go returned to formerly models.
InFocus France
The Bastille fell in July, and this July we have a special issue of InFocus appendix analysing France and Serbia, and the mutual relationships in business, politics and culture. Across the different topics, we interviewed some of the prominent figures from Franco-Serbian political and business life.
InFocus Greece
This issue of Appendix named InFocus is fully dedicated to Greece, a maritime world power and one of the strong economies of Europe. Charalambos Kounalakis, Minister Counsellor for Economic and Commercial Affairs at the Embassy of Greece to Serbia, Goran Knežević, Economy Minister, Georgios Papanastasiou, President of the Hellenic Business Association (HBA) told us stories about the cooperation between our two countries. Rita Ioanis Lozinsky, Ceo & Managing Director Of Alumil Yu Industry A.D. gave us her insight into doing business in Serbia, while Fanina Kovačević-Popaz Executive Officer of the Hellenic Business Association explains that the Serbian market has always been appealing to Greek investors. We analyse Greek crisis, tourism, spirit, customs and economy, as weel as the trade and cultural ties between Serbia and Greece.
InFocus India
This issue of Appendix named InFocus is fully dedicated to India, a new rising power in the world’s economy and one of the leaders of the fresh economic and political wind called BRICS. The Ambassador Mrs Chahuan will present multiple opportunities for cooperation in her interview, and she will be joint by Mr Nikčević, Minister of Telecommunications of Serbia, since high technologies are Indian top product nowadays. Culture will be represented by discussions about learning Hindi, festivals and International Yoga Day, while businessmen present themselves in India-Serbia Business Forum. Many aspects of high-rising Indian new economy are covered in this issue, like pharmaceutical industry, space programme, the initiative for Digital India, power sector, and India as a new manufacturing hub in the world. The role of India within the UN will also be presented, as well as the history and current work of BRICS. Ayurveda, homoeopathy and tourism in Goa and rafting the mighty Indian rivers conclude this magnficent journey.
InFocus Italy
InFocus Italy, With a great honour, Diplomacy&Commerce; presents the very first bilingual Italian-English issue, entirely dedicated to Italian business in Serbia called Italia e Serbia – Forza di un partenariato affidabile, or in English, Italy and Serbia: Strenght of reliable partnership. We would like to thank to the Embassy of Italy in Belgrade and to H.E. Giuseppe Manzo, Italian Ambassador, and to Italian-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, dr. Giorgio Ambrogio Marchegiani, Mr. Oliver Lepori and Mrs. Marija Savić.
InFocus Switzerland
InFocus is this month dedicated to Switzerland, its culture, customs, business climate and the spirit that made this neutral country in the heart of Europe so successful. Yana Mikhailova, President of Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Maro Čadež, President of Serbian Chamber of Commerce were interviewed, among others.
InFocus Unicef
This month’s appendix is dedicated to UNICEF and 70 years of this precious organisation dedicated to the help for every and any child in the world, since every child needs hope and future. It brings you interviews with Michel Saint-Lot, Director of UNICEF in Serbia, and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors, Aleksandar Đorđević, Ana Ivanović, Novak Đoković, corporations which help UNICEF programmes and many more.
A magazine dedicated to paranormal romance.That’s why we’re committed to creating magazines and books that are invigorating, exciting, filled with adventure and romance and unlimited possibilities. The written word can engage our minds, our hearts and our souls like no other media because it stretches our imagination to be equal to the task. Both author and readers have to engage to make stories successful.
Inspirational Quotes And Thoughts
This book contains as many as 460 inspiring quotes classified in well defined 19 groups. This classification itself indicates that all major aspects in human life have been covered. Even a cursory reading of some quotes will convince the reader that in a small space it presents a mine of wisdom that will always be inspiring. To one who is passing through some major difficulties and as a result feeling depressed and confused, this book ‘Inspirational Quotes and Thoughts’ would bring him out of that disturbed mental state. It will instil in him confidence, inspiration as well as positive outlook that are so much needed for success and happiness in life.
Inspire one and all
Do you like reading motivational and inspiration quotes?
If yes! The author of ‘White Quotes’ book provides you with a list of 100 inspiring and motivating quotes in this book. The aim is to Inspire one and all.
“Your thoughts create the stage for the day to perform.”
If you keep reading and referring to these thoughts and quotes it’s likely to condition your mind to think positive. Don’t wait for any miracle to happen when you read or refer but you can come close to the Miracle Mind which can do anything when you believe that it’s happening or possible. Always look for good things in life and you will find abundance of goodness flowing within and all around.
I hope you will find this book amazing, interesting, rejuvenating, unique and keep inspiring you.
Thank You and Happy Reading.
Inspire Yourself
The book is an inspiring tale of prominent Indian industrialists, entrepreneurs, scientists and other important personalities who have made outstanding contribution in their chosen fields. Their drive, determination and resourcefulness act like beacon light directing young people all over India and the world to achieve what they accomplished.
This book introduces you to the life and their contributions of legends Entrepreneurs- JRD Tata, G. D. Birla, Dhirubhai Ambani, Ramnath Goenka, N.R. Narayana Murthy, Keshub Mahindra, Azim H. Premji, Scientists- J. C. Bose, M.S. Swaminathan, C.V. Raman, Homi Bhabha, Vikram Sarabhai, M. Visvesvaraya, Raja Ramanna, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam; Other important dignitaries like- Jamnalal Bajaj, Amartya Kumar Sen, Tenzing Norgay, Sam Manekshaw, Verghese Kurien. The sketch has been kept short deliberately to encourage children, students and readers to absorb their works easily. If you believe that example is more effective than mere words this book is sure to excite you.
Institute of Engineering & Rural Technology
Insurance Exam
New India Assurance Recruitment conducts exams for Administrative Officers (Generalist). Jagran Josh provides you four mock papers for the exam. It’s time to check your final preparation level and boost your confidence for cracking the New India Assurance Company Ltd.
Take these Mock tests now and give final touch to your preparation. Each paper consists of 200 questions. Comprising of 50 questions each from subjects like Reasoning, English, General Awareness and Quantitative Aptitude, the total duration of the exam is 2 hours.
These mock papers help you to analyze your performance and section wise accuracy. Best of luck!
Integers, Decimals & Fractions-Workbook
This book is from LP’s Ocean of Knlowedge. In this series various ebooks, workbooks and interactive video books are there in the subjects maths, science, English, G.K. and reasoning. Every book contains excellent collection of questions and videos which are creatively designed by experienced teachers. Illustrative images and animations make the books engaging and develop an interest to learn.
Intelligence Bureau Assistant Central Intelligence Officer ( Executive ) Grade II Recruitment Exam (
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Intelligence Bureau Assistant Central Intelligence Officer ( Executive ) Grade II Recruitment Exam ( exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Intelligence Quiz
The ‘Intelligence Quiz Book’ has been specially developed for all inquisitive readers, particularly those, who want to enhance their Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and General Knowledge for the purpose of appearing in various competitive exams for entrance and recruitment. The book is also extremely useful for those who aspire to participate in various national and international quiz programmes and contests such as KBC. The book is not an ordinary GK book but it is an effective tool and system to check your GK & IQ intelligently after you have gone through all those books on GK and other subjects. The book is divided into twenty-five intelligence test, each comprising the right-mix of questions on all important subjects, and additionally eleven tough assignments are provided to further gauge your I.Q. precisely and make you tough-enough to appear in any Quiz contest or exam and emerge a winner. Each test in the book is designed in such a way as to cover questions on a variety of subjects and to gauge not only your knowledge but speed also as intelligence is not about the knowledge only but thinking speedily and rationally also. In a nutshell, the book is a smart system to gauge your general knowledge and intelligence quotient swiftly.
‘iNTELLYJELLY– Intelligent reading is Fun’, a power-packed kid’s magazine is a brainchild of Mr. Animesh, an IIMC alumni, who had spent about 22 years in Telecom domain and managed domestic as well as international profile, before venturing into iNTELLYJELLY. This venture is with a mission to make Earth a better place by increasing the reading habit among kids, globally. iNTELLYJELLY believes that emphasis on ‘Holistic Empowering Education’ to a child is the need of the time and not only complements school-based learning process but also endeavours to enhance Human Development Index/HDI. iNTELLYJELLY is a celebration of childhood, when learning by discovery happens at every moment, hence we bring this magazine for kids under 12 years of age.
Some of the iNTELLYJELLY’s deliverables, each month includes, Values, Leadership qualities, Emotional quotient, Teamwork, Logical thinking, Knowledge, Science, Geography, Global literature, etc. At iNTELLYJELLY, we focus on these aspects, very subtly with a UNESCO proven methodology of offering a platter of vibrant and colourful comics, stories, activities, etc to young readers. From engaging stories to interesting comic strips, from Leaders of Yesteryears to Leaders of today, from indoor activities to outdoor scavenger hunts, from hilarious conversation to intricate and interactive illustration, our thoughtful content nurture the inquisitive mind and stimulate curiosity and develops creativity in children.
We, at iNTELLYJELLY, are also committed to inculcating Emotional Intelligence and opinion habits among young readers where we encourage them to speak their mind and share the same in an open platform. A subtle way of passing various aspects of life, like family & social values, the mannerism, etc., is an essence of iNTELLYJELLY.
iNTELLYJELLY’S national and international acclamation in a short span of two years is the result of our reader’s faith in us. iNTELLYJELLY not only gained momentum from prestigious schools across India but also signed an agreement with Reliance Jio.
iNTELLYJELLY has also been appreciated by a few eminent personalities like Sir Richard Branson, The Virgin group, UK, Mr. Amitabh Bachchan, and many more.
‘iNTELLYJELLY is committed to increasing the reading habit among kids, globally.’
Interesting Stories To Learn Proverbs
Proverbs are short well-known sentences or phrases that tell a general truth about life or offer advice. In other words, they present the gist of a moral tale or a fable prevalent in a specific society. And because of their universal appeal, many of these proverbs have crossed their social barriers, and have become part of the human-consciousness in general. In this book, many popular proverbs driving home some universal moral ideas have been compiled from different sources and cultural backgrounds. Besides many others, we have some of the most popular ones like: It is never too late to learn…Necessity is the mother of invention…Self Improvement is the best help etc. Given their popularity and universal acceptance, the stories connected to them have an appeal for the children and adults alike. Also, this specific illustrative format serves to enhance the recall-value of the proverbs besides affording the pleasure of interesting reading. Truly a treasure-trove you can delve into anytime to improve your knowledge and expand your horizon. Some Glimpses: *Do not kill the goose that lays the golden eggs *The poor are truly free when their needs are few *Pride hath its fall *An enemy`s enemy is a friend *All are equal in the eyes of the law
Interesting Tales
“This book Interesting Tales for Children makes a strong case that well-chosen stories give children good role models and increase their empathy for others. It doesn’t just hand children simplistic moral precepts, but give them the opportunity to think about and discuss moral choices.
Interesting Tales for Children is a compilation of 50 one-page short stories for children. Language used is elementary and simple. Each story comes with a caricature type illustration in black & white to retain interest of young readers. The moral at the end of the story summaries precisely what the child is supposed to learn!
These stories educate children about a family, tradition, ethos, social mores or share cultural insight or a combination of all these. Thoughtful stories not only provide enjoyment, they also shape and influence lives of children.
We have published following books in this series:
Legendary Tales for Children
Jungle Tales for Children
Folk Tales for Children
Interesting Tales for Children
Ramayana Tales for Children
These books don’t offer theoretical moral values or claim to preach to children. They show the way!!
International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO) Entrance Exam Guide
The present book has been specially published for the candidates of ‘International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO)’ Entrance Test. Based on the current pattern of the exam, the book is highly recommended for the aspirants. Various sections have been provided in the book for detailed study of important subjects of the exam. All the practice questions have been solved by respective subject-experts. Previous Exam Solved Papers have also been provided for the candidates to be familiar with the exam pattern, the type of questions asked, and their answers. Based on the Current Pattern of Exam, the book will prove very useful for study, practice and during precious moments before the exam for reference and revision. It is highly recommended to sharpen your Problem Solving Skills with thorough practice of numerous questions provided in the book, and prepare yourself to face the exam with Confidence, Successfully.
International English Olympiad – Class 1
Developed by Professionals and Experienced Teachers from top schools across the country, the book has been divided into five sections namely Word Structure and Knowledge, Reading Comprehension, Spoken and Written Expressions, Achievers section, Model Papers. The concepts have been explained in brief through solved examples and Illustrations. To enhance the problem solving skills of candidates, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions have been provided at the end of each chapter. Two Mock Test Papers have been provided for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack English Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book. The book is recommended for various school level and competitive exams.
International English Olympiad – Class 10
The book ‘International English Olympiad’ has been divided into five sections namely Word Structure and Knowledge, Reading Comprehension, Spoken and Written Expressions, Achievers section, and Model Papers. In every chapter, the theory has been explained through solved examples in lucid language. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answer Key and Solutions are provided in the end of each chapter. Two Model Papers have been provided for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack English Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book.
International English Olympiad – Class 2
Developed by Professionals and Experienced Teachers from top schools across the country, the book has been divided into five sections namely Word Structure and Knowledge, Reading Comprehension, Spoken and Written Expressions, Achievers section, Model Papers. The concepts have been explained in brief through solved examples and Illustrations. To enhance the problem solving skills of candidates, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions have been provided at the end of each chapter. Two Mock Test Papers have been provided for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack English Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book. The book is recommended for various school level and competitive exams.
International English Olympiad – Class 3
Developed by Professionals and Experienced Teachers from top schools across the country, the book has been divided into five sections namely Word Structure and Knowledge, Reading Comprehension, Spoken and Written Expressions, Achievers section, Model Papers. The concepts have been explained in brief through solved examples and Illustrations. To enhance the problem solving skills of candidates, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions have been provided at the end of each chapter. Two Mock Test Papers have been provided for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack English Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book. The book is recommended for various school level and competitive exams.
International English Olympiad – Class 4
Developed by Professionals and Experienced Teachers from top schools across the country, the book has been divided into five sections namely Word Structure and Knowledge, Reading Comprehension, Spoken and Written Expressions, Achievers section, Model Papers. The concepts have been explained in brief through solved examples and Illustrations. To enhance the problem solving skills of candidates, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions have been provided at the end of each chapter. Two Mock Test Papers have been provided for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack English Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book. The book is recommended for various school level and competitive exams.
International English Olympiad – Class 5
Developed by Professionals and Experienced Teachers from top schools across the country, the book has been divided into five sections namely Word Structure and Knowledge, Reading Comprehension, Spoken and Written Expressions, Achievers section, Model Papers. The concepts have been explained in brief through solved examples and Illustrations. To enhance the problem solving skills of candidates, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions have been provided at the end of each chapter. Two Mock Test Papers have been provided for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack English Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book. The book is recommended for various school level and competitive exams.
International English Olympiad – Class 6
The book ‘International English Olympiad’ has been divided into five sections namely Word Structure and Knowledge, Reading Comprehension, Spoken and Written Expressions, Achievers section, and Model Papers. In every chapter, the theory has been explained through solved examples in lucid language. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answer Key and Solutions are provided in the end of each chapter. Two Model Papers have been provided for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack English Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book.
International English Olympiad – Class 7
The book ‘International English Olympiad’ has been divided into five sections namely Word Structure and Knowledge, Reading Comprehension, Spoken and Written Expressions, Achievers section, and Model Papers. In every chapter, the theory has been explained through solved examples in lucid language. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answer Key and Solutions are provided in the end of each chapter. Two Model Papers have been provided for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack English Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book.
International English Olympiad – Class 8
The book ‘International English Olympiad’ has been divided into five sections namely Word Structure and Knowledge, Reading Comprehension, Spoken and Written Expressions, Achievers section, and Model Papers. In every chapter, the theory has been explained through solved examples in lucid language. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answer Key and Solutions are provided in the end of each chapter. Two Model Papers have been provided for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack English Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book.
International English Olympiad – Class 9
The book ‘International English Olympiad’ has been divided into five sections namely Word Structure and Knowledge, Reading Comprehension, Spoken and Written Expressions, Achievers section, and Model Papers. In every chapter, the theory has been explained through solved examples in lucid language. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answer Key and Solutions are provided in the end of each chapter. Two Model Papers have been provided for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack English Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book.
International Journal of Healthcare Education & Medical Informatics – Volume 1 – 2014
The vision of IJHCE&MI is empowerment and facilitation to academic world to excel for community development. The objectives are providing flexible but stable platform for expression, innovation, and experimentation to students, researchers, educators, policy makers, government and community people in the field of education and training in health education including medical and clinical education and allied medical sciences, including dentistry, nursing, midwifery and physiotherapy. (E-ISSN: 2455-9199) It covers following topics but not limited to:- Curriculum development and planning; Basic Medical Education; Graduate and postgraduate Medical Education; Continuing Professional Development, Pedagogic Practice; Simulation-Based Medical Education; Communication Skills; Student Selection; Assessment tools and techniques of teaching Learning; Objective and subjective assessment; Development of Medical Education Research; Design and Production of Teaching Learning Materials; Web-Based and computer based learning; Information and Communication Technologies in Medical and Health Education; Clinical Decision-Making; Clinical Reasoning; Internationalization of Healthcare Education; Leadership in Health education; Evaluation and Monitoring Research; Measurement and Evaluation in Medical Education; Post-Examination Analysis of Objective Tests; Community Education and Health Literacy; Information systems including national and international registration systems; Hospital Information system; Document handling system; system integration with the healthcare education; computer and website aided medical decisions; protocol developments; artificial intelligence; application of IT in all levels of healthcare system.
International Journal of Healthcare Education & Medical Informatics – Volume 2 – 2015
The vision of IJHCE&MI is empowerment and facilitation to academic world to excel for community development. The objectives are providing flexible but stable platform for expression, innovation, and experimentation to students, researchers, educators, policy makers, government and community people in the field of education and training in health education including medical and clinical education and allied medical sciences, including dentistry, nursing, midwifery and physiotherapy. (E-ISSN: 2455-9199) It covers following topics but not limited to:- Curriculum development and planning; Basic Medical Education; Graduate and postgraduate Medical Education; Continuing Professional Development, Pedagogic Practice; Simulation-Based Medical Education; Communication Skills; Student Selection; Assessment tools and techniques of teaching Learning; Objective and subjective assessment; Development of Medical Education Research; Design and Production of Teaching Learning Materials; Web-Based and computer based learning; Information and Communication Technologies in Medical and Health Education; Clinical Decision-Making; Clinical Reasoning; Internationalization of Healthcare Education; Leadership in Health education; Evaluation and Monitoring Research; Measurement and Evaluation in Medical Education; Post-Examination Analysis of Objective Tests; Community Education and Health Literacy; Information systems including national and international registration systems; Hospital Information system; Document handling system; system integration with the healthcare education; computer and website aided medical decisions; protocol developments; artificial intelligence; application of IT in all levels of healthcare system.
International Journal of Healthcare Education & Medical Informatics – Volume 3 – 2016
The vision of IJHCE&MI is empowerment and facilitation to academic world to excel for community development. The objectives are providing flexible but stable platform for expression, innovation, and experimentation to students, researchers, educators, policy makers, government and community people in the field of education and training in health education including medical and clinical education and allied medical sciences, including dentistry, nursing, midwifery and physiotherapy. (E-ISSN: 2455-9199) It covers following topics but not limited to:- Curriculum development and planning; Basic Medical Education; Graduate and postgraduate Medical Education; Continuing Professional Development, Pedagogic Practice; Simulation-Based Medical Education; Communication Skills; Student Selection; Assessment tools and techniques of teaching Learning; Objective and subjective assessment; Development of Medical Education Research; Design and Production of Teaching Learning Materials; Web-Based and computer based learning; Information and Communication Technologies in Medical and Health Education; Clinical Decision-Making; Clinical Reasoning; Internationalization of Healthcare Education; Leadership in Health education; Evaluation and Monitoring Research; Measurement and Evaluation in Medical Education; Post-Examination Analysis of Objective Tests; Community Education and Health Literacy; Information systems including national and international registration systems; Hospital Information system; Document handling system; system integration with the healthcare education; computer and website aided medical decisions; protocol developments; artificial intelligence; application of IT in all levels of healthcare system.
International Journal of Healthcare Education & Medical Informatics – Volume 4 – 2017
The vision of IJHCE&MI is empowerment and facilitation to academic world to excel for community development. The objectives are providing flexible but stable platform for expression, innovation, and experimentation to students, researchers, educators, policy makers, government and community people in the field of education and training in health education including medical and clinical education and allied medical sciences, including dentistry, nursing, midwifery and physiotherapy. (E-ISSN: 2455-9199) It covers following topics but not limited to:- Curriculum development and planning; Basic Medical Education; Graduate and postgraduate Medical Education; Continuing Professional Development, Pedagogic Practice; Simulation-Based Medical Education; Communication Skills; Student Selection; Assessment tools and techniques of teaching Learning; Objective and subjective assessment; Development of Medical Education Research; Design and Production of Teaching Learning Materials; Web-Based and computer based learning; Information and Communication Technologies in Medical and Health Education; Clinical Decision-Making; Clinical Reasoning; Internationalization of Healthcare Education; Leadership in Health education; Evaluation and Monitoring Research; Measurement and Evaluation in Medical Education; Post-Examination Analysis of Objective Tests; Community Education and Health Literacy; Information systems including national and international registration systems; Hospital Information system; Document handling system; system integration with the healthcare education; computer and website aided medical decisions; protocol developments; artificial intelligence; application of IT in all levels of healthcare system.
International Journal of Healthcare Education & Medical Informatics – Volume 5 – 2018
The vision of IJHCE&MI is empowerment and facilitation to academic world to excel for community development. The objectives are providing flexible but stable platform for expression, innovation, and experimentation to students, researchers, educators, policy makers, government and community people in the field of education and training in health education including medical and clinical education and allied medical sciences, including dentistry, nursing, midwifery and physiotherapy. (E-ISSN: 2455-9199) It covers following topics but not limited to:- Curriculum development and planning; Basic Medical Education; Graduate and postgraduate Medical Education; Continuing Professional Development, Pedagogic Practice; Simulation-Based Medical Education; Communication Skills; Student Selection; Assessment tools and techniques of teaching Learning; Objective and subjective assessment; Development of Medical Education Research; Design and Production of Teaching Learning Materials; Web-Based and computer based learning; Information and Communication Technologies in Medical and Health Education; Clinical Decision-Making; Clinical Reasoning; Internationalization of Healthcare Education; Leadership in Health education; Evaluation and Monitoring Research; Measurement and Evaluation in Medical Education; Post-Examination Analysis of Objective Tests; Community Education and Health Literacy; Information systems including national and international registration systems; Hospital Information system; Document handling system; system integration with the healthcare education; computer and website aided medical decisions; protocol developments; artificial intelligence; application of IT in all levels of healthcare system.
International Journal of Healthcare Education & Medical Informatics – Volume 6 – 2019
The vision of IJHCE&MI is empowerment and facilitation to academic world to excel for community development. The objectives are providing flexible but stable platform for expression, innovation, and experimentation to students, researchers, educators, policy makers, government and community people in the field of education and training in health education including medical and clinical education and allied medical sciences, including dentistry, nursing, midwifery and physiotherapy. (E-ISSN: 2455-9199) It covers following topics but not limited to:- Curriculum development and planning; Basic Medical Education; Graduate and postgraduate Medical Education; Continuing Professional Development, Pedagogic Practice; Simulation-Based Medical Education; Communication Skills; Student Selection; Assessment tools and techniques of teaching Learning; Objective and subjective assessment; Development of Medical Education Research; Design and Production of Teaching Learning Materials; Web-Based and computer based learning; Information and Communication Technologies in Medical and Health Education; Clinical Decision-Making; Clinical Reasoning; Internationalization of Healthcare Education; Leadership in Health education; Evaluation and Monitoring Research; Measurement and Evaluation in Medical Education; Post-Examination Analysis of Objective Tests; Community Education and Health Literacy; Information systems including national and international registration systems; Hospital Information system; Document handling system; system integration with the healthcare education; computer and website aided medical decisions; protocol developments; artificial intelligence; application of IT in all levels of healthcare system.
International Journal of Law, Human Rights and Constitutional Studies – Volume 1 – 2014
International Journal of Law, Human Rights and Constitutional Studies is a Journal from bouquet of Advanced Research Publications which dedicated to the modern subjects of constitutional law and human rights protection from a global perspective. IJLHRCS emphasizes in the fields of current economic and political crises, globalised democratic governance, human rights public policies, the theory and philosophy of rights, comparative constitutional law and the methodology of law, and provides a central forum for a deeper understanding in the discipline by encouraging the quantitative comparison and performance evaluation of the emerging components of these domains. The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:
Anti-dumping and safeguards, Comparative constitutional law, Constitutional theory and policy, Constitutional rights, Constitutional politics, Constitutional freedoms, Corporate accountability, Competition law, Conflict of laws relating to marriage, adoption, surrogacy and custody of children, Colonialism and imperialism, Democratic,, deficit theory, Democracy and governance, Digital participation, e-democracy, e-governance, Emergent issues in international human rights law, EU, constitutionalisation, Equality and discrimination, Ethnicity & religion, Globalisation and governance, Gender and women’s human rights, Human rights and the law, International constitutional law, International human rights protection, Intellectual property rights/trading, International investment law, International commercial, law/enforcement of foreign judgments, Legal Information Design, Methodology of law, Migration and multiculturalism, Minorities and indigenous peoples, Philosophy of, rights, Patent law, Public/ private Law and Policy, Political parties and elections, Regulating the internet, Special issues of International Law, The turn to history in international law, Technology Policy and Law, Theory of rights, Transitional justice, The ecological crisis, The teaching, research and practice of international law.
International Journal of Law, Human Rights and Constitutional Studies – Volume 2 – 2015
International Journal of Law, Human Rights and Constitutional Studies is a Journal from bouquet of Advanced Research Publications which dedicated to the modern subjects of constitutional law and human rights protection from a global perspective. IJLHRCS emphasizes in the fields of current economic and political crises, globalised democratic governance, human rights public policies, the theory and philosophy of rights, comparative constitutional law and the methodology of law, and provides a central forum for a deeper understanding in the discipline by encouraging the quantitative comparison and performance evaluation of the emerging components of these domains. The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:
Anti-dumping and safeguards, Comparative constitutional law, Constitutional theory and policy, Constitutional rights, Constitutional politics, Constitutional freedoms, Corporate accountability, Competition law, Conflict of laws relating to marriage, adoption, surrogacy and custody of children, Colonialism and imperialism, Democratic,, deficit theory, Democracy and governance, Digital participation, e-democracy, e-governance, Emergent issues in international human rights law, EU, constitutionalisation, Equality and discrimination, Ethnicity & religion, Globalisation and governance, Gender and women’s human rights, Human rights and the law, International constitutional law, International human rights protection, Intellectual property rights/trading, International investment law, International commercial, law/enforcement of foreign judgments, Legal Information Design, Methodology of law, Migration and multiculturalism, Minorities and indigenous peoples, Philosophy of, rights, Patent law, Public/ private Law and Policy, Political parties and elections, Regulating the internet, Special issues of International Law, The turn to history in international law, Technology Policy and Law, Theory of rights, Transitional justice, The ecological crisis, The teaching, research and practice of international law.
International Journal of Law, Human Rights and Constitutional Studies – Volume 3 – 2016
International Journal of Law, Human Rights and Constitutional Studies is a Journal from bouquet of Advanced Research Publications which dedicated to the modern subjects of constitutional law and human rights protection from a global perspective. IJLHRCS emphasizes in the fields of current economic and political crises, globalised democratic governance, human rights public policies, the theory and philosophy of rights, comparative constitutional law and the methodology of law, and provides a central forum for a deeper understanding in the discipline by encouraging the quantitative comparison and performance evaluation of the emerging components of these domains. The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:
Anti-dumping and safeguards, Comparative constitutional law, Constitutional theory and policy, Constitutional rights, Constitutional politics, Constitutional freedoms, Corporate accountability, Competition law, Conflict of laws relating to marriage, adoption, surrogacy and custody of children, Colonialism and imperialism, Democratic,, deficit theory, Democracy and governance, Digital participation, e-democracy, e-governance, Emergent issues in international human rights law, EU, constitutionalisation, Equality and discrimination, Ethnicity & religion, Globalisation and governance, Gender and women’s human rights, Human rights and the law, International constitutional law, International human rights protection, Intellectual property rights/trading, International investment law, International commercial, law/enforcement of foreign judgments, Legal Information Design, Methodology of law, Migration and multiculturalism, Minorities and indigenous peoples, Philosophy of, rights, Patent law, Public/ private Law and Policy, Political parties and elections, Regulating the internet, Special issues of International Law, The turn to history in international law, Technology Policy and Law, Theory of rights, Transitional justice, The ecological crisis, The teaching, research and practice of international law.
International Journal of Law, Human Rights and Constitutional Studies – Volume 4 – 2017
International Journal of Law, Human Rights and Constitutional Studies is a Journal from bouquet of Advanced Research Publications which dedicated to the modern subjects of constitutional law and human rights protection from a global perspective. IJLHRCS emphasizes in the fields of current economic and political crises, globalised democratic governance, human rights public policies, the theory and philosophy of rights, comparative constitutional law and the methodology of law, and provides a central forum for a deeper understanding in the discipline by encouraging the quantitative comparison and performance evaluation of the emerging components of these domains. The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:
Anti-dumping and safeguards, Comparative constitutional law, Constitutional theory and policy, Constitutional rights, Constitutional politics, Constitutional freedoms, Corporate accountability, Competition law, Conflict of laws relating to marriage, adoption, surrogacy and custody of children, Colonialism and imperialism, Democratic,, deficit theory, Democracy and governance, Digital participation, e-democracy, e-governance, Emergent issues in international human rights law, EU, constitutionalisation, Equality and discrimination, Ethnicity & religion, Globalisation and governance, Gender and women’s human rights, Human rights and the law, International constitutional law, International human rights protection, Intellectual property rights/trading, International investment law, International commercial, law/enforcement of foreign judgments, Legal Information Design, Methodology of law, Migration and multiculturalism, Minorities and indigenous peoples, Philosophy of, rights, Patent law, Public/ private Law and Policy, Political parties and elections, Regulating the internet, Special issues of International Law, The turn to history in international law, Technology Policy and Law, Theory of rights, Transitional justice, The ecological crisis, The teaching, research and practice of international law.
International Journal of Law, Human Rights and Constitutional Studies – Volume 5 – 2018
International Journal of Law, Human Rights and Constitutional Studies is a Journal from bouquet of Advanced Research Publications which dedicated to the modern subjects of constitutional law and human rights protection from a global perspective. IJLHRCS emphasizes in the fields of current economic and political crises, globalised democratic governance, human rights public policies, the theory and philosophy of rights, comparative constitutional law and the methodology of law, and provides a central forum for a deeper understanding in the discipline by encouraging the quantitative comparison and performance evaluation of the emerging components of these domains. The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:
Anti-dumping and safeguards, Comparative constitutional law, Constitutional theory and policy, Constitutional rights, Constitutional politics, Constitutional freedoms, Corporate accountability, Competition law, Conflict of laws relating to marriage, adoption, surrogacy and custody of children, Colonialism and imperialism, Democratic,, deficit theory, Democracy and governance, Digital participation, e-democracy, e-governance, Emergent issues in international human rights law, EU, constitutionalisation, Equality and discrimination, Ethnicity & religion, Globalisation and governance, Gender and women’s human rights, Human rights and the law, International constitutional law, International human rights protection, Intellectual property rights/trading, International investment law, International commercial, law/enforcement of foreign judgments, Legal Information Design, Methodology of law, Migration and multiculturalism, Minorities and indigenous peoples, Philosophy of, rights, Patent law, Public/ private Law and Policy, Political parties and elections, Regulating the internet, Special issues of International Law, The turn to history in international law, Technology Policy and Law, Theory of rights, Transitional justice, The ecological crisis, The teaching, research and practice of international law.
International Journal of Literary Studies
The IJLS is published quarterly by Indian Association of Health, Research, and Welfare. It is an indexed and peer-reviewed journal in both print and online version. The journal is indexed with ProQuest, J-Gate, Catell’s Directory and others. IJLS is being published regularly since 2011. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of scientific excellence in the field of Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Urdu and other literary subjects. For more details visit journal page on or write to us at
International Journal of Science, Engineering and Computer Technology
International Journal of Science, Engineering and Computer Technology (IJSECT) related articles. IJSECT is being published regularly since 2011. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of scientific excellence in the subfields of physics, chemistry, mathematics, botany, engineering and computer technology. The ISSN no is 2231-508X. The journal is indexed with ProQuest, J-Gate and other databases. For more details write to us at
International Maths Olympiad – Class 1
Developed by Professionals and Experienced Teachers from top schools across the country, the book has been divided into four sections namely Mathematical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, Achievers section, and Model Papers. Mathematical concepts have been cleared through Solved Examples, Illustrations, and Diagrams. To enhance the problem solving skills of candidates, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions have been provided in each chapter. Two Mock Test Papers have been included for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack Maths Olympiad, Pattern of Exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book. The book is recommended for various school level and competitive exams.
International Maths Olympiad – Class 10
The book ‘International Mathematics Olympiad’ has been divided into five sections namely Mathematics, Logical Reasoning, Achievers section, Subjective section, and Model Papers. In every chapter, the theory has been explained through solved examples, illustrations and diagrams wherever required. To enhance the problem solving skills of candidates Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions are provided in the end of each chapter. The questions in the Achievers’ section are set to evaluate the mathematical skills of brilliant students while the subjective section includes questions of descriptive nature. Two Model Papers have been included for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack Maths Olympiad, Pattern of exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book.
International Maths Olympiad – Class 2
Developed by Professionals and Experienced Teachers from top schools across the country, the book has been divided into four sections namely Mathematical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, Achievers section, and Model Papers. Mathematical concepts have been cleared through Solved Examples, Illustrations, and Diagrams. To enhance the problem solving skills of candidates, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with detailed solutions have been provided in each chapter. Two Mock Test Papers have been included for practice purpose. A CD containing Study Chart for systematic preparation, Tips & Tricks to crack Maths Olympiad, Pattern of Exam, and links of Previous Years Papers is accompanied with this book. The book is recommended for various school level and competitive exams.