Showing 251–300 of 606 results
Italia! Guide to Venice
Captivating Venice – La Serenissima – is, without doubt, one of Italy’s most romantic, intriguing and historic cities, which is why I’m delighted to welcome you to this new guide, packed with essential travel advice and inspiration to help you organise your next visit to the city and the spectacular Veneto region that lies beyond.
JamaicanEats magazine
Good food. Good vibes. JamaicanEats magazine. is for everyone with an interest in Jamaican and Caribbean food and culture. We bring you a slice of paradise in every issue. You will find regular blogs on Jamaican topics, such as, news, entertainment, music, fashion, social issues, my experiences, information about the country, travel tips and insights into everything else Jamaican I have come across.
Jane Austen’s Regency World
Subscribe to Jane Austen’s Regency World magazine to keep up to date with all that is happening in the world of Jane Austen and the Georgian and Regency eras.
JapanUp! magazine
JapanUp!’ had debut July 1, 2007. ‘JapanUp!’ provides informative articles about the latest trends, in food, culture, and entertainment coming out of Japan. Additionally ‘JapanUp!’ shares the latest information about Japanese related businesses in the greater Los Angeles area and offer details about the latest Japanese restaurants, Japanese food recipes, Japanese fashion, Japanese cosmetics and beauty tips.
Jivan Vikas (जीवन विकास)
Jivan Vikas’ is a Marathi monthly magazine of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission published from Ramakrishna Math, Dhantoli, Nagpur.
‘जीवन-विकास’ मराठी मासिक रामकृष्ण मठ, नागपूर येथून दर महिन्याच्या पहिल्या तारखेस प्रकाशित होत असते. आध्यात्मिक, धार्मिक, सांस्कृतिक लेख व तसेच शिक्षण, समाजजीवन, मानसशास्त्र, अर्थशास्त्र, तत्त्वज्ञान, कला, विज्ञान, इतिहास, चरित्रे प्रभृती इतरही महत्त्वाच्या क्षेत्रांतील मूल्यांसंबंधी विधायक लेख ‘जीवन-विकास’ मधून प्रकाशित होत असतात.
Jolphoring is a Bengali language literary monthly magazine published by Techmagnet Solutions from India.
Journey Around Lake Biwa
Shiga Prefecture is home to Lake Biwa, the largest lake in Japan. Lake Biwa comprises one sixth of the area of Shiga Prefecture. People in this area have cherished the lifestyle that makes use of the water source of Lake Biwa. Shiga Prefecture has a rich history with water. Japanese legend includes the story of the birth of Lake Biwa. Like Mt. Fuji, Lake Biwa is a famous Japanese symbol.
This photo magazine will introduce tourist destinations for an enriching journey around Lake Biwa. Indulge your interest in Shiga Prefecture and Japanese culture through the articles of this magazine. Thank you.
Jungle Magazine
Jungle is an international fashion and culture publication based in London that aims to inspire and empower its readers through creative freedom, forward-thinking and artistic expression. It provides a collection of timeless creativity; stemming from the familiarity of the everyday and the imagined unknown: words, sounds, images, collaborations and experiences inspire our pages. Jungle tells a new story, it challenges and it creates a conversation. We hope our pages, like the leaves of a vast, unexplored Jungle may inspire and engage our readers time and time again. This is your invitation to be part of it.
JusBu Magazine
JusBu ( JUST BE YOU) is a platform giving a voice to the New World. In this New Age of Enlightenment and Human Expression we are in desperate need of a Voice.The plan is to create unity through bringing together like minded individuals with a common cause. We at Jusbu Magazine are giving a voice to those who need to be heard. Beauty is everywhere. Lets create community awareness while creating positive energy that can be felt all over the world. Just Be You !
The Astrological magazine which has captured the hearts of the Malayali families.
Kaalam is an international quarterly tamil journal for Art and Literature. Published since 1990, it was founded by Selvam Arulanantham.
“Kaattaaru” is a Tamil monthly published by Kaattaaru team. It was first issued in October 2014. Kaattaaru aims at reforming the society socially and culturally, by igniting scientific temper and rational thinking among people.
After the Aryan invasion, myriad invasions would have taken place in the Indian sub-continent. Regimes changed; Great revolutions had happened in politics on an international scale. But, none of these revolutions or invasions questioned the domination of Vedas in India. Hence, Aryan domination wasn’t dissuaded.
After 20 centuries, Periyar was born. He brought about a socio-cultural revolution to foster rational thinking, which started devastating the Aryan culture. Regimes and laws were changed. Multitudinous magazines were published which provided a strong support for Periyar’s socio-cultural revolution by spreading his principles to every nook and corner of the country. KAATTAARU is a continuation of such magazines.
Owner & Publisher : Vijayaraghavan
Editor-in-chief : A.P.Siva
Editor : Raavanan
Kadambini, HT Media’s monthly socio-cultural literary magazine has a legacy of more than 51 years old. Its first editor was Late Shri Balkrishna Rao, a prominent Hindi writer. Following him many well known literary figures like Late Shri Ramanand Doshi, Shri Rajendra Awasthy, Ajenya, Mahadevi Verma & Kunwar Narayan have contributed immensely to the magazine taking it to unscalableheights.Known for its quality content, Kadamini has becomeindispensible with evolved and discerning reader who yearns forsomething ‘intelligent’ to read. It covers a wide range of subjects including literature, art, culture, science, history,sociology, films and health giving fresh perspectives on them to its readers.
Kalachuvadu is an international monthly journal for politics and culture. Published since 1988, it was founded by the noted Tamil writer Sundara Ramaswamy (1931-2005). Kalachuvadu was published first as a quarterly then a bi-monthly and has been a monthly since 2004.
A Heritage magazine containing approximately 68 pages focusing on cultures of the world with special emphasis on South Asia.
Kalam Kadchhi Barchhi
Kalam Kadchhi Barchhi is a leading Nagar community magazine.It is being published since 1955.
Kalam Kadchhi Barchhi provides platform for every Nagar to share his achievement in education and career and social achievements like marriage.Also Kalam Kadchhi Barchhi gives opportunity to publish their writing skills like articles,poems etc.
For more details Please visit :
Contact us at, for Membership of Physical copy.
Kalnirnay Diwali Ank 2017
जागतिक ते देशातील अंतर्गत विविध घटनांचा आढावा घेणारे नामांकित लेखकांचे अभ्यासपूर्ण लेख, शिरीष पै यांचे हायकू, ‘भारतात ब्रिटीश आलेच नसते तर?’ या विषयावर विविध क्षेत्रातील मान्यवरांचा परिसंवाद, कथा, कविता, व्यंगचित्र, राशिभविष्य, मामंजी यांचे विनोदी किस्से असा भरघोस मजकूर वाचकांना यंदाच्या कालनिर्णय सांस्कृतिक दिवाळी २०१७ अंकात वाचता येईल.
KAMAKOTI is the pioneer in religious publication, a magazine started 26 years back, and with a wide circulation and popularity amongst 32,000 readers in India and Abroad. KAMAKOTI is a part of the ever vibrant and robust, GIRI group of companies, which has a niche market space in the field of Indian Culture and Tradition.
KamerLink Magazine
KamerLink Magazine is an Entertainment / Entrepreneurship magazine that seeks to inspire, spotlight, promote and celebrate young Cameroonian game changers around the world. founded by Cameroonians for Cameroonians, KamerLink Magazine is a people’s magazine featuring content in Entertainment, lifestyle, tourism, fashion, business, health, nutrition etc. The magazine currently has a fast growing audience, standing out as one of the most read and anticipated magazines in the country uniquely accompanied by a mega launch event for every edition.
Tel: +237 677192964
கோவில்கள் நமது வரலாறு, பாரம்பரியத்தை மட்டும் சொல்லவில்லை, அது நமது முன்னோர்களின் நம்பிக்கைகள், வாழ்க்கை முறை, எண்ணங்கள் அனைத்தையும் பிரதிபலித்து வருபவை. கோவிலுக்குள் இருக்கும் ஒவ்வொரு பகுதிக்கும், ஒவ்வொரு செய்திக்கும் ஒரு முக்கியத்துவம் உண்டு. ஒரு பின்னணி உண்டு.
அதே போல், ஒவ்வொரு கோவிலும் இது மாறுபடுவதும் உண்டு. ஒவ்வொரு ஊரின் வாழ்க்கை முறையை ஒட்டி, இந்த மாற்றங்கள், கோவில் வழிபாட்டு முறைகளில் ஏற்பட்டு இருக்கின்றன. நமது வளமான பல் இன கலாசாரத்தின் வெளிப்பாடாக இந்த மாறுதல்கள் ஏற்பட்டு இருக்கின்றன என்று புரிந்துகொள்ள வேண்டும்.
ஸ்ரீநிவாச ராகவன் இந்த நூலில் கோவிலின் ஒவ்வொரு பகுதிக்கும் இருக்கின்ற முக்கியத்துவத்தை விரிவாக எடுத்துக் கூறியிருக்கிறார். கூடவே தென்னகமெங்கும் வியாபித்து இருக்கும் பல கோவில்களில், குறிப்பிட்ட அந்தப் பகுதி எவ்வாறெல்லாம் பெருமைபெற்று இருக்கிறது, வேறு வேறு பொருள்களைக் கொண்டு இருக்கின்றன என்றும் விவரித்துச் செல்கிறார்.
An online collaborative journal for and by creatives covering design, arts and culture, and lifestyle.
Karnataka Today
Karnataka is a blessed land, rooted in tradition yet technologically advanced, colorful and culturally extravagant, cosmopolitan and congenial. For Kannadiga’s spread across the globe, this is home, and they are always eager to connect.
Spearhead Publications Pvt. Ltd’s monthly English publication ‘Karnataka Today’ launched in November 2015, does just that, even as it consistently lives up to its tag line – “Independent; Impartial”.
Karnataka Today has something for everyone in Karnataka – from analysis of issues that affect society to business and technology, from culture to leisure and health to life style. Its superior all color print quality, aesthetic layout and most importantly, relevant, unbiased and extensive coverage of issues impacting India in general and Karnataka in particular has already caught the eyes of the reader.
Katha is the Online Odia/Oriya Magazine promoting Odia Literature which includes History of Odisha, Scientific views on Hindu epics, Odia Short Stories, Odia Stories and more..
Malayalam Short Stories, Articles about Short stories in Malayalam Language
The environment around us is influencing our Marathi Culture, our Lifestyle & Food more than any time. Katta captures those changes happening around us & how we are changing – highlighting newer horizons.
പ്രഥമ ലക്കം കാവലിന് അന്നത്തെ മുഖ്യമന്ത്രി ഇ.കെ.നായനാർ നൽകിയ സന്ദേശത്തിൽ “പോലീസിലുള്ള കലാപ്രതിഭകളെ കണ്ടെത്തുന്നതിനും അവരെ സാംസ്കാരിക രംഗത്തിന്റെ ശ്രദ്ധയിൽ കൊണ്ടുവരുന്നതിനും ഈ മാസിക സഹായകമാകട്ടെ” എന്ന് ആശംസിച്ചു.
Kerala Tourism Magazine is a Perfect Portrait of Kerala – God’s Own Country. is a monthly magazine for Travelers and Tourism Entrepreneurs and professionals. September issue focus is Best of Kerala Hospitality Professionals & Kerala’s Best Tour Operators, 25 years of Kerala Tourism- A Retrospective and Kerala Travel Mart 2016 a curtain raiser, .
Kesari Weekly
Kesari Weekly, owned by Hindustan Prakasan Trust, is a Malayalam weekly that publishes instructive articles based on specific subjects since 1951. We aim at effectively playing a prominent role in the Politico-Socio-Cultural field of Kerala and educating the people of the state on various issues concerning them. Our objective is to advance the progress of the country in all possible ways, in consonance with the Dharma, Ideals, Culture and Tradition of Bharata Varsha. Kesari stands for truth and justice. In an environment where untruth and injustice reign supreme, our mission is to uphold truth and justice. Ours is an attempt to clear the cobwebs of wrong perceptions and confusion and present real facts in the proper light.
Kindle is a national monthly based out of Kolkata. We are a youth-targeted magazine and have been in publication since 2008. Largely, a socio-political magazine, we give equal importance to culture, sports, music, art, culture, literature, technology and other walks of life. So far, we have had cover stories on issues like Wikileaks, Sedition in India, Icons against the state, the State of the Left and much more. .
Kishore Bharati
In the year 1968 Kishore Bharati started with a vision to be a pioneer magazine for the youths of Bengal. During that period, there were no magazines for the Juvenile and Teenagers.
All the top authors like Ashapurna Devi, Premendra Mitra, Bonophool, Narayan Gangopadhyay and renowned artists like Mayukh Chowdhury, Narayan Debnath, Shailya Chakraborty contributed to the magazine from the start.
Down the years, all the top ranking and most popular authors from Bengal, like Sunil Gangopadhyay, Shirshendu Mukhopadhyay, Sanjeeb Chattopadhyay, Samares Mazumdar, Suchitra Bhattacharya have been associated with Kishore Bharati.
We encourage book reading and writing, and hence we regularly promote story writing competitions. To us quality matters more than the name. A bunch of young generation writers are now coming up.
Kizhakku Vaasal Udhayam
A Tamil magazine run since 2005, that differs entirely from all others on all aspects.
மனசெல்லாம் மலர்க்காடாக்கும் ஒரு பல்சுவைத் திங்களிதழ். எது மாதிரியும் இல்லாத புது மாதிரி இதழ்.
It is a magazine for Tamil Literature. It publishes kavithai, kathai, katturai etc.,
Krishna Amutham
கிருஷ்ண அமுதம் என்கிற பக்தி இதழ் ஓவ்வொரு மாதமும் மதுரை இஸ்கான் சார்பாக வெளியிடப்படுகிறது. இந்த இதழில் கதையாக கீதை, கிருஷ்ணரின் அமுத லீலைகள், ஸ்ரீல பிரபுபாதாவின் பக்தி உரைகள், ஆன்மிகமும் அறிவியலும், கிருஷ்ணா உணர்வில் ஆரோக்கியம்,ஆன்மிக கேள்வி பதில்கள், சாதுக்களின் சரிதம் மற்றும் பல விஷயங்கள் ஸ்ரீ கிருஷ்ணரின் அழகிய வண்ணப் படங்களுடன் வருகிறது.
Kunkumam is a monthly magazine for all the members at home. It was started in 1965 to cater mainly to literary and cultural interests. Some of the most outstanding Malayalam novels of recent times, including some which attracted Academy Awards and even the highly esteemed Jnanapit Award, were first published serially in this prestige periodical. Kunkumam, the elite literary monthly that has captivated the hearts of the Kerala house-holds for the last four decades has everything unique to its credit. It has the largest array of literary and journalistic luminaries at its helm, promoting the best in Malayalam fiction, poetry and culture. It is no tall claim that Kunkumam is the best drawing room companion to the up bracket ‘Keralite Family’ – next to TV. Also when it comes to well focused product targeting you could ask for nothing better – because Kunkumam is only next to the miniscreen!
Kwantuthu Arts Magazine
Kwantunthu Arts is a magazine for art lovers, artists, promoters and creative professionals. Every month we profile events, artists, books, music, fashion, performing arts, theatre and film in every issue. You’ll find inspirational, creative works profiles and talent spotlights; all aimed at promoting the local Zimbabwean, African and international art industry players and celebrate the successful creative’s via our online magazine.
Kyoto Journal
KJ is in many ways a unique publication. Firstly, it is not only non-profit, but also completely volunteer-based, over a very wide-reaching network. None of the editors – or contributors – are paid. We believe that KJ’s uniqueness extends to its editorial approach, its content – the range of topics covered – and to our approach to design.
A journal, whether public or private, is an ongoing means of looking afresh at the inhabited world, both social and natural. In selecting material for KJ we look for intelligent work that comes also from the heart. We are curious about society, beliefs, traditions and new developments — how people live, and live well — through the lens of Asian experience. Our generous contributors share valuable Asian insights through special features, interviews and profiles, fiction, poetry, photo-essays and reviews, in both omnibus and specially themed issues.
The unique aspect of KJ’s award-winning visual presentation is that our designers shape each story according to its individual content, without relying on templates. Each article is a separate exploration and finds its own form, while often existing in a deliberate interplay with other pieces, meaning that each issue adds up to more than the sum of its parts.
Our name, “Kyoto Journal,” also reflects more than a physical location. Kyoto is a place of deep spiritual and cultural heritage, and has been the measure of such things here in Japan for more than a millennium. Kyoto culture has looked deeply inwards (think Zen, and a host of related experiential paths) and has also drawn richly from outside, especially in relatively recent years since the Meiji modernization. Essentially, KJ is a community that transcends place, while respecting and celebrating regional and local identity.
We aim to make the best use of the media at hand in continuing to seek the essence of Asia. Care to join us?
l’Arca International
The international magazine of architecture, design and visual communication
Ladies Special
Ladies Special is a Monthly Magazine in tamil for the women published form India
Ladies Special is a Women’s Monthly Magazine in Tamil operating since 1997. The magazine addresses to the niche market of Women Empowerment and has contributed significantly in encouraging, establishing and improving Women Entrepreneurship. Ladies Special has a wide readership across the globe and has subscribers from over 5 nations.
The editor and publisher, Mrs.Girija Raghavan, is a well known Television anchor and producer. Her programs have aired in several popular Tamil Channels for more than 20 years. In addition to Television, she has successfully organized several events and exhibitions. All her work is catered towards Women Entrepreneurship and upliftment of Women in the society. She is also a well accomplished Event Conductor.
Women who have a burning fire towards success view Ladies Special as a tool that aides their growth. The contents of the Magazine include Culture, Tradition, Entrepreneurship, Real Life incidents, Stories, Travel, Handwork, Painting, to name a few. Every month we publish a supplementary to the main book which contains 30 attractive handworks. The supplementary, whose goal is to enable to readers to learn artistic trades, is provided free of cost with the purchase of the magazine.
Ladies special is approved by Govt of tamilnadu and all Govt. Libraries have copies of our magazine. Ladies Special also features in Higginbotham’s approved list and it is prominently displayed in all their stalls at railway stations.
Ladies special is posted in the website . The advertisements in the printed version of the magazine appear in the website in the same format at no extra cost. This provides wide advertising and reaches our online readers across the world.The hits so far at the site are 3,18,000.
Ladies Special is not “yet another magazine”. It is a movement. It is a symbol of Women Recognition. It is a platform for those who have been waiting by the sidelines for years, decades even, to come to the forefront and realize their dreams. Under the vision, leadership and guidance of the Editor &Publisher; Mrs.Girija Raghavan the readers of Ladies Special have developed emotionally, economically and financially day by day.
LaughMag is a publication dedicated to highlighting the careers of comedians from then and now, and those to come. LaughMag will keep you updated on the latest entertainment news in the realm of comedy.
Le Messager à l’Aile Blanche
Le Messager à l’Aile Blanche est un magazine en langue française conçu dans l’effort d’inspirer la pensée et la pratique chrétiennes en communicant « la bonne nouvelle » de l’évangile de Jésus-Christ. C’est la publication officielle de l’Église de Dieu de la Prophétie qui compte environ 1,5 million de membres dans le monde.
Le Messager à l’Aile Blanche is a French-language magazine striving to inspire Christian thought and practice as it imparts the “good news” of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the official publication of the Church of God of Prophecy denomination, which has a global membership of 1.5 million.
Leben: A Journal of Reformation Life
Leben Magazine is today’s fastest growing publication of Christian history and biography told through the lives and events of the people who lived it–and those who are living it today.
Read stories of the Reformers and patriots, missionaries and martyrs in this richly illustrated quarterly of evangelical Christianity.
Lehigh Valley Magazine
For the past 24 years, Lehigh Valley Magazine has been providing Lehigh Valley readers with compelling and credible editorial as well as quality and innovative artistic design. Over the years, LVM has grown into the Lehigh Valley’s premier bi-monthly city/regional publication. Every summer, LVM also recognizes their readers’ favorite eateries, businesses, services and people with the Best of the Valley awards. Published by Benchmark Group Media, LVM truly is the Valley’s magazine.
LIFE baptism
Everything you need to know about baptism! Το Life Magazine, είναι το μεγαλύτερο lifestyle free press περιοδικό. Τόσο στο εξώφυλλο όσο και στις στήλες του φιλοξενούνται συνεντεύξεις από προσωπικότητες του καλλιτεχνικού, επιχειρηματικού, πολιτικού χώρου. Για εμάς στο Life είναι σημαντική η έγκυρη ενημέρωση των αναγνωστών μας και για αυτό στις σελίδες μας αρθρογραφούν κορυφαίοι διατροφολόγοι, ιατροί, και επαγγελματίες του χώρου της ομορφιάς και της υγείας.
LIMESTONE is a journalism-based print, digital and broadcast media platform for the Texas Hill Country and those who identify with this lifestyle throughout the United States. LIMESTONE is published by Granite Publications, a Texas-based successful community newspaper publishing company for more than 30 years. LIMESTONE produces original premium content and programming specific to life in the Texas Hill Country. Based in Boerne, Texas, media veteran Ceslie Armstrong serves as publisher & editor-in-chief. Published bi-monthly, the print publication of LIMESTONE is distributed throughout the state of Texas with specialty distribution in NYC, Asia & Europe.
LIMESTONE is about how we live, work and play in the Texas Hill Country. The rich and colorful landscape, characters, images and stories of this region of the great state of Texas come alive in the pages of the print magazine and digital destinations of LIMESTONE.
As one of the fastest growing regions of the U.S.A., the Texas Hill Country is unique in its history and combined with the promise of a rousing future make for compelling and interesting stories revealed only as LIMESTONE can. With the editorial promise of honoring the past while looking to the future, LIMESTONE’s journalists live the lifestyle on which they report.
The voice and vision of the Texas Hill Country is gritty, glamorous, artistic, candid, prideful, hard-working and filled with laughter. LIMESTONE’s content reflects the traditions and practices that are woven through all aspects of living a full life enriched by music, art, food, fashion, architecture, literature and sporting all while having one’s feet firmly planted on the land.
Lisons les Maudits
Mis de côté par la société, les auteurs maudits reviennent par la grande porte dans un magazine pas comme les autres !
Litchfield County Country Capitalist Magazine, weston magazine group publisher of 14 upscale & sophisticated hyper-local regional luxury lifestyle magazines in new york city metro/suburban affluent luxury market: sohonyc magazine, hamptons country capitalist magazine, greenwich country capitalist magazine, central park west magazine, the upper east side magazine, tribeca magazine, long island country capitalist magazine, litchfield county country capitalist magazine, new canaan country capitalist magazine, westport country capitalist magazine, weston magazine, rye magazine, westchester country capitalist magazine, and alpine nj magazine.
With the focus on Literature and Lifestyle of the Urban Youth of the Country; LitGleam is a monthly magazine, an intrinsic part of India’s Publishing House, Blue Rose. Using print media, we aim to revolutionize the literary world by providing a creative platform to the talented upcoming writers in getting their work acknowledged. With the target readership of Urban Youth, LitGleam deals with the socio-literary issues around the globe, reviving the culture of taking a magazine break in the busy lives of the estranged readers.
Little India
Little India is the largest Indian publication in the United States. The editorial focus of the print magazine, established in 1991, is on cosmopolitan Indians worldwide. Every month, the magazine brings readers features and trenchant commentaries on overseas Indian life and the works and visions of Indian artists, performers and professionals.