Showing 351–400 of 606 results


SKU: Mag-15147

This is a very small book with ten pages only. It Carries details from ancient granthas and describes Nagamani in detail. The book is just for research Purpose and, I do not endorse the killing of wild life in Any way.
The book carries detailed analysis of this myth and a Differentiation between a fake and real pearl.


SKU: Mag-17567

A Bengali Magazine contains society

National Review

SKU: Mag-13293

Founded by William F. Buckley Jr. in 1955, and now edited by Rich Lowry, National Review has long been, and continues to be, among America’s most influential opinion magazines. A bold claim? Not from the only American magazine ever to have launched a major political movement. And not from the only American magazine that has consistently provided insightful, unique, and incomparable coverage of the most important political, economic, social, and cultural issues and trends.


SKU: Mag-27526

“Nationalism is a collection of lectures delivered by Rabindranath Tagore in Japan, in 1916. This collection is divided into three essays: Nationalism in Japan, Nationalism in the West, and Nationalism in India. During the time when these lectures were delivered, the First World War was unfolding. Tagore’s lectures critiquing nationalism led to a mixed response.
The lectures critique the concepts of nation and nationalism that turn men and women away from their self-sacrificing and creative nature. Tagore cautions us against aggressive imperialistic tendencies of nationalism found in the West and Japan. He proposes an alternate definition of nationalism for India—one that is shaped through the works of medieval mystics, poets and spiritual figures, such as Guru Nanak, Sant Kabir Das, and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
Tagore’s thoughts on nation and nationalism bore a lasting influence on Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. Interestingly, Tagore criticized Gandhi’s Non-cooperation Movement as narrow, and dangerous. In his infamous meeting with Gandhi in 1921, he focused on India’s hospitality and the country’s potential to contribute towards creating a more united world. These discussions helped Gandhi rework the meaning of nationalism. Tagore’s ideas on diversity and inclusivity went on to help Nehru shape up his vision of India as a synthesis between tradition and modernity.

Native American Art Magazine

SKU: Mag-14330

Native American Art is the first-ever bimonthly publication offering complete and comprehensive coverage of the market of contemporary and historic Native art. Featured are previews of upcoming shows, auctions, fairs, markets, exhibitions and events.

Native Max Magazine

SKU: Mag-6509

Native Max Magazine covers Native American and Aboriginal fashion and style, entertainment/pop culture, art, health & fitness, current events and culturally-related articles in each issue, as well as inspirational and educational stories in each publication. Native Max Magazine provides readers unparalleled access to what’s new and trending in Native fashion, like showcasing pieces and designs of Native American and Aboriginal/First Nations designers, making Native Max Magazine the only publication in the world to do so.

Navneet Samarpan

SKU: Mag-5412

Navneet Samarpan Magazine is a Gujarati Magazine from India, published by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. The magazine is devoted to life, literature and culture. The Gujarati magazine caters to the affluent people of Gujarat and has become an integral part of their families. The magazine enjoys impressive growth record and a wide readership across India. It also has an extended coverage of various historical temples, articles from Indian epics and real life experiences. Navneet Samarpan has earned a credibility and respect, rarely enjoyed by other magazines. It also discusses about various topics such as spirituality, meditation, yoga, etc.
Many outstanding poets, short story writers and thinkers, contribute to it. Republishing articles from Samarpan has become a usual feature in several Gujarati papers and magazines.
The Navneet Samarpan is published in Gujarati on 1st of every month i.e. 12 issues a year.
Editor : Shri Deepak Doshi
Editorial & Administrative Office:
Navneet Samarpan
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
Kulapati Dr. K. M. Munshi Marg,
Mumbai 400 007.
Phone: 022-23631261 / 23634462
Fax No: 022-23630058


SKU: Mag-17824

Navotthan is a purely cultural magazine published under the banner of India’s first and only multilingual news agency, Hindusthan Samachar. Some stories in the magazine are of historical perspective. Navotthan is the only magazine of its kind to be published across the country. The articles in the magazine are written by well-known writers and experts.

Naye Pallav Manthan

SKU: Mag-19091

Naye Pallav Manthan is an educational, literal and cultural magazine. This magazine is very useful for the students of competitive exams. You can read the articles of authors from all over the country . It is totally made in colour with an attractive design.

Neesah Magazine

SKU: Mag-9434

Neesh is a quarterly magazine that features eclectic literature. It also focuses on the backbone of the publishing industry i.e., the artists, illustrators, books over designers..etc. Neesah means new beginnings. For our launch issue, we had a melange of stories, poetry, book store review, book reviews, article with a underlying theme as newness. Neesah wishes to connect everyone associated with the Book to understand each other’s work.

Neon Literary Magazine

SKU: Mag-11666

Neon is an independent UK-based literary magazine which publishes a selection of fiction and poetry three times each year. Each edition combines magical realism with horror, slipstream and literary writings. We have a particular taste for the surreal and strange.


SKU: Mag-9481

“neScholar Magazine” published by North East Brothers Entertainments Pvt Ltd is a Quarterly Multi-Colour magazine, registered under “RNI-MANENG/2014/00112” and “ISSN” No.2350-0336.

It (vol 01 issue 01 Oct Dec 2014) was successfully released on 27th September 2014 at Manipur Press Club, Imphal where Dr.R.K. Nimai, Former Commissioner Art and Culture, Govt of Manipur is the Editor in Chief.

The modest intention behind “neScholar Magazine” is to impart knowledge on North East India beyond school and college textbooks and also to inculcate a new form of reading habit among students.

“neScholar” Magazine is an effort for providing information to our students, which are felt relevant and good to know. We try to bring in a mix of articles covering various subjects and topics. 21st Century is an age of information and information is regarded as power. The School curricula just could not provide all the information required to make our students a knowledgeable person. And ours is a small endeavour to bridge a little of the gap in knowledge.

The world is becoming a global village and in the process many things which our ancestors have empirically learnt through experience and handed over from generations to generations is being substituted by newer things without understanding the implications. Values have changed but the traditional knowledge needs to be recorded and reassessed to understand the importance of such knowledge. Many of our cultural heritage are slowly being eroded aping other’s culture without realising the implications. The beauty of the world is its varied nuances and differences. If we have a single culture in our society, will the earth be as beautiful as it is now?

It features valuable information and articles in the field of Science & Technology, History & Archaeology, Heritage, Nature, Sports& Adventures and Career – for the curious mind. Our endeavor is to make reading an easy and joyful experience.

Board Of Editors / Expert Panel are a group of Experienced professors from reputed Universities of North East India namely Manipur University, North East Hill University (NEHU) Meghalaya, Gauhati University (Assam), Tripura University and Mizoram University.

New Brighton

SKU: Mag-1943

A rollercoaster ride back in time to the much-loved seaside resort. A golden era of sun-drenched beaches, donkey rides and fish and chips on the prom.

New Consciousness Review

SKU: Mag-9691

Reviews of progressive and transformational books, films and products; articles and interviews with visionaries and authors who inform, empower, and inspire others to make the world a better place.

New İstanbul Dergisi

SKU: Mag-16588

New İstanbul Türkiye’nin Yeni Dergisi

Nisan 2015’de yayına hayatına başlayan New İstanbul dergisi, şehrine gönül verenlerin bir araya gelip şehrin bilinmezlerine ışık tutmayı hedefler. Uzun araştırmalar sonucu İstanbul’a dair yapılan yayınlarda hep bir şeylerin eksik k aldığını fark eden İstanbul’un gönüllü ekibi, İstanbul’u seven, yaşayan ve benimseyen insanlar adına şehrin haberlerini, kültürünü, tarihi dokusunu ve semtlerini sütunlarına taşıyor. Şehrin gece hayatını, modasını takip eden İstanbul’a dair çok özel dosyalarla, keyifli ve ses getirecek röportajlara yer veren New İstanbul dergisi, aranan ve özlenen eşsiz bir İstanbul arşivini okuyucularıyla buluşturuyor.

New York City-Guide for the Arts

SKU: Mag-5695

The Guide for the Arts is the only publication featuring the complete annual schedules of New York City’s leadings Arts organizations. Opera, Symphony, Ballet, Theatres and Museums,special event calendars, box office listings and more. A must have for the serious Arts Patron


SKU: Mag-10071

Nilafrance is a free magazine cayying france’s news in tamil.


SKU: Mag-19448

Tamil Literature and Culture magazine

Nirmit Magazine

SKU: Mag-26722

સામાજિક, શૈક્ષણિક, સાંસ્ક્રુતિક, સાહિત્યિક અને વ્યવસાયિક ગતિવિધિઓની જાણકારી અને અંતરંગ વિગતો ‘નિર્મિત ‘ માંથી મળે તેવી નેમ સાથે… એક નવા સૂર્યનો ઉદય થઇ રહ્યો છે.
‘નિર્મિત’ ને શિષ્ટ સાહિત્ય, લોકસાહિત્યના અભ્યાસી અને લોકશિક્ષણમાં શ્રધ્ધા ધરાવતા સહ્યદયી લેખકો મળ્યા છે, તે ‘નિર્મિત’ માટે જમા પાસુ છે. લેખકો એ ‘નિર્મિત’ ની મૂડી છે.
કુટુંબના આબાલ-વ્રુધ્દ્ધ પ્રત્યેક સભ્યો એક સાથે બેસી ને ‘નિર્મિત’ વાંચી શકશે, એવુ એનુ પોત છે.
અનેક વિટંબણા અને સમસ્યા-પ્રક્ષ્ર્નોથી ઘેરાયેલા ગ્રામ્ય વિસ્તારનાં પીડાતા ત્રસ્ત લોકો આજે નિરાશામય જીંદગી જીવી રહ્યાં છે તેવા સમયે તેના ખભે હાથ મુકીને હિંમત, સધિયારો આપવનું કાર્ય ‘નિર્મિત’ કરશે.
એટલુંજ નહી પણ… માણસના દિલમાં માતુભૂમિની અસ્મિતાનો ભાવ જગાડવાનું ઉમદા કાર્ય ‘નિર્મિત’ કરશે.
દર સપ્તાહે સોમવારે આપણી કાઠિયાવાની સંસ્ક્રુતિ અને વિરાસતને ‘નિર્મિત’ માં ગૌરવભેર સ્થાન અપાશે.

Omaha Magazine

SKU: Mag-28092

Omaha’s city magazine.

OMM Saravanabava

SKU: Mag-665

OMM Saravanabava ஓம் சரவணபவ : OMM SARAVANA BAVA is a spiritual magazine which covers divine and spiritual things in various places in India and abroad. Spiritual oriented people are often anxious to buy this magazine, because of its special supplement which is very useful and divine. It is a monthly periodical.

One India One People

SKU: Mag-15615

One India One People Foundation (OIOP) is a not-for-profit organisation, set up by the late Mr. Sadanand A. Shetty, an industrialist, in August 1997, coinciding with India’s 50th year of Independence. The purpose of the Foundation is to build awareness about various issues concerning India, in order to bring about a systemic change. With this in mind, he launched the One India One People magazine and the One India One People Clubs.

One India One People Magazine is a unique, informative, well-researched, thought-provoking and thematic monthly magazine about issues which are peculiar to India and concerns Indians. It documents and highlights the cultural legacy, developmental challenges, contribution of Indians, and the lesser known geographical facts about this vast country. India has made tremendous progress in some areas of development, while it is still grappling with very basic issues of poverty, corruption and access to basic infrastructure for its citizens. The magazine has been covering diverse and socially relevant themes such as Health, Poverty, Literacy, Casteism, Corruption, Law & Judiciary, Police Reforms, Consumer Rights, Corporate Social Responsibility, Disaster Management, Terrorism, Infrastructure, Spirituality, Media, Civil Society, Human Rights, Youth, etc., to name a few.


SKU: Mag-28305

Oruma Malayalam Magazine, Mainly Focused On Literature & Culture

Ottawa Magazine

SKU: Mag-25653

Ottawa Magazine exists to inspire the ambition that will shape the future of Ottawa.

Our Canada

SKU: Mag-9646

The extraordinary magazine that brings our country to life! Share in the stories, photos, special hometown places, and family-favourite recipes that make this the most unique. proud-to-be-Canadian magazine ever. Every picture and story in this one-of-a-kind magazine will bring Canada to vivid, colourful life for you. Join almost 800,000 readers – and celebrate Canada!


SKU: Mag-13949



Outlook Onam Special

SKU: Mag-1276

A unique, sophisticated, urbane read with articles, stories and opinion pieces by new exciting voices in Malayalam.

OvaGround Mogul

SKU: Mag-769

OvaGround Mogul Magazine Showcases the best in music art and culture. we show the world the next up and coming Artist and Musicians from around the world. We are 2 million strong in Issuu and 30 million strong here in Magzter. These moguls have made a name for themselves and have risen to tell their side of the story and hopefully retain more fans throught the power of the music and social media. We need all to please support not only these talented artist but also help us in efforts to raise awareness with our charities , in which we donate proceeds to help different groups in your communities. this is the reason we why we decided to do these publication… to create awareness and to give back we are dedicated to give 1/3 of our proceeds to help groups such as breast cancer research, the boys and girls club of america and the homeless. So by you buying a subscription you will automaticlly be donating to these charites. thats what we stand for and what we are about, so please subscribe today ! Thank you for your continuous contribution.


SKU: Mag-1613

A monthly in Malayalam, Pachakuthira covers mainly topics of general interest such as current affairs, politics, social issues, articles and poems, interviews with important personality and so on.

DC Media, the magazine publishing wing of DC Books publishes Education Insider, a Pan Asian B2B Magazine for the education sector, News’n’ More, a current affairs and GK focused magazine for students, Emerging Kerala, a magazine which focuses on the socio-economic development of Kerala and Pachakuthira, a magazine which intervene in the socio-political space.


SKU: Mag-25568

മലയാളത്തിലെ പ്രശസ്തമായ സാഹിത്യ മാസികയാണ് പച്ചമലയാളം. കഥകൾ, കവിതകൾ,ലേഖനങ്ങൾ, ആനുകാലിക കലാ സാഹിത്യ വിഷയങ്ങൾ, മലയാളത്തിലെ പ്രമുഖ എഴുത്തുകാരുമായുള്ള അഭിമുഖ സംഭാഷണങ്ങൾ എന്നിവയാണ് പ്രധാന ഉള്ളടക്കം. മലയാള സാഹിത്യ രംഗത്ത് ചൂടേറിയ ചർച്ചകൾക്ക് കാരണമായ നിരവധി അഭിമുഖ സംഭാഷണങ്ങൾ പച്ചമലയാളത്തിൽ പ്രസിദ്ധീകൃതമായിട്ടുണ്ട്. അനുവാചകപക്ഷത്തു നിന്നുള്ള തുറന്ന പ്രതികരണങ്ങളും നിഷ്പക്ഷവും ജനാധിപത്യപരവുമായ നിലപാടുകളും പച്ചമലയാളത്തെ വ്യത്യസ്തമാക്കുന്നു.

Pacific Rim Magazine

SKU: Mag-7928

Pacific Rim Magazine informs and entertains our readers by offering a fresh outlook on the people and issues that connect Vancouver, British Colombia to the countries from around the Pacific Rim.
We feature stories about culture, travel, environment, politics, food and health. The magazine is written, designed and produced by the Publishing Program students at Langara College.

Palm Beach-Miami-Guide for the Arts

SKU: Mag-5716

The Guide for the Arts is the only publication featuring the complete annual schedules of South Florida’s Leading Arts organizations. Opera, Symphony,Ballet,Theatres and Museums,special event calendars,box office listings and more. A must have for the serious Arts Patron


SKU: Mag-9376

Pana is a London based cultural magazine for young people. Pana reports on trends in fashion, music, cinema, sport and technology. Pana was created by young people for young people.

This magazine was created by BTEC Media Production students at DLD College, London.


SKU: Mag-7957

kalabacharth panjangam 2014-2015 ,udhayaum udhayalparam mani minietil ,
vivahaporuthavum dhoshapariharagalum
nal sobavagal ,shubamuhoorthagal,


SKU: Mag-10456

News & Family:Magazine is leading famous magazine which brings you by reading more and more new updates on a new information on new things and much more colorful things….


SKU: Mag-23676

Peace and Reconciliation Network of the Jesuit Conference of South Asia, along with its Nodal Agency, Loyola Institute of Peace and International Relations (LIPI), Kochi, has launched the first issue of the online Magazine: PAX LUMINA: A Quest for Peace and Reconciliation.

This is brought out with a view to promoting Peace and Reconciliation worldwide with a South Asian Perspective. In fact, we are highly privileged to have an array of eminent scholars, writers and peace practitioners in our Advisory/Editorial Board.


SKU: Mag-8241

“Peyal” is an internationally refereed half-yearly journal of Tamil Studies published in the months of April and October. Peyal publishes scholarly articles on all topics and research areas related to Tamil Studies. Peyal and its international editorial board is dedicated to serving the Tamil Society by providing a platform to exhibit and exchange scholarship in Tamil, and thereby make a squirrel’s contribution to Tamil scholarship.
பெயல் அரையாண்டு ஆய்விதழ் தமிழாய்வுக் களத்தில் தீவிரமானதும், கருத்துச்செறிவுடையதுமான ஆராய்ச்சியைத் தமிழ்த்துறைகளில் செழுமைப்படுத்தும் பணியில் தன்னை இணைத்துக்கொண்டுள்ளது. பெயலுடன் இணைந்து செயல்பட வாசகர்களை அழைக்கிறோம்.


SKU: Mag-12145

Revista temática y bimestral de Fotografía, Ilustración, Diseño, Literatura, Arte, Moda & Cultura. Lo ideal sería que se desarrolla en un paisaje escénico como un parque , al lado de un lago o con una interesante vista y, posiblemente, en un acto público como ante una obra de teatro al aire libre , y por lo general en el verano .


SKU: Mag-20261

Enjoy the beauty of this world through the lenses of some of the most accomplished photographers in the world. PIX™ delivers photography and some fun facts only so you can immerse yourself into the picture.

Planet China

SKU: Mag-16758

Planet China is a collection of interviews with experts, directors, designers, photographers, journalists, critics, and artists. Planet China includes interviews by Dominique Musorrafiti and Matteo Damiani with some of the most prominent experts of China. and are two web magazines around Chinese culture and represent a virtual bridge between Asia and Western countries. Since 2002, China-underground has organized cultural events and festivals and created documentaries, photo reports, and magazines (Cina Magazine, Chine Magazine).

Platform Lights

SKU: Mag-8579

Johannesburg urban sub-culture magazine with a political twist. This is what this magazine is! Young, vibrant, conscience and 21st century African.

Politismos Magazine for Greek History, Culture and Art

SKU: Mag-12232

Politismos is the Greek word for “culture.” Written from the Greek perspective, the magazine provides an insider’s look into Greece and its modern day contributions to arts, culture, gastronomy and so much more!

Politismos Magazine includes articles by experts in various fields, academics and young professionals. They share the “hidden treasures” of Greece, where to visit and what to see, as well as insightful commentary on a variety of relevant issues including Greek arts and history abroad.

Polymath Review

SKU: Mag-9156

The Polymath Review is a Quarterly Professional Development Journal celebrating the interdisciplinary artist, author, musician, filmmaker and human being. One part literary journal featuring speculative fiction & poetry, one part professional development journal. Featuring exclusive interviews with professional artists, authors & professors and Artist Development Columns from talented artists within their fields, The Polymath Review reviews literature, music, arts events & film.

Polymath appeals to the artist, intellectual and lover of speculative fiction, poetry & art simultaneously.

Popshot Magazine

SKU: Mag-10707

Popshot is an illustrated literary magazine that publishes short stories, flash fiction, and poetry from the literary new blood.

The magazine is published bi-annually, releasing a new issue every April and October.


SKU: Mag-10989

Pourusha is the Online Odia/Oriya Magazine promoting Odia Literature which includes History of Odisha, Scientific views on Hindu epics, Odia Short Stories, Odia Stories and more..


SKU: Mag-21975

Prasadhakan monthly is a socio political magazine in Malayalam – established in Trivandrum, Kerala in 2013 with wide readership and reach among
Malayalees in Kerala and outside.

One of the leading and acclaimed Malayalam periodicals with steady growing readership in the last seven years, since
inception in 2013.

The commitment and the objectivity in bringing in relevant socio political issues to the fore front has
gained Prasadhakan the critical acclaim of being the most influential voice in policy making.

Prasadhakan keeps its objectivity intact as an initiative of a group of committed progressive
thinkers from different walks of life including sociologists, journalists and academicians on editorial


SKU: Mag-13439

पहला दौर मुख्यतः अंग्रेज़ी में और यदा-कदा अन्य भारतीय भाषाओं में लिखी गयी बेहतरीन रचनाओं को अनुवाद और सम्पादन के जरिये हिन्दी में लाने का था। इसमें मिली अपेक्षाकृत सफलता के बाद अंग्रेज़ी से अनुवाद और सम्पादन पर जोर कायम रखते हुए भारतीय भाषाओं में भी समाज-चिन्तन करने की दिशा में बढ़ने की जरूरत महसूस हो रही थी। लेकिन इस पहलकदमी के साथ व्याहारिक और ज्ञानमीमांसक धरातल पर एक रचनात्मक मुठभेड़ की पूर्व-शर्त जुड़ी हुई थी। सीएसडीएस के स्वर्ण जयंती वर्ष में समाज-विज्ञान और मानविकी की अर्धवार्षिकी पूर्व-समीक्षित पत्रिकाप्रतिमान समय समाज संस्कृति का प्रकाशन इस शर्त की आंशिक पूर्ति कर सकता है। पिछले कुछ वर्षों में अध्ययन पीठ में अंग्रेजी के साथ-साथ हिन्दी में भी लेखन करने वाले विद्वानों की संख्या बढ़ी है। साथ ही भारतीय भाषा कार्यक्रम के इर्द-गिर्द कुछ युवा और सम्भावनापूर्ण अनुसंधानकर्त्ता भी जमा हुए हैं। प्रतिमान का मक़सद इस जमात की जरूरते पूरी करते हुए हिन्दी की विशाल मुफस्सिल दुनिया में फैले हुए अनगिनत शोधकत्ताओं तक पहुँचना है। समाज-चिन्तन की दुनिया में चलने वाली सैद्धान्तिक बहसों और समसामयिक राजनीतिक-सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक विमर्श का केन्द्र बनने के अलावा यह मंच अन्य भारतीय भाषाओं की बौद्धिकता के साथ जुड़ने के हर मौके का लाभ उठाने की फ़िराक़ में भी रहेगा।

Pravasi Express

SKU: Mag-7595

Pravasi Express souvenir is the annual literary magazine of Pravasi Express, the Malayalam newspaper publishing from Singapore. Pravasi Publications formed in 2012 entering to publishing arena, with launch of Malayalam fortnight newspaper Pravasi Express…

Pravasi Risala

SKU: Mag-16122

പ്രവാസികൾക്ക് വേണ്ടി  2009 മുതൽ ഗൾഫിൽ നിന്ന് പുറത്തിറങ്ങുന്ന പ്രസിദ്ധീകരണമാണ് പ്രവാസി രിസാല. പ്രവാസി യുവതയ്ക്ക് വേണ്ടി 1993 മുതൽ പ്രവർത്തന രംഗത്തുള്ള  രിസാല സ്റ്റഡി സർക്കിളിന്റെ മുഖപത്രം. എസ്എസ് എഫ് പ്രസിദ്ധീകരണ വിഭാഗമായ ഇസ്‌ലാമിക് പബ്ലിഷിങ് ബ്യുറോ ആണ് പ്രസാധകർ. കുടുംബം, കുട്ടികൾ, വിദ്യാഭ്യാസം, രാഷ്ട്രീയം, സാഹിത്യം, അന്തര്‍ദേശീയം തുടങ്ങി ഉള്ളടക്ക വൈവിധ്യങ്ങളും മാനവികവും സാമൂഹികവുമായ സമീപനങ്ങളും പ്രവാസി രിസാലയെ വ്യതിരിക്തമാക്കുന്നു. കെട്ടിലും മട്ടിലും രൂപകല്പനയിലും എന്ന പോലെ മതം, സമൂഹം, സംസ്കാരം, പ്രാവസം, ചരിത്രം, ശാസ്ത്രം, പ്രസ്ഥാനികം, ആനുകാലികം തുടങ്ങി വായനക്കാർ തേടുന്ന മേഖലകളിലെല്ലാം ആധികാരിക വായന സമ്മാനിക്കുന്നു പ്രവാസി രിസാല.

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